PDG :: Volume #11

#1069: Observation

Looks at present two diligently suicide the person, Fang Xingjian shook the head, in heart secret passage: These two old men such go all out, perhaps also by my pressure compelling.’ 看着眼前两个努力‘自杀’的人,方星剑摇了摇头,心中暗道:‘这两个老头这么拼命,恐怕也是被我的压力给逼的。’ However at present this fuses the method of card of Great Dao, although is a little stupid, but also has actually given a Fang Xingjian inspiration, he does not have to continue to look how again they wear down their consciousness, but is the personal appearance moves, arrived above a platform. 不过眼前这个融合大道之证的方法虽然有点笨,但却也给了方星剑一点启发,他没有再继续去看两人如何消磨自己的意识,而是身形一动,已经来到一座平台之上。 Here is having three given by heaven military in the Cultivation martial arts, although in the hand had a bloodshed as the experiment material, but regarding given by heaven military this life, Fang Xingjian was still curious , is to confirm suspicion about the world consciousness. 这里正有三位天授武者正在修炼武道,虽然手中已经有了一个血海作为实验材料,但是对于天授武者这种生命,方星剑仍旧好奇无比,更是想要验证一下自己关于世界意识的猜想。 In Fang Xingjian is observing the situations of Sanshan four mountains, Xiao Can actively is also studying weapon. 就在方星剑观察着三山四岳的情况时,萧参也在积极研究着到手的武器。 Relations that because the energy exhausts, he is unable to test these weapons directly, can only pour into Gang Qi, or comes to observe the inside and outside structures of armor in the shatter void method directly little. 因为能源耗尽的关系,他无法直接试用这些武器,只能注入罡气,又或者直接以破碎虚空的手段来一点点观测铠甲的内外结构。 Um... This material quality... Has not seen, is steel products that royal government studies newly?” “嗯…这种材质…从来没有见过,是朝廷方面新研究出来的钢材么?” What thing are these silk threads?” “这些丝线是什么东西?” „The structure of this joint, can strengthen the strength of human body probably... How however does he move?” “这种关节的结构,好像可以增强人体的力量…但是他是怎么动起来的?” More is the research, Xiao Can more is sighed that in hand the mystery of weapon, before meeting this set of armor, he is hard to believe that in simply the world can also have this type of weapon. 越是研究,萧参却越是感叹手中武器的奥妙,在遇到这套铠甲之前,他简直是难以相信世界上还可以有这种武器。 Material quality and structure, all sorts of principles of implication, or various in his opinion wonderful workmanship traces and modeling, Xiao Can almost feels unreadable, if before is not, in the battlefield has seen the performance of two weapons, he almost must think that these two armor are the ornaments. 不论是材质、结构、还是其中蕴含的种种原理,又或者各种在他看来巧夺天工的纹路、造型,萧参几乎都是感到难以理解,如果不是之前战场上看到过两件武器的表现,他几乎要以为这两件铠甲不过是装饰品而已。 But he regarding the part that these two sets of weapons most care about, is their strength sources. 而他对于这两套武器最关心的部分,就是他们的力量来源。 In the battlefield, he is not then able to induce to these two sets of armed strengths, other Big Dipper masters also can only induce to the king day innate boundary, the father-in-law King evil spirits boundary and Zhao Yinglan Big Dipper boundary. 在战场上的时候,他便无法感应到这两套武装的力量,其他的天罡高手也只能感应到王天的先天境界,王公公的地煞境界和赵映岚的天罡境界。 Because is unable the sensation to the strength of two sets of weapon, this to make the allied armies have a low opinion of the enemy to advance recklessly. 因为无法感知到两套武器的力量,这才使得联军轻敌冒进。 Promotes with anything regarding these two types of weapons, Xiao Can is curious, in his intuition thinks that this point is very important. 对于这两种武器到底是用什么推动起来的,萧参好奇无比,他直觉上的认为这一点无比重要。 In two sets of armor that what a pity Xiao Can grasps does not have universe Knights to match the version high, use is not the quantum vacuum energy and hybrid power of antimatter engine, at this moment has exhausted the energy, making him be hard to realize unique element. 