PDG :: Volume #11

#1002: Crown prince

Then sees instance of dumpling crash imperial capital, the photosphere ascended from his palm together. 便看到团子坠落帝都的瞬间,一道光球已经从他的手掌之中升腾而起。 Meanwhile, above ten thousand meters upper air, the radius surpasses ten thousand meters space to be transferred instantaneously, all air were compressed the point of thumb size in this moment, was transferred in the dumpling palm. 与此同时,万米高空之上,半径超过万米的空间在瞬间被挪移,其中所有的空气在这一刻被压缩到了拇指大小的一点,然后被挪移到了团子的手掌之中。 The astonishing white light has braved from his palm, so long as received in the palm the photosphere space movie screen, the airing shock-wave that erupted, was moving to the even entire imperial capital sufficiently instantaneously, killed inside all people. 惊人的白光从他的掌心之中冒了出来,只要收掉了掌心中光球的空间障壁,其中爆发出来的气爆冲击波,足以在瞬间移平整个帝都,杀死里面的所有人。 But is such dangerous substance, was pinched by the dumpling in the hand, and presses forward, the shuttle was instantaneously void, arrived at 4th prince, Talant and Phillip Crown Prince and the others the front. 而就是这样的危险物质,被团子捏在手中,并且向前一按,已经瞬间穿梭虚空,来到了四皇子泰兰特菲利普亲王等人的面前。 The white photosphere appears suddenly, rose instantaneously in a big way, as viscous spread as extreme air place, in next quarter incarnation to destroy the hurricane and shock-wave myriad things. 白色的光球陡然出现,瞬间涨大了一圈,粘稠到了极点的空气从中一丝一丝地蔓延了出来,在下一刻就将化身为摧毁万物的飓风和冲击波。 But the time static seems to be same in one, a white finger has extended from the photosphere, just like is just scratches the surface to be the same, selected gently above the photosphere. 但时间似乎在一颗静止一样,一根白色的手指从光球上方伸了出来,宛如是蜻蜓点水一样,轻轻点在了光球之上。 Just like is blows out the candle to be the same, the air bombs extinguished directly, changed into invisible, but nearby Fang Xingjian at this moment also has appeared own personal appearance, in his hand grabbed the dumpling the head, pinched slightly then directly pinches to explode, changed into everywhere luminous spot. 宛如是吹灭蜡烛一样,空气爆弹直接熄灭,化为了无形,而一旁的方星剑此刻也显出了自己的身形,他的手上抓着团子的脑袋,微微一捏便直接捏爆,化为了漫天光点。 Everywhere Martial Intent sends out intermittent whooshing, in dumpling under erupts, the overlapping space movie screen covered on the body of Fang Xingjian, then reduced fiercely, continually welled up toward the microcosm. 漫天的武道意志发出一阵阵的嘶吼,在团子的爆发下,层层叠叠的空间障壁覆盖在了方星剑的身上,然后猛地缩小,不断朝着微观世界涌去。 Members...... Atom...... Electron...... Photon...... 分子……原子……电子……光子…… The front rapid change of Fang Xingjian, is a grotesque and gaudy microcosm, the entire time and space as if lost the significance in this flash, his whole person as if must be delivered to the time and space end, sends out this universe. 方星剑的面前飞速变化,是一片光怪陆离的微观世界,整个时间和空间似乎都在这一刹那失去了意义,他整个人似乎都要被送到时间与空间的尽头,送出这个宇宙。 The dumpling looks that at present is reduced to already a point that cannot induce completely, has laughed suddenly: Died, he dies finally......” 团子看着眼前被缩小到已经完全感应不到的一点,陡然间哈哈大笑了起来:“死了,他终于死……” Bang! Black sword shade tearing is void, does not know when then brings intermittent air waves, punctured fiercely above the dumpling vest. 砰!黑色的剑影撕裂虚空,不知道什么时候便带起一阵阵空气波纹,猛地刺在了团子的背心之上。 Without inducing to any danger, had not felt that killed intent slightly, the dumpling body then once more blasts open under this sword, changed into everywhere Martial Intent. 