PDG :: Volume #11

#1001: Cuts to kill

This Fang Xingjian, he just used what swordsmanship is? Doesn't the technique why our moves, various spaces transfer have the use?’ ‘这个方星剑,他刚刚用的到底是什么剑法?为什么我们的招数,还有各种空间挪移的手法都没有用处?’ The black mole regarding present Fang Xingjian, is dreads at this moment extremely. 黑子此刻对于眼前的方星剑,已经是忌惮万分。 The fatty Cultivation secret moves to Su law, not only can rebound to transfer various attack moves, induction that can the Space-Time feeling of confused match, the shield be prompted by a sudden impulse, is the unsurpassed ingenious method of western mainland secret sect. 胖子修炼天机移宿法,不但能够反弹挪移各种攻击招数,更是可以错乱对手的时空感,屏蔽心血来潮的感应,乃是西大陆天机宗的无上妙法。 Let alone Divine Level 6th layer, closes up the millenniums, cultivating of fatty to even more be as deep as a well, even among every action and every movement can tow a side world, but also broke the space of immortal Son of God to transfer the ability directly, rebounded their God Technique. 更何况神级六重,闭关千年,胖子的修为越发高深莫测,甚至一举一动之间都能牵引一方天地,还直接破了不朽圣子的空间挪移能力,反弹了两人的神术 Fatty at this moment in their six people, it may be said that is the boundary first. 此刻的胖子在他们六人之中,可谓是境界第一。 But is such one generation of Grandmaster, unexpectedly under other four people of rescues, stiffly by Fang Xingjian killing. 但就是这样的一代宗师,竟然在其他四人的救援之下,硬生生地被方星剑给打死了。 Another side, the personal appearance of bold child changes and reduces slowly, his body has contracted the innumerable space gatherings, seemed Dharma Body of human body size, in fact was equal to several spaces of mainland sizes is contracted, has composed his Dharma Body. 另一边,豪子的身形慢慢变化、缩小,他的身体乃是收缩了无数空间汇聚而出,看上去不过人体大小的法体,实际上相当于数个大陆大小的空间被收缩起来,组成了他的法体 Must destroy his body, is equal to must grind several mainland for the strength of powder powder. 要毁灭掉他的身体,相当于要将数个大陆碾为齑粉的力量。 However as the matter stands, his restoration speed also slow to the extreme, lost the massive tissues like the present, can only maintain the integrity of Dharma Body structure through the reduction body. 但是这样一来,他的恢复速度也慢到了极点,像现在这样失去了大量身体组织,只能通过缩小身体来保持法体结构的完整性。 Then saw that his body reduces, the torso and leg and foot start to contract change are small, but the hands and feet that loses therefore grew, in an instant then turned into an appearance of ten -year-old child. 便看到他的身体一路缩小,躯干和腿脚都开始收缩变小,而失去的手脚则因此长了出来,转眼间便变成了一个十岁小孩的模样。 Another side dumpling and fish roe same whole face dreaded that during just stop, their styles were produce the results to be weakest to Fang Xingjian. 另一边的团子、鱼子同样满脸忌惮,刚刚的阻拦之中,他们两人的招式可谓是对方星剑产生效果最弱的。 Most fearful place, during the painstaking care induces, his every gesture and motions have not felt any danger obviously, but is in such situation, seems the ordinary move, broke our attack.’ In the mind of black mole still in recollection just picture. ‘最可怕的地方,还是心血感应之中,明明他的一招一式都没有感觉到任何危险,但就是这样的情况下,看上去普普通通的招数,破了我们的攻击。’黑子的脑海中仍旧在回忆刚刚的画面。 But another side, has not gotten rid of beginning to end the white moved finally, his these begins, then just like is the change of the seasons, the livelihood revolves. 而另一边,从头到尾都没出手过的白子终于动了,他这一下动手,便宛如是斗转星移,日月旋转。 His whole person changes into a head length several thousand meters giant Bailong in an instant, each migration of Bailong body, as if must the trim space breaking open. 他整个人刹那间化为一头长数万米的巨大白龙,白龙身体的每一次移动,似乎都要将整片空间给撑破。 