PDG :: Volume #11

#1007: Training

Sees crown prince breathless appearance, Fang Xingjian knit the brows, said: Crown prince...... Ok, I called you Maria.” 看到太子这一副气急败坏的样子,方星剑皱了皱眉,说道:“太子……算了,我还是叫你玛利亚吧。” The crown prince had not replied that is only cold snort|hum one, to the one side, do not look at the Fang Xingjian direction, on the face writes all over did not cooperate. 太子没有回答,只是冷哼一声,把头别向了一旁,根本不看方星剑的方向,脸上写满了不合作。 Maria.” Fang Xingjian considered saying: I have not deceived you, this set of seal technique indeed such de-archives, if you are not willing such to do, even if I am unable to release you.” 玛利亚。”方星剑斟酌了一下说道:“我并没有骗你,这套封印术的确是这么解封的,如果你不愿意这么做的话,就算我也无法将你释放出来。” Hears words that Fang Xingjian spoke, the eyebrow of crown prince selects fiercely, on the fine face has filled the malignant influences immediately. 听到方星剑说的话,太子的眉毛猛地一挑,精致的脸庞上立刻充满了煞气。 Fang Xingjian looks at the silent crown prince, shook the head, starts to curl the black paper: Since you are not willing to come out, that.” 方星剑看着沉默的太子,摇了摇头,开始将黑纸卷了起来:“既然你不愿意出来,那就算了。” Wait / Etc.!” The crown prince said hurriedly that stared Fang Xingjian one bitterly, said: Remembers the words that you spoke, if makes me presently you deceive me, even if uses the much time, I must extinguish your nine generations.” “等等!”太子急忙说道,恨恨地瞪了方星剑一眼,说道:“记住你说的话,如果让我现你在骗我,就算用上再多的时间,我也一定要灭你九族。” „Do you do?” Fang Xingjian asked. “那你到底做不做?”方星剑问道。 Does.” The crown prince clenched teeth, layer on layer replied. “做。”太子咬了咬牙,重重答道。 Sits down.” “坐下。” Lifts the hand.” “抬手。” Sways back and forth.” “打滚。” Crown prince hesitant a meeting, complexion black looks like bottom of the pot, but falls the ground eventually, the whole person lay down in the ground rolled, then the complexion has stood slightly red, said angrily: Satisfied, what then can also make?” 太子犹豫了一会,脸色黑的像锅底,但终究是落到地上,整个人躺在地面上滚了一圈,然后脸色微微红地站了起来,气鼓鼓地说道:“满意了吧,接下来还要做什么?” Fang Xingjian the palm according to the black paper, said directly: Licks the hand.” 方星剑直接将手掌按在了黑纸上,说道:“舔手。” Bang! 轰隆! Golden Martial Intent comes in waves, to jump the day to extinguish potential of sweeping place to be void, as if must thoroughly destroy the entire two-dimensional world completely, is still not actually able to injure to the palm of Fang Xingjian slightly. 金色的武道意志滚滚而来,以蹦天灭地之势扫荡虚空,似乎要将整个二维世界彻底摧毁殆尽,却仍旧无法伤害到方星剑的手掌丝毫。 Both look like near at hand, in fact forever is actually not able to contact. 两者看起来近在咫尺,实际上却是永远无法接触到。 Then sees the crown prince to narrow the eye, in the vision is murderous aura, on the fair cheeks is angry blushing, the gigantic chest is fluctuating fiercely. 便看到太子眯着眼睛,目光之中全是杀气,白皙的脸颊上全是愤怒的红晕,硕大的胸口剧烈起伏着。 Then hears her every single word or phrase saying: No person dares to ask me to handle this matter.” 便听到她一字一句道:“从来没有人敢叫我做这种事情。” Now had.” Fang Xingjian said: Licks quickly, one minute of words, must recreate one just movement.” “现在有了。”方星剑说道:“快舔吧,过一分钟的话,又要把刚刚的动作重做一遍了。” „! I must kill you!” “啊啊啊啊啊啊!我要杀了你!” High Heaven Big Handprint rumbled, hit the black paper surface again and again to make noise, throughout is actually not have the slight influence to the real world. 一道道皇天大手印轰了出去,打得黑纸表面连连作响,却始终无法对现实世界有丝毫的影响。 You could not kill me.” Fang Xingjian urged: Licks the hand, always compared with eating excrement anything good.” “你杀不了我。”