没有感应到任何危险,也没有感觉到丝毫杀意,团子的身体便在这一剑之下再次炸裂,化为了漫天的武道意志 The Fang Xingjian palm turns over, has paddled regarding the palm, then seemed has one to have the black hole of infinite suction, in an instant got up everywhere Martial Intent turnover, then stirred the smashing. 方星剑手掌翻转,围绕着掌心划动了一圈,便好似产生了一个拥有无穷吸力的黑洞,刹那间将漫天武道意志吞吐起来,然后搅成了粉碎。 In the several seconds time, the dumpling, fish roe and bold child were cut to kill in turn, shocks the people on the scene to be dumbfounded directly. 短短几秒钟的时间里,团子、鱼子、豪子被依次斩杀,直接震动得在场众人哑口无言。 The white stares at Fang Xingjian in battlefield stubbornly, on the head, back good was seeming to be that the countless cold sweat must flow come out, he suddenly until now still could not find any opportunity of getting rid. 白子死死盯着战场中的方星剑,脑袋上、背脊上好似有数不尽的冷汗要流出来,他竟然直到现在仍旧找不到任何出手的时机。 In fact in entire base seven child several people, only then his end tribulation eye, because involved a mystery of time line, this can induce in the might to Fang Xingjian offensive, has an induction regarding the darkness in future. 事实上全基七子的几人之中,也只有他的末道劫眼因为牵扯到了一丝时间线的奥秘,这才能感应到方星剑攻势之中的威力,对于冥冥之中的未来有着一丝感应。 But because of so, him until now is unable to get rid. 但也因为如此,他才直到现在都无法出手。 Meanwhile, in Space-Time tunnel that the insect clan regiment surmounts, from Miracle World does not know that has many remote another world, on another star. 与此同时,虫族军团所跨越的时空隧道内,距离奇迹世界不知道有多少遥远的另一个世界,另一个星球上。 Purple Mage King looks that at present by the visual signal that some winged insect projects, swallows the saliva saying: „ This Fang Xingjian, what's the matter? Is his strength extremely rather unreasonable? 紫巫王看着眼前以某个飞虫投射过来的视觉信号,咽了咽口水说道:“这个方星剑,到底是怎么回事?他的实力未免太过不合理了吧? He Cultivation how many years? Compared with him, our simply Cultivation to the dog on. ” 他才修炼了多少年?跟他比起来,我们简直都修炼到狗身上去了。” The Witch of Chaos forehead has twisted a Sichuan character completely: „ I have not thought that initially thinks is an idle chess that the former generation Pope dismantles conveniently, can arrive unexpectedly today this step? 混乱魔女的眉心已经完全拧成了一个川字:“我也没有想到,当初以为是上代教皇随手下下来的一步闲棋,竟然可以走到今天这一步? The Miracle World time line had been disrupted thoroughly, from that moment on, in the future already not during my grasps. ” 奇迹世界的时间线被彻底打乱了,从这一刻起,未来已经不在我的掌握之中。” „Did you say the former generation Pope?” Purple Mage King was startled: „Isn't he Earth person?” “你说上代教皇?”紫巫王吃了一惊:“他不是地球人?” Naturally is not.” Witch of Chaos: That old ghost has hidden the truth from us, this Fang Xingjian...... Certainly came from gate another side.” “当然不是。”混乱魔女:“那老鬼将我们都瞒了过去,这个方星剑……一定是从门的另一边过来的。” ...... …… Another side black mole actually somewhat bitterly and astringently looks at the present scene, said difficultly: If I said that I leave you White Emperor Aurora Sword now, you formerly said that also kept a promise?” 另一边的黑子却是有些苦涩地看着眼前的场景,艰难地说道:“如果我说,我现在把白帝极光剑留给你,你先前说的话还算数么?” Fang Xingjian shook the head, treadons step by step void, moved toward the present black mole. 方星剑摇了摇头,一步步脚踏虚空,走向了眼前的黑子。 I take.” “还是我自己来拿吧。” But seven child one after another fights, black mole of and the others killing in Fang Xingjian and entire base fled pell-mell, does not have the strength of revolt the time. 