PDG :: Volume #11

#1072: Confrontation

In the underground ordnance factory, all kinds of massive equip to be produced, even the majority is only Fang Xingjian as the technical accumulation manufacture, had not been used by the royal government. 地下兵工厂内,各种各样的大量装备被生产出来,甚至大部分都只是方星剑作为技术积累制造的,都没有被朝廷使用。 But in underground ordnance factory most lower level, Fang Xingjian changes into an invisible strength, is operating the present over a thousand equipment in with heart and soul fully, a fuzzy human form is also having under manipulation of Martial Intent bit by bit to rotate in the innumerable instruments. 而在地下兵工厂的最下层,方星剑化为一股无形的力量,正在全心全力操纵眼前的上千个装置,一个模糊的人形正在无数仪器还有武道意志的摆弄下一点一点转动。 That is a height about one meter four, from top to bottom all over the body snow white, the flesh probably is the white silk fabrics same girl. 那是一具身高大约一米四,浑身上下通体雪白,肌肤就好像是白色绸缎一样的女孩。 The girl has a pitch-black long hair, at this moment then probably is the waterfall same sprinkles in the midair, a both eyes eyeball closely is shutting, just like is the sleeping beauty is the same. 女孩有着一头乌黑的长发,此刻便好像是瀑布一样洒在半空之中,一双眼睛紧紧闭着,就宛如是睡美人一样。 But before girl's body, the bloodshed refining up in the sphere, vitalities seethe unceasingly, in that gigantic eye was actually one piece indifferently, probably loses all consciousness to be the same. 而在女孩的身前,血海所炼化出来的圆球内,一股股气血不断翻腾,那颗硕大的眼睛之中却是一片漠然,就好像失去了所有的意识一样。 Since is unable to jump over the certification process of given by heaven military, then I make one to be my given by heaven military, then through manipulating her operates this side world.’ ‘既然无法跳过天授武者的认证过程,那么我就制造一个属于我的天授武者,然后通过操纵她来操纵这方世界。’ ‚The man-made person in god emperor material, happen to be used to coordinate.’ ‘神帝资料之中的人造人,正好可以用来配合。’ The entire sphere that the next quarter, the bloodshed seal forms was ground the smashing by an invisible strength suddenly, changes into sturdy courage vigor to emerge to the body of young girl. 下一刻,血海封印形成的整个圆球陡然间被一股无形的力量碾成粉碎,化为一股股粗壮的血气涌入到眼前少女的身体之中。 With emerging of this courage vigor, green blood vessels have exposed from the young girl fiercely, on since the young girl delicate face of as if the blue veins exploded, flashes through a fierceness just like the white snow same cheeks on, the long eyelash shivered slightly, the tall and slender eyebrow wrinkles in the same place, as if entered in some pain. 伴随着这一股血气的涌入,一条条青色的血管猛地从少女身上暴露了出来,原本少女清秀的脸庞上似乎有一根根青筋爆起,宛如白雪一样的脸颊上闪过一丝狰狞,长长的睫毛微微颤抖了起来,细长的眉毛则皱在一起,似乎进入了某种痛苦之中。 In bloodshed crushed time, four periphery massive instruments have also worked, blazing rays launched the body of young girl with the electric light and invisible fluctuation, as if suppressed the disorder in within the body all of a sudden, on face fierce also little started to vanish. 就在血海被粉碎的时刻,四周围的大量仪器也随之工作了起来,一道道炽热的光芒伴随着电光和无形的波动发射到了少女的身上,似乎一下子将她体内的紊乱压制了下去,脸上的狰狞也一点点开始消失。 Injects in the life mark of bloodshed the 1 st body, making this side world treat as given by heaven military her...’ ‘将血海的生命印记注入1号的身体之中,让这方天地将她当作天授武者…’ Fang Xingjian looks at the present young girl, looks on the opposite party aura change bit by bit, the corners of the mouth reveals one to smile gradually. 方星剑看着眼前的少女,看着对方身上气息一点一点的变化,嘴角逐渐露出一丝微笑来。 The transformed ceremony of entire given by heaven military has spent Fang Xingjian three days, three days later, the young girl vitality of did not see with the blue vein, the whole person probably is the baby who snow is same, is rolling up the body, slowly float in midair. 