方星剑劝道:“舔舔手而已,总比吃屎什么的好吧。” „Are you sick? Does a seal technique make this way de-archiving?” The crown prince grabs his golden color long to pull unceasingly, grasps said crazily: You planned does with this seal technique? Catches the dog?” “你有病么?一个封印术弄这种方式解封?”太子抓着自己的金色长不断扯动,抓狂道:“你原来到底打算用这个封印术来干什么的?抓狗的么?” 20 seconds.” Fang Xingjian said: This seal technique is not I designs, you lick slightly well.” “还有20秒。”方星剑说道:“这个封印术也不是我设计的,你稍微舔一下就好。” You gave up any idea of!” The crown prince gets hold of the fist, a face indignant everywhere looks at Fang Xingjian to say. “你休想!”太子握紧拳头,一脸愤满地看着方星剑说道。 But Fang Xingjian said: „ Maria, your I was also the Divine Level 6th layer powerhouse, the so-called physique was the custom, you also wanted, because the custom of mortal did fetter itself? 方星剑无奈道:“玛利亚,你我也都是神级六重的强者了,所谓的形体不过是习惯而已,难道你还要因为凡人的习惯来束缚自己么? Does not fetter itself by the values of common custom, before this is you, thinks. 不以世俗的价值观来束缚自己,这可是你自己之前想到的。 Moreover should you also note? Two-dimensional Space-Time that you are, is unable the supplementary energy. In other words your life is unable to be supplemented, if you are never willing to come out, finally will only pass away. ” 而且你应该也注意到了吧?你所在的二维时空,是无法补充能量的。也就是说你的寿命无法得到补充,如果你永远不愿意出来,最后只会老死的。” Hears these words, on the face of crown prince a piece cloudy clear uncertain, in the two-dimensional world of this piece of Ulpian creation, she does not have the means to obtain the supplement of energy, can only unceasingly by the life transformation strength, this be at present to she biggest threat, is the reason that she just made such movement. 听到这番话,太子的脸上一片阴晴不定,在这片乌尔比安创造的二维世界之中,她没有办法得到能量的补充,只能不断以寿命转化力量,这才是眼下对她最大的威胁,也是她刚刚做出那么一番动作的原因。 But thinks that wants to lick the Fang Xingjian control, she felt that goose flesh from top to bottom got up, in the heart cannot bear thinks disgusting. 但一想到要自己去舔方星剑的手心,她就感觉浑身上下的鸡皮疙瘩都起来了,心中忍不住地觉得恶心。 But Fang Xingjian does not have the means that he has too many information to want from the mouth of crown prince to know, but regarding such existence, pure severe punishment extorting evidence, must useless bit by bit. 方星剑也是没有办法,他有太多情报想要从太子的嘴中得知,但对于这样的存在,单纯的严刑逼供是没有用的,必须一点一点来。 Fang Xingjian then said: You think that we place the different dimensions now, is unable to make a connection with this channel like your unremitting attack, words that you lick, is only a movement, is impossible to lick my palm truly.” 方星剑接着说道:“你想一想,我们现在身处不同的维度,就像你不断攻击也无法打通这个通道,你来舔的话,也只是个动作,不可能真正舔到我的手掌。” As if was these words persuaded crown prince truly, let this once the position high weight, wielded a side, has will of Lingyun woman to put down in the heart to alert. 似乎是这番话真正劝说了太子,让这名曾经位高权重,执掌一方,有着凌云之志的女子放下了心中戒备。 Is very good, you are very good, Fang Xingjian, you remembered to me.” “很好,你很好,方星剑,你给我记住了。” In crown prince heart one ruthless, closes the eye, has put out the tongue. 太子心中一狠,闭上眼睛,吐出了舌头。 That bright red exquisite tongue seems is long and soft, probably was the snake letter equally has licked toward the palm of Fang Xingjian. 那鲜红小巧的舌头看上去又长又软,就好像是蛇信一样朝着方星剑的掌心舔了过来。 The next quarter, a wet slippery slippery feeling transmits from the palm of Fang Xingjian, is similar to is delimited by together the jade has been same. 下一刻,一股湿湿滑滑的感觉从方星剑的掌心传来,就如同是被一块玉石划过一样。 Completes this movement in the crown prince the instance, the present black paper already vanished, the crown prince appeared in the Fang Xingjian front, the tongue still kept on the palm of Fang Xingjian. 