而就在方星剑和全基七子一连串地大战,杀的黑子等人丢盔卸甲,毫无反抗之力的时候。 The people in imperial capital is a face are also panic-stricken, unbelievable. 帝都之中的众人也是一脸惊骇,难以置信。 Belongs to ten thousand star mountains stone platform, Maria similarly dull is also looking at the direction of sky. 属于万星山的石台上,玛利亚也同样呆呆地望着天空的方向。 But in her vision except for shocking, many are actually at a loss. 但她的目光之中除了震撼,更多的却是迷惘。 But after the fatty was cut kills, this is at a loss gradually dissipates, in her both eyes flashes through understanding clearly of faint trace. 而就在胖子被斩杀之后,这丝迷惘逐渐消散,她的双眼之中闪过一丝丝的了然。 When the Fang Xingjian sword cuts last to the black mole, the Maria personal appearance dodges, the hand blade cuts horizontally, collided with the arm of Fang Xingjian fiercely in one. 就在方星剑最后一剑斩向黑子的时候,玛利亚的身形一闪,手刀横斩,已经和方星剑的手臂猛地碰撞在了一起。 Their arms these collides, strength all fierce to the extreme, the wild strength pulls the space, is centered on the point that they hand over to strike directly, is born just like the black hole same vortex, inhales in which a surrounding area several kilometers material, stirred the fragment. 两人的手臂这一下碰撞,力量全都凶猛到了极点,狂暴的力量扯动空间,直接以两人交击的点为中心,诞生出了一个宛如黑洞一样的漩涡,将方圆数千米的物质都吸入其中,搅成了碎片。 But this fights touches the minute, Fang Xingjian and Maria withdrew from over ten thousand meters distance respectively, looks distantly to the opposite party position. 而这一交手一触即分,方星剑玛利亚已经各自退出上万米的距离,遥遥看向对方的位置。 In the Fang Xingjian vision flashes through a surprised color, this can be said that since has been this time enters the stage, some first person of frontages caught his one move, but this person impressively is he passes to teach Maria. 方星剑的目光之中闪过一丝惊讶之色,这可以是说是他这次出场以来,第一次有人正面接住了他一招,而这个人赫然是他过去教导过的玛利亚 The both eyes pupil of Maria does not know when turned into color of the pure gold, head golden ponytail has also put, changes into a golden long hair, seems the golden flame dances in the air in the upper air equally with the wind. 玛利亚双眼瞳孔不知道什么时候已经变成了一片纯金之色,头上的金色马尾也放了下来,化为一片黄金长发,好似金色的火焰一样在高空之中随风飞舞。 The pure weak makings had the change of changing the world, the whole person body emerges is elegant aura. 原本纯真幼稚的气质更是发生了改天换地的变化,整个人身上涌现出来的全是一股股雍容华贵的气息。 Even linked her stature also to have the change, the stature as if became concave-convex sends, has been from top to bottom full of feminine qualities. 甚至连她的身材也发生了变化,身材似乎变得更加凹凸有致,浑身上下都充满了一种女人味。 But most makes Fang Xingjian surprised, strength that she shows at this moment. 但最让方星剑惊讶的,还是她此刻展现的实力。 Maria? No, who are you?” 玛利亚?不,你到底是谁?” But in the Maria rear area, the personal appearance of black mole trembles slightly, in both eyes as if caught one point of fear, one point of horridness, one point of anxiety, one point of respectful. 而在玛利亚的后方,黑子的身形微微一颤,双眼之中似乎染上了一分恐惧,一分惶恐,一分紧张,一分恭敬。 Under Taizi Dian...... You have gotten out of trouble, but left?” “太子殿下……您已经脱困而出了?” Hears the regards of black mole, Maria smiles one tenderly, front piece of mighty waves are turbulent, on the face a piece said charmingly: Yes, is not really easy, if were not you died these, perhaps I did not have such quickly restore to remember.” 听到黑子的问候,玛利亚娇笑一声,胸前一片波涛汹涌,脸上一片娇媚地说道:“是啊,真是不容易,如果不是你们死了这么些个,我恐怕也没这么快恢复记忆。”
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