整个天授武者的转化仪式花费了方星剑三天的时间,三天之后,少女身上的气血和青筋已经丝毫不见,整个人就好像是一个雪做的娃娃一样,蜷缩着身体,缓缓漂浮在半空之中。 Fang Xingjian stands in the one side, closes eye, in the mind is receiving the opposite party all sensation information, was similar to he initially received the bloodshed the sensation information to be the same. 方星剑站在一旁,闭上眼睛,脑海中接收着对方所有的感知信息,就如同他当初接收血海的感知信息一样。 God demon is startled changes, this martial arts...” “神魔惊变,这门武功…” In Fang Xingjian in martial arts that young girl sensation information sensation the world is lowering, in midair Bang crack. 就在方星剑通过少女身上的感知信息感知着天地间降下的武功时,半空中砰的一声炸响。 Then saw that was the foreign-style doll same young girl disrupted probably suddenly, changes into everywhere blood fog to flutter in the midair, all blood fog probably had their life to be the same finally, the repolymerization in together, changed into an eyeball of basketball size, looks at the present laboratory at a loss. 便看到原本好像是洋娃娃一样的少女陡然碎裂,化为了漫天血雾飘在半空之中,所有的血雾最后就好像是有了自己的生命一样,再次聚合在一起,化为了一颗篮球大小的眼珠,茫然地看着眼前的实验室。 Was defeated...’ ‘失败了么…’ Fang Xingjian knit the brows, starts to ponder reason that oneself were defeated. 方星剑皱了皱眉,开始思考起了自己失败的原因。 ... What? Allied armies rout? Are 13 Big Dipper masters annihilated? Did Mr. Nong also die in battle?” “什么?联军大败?13名天罡高手全军覆没?农先生也战死了?” Although flying celestial mountain mountain Gaolu is far, Xiao Can wallows the research, but Fang Yuan and the others had known eventually news that the front spreads. 虽然飞仙山山高路远,萧参又沉迷研究,但方媛等人终究还是得知了前线传来的消息。 But during the news actually imagines opposite with them clearly. 可是消息却和他们想象之中的截然相反。 200,000 strengthening of the armed forces, 13 the masters of Big Dipper boundaries, had been defeated by the royal government unexpectedly thoroughly, this is the situation that Fang Xuan and Marie have not gotten rid. 200000强军,13名天罡境的高手,竟然被朝廷彻底击败了,这还是方玄马丽都没有出手的情况。 The strength of royal government strong? 朝廷的实力到底有多强? The Fang Yuan three people have looked at each other one mutually, knows one thought the royal government in the past simply. 方媛三人相互对视了一眼,都知道自己过去将朝廷还是想得简单了。 Jin Dynasty at this moment looked like deeply does not see the bottom Dachitang to be the same simply, no one knows that what monster ate the sugar deep place to raise. 此刻的大晋朝简直就像是一个深不见底的大池塘一样,谁都不知道吃糖深处养着什么样的怪物。 Only hope on our bodies.” “唯一的希望就在我们的身上了。” Must break through to the Great Dao boundary, so long as unifies the strengths of six Great Dao boundary masters, certainly can defeat Fang Xuan.” “必须要突破到大道境,只要结合六名大道境高手的力量,一定可以击败方玄。” ... In the situation that the time then in the world north and south confront passes through unceasingly. 时间便在天下的南北对峙的形势中不断走过。 Several months later, the time first arrives at this world from Fang Xingjian, the world rocket rises from all directions, instead very years everywhere, passed by for nearly two years. 几个月后,时间距离方星剑初次到来这个世界,天下狼烟四起、反贼遍地的岁月,已经过去了将近两年的时间。 These days some ministers reported to send out the army unceasingly, exterminated the counter- armed forces in southern three states, actually all by Fang Xingjian pressing. 这段时间内不断有大臣上奏要派出大军,剿灭南方三州的反军,却全都被方星剑给压了下来。 He was still studying the two sides given by heaven military changes, does not plan too early to make war, for him the present time was still sufficient. 