He gives the feeling of person probably is anytime and anywhere must break through the fetter of world, the entire world probably is the shackles is for him same. 他给人的感觉就好像是随时随地都要突破世界的束缚,整个世界对他来说都好像是牢笼一样。 This changes the ability of body white dragon, is the white Cultivation innumerable day and night white dragon genuine solutions, at this moment the white dragon of his incarnation is the myth biology of western mainland, has the shuttle to be void, the turnover mountains and rivers, apprehend the myriad things the strong capability. 这变身白龙的能力,正是白子修炼无数日夜的白龙真解,此刻他化身的白龙乃是西大陆的神话生物,拥有穿梭虚空,吞吐山河,捉拿万物的强大能力。 But changes the instance of body in him, together sword aura from the fingertip of Fang Xingjian bright, the entire white dragon in became by the dismemberment has inundated the Tianlong blood and Dragon Rou, Dragon Scale in an instant. 但就在他变身的瞬间,一道剑芒方星剑的指尖亮起,整条白龙在刹那间被肢解成了漫天龙血、龙肉、龙鳞 The white also fiercely recovers in this moment, where also has any white dragon, has any sword aura, only then in his both eyes even more dreaded, the strength that within the body surged has not erupted truly. 白子也在这一刻猛地回过神来,哪里还有什么白龙,有什么剑芒,只有他的双眼之中越发忌惮,原本体内涌动的力量迟迟没有真正爆发出来。 Impregnable......’ ‘无懈可击……’ The face darken of white seems must drop the water leakage to come, since Fang Xingjian has entered the stage, he has then cared about his end tribulation eye observation opposite party, is seeking for the opportunity of getting rid. 白子的脸色阴沉得好似要滴出水来,自从方星剑出场以来,他便一直在意自己的末道劫眼观测对方,寻找着出手的时机。 This end tribulation eye can completely understand that dark that destiny, examines ominous, telemeters the success or failure, making him either not get rid, gets rid inevitably to be then successful. 这末道劫眼能够看透冥冥中的那一丝气运,查看凶吉,遥测成败,让他要么不出手,一出手便必然成功。 But since has transported the discernment to observe Fang Xingjian, he had not found any opportunity of getting rid actually, every time in the picture that end in the tribulation eye sees, is the defeat body dies. 但自从运起法眼观测方星剑以来,他硬是没有找到任何出手的机会,每一次在末道劫眼之中看到的景象,都是战败身死。 Since this is the reason that he had not gotten rid. 这正是他一直以来没有出手的原因。 A series of ponders have delimited in entire base seven child remaining nobody like lightning, in the real world is the time that the short 10 seconds are not. 一连串的思考在全基七子剩下的无人之中闪电般划过,在现实世界中不过是短短10秒钟也不到的时间。 But after these seconds, Fang Xingjian then once more moved. 但就在这几秒钟的时间后,方星剑便再次动了起来。 The sword shade links up into a single stretch, back and forth cuts in the sky just like black lines, the black mole, dumpling, fish roe and bold child simultaneously erupted to meet head-on fully, in the sky quick became a confusion, was the space of thunder, flame and distortion is surging everywhere. 剑影连成一片,宛如一道道黑色的线在天空之中来回切割,黑子、团子、鱼子、豪子同时爆发出了全力迎战,天空之中很快就变得一片混乱,到处都是雷霆、火焰、扭曲的空间在涌动。 The fluctuations of Martial Intent back and forth ripple, as if must kill all lives in space. 一道道武道意志的波动来回荡漾,似乎要杀死空间内的所有生命。 Be careful!” “小心!” He came!” “他过来了!” Do not let him stare at a person!” “别让他盯着一个人!” Six muddy streams are useless!” “六道浊流没用!” Four heavy lines have been delimiting the body of bold child instantaneously, his both feet both hands extremely internalize in one second for the smashing, large room of implication, astonishing quality before the Fang Xingjian sword incurs seemed loses all significances to be the same. 