可惜萧参抓来的两套铠甲里面并没有宇宙骑士高配版,使用的不是量子真空能和反物质引擎的混合动力,此刻已经耗尽了能源,让他更加难以察觉其中的特殊之处。 However Xiao Can after is given by heaven military, many truth he does not know, but the world consciousness actually knows. 不过萧参毕竟是天授武者,很多道理他不知道,但是世界意识却是知道的。 Therefore after several days, in him felt that to the end muddleheadedly rises, more looked that is not clearer, more studies is the dizziness time, in his mind the sudden miraculous glow dodges, the present exoskeleton armor was not so seems to be difficult. 所以又过了几天,就在他感觉到头昏脑涨,越看越不明白,越研究越是头晕的时候,他的脑海中突然灵光一闪,眼前的外骨骼装甲似乎不是那么难懂了。 This set of weapon, although is entirely different from the theory of martial arts, but he uses, was still the energy in the world containing.” “这套武器虽然和武道的理论截然不同,但他所使用的,仍旧是天地间所蕴含的能量。” However method of energy conduction is not the human body, meridians and hole hole, but is various modeling unusual metals.” “而其中能量传导的方法不是肉体、经脉、窍穴,而是各种造型奇特的金属。” This is given by heaven military, can withstand military who world consciousness in addition holds naturally, not only can learn various given by heaven the martial arts, can accept the knowledge of world consciousness irrigation directly. 这就是天授武者,天然能够承受世界意识加持的武者,不但能够学会各种天授的武道,更是能够直接接受世界意识灌注的知识。 Therefore regardless of actually this world does have the martial arts, given by heaven military will be doomed become a powerhouse. 所以其实不论这个世界有没有武道,天授武者都注定会成为强者。 Xiao Can following this unique feeling, had found quickly then in the hand the energy source of exoskeleton armor. 萧参顺着这股独特的感觉,很快便找到了手中外骨骼装甲的能源源头。 That is back of Little Fang box situated in exoskeleton armor, Xiao Can Gang Qi invades in the side box slowly, then saw that the innumerable support connections fix on a stone, in the stone has carved the dense and numerous traces, seemed has filled mystically, but in the center of trace was four large characters. 那是位于外骨骼装甲背部的小方盒,萧参罡气缓缓侵入方盒之中,便看到无数支架连接固定在一块石头上,石头上刻了密密麻麻的纹路,看上去充满了神秘,而在纹路的中央则是四个大字。 King engine?” Xiao Can discussed slowly: „Is this mystery of this set of armor is at?” “帝王引擎?”萧参缓缓念道:“这就是这套铠甲的奥秘所在么?” If Xiao Can sees is really any engine, perhaps during the energy furnace, nuclear reactor anything, he will fall into the suspicion and puzzled. 如果说萧参看到的真的是个什么发动机,能量炉,核反应堆什么的,恐怕他又会陷入怀疑和不解之中。 However mysterious, is carving the stones of dense and numerous trace, for him is good to understand that are many. 但是一块神秘的,刻着密密麻麻纹路的石头,对他来说就好理解多了。 Any day of stone, the god stone and overcoming nature stone, extinguish the world stone, in the legend were too many, sees the stone and stone the instance on writing, in his head made up various possibilities on the automatic brain, the vision looks at this stone blazingly, in the mind was pondering how to borrow the mysterious strength in this mysterious stone. 什么天石、神石、补天石、灭世石,神话传说里太多了,看到石头和石头上的文字的瞬间,他脑袋里就自动脑补出了各种可能性,目光炽热地看着这块石头,脑海里思考着怎么借用这神秘石头中的神秘力量了。 The method when Xiao Can was left behind by Fang Xingjian misleads, Fang Xingjian is actually arrived in a platform, the vision swept to here three given by heaven military. 就在萧参方星剑留下的手段引入歧途的时候,方星剑却是已经来到一片平台上,目光扫向了这里的三名天授武者。 These three people are the Sanshan four mountain using energy plans, searches for with great difficulty, was brought personally by Xiao Can. 这三人可谓是三山四岳费劲心机,好不容易搜寻到,然后一个个被萧参亲自带回来的。 And a middle-aged man vision is cold, the body malignant influences soar to the heavens, the clothing obviously is elegant, but in the eye is bringing depressed air/Qi. 