就在太子完成这个动作的瞬间,眼前的黑纸已然消失,太子出现在了方星剑的面前,舌头仍旧留在方星剑的掌心上。 However is almost de-archiving she then responded instantaneously, Martial Intent in within the body is the star explodes to wreak havoc probably same, a golden light projects from her within the body just like the essence equally, as if must rip the smashing the present all completely. 不过几乎是解封的瞬间她便反应了过来,体内的武道意志好像是恒星爆炸一样肆虐起来,道道金光宛如实质一样从她的体内射出,似乎要将眼前的一切全部都撕成粉碎。 Meanwhile the both hands of crown prince tie seal, yellow huge hand imprints take shape in her back, must attack to kill shortly to go toward Fang Xingjian. 同时太子的双手结印,一道道黄天大手印在她的背后成型,眼看着就要朝着方星剑攻杀而去。 Containing ones anger of this crown prince gets rid, attacks the entire empire sufficiently directly crushes, even big 6 completely distort, causes the entire star surface to continue several hundred years of catastrophe. 这一下太子的含怒出手,足以直接将整个帝国打得粉碎,甚至大6架都完全变形,造成整个星球表面持续数百年的大灾难。 However in the time that the crown prince will soon get rid, Fang Xingjian Martial Intent slightly sweeps, the sound passed on the mind of crown prince together directly: Goes back!” 不过就在太子即将出手的时刻,方星剑武道意志微微扫出,一道声音直接在太子的脑海之中传了出来:“回去!” In an instant, all rises suddenly, but Martial Intent vanishes all does not see, the crown prince probably will be been same by the terrifying pressure anchorage of dropping from the clouds from now on, the expression distortion, the personal appearance vibrates, was folded by times, finally pressed in the two-dimensional world again, same place is only leaving behind the black paper that falls gently slowly. 刹那间,所有暴涨而出的武道意志尽数消失不见,太子就好像自此被从天而降的恐怖压力定住了一样,表情扭曲,身形震动,然后被一次次折叠起来,最终再次被压入了二维世界之中,只在原地留下一张缓缓飘落的黑纸。 The crown prince is whipping the two-dimensional space angrily with the reality overlapped boundary, resembles the criminal to whip the glass window to be the same: Puts me to exit!” 太子正愤怒地拍打着二维空间和现实重叠的边界,就好像犯人拍打着玻璃窗一样:“放我出去!” Maria, you thought that I possibly do make you attack me at will?” Fang Xingjian said: Puts you, Ok, but you must guarantee that after I put you come out, you will not attack me, will not attack this world.” 玛利亚,你觉得我可能让你随意攻击我么?”方星剑说道:“放你,可以,但是你必须要保证,我放你出来之后,你不会攻击我,不会攻击这个世界。” The crown prince clenches teeth saying: I knew, I just for a while had not borne.” 太子咬着牙说道:“我知道了,我刚刚不过是一时没忍住而已。” You are calm some time first.” “你还是先冷静一段时间吧。” Saying, was not attending to shouting and clamoring of crown prince, Fang Xingjian curls the black paper, has stored in own Martial Intent, he understands that crown prince person so was not good to surrender, wish made her little darling say secrets, perhaps also required the time, since first de-archiving and seal has succeeded again, made her calm some time exchange again, dried in the sun her while convenient. 说着,不顾太子的呼喊和叫嚣,方星剑将黑纸卷了起来,存入了自己的武道意志之中,他明白太子这人不是这么好降服的,想要让她乖乖说出一个个秘密,恐怕还需要时间,既然第一次解封和重新封印成功了,就让她冷静一段时间再交流,也顺便晾晾她。 Fang Xingjian is very clear, is empty in such one, in a dark two-dimensional world is staying, every second is torture. 方星剑可是很明白,在那么一个空无一物,一片黑暗的二维世界之中呆着,每一秒钟都是一种折磨 Therefore he closes the eye simply, starts process that thinks deeply about Tian Yi to fight now, especially the scene of Ulpian that seal crown prince, playbacks in his mind finally unceasingly. 于是他索性闭上眼睛,开始思索今天一战的过程,特别是乌尔比安最后那一手封印太子的场景,更是在他的脑海中不断回放。
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