PDG :: Volume #11

#1003: Hand imprint

Looks at the present crown prince, Fang Xingjian has also revealed the dignified color. 看着眼前的太子,方星剑也露出了凝重之色。 He to exist in higher-dimensional region Sword World displays the high dimension attack, can disregard the utilization of any energy, direct attack opposite party Martial Intent source. 他以存在于高维地带的剑界施展高维度打击,能够无视任何能量的运用,直接攻击到对方武道意志的本源。 As the matter stands, can rely on oneself 8500 points superelevation Martial Intent crush opposite party directly. 这样一来,就能直接凭借自己8500点的超高武道意志碾压对方。 In addition entire base seven child fat people, black moles and the others, these since 1000, although the boundary soars, Martial Intent all unceasingly transforms as the life, weakened the extreme. 再加上全基七子的胖子、黑子等人在内,这1000年来虽然境界飞涨,武道意志全是不断转化为寿命,削弱到了极点。 In fact this was also initially seal their sage Adam their goals, is the pass time passage period weakens their sources, finally consumes them while still alive. 事实上这也是当初封印他们的圣人亚当他们的目的,就是通过时间来削弱他们的本源,最后活活耗死他们。 But just fought with one of the crown prince, by Fang Xingjian 8500 points Martial Intent, has not obtained the slight superiority unexpectedly. This explained opposite party Martial Intent absolutely not under him. 但刚刚和太子的一记交手,以方星剑8500点的武道意志,竟然没有获得丝毫的优势。这就说明了对方的武道意志绝对是不在他之下了。 But this was the opposite party experienced in 1000 result after the weaken, then before initially 1000 crown prince, intrepidly to what situation? 而这还是对方经历了1000年时间衰减后的结果,那么当初1000年前的太子,强悍到了什么地步? No wonder sage Adam, terrifying god king, the Pope also has the tulip dynasty of unification mainland to unite mutually, was only the seal the opposite party, depended upon the time to obliterate them. 怪不得圣人亚当,恐怖神王,教皇还有统一大陆的郁金香王朝相互联合,也只是封印了对方,依靠时间来磨灭他们。 Perhaps this crown prince is the entire base seven child in threatens biggest one person. 恐怕这太子才是全基七子之中威胁最大的一人。 Another side crown prince is actually a face interesting looks at Fang Xingjian, has licked the bright red lip, said: „ Cannot think the millenniums later, you such interesting man. 另一边的太子却是一脸饶有兴趣地看着方星剑,舔了舔自己鲜红的嘴唇,说道:“想不到千年之后,还有你这么有趣的男人。 What kind of? If you are willing to marry me, is my man, I can consider to forgive your life. ” 怎么样?如果你愿意嫁给我,做我的男人的话,我可以考虑饶你一命。” In the words of crown prince, filled a if I can not do it , who can imperial family to be aggressive, as if all between world must be during her control. 太子的话语之中,充满了一种舍我其谁的皇家霸气,似乎天地间的一切都要处于她的掌控之中。 In fact her indeed also very surprised Fang Xingjian strength, after all she at this moment, although is inferior the millenniums ago, actually also restored part of strengths. 事实上她的确也非常惊讶方星剑的实力,毕竟此刻的她虽然不如千年之前,却也已经恢复了一部分实力。 In fact before 1000 , after by seal, she has then been looking for the opportunity to get out of trouble. 事实上自从1000年前被封印之后,她便一直在寻找机会脱困而出。 But more than ten years ago, seal feeble several points, therefore she has consumed oneself finally 99% strengths, seizes the law of shed to escape the seal by the reincarnation, turned into so-called Maria. 而直到十多年前,封印衰弱了几分,于是她耗费了自身最后99的力量,以投胎夺舍之法遁出封印,变成了所谓的玛利亚 The following several years, she worried that Truth Church discovers her running away, whatever then this mortal body grows, formed the 1st stratum surface false personality to live, oneself hid in most deep place deep sleep of Maria consciousness gets up, was restoring the strength slowly. 接下来的十几年,她担心真理教廷发现她的逃遁,便任由这具肉身成长,形成了一层表面的伪人格生活下来,自己则是潜藏在玛利亚意识的最深处沉睡起来,缓缓恢复着力量。 