其中一名中年男子目光冷冽,身上煞气冲天,穿戴明明是雍容华贵,但是眼中却带着一股郁结之气。 If the side, can recognize this person bravely here is third child Fang Tao that the letter king flees. 如果方勇在这里的话,就可以认出来此人便是信王出逃的第三子方涛了。 Since awakening into given by heaven military, the Fang Tao martial arts cultivate for are ten thousand li in a day, after Xiao Can leads into the Sanshan four mountains, obtains the cultivations of various martial arts Grandmaster, various types of talent treasures use at will, is progressive rapid, at this moment impressively is the evil spirits boundary peak, practiced 72 hole holes. 自从觉醒成为天授武者之后,方涛的武道修为可谓是一日千里,被萧参带入三山四岳之后,得到各种武道宗师的栽培,各种天才地宝随意使用,更是进步飞速,此刻赫然已经是地煞境巅峰,练有72个窍穴了。 Fang Tao side, then before is, has examined youth Luo Li of sharp sword army murder scene with Xiao Can, his same whole body evil spirits air/Qi at this moment surges, Divine Dragon that 72 aura violent tuck dive, probably 72 unceasingly roared was the same. 方涛的身旁,则是之前跟着萧参查看过利剑部队杀人现场的少年罗力,此刻的他同样浑身地煞之气涌动,72道气息猛烈翻腾,就好像72条不断咆哮的神龙一样。 The Luo Li father because of participation royal government factional strife, was confiscated and beheaded by family, only then he, because studies away from home to escape outside, after this took subverting promote as lifelong the goal, before has assisted counter- thief Liang Boqiao to take Min Zhou, after awakening given by heaven military , was brought here by Xiao Can. 罗力的父亲因为参与朝廷党争,被全家抄斩,只有他一人因为在外游学逃过一劫,从此之后就以颠覆大晋为终身目标,之前一直辅佐反贼梁博巧取闵州,觉醒成了天授武者之后便被萧参带到了此处。 Remaining one people are actually one seem the 17 or 18 years old young girls, the skin of young girl is tender and delicate, looked young lady who then year to year has a high and respected position. 剩下一人却是一名看上去十七八岁的少女,少女的皮肤娇嫩白皙,一看便是常年养尊处优的大小姐。 However this young lady at this moment actually is also from top to bottom the malignant influences tuck dive, 72 hole hole crazy expiration and inspirations various malignant influences strengths between world. 不过这名大小姐此刻却也是浑身上下煞气翻腾,72个窍穴疯狂吐纳着天地间的各种煞气力量。 She is youngest daughter Fang Yuan that King Ding most loves, was flown the Sky Sword agriculture not to doubt the guidance by the Big Dipper master since childhood, aptitude that but has displayed since is actually very ordinary. 她乃是定王最宠爱的小女儿方媛,从小就被天罡高手飞天剑农不疑教导,但其实一直以来表现出的资质都很一般。 Until awakened for given by heaven military a while ago, the foundation that will accumulate all of a sudden in the past erupts, even is in three people first reaches the evil spirits peak. 直到前段时间觉醒为天授武者,一下子将过去积累的基础爆发出来,甚至是三人之中第一个达到地煞巅峰的。 This moment three people of together Cultivation, actually completely is a face proudly, the body is having an arrogance of God's favored one. 此刻三人一同修炼,却全部都是一脸傲然,身上带着一种天之骄子的傲气。 Obviously these days promotion lets them regarding aptitude of own given by heaven military is self-confident. 显然这段时间的提升让他们对于自己天授武者的资质已经是自信不已。 After all regardless of anything is one study, even can comprehend compared with the first edition stronger martial arts change, any style can see through instantaneously, this aptitude keeps them from not being self-confident. 毕竟不论什么都是一学就会,甚至能够领悟出比原版更强的武道变化,什么招式都能瞬间看穿,这种资质让他们无法不自信。 I felt that I have been able to attempt to attack the Big Dipper boundary.” Fang Yuan has pinched own palm, said: Does not know the result of this feudal lord allied armies how, after I do not want to go out, the war had ended.” “我感觉我已经可以尝试冲击天罡境界了。”方媛捏了捏自己的手掌,说道:“就是不知道这一次诸侯联军的结果如何,我可不想出关之后,大战已经结束了。”
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