他仍旧在研究两边天授武者的变化,并不打算太早开战,对他来说现在的时间仍旧充足。 But during the crown prince after Fang Xingjian exchanges all Sword Technique, then announces enters closes up, as if must deduce higher-dimensional Sword Technique fully, hopes to break through itself on the two-dimensional seal. 而太子在和方星剑交换完所有剑术之后,便宣布进入闭关之中,似乎是要全力推演高维剑术,希望突破自己身上的二维封印。 In the flying celestial mountain, two invisible pressure drop from the clouds, the great internal combustion engine has as if caused the world change in surrounding area thousand li(500 km). 飞仙山上,两股无形的威压从天而降,宏大的气机似乎引起了方圆千里之内的天地变化。 With the high-speed changes of Yin-Yang two air/Qi, lightnings delimit the expansive sky, the hurricane have wreaked havoc, rainstorm whereabouts. 随着阴阳两气的高速变化,一道道闪电划过长空,飓风肆虐,暴雨下落。 But the bad weather continued to meet the meeting, after several minutes, turned into clear skies, the colorful Yanggao photo, the dark cloud dissipated at a naked eye obvious speed rapidly. 但恶劣的天气之持续了一会会,几分钟后又变成了一片天晴,艳阳高照,乌云以一种肉眼可见的速度迅速消散。 However the sunny weather has not continued to be too long, before long in the sky starts to have the snowflake to fall gently unexpectedly. 不过晴朗的天气也没有持续太久,不一会儿天空中竟然开始有雪花飘落。 Rainstorm, lightning, hurricane, heavy snow and clear sky... High-speed performance of all kinds of weather changes in surrounding area thousand li(500 km), as if the pair of invisible hands are provoking the world vitality and magnetic field. 暴雨、闪电、飓风、大雪、天晴…各种各样的天气变化在方圆千里之内高速上演,似乎是有一双无形的手拨弄着天地元气和磁场。 In a bedstone, Xiao Can is staring at a black box in hand to knit the brows the meditation, then saw that on the black box writes four small character universe cubes, once for a while has the 1st stratum light blue color light fog to fill the air from the black box, how but regardless of Xiao Can observes, surveys with Gang Qi, is unable to obtain the useful information. 一座石室内,萧参正盯着手中的一个黑箱皱眉凝思,便看到黑箱上写着四个小字宇宙立方,时不时有一层淡淡的蓝色光雾从黑箱中弥漫出来,但不论萧参怎么观测,怎么用罡气去探测,都无法得到有用的信息。 If not his hand can stress the universe cube in hand well, he almost must think that at present this thing is an illusory image. 如果不是他的手能好好抓着手中的宇宙立方,他几乎要以为眼前这个东西就是个幻影。 This type looked that can feel the condition of actually not being able to see clearly, lets in his heart oppressed incomparable. 这种看摸得着却又看不清的状态,让他心中憋闷无比。 But this condition in the past several months is almost the habit. 而这种状态在过去几个月内几乎已经是常态了。 I understood.” “我明白了。” In Xiao Can both eyes flashes through one to understand clearly suddenly, the universe cube in hand vanishes impressively, but under his body surface really had the indistinct blue light fog has lifted, probably so-called universe cube emerged his body to be the same. 萧参双眼之中突然闪过一丝了然,手中的宇宙立方赫然消失,而他的体表之下竟然有隐隐约约的蓝色光雾散了出来,就好像所谓的宇宙立方涌入了他的身体一样。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, the principle of this universe cube I understood finally.” “哈哈哈哈,原来如此,原来如此,这宇宙立方的原理我终于弄懂了。” With the twinkle of blue light fog, an intermittent intense fluctuation of energy has emerged from his body. 伴随着蓝色光雾的闪烁,一阵阵强烈的能量波动从他的身上涌现了出来。 World universe, listens to my verbal command!” “天地宇宙,听我号令!” Then sees in the Xiao Can heart spot, infinite Gang Qi condenses, has formed a blue cube heart, swallows spits, is buying in all sorts of energy between world impressively crazily. 便看到萧参的心脏部位上,无穷罡气凝聚起来,形成了一颗蓝色立方体的心脏,一吞一吐之间,赫然在疯狂吸纳着天地间的种种能源。
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