However after world mutation, the Ether Particles density increases, her restoration becomes incomparably rapid. 不过直到天地异变之后,以太迷子浓度大增,她的恢复才变得无比迅速。 But other entire base seven child six people of bodies have the demon that she leaves behind to plant, the life and death operates completely in her hand, therefore other talented people want to untie the seal to rescue her, actually does not know that she early ran away. 而全基七子其他六人的身上有着她所留下的魔种,生死全部操纵在她手上,因此其他人才想解开封印救出她,却不知道她早已经逃了出来。 However because also the entire base seven child get out of trouble, the demon plants the change, this stimulates the crown prince to regain consciousness slowly, in the past several months the martial arts of false personality also therefore progressed by leaps and bounds. 不过也因为全基七子脱困而出,魔种异动,这才刺激着太子缓缓苏醒,在过去几个月里伪人格的武道也因此突飞猛进。 Until a today's imperial capital war, the entire base seven child 11 died in battle, she is continuously stimulated by withering away that the demon plants, this thoroughly revived, otherwise she perhaps only will then restore all strengths truly to regain consciousness. 直到今天帝都一战,全基七子11战死,她被魔种的消亡不断刺激,这才彻底苏醒了过来,不然她恐怕只有恢复了所有力量才会真正苏醒。 But even if this, more than ten years of cultivating of live to rest up, has caught specially also up with the world mutation, she restored millennium ago part of strengths. 但即使这样,十多年的修生养息,特别还赶上了天地异变,她还是恢复了千年前的一部分实力。 But the crown prince such one wants Fang Xingjian to marry her overbearing word words, if stems from a king to say to the beautiful woman, the nature is normal, but by at present this kind of acme of beauty and deportment, the woman results in now cannot woman of woman say again, actually gives a Fang Xingjian strange feeling. 而太子这样一番要方星剑嫁给她的霸道言话,如果出自一位帝王对美人讲的话,自然正常无比,但现在由眼前这样一位千娇百媚,女人得不能再女人的女子说出来,却给方星剑一种怪异的感觉。 As if saw in the Fang Xingjian look disclosed the strangeness that crown prince cold snort|hum, said lightly: „ Aren't you convinced? If I am a man, you are woman, you thought that words that I just spoke do conform to the common sense? 似乎是看出了方星剑眼神之中透露出来的怪异,太子冷哼一声,淡淡道:“你不服气?如果我是男子,你是女子,你是不是就觉得我刚刚说的那番话合乎常理? Reason that you feel strangely, not concerns the strength, not concerns the background, merely is because I am a woman, but you is a man, is not? ” 你之所以感觉到奇怪,无关乎实力,无关乎背景,仅仅是因为我是女人,而你是男人,是也不是?” Fang Xingjian had not replied, but his affection, in the eyes of crown prince already was default. 方星剑没有回答,但他的这番作态,在太子的眼中已然是默认。 The crown prince sighed: „ I think you can break the boundary of mainland martial arts, homemade, has started out a predecessor no path, so will not be stodgy. 太子叹息一声:“我本来以为你能够突破大陆武道之界限,自创一路,开出了一条前人没有的道路,不会这么迂腐。 Cannot think now looks like, you were still involved by the values of mortal world. ” 想不到现在看来,你仍旧被凡人世界的价值观所牵扯。” Hears these words of crown prince, the black mole and white actually all are the facial color change, because they deeply understand the terrors of their this leader, most understands that the opposite party is most repugnant, some people, because she is woman, but regards with a special fondness to her, looks down upon her, thinks highly of her. 听到太子的这番话,黑子和白子却全都是面色一变,因为他们深深明白他们这位领袖的恐怖,也最明白对方最讨厌的,就是有人因为她是女子,而对她另眼相看,不论是看不起她,还是太看得起她。 Thinks of here, in the mind of black mole cannot help but reappeared the origin of crown prince. 想到这里,黑子的脑海中不由得浮现出了太子的来历。 