四条黑线在瞬间划过豪子的身上,他的双脚双手在万分之一秒内化为粉碎,其中蕴含的广阔空间,惊人质量在方星剑的剑招之前好似失去了所有意义一样。 Bang, the last foot steps in the face of bold child, his whole person exploded same place, probably is the fireworks same explodes everywhere luminous spot, dissipates in the air. 砰,最后一脚踩在豪子的脸上,他整个人已经原地爆炸,好像是烟花一样炸成漫天光点,消散在空气之中。 The fish roe call out in alarm one, the naked eye the sound wave that is unable to hear have transmitted from his within the body, but the sound wave place visited, all material structures crush loudly, all spaces started to shake, must change into a purgatory the world. 鱼子惊叫一声,肉眼已经无法听见的音波从他的体内传来,但音波所过之处,一切物质结构轰然粉碎,所有的空间都开始了震荡起来,就要将天地化为一片炼狱。 Tittered a light sound, the black sword shade has dropped from the clouds together, has poured into his fish head directly, and gigantic fish head will be mixing the smashing in an instant. 噗嗤一声轻响,一道黑色的剑影已经从天而降,直接灌入了他的鱼头之中,并将硕大的鱼头在刹那间搅动成了粉碎。 ‚It is not good, cannot this way.’ The black mole looks at present, the vision also becomes more and more flurried. ‘不行,不能这样下去。’黑子看着眼前的一幕幕,目光也变得越来越慌乱。 Sword Intent of this fellow, is wearing down our Martial Intent directly.’ ‘这家伙的剑意,直接在消磨我们的武道意志。’ Why can like this?’ ‘为什么会这样?’ Among the original Divine Level powerhouses fights, even if the Divine Level 6th layer powerhouse, they still by one point of Martial Intent strength, inspired various energies between dozens times of several hundred times of world to fight. 本来神级强者之间交手,就算是神级六重的强者,他们仍旧是以一分武道意志的力量,引动数十倍数百倍天地间的各种能量来战斗。 Attacks mutually, often also first consumes the energies between these world. 相互攻伐之间,往往也是先消耗这些天地间的能量。 But the Fang Xingjian Sword Intent place visited, simply they make has not had the collision with various sound waves, thunder, high temperature and spatial warping that instead cuts their Martial Intent directly. 方星剑剑意所过之处,根本没有和他们制造出来的各种音波、雷霆、高温、空间扭曲发生碰撞,反而是直接切割他们的武道意志 Entire base seven child Martial Intent after these 1000 wearing down, transform unceasingly, for their lives help them survive, already was weak to the extreme, in all directions the plunder resources supplemented in three months, but how possibly to compare favorably with Fang Xingjian enough 8500 points Martial Intent. 全基七子的武道意志经过这1000年的消磨,不断转化为了他们的寿命来帮助他们生存下去,已然是微弱到了极点,就算在三个月来四处掠夺资源进行补充,但又怎么可能比得上方星剑足足8500点的武道意志 The effect of therefore having their several people of retreating in defeat again and again that a Fang Xingjian person of sword kills now. 所以才有现在方星剑一人一剑杀的他们几人节节败退的效果。 Another side dumpling has not actually been able to endure patiently such absolute leeward, the whole person shouted angrily, changed into together the light crash imperial capital. 另一边的团子却已经无法忍耐这样的绝对下风,整个人怒喝一声,已经化为一道光影坠落帝都。 Kills off his subordinate!” “杀光他的手下!” In an instant, sky over the imperial capital vanished by the 1st stratum level space movie screen that he covers all. 刹那间,帝都上空原本被他笼罩的一层层空间障壁尽数消失。 Before they also want in the innumerable masters with this imperial capital to carry on the blood sacrifice, to rescue entire base seven child leader crown princes. 之前他们还想用这帝都内的无数高手来进行血祭,以救出全基七子的领袖太子。 But at this moment, they by the Fang Xingjian thorough suppression, fell into leeward, must die in the hand of Fang Xingjian shortly, where also has time tube what blood sacrifice? 但此时此刻,他们被方星剑彻底压制,落入下风,眼看都要一个个死在方星剑的手上了,又哪里还有功夫管什么血祭?
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