The crown prince was born during the common custom dynasty of west mainland originally, is king's family|home, from childhood is the sumptuous lifestyle, the collection myriad loves in one. 太子原本就出生于西大陆的世俗王朝之中,更是属于帝王之家,从小便是锦衣玉食,集万千宠爱于一身。 For all that the crown prince actually exposed the unequalled talent since childhood, the poems and songs, were martial arts Cultivation, was ten thousand li in a day, has gone far beyond her these elder brother younger brothers. 虽然如此,太子从小却展露出了无与伦比的天赋,不论是诗词歌赋,还是武道修炼,都可谓是一日千里,远远超过了她的那些哥哥弟弟们。 But her woman status, has limited her growth eventually. 但她女子的身份,终究限制了她的成长。 In her year, she will be married by her father 18-year-old, but her brothers started competition of position of crown prince. 在她18岁的那一年,她将被自己的父亲嫁出去,而她的兄弟们则开始了太子之位的争夺。 Also in that year, crown prince that night cuts to kill own husband at the big marriage, afterward a person of sword kills imperial city, asked a few words to her father sovereign. 也就是在那一年,太子在大婚当夜斩杀了自己的夫君,随后一人一剑杀上皇城,向她的父皇问出了一句话。 Why the woman cannot be the crown prince, is the emperor?” “凭什么女人就不能当太子,做皇帝?” Although crown prince startled certainly colorful, the talent is excellent, but eventually is too young, was suppressed by the numerous masters of dynasty at the scene. 虽然太子惊才绝艳,天赋过人,但终究是年纪太小,被王朝的众多高手镇压当场。 But when she will be executed, beyond the common custom dynasty of western mainland, an upper boundary great person had a liking for her aptitude. 但就在她将被处死的时候,西大陆的世俗王朝之外,上界的一位大人物看上了她的资质 ...... …… Sky over the imperial capital, said along with the words of crown prince that in the upper air the cloud layer surged, has the dark cloud to cover slowly. 帝都上空,随着太子的一番话说完,高空之中云层涌动,有乌云缓缓笼罩了下来。 But along with surging of cloud layer, an intermittent cold wind drops from the clouds, dreary that the entire world as if changes, is full of a chilly alone meaning. 而随着云层的涌动,一阵阵冷风从天而降,整个天地似乎都变的一片萧瑟,充满一种清冷孤寂之意。 Sees this Fang Xingjian brow slightly wrinkle, because in his higher-dimensional vision, the wind clouds that had not been oppressed by Martial Intent, but naturally along with the mood of opposite party in change. 看到这一幕的方星剑眉头微微一皱,因为在他的高维视觉之中,不论是风还是云都没有遭到武道意志的压迫,而是自然而然随着对方的心情在变化的。 Another side crown prince personal appearance moves, the body of whole person flood a faint trace golden color brilliance, this moment she just like is contains the charter, the foot pedal Yin-Yang, every action and every movement, can cause the change of entire world. 另一边的太子身形一动,整个人的身上泛起一丝丝金色光华,这一刻的她宛如是口含宪章,脚踏阴阳,一举一动,都能引起整个天地的变化。 Meanwhile, the world shakes, front side space as if vibrates along with Martial Intent of crown prince, in the surrounding area, has been full of the voice of crown prince. 与此同时,天地震荡,正片空间似乎都随着太子的武道意志而震动起来,方圆之内,都充满了太子的声音。 Fang Xingjian, you, since is not willing to be my man, that dies.” 方星剑,你既然不愿意做我的男人,那就死吧。” During the speeches, the golden light rose suddenly, changes into a golden big hand to pat toward Fang Xingjian fiercely. 说话之间,金光暴涨,化为一只金色的大手朝着方星剑猛地拍了过去。 Meets my one move, High Heaven Big Handprint.” “接我一招,皇天大手印。” With the aid of any external force, has not exploded by the big hand imprint that Martial Intent concise becomes purely presses, huge being in charge as if must cover the entire imperial capital, the rushing strength just like must southwest thoroughly Beng to extinguish the entire mainland, bruising. 没有借助任何外力,纯粹以武道意志所凝练而成的大手印爆压而下,巨大的掌印似乎要将整座帝都都覆盖起来,澎湃的力量宛如要将整座大陆西南都彻底崩灭、压溃。
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