OSTI :: Volume #7 过去未来

#663 Part 5: Jiang Shangshou

You! Dies!” “尔等!去死吧!” Xu Liao pushes the mask on face, Demonic Force suddenly suddenly to increase, he was planned by the enemy, falls into the trap that 12 fifty gentlemen have besieged, but was still happy does not fear, erupted the vigorous fighting spirit. 许了一推脸上的面具,妖力忽然暴增,他被敌人算计,落入了12名大衍士围攻的陷阱,但却仍旧怡然不惧,爆发了蓬勃的斗志。 Is one person tall natural, a school of scholar style, his manner is temperate, chants in a low voice, called out: Big demon Lord! You fall into our side world suddenly, murders innumerably, reverses the people are Monster, the evil is countless. But I and others still hope that can make the peace arrive, if you give up the war, is willing hands tied, I can guarantee your life.” 为首一人身材高大潇洒,一派文士风范,他态度温和,低吟一声,叫道:“大魔主!你忽然落入我们这一方世界,杀伐无数,逆转人民为妖魔,罪恶累累。但我等仍旧希望,能够让和平降临,若是你放弃战争,甘愿束手,我可以保证你的性命。” Xu Liao he he smiles, has compared a middle finger of horse crown prince directly! 许了呵呵一笑,直接比了一个马亲王的中指! This insulting hand signal, has angered other people immediately, a stature is grand, the named big date fierce male fifty gentleman, drank a sound track crazily: Big demon Lord! You die without the burial ground today, understands the moon/month brother, why also rubbish with him? The homicide our many kind person chivalrous people, both hands were bloody repeatedly, how can forgive his life!” 这个侮辱性的手势,顿时惹怒了其余人,一个身材雄伟,名为大日烈雄的大衍士,狂喝一声道:“大魔主!你今日就是死无葬身之地,晓月兄,何必还跟他废话?他杀了我们多少仁人义士,双手血腥累累,如何能够饶他性命!” The Xu Liao movement accelerates suddenly, a fist on bang in big date fierce male surface gate, they, although is the same boundaries, but Xu Liao this strikes, in the use two streamer changes, have actually calculated by nine Yuan, calculated that the battle formation most weakness of this surrounding, has ascertained also the Cultivation Technique flaw of opposite party. 许了身法忽然加速,一拳就轰中了大日烈雄的面门,两人虽然都是同一境界,但许了这一击,却使用上了两界幡变化,同时也以九元算经,推算出来这个包围的阵势最为薄弱之处,同时也窥破了对方的功法破绽。 Therefore this fist verve male fierce, but actually changes the exquisite embodiment, only one fist has exploded the big date fierce male surface gate on the bang. 所以这一拳刚猛雄烈,但却变化精巧内蕴,只一拳就轰爆了大日烈雄的面门。 Before big date fierce Xiong by bang, on the face reappeared a strange smiling face, how Xu Liao had not thought that suddenly to feel that outside the body shook, oneself close relation with world, as well as nine Yuan calculate after composing the manpower spirit knowledge array, performed all shuts off, did not have the Little Bit induction again. 大日烈雄被轰中之前,脸上浮现了一丝诡异的笑容,许了还没觉得如何,就忽然感觉身外一震,自己跟天地间紧密的联系,以及九元算经组成的人工灵识阵列,尽皆被切断,再无半分感应。 Although he calculates that the strength dropped a heaven and earth rank suddenly, but actually still not flurried, Heart also understands, not only oneself fell into a trap, was surrounded by these people, the strategy of but also by the opposite party being prepared covering. 他虽然算力骤然跌落了一个天壤般的等级,但却仍旧不曾慌乱,心底也明白,自己不但落入了陷阱,被这些人包围,还被对方准备的阵法给笼罩了。 This is actually not he plans inconsiderately, but is this world is also nine Yuan calculates that after it law structure, calculates the strength above him, will therefore give birth so changes, to calculate broken calculates that supposes the plot to him. 这却不是他算计不周,而是这个世界也是九元算经之法构造,算力远在他之上,故而才会生出这般变化,以算破算,给他设下阴谋。 Although Xu Liao does not fear, but he was usually used to be in the upper hand by filling the heavens big, now falls to oneself is stranded in the strategy, was the Slightly heart startled, as soon as after he striking, discovered that the enemy had not died, oneself were transferred the striking power by the strategy, immediately held the Yuan to defend one, about both hands a point, Dinghai god needle taking. 许了虽然不惧,但他平日里习惯了以弥天大阵占上风,如今落到自己被困阵法之中,也是微微心惊,他一击之后,就发现敌人并未死去,自己被阵法挪移了攻击力,当即抱元守一,双手左右一分,把定海神针给取了出来。 His Enter this world, only brought two things along, Battle Beast northern deeply with the Dinghai god needle, now he was stranded into the strategy, has cut off the relation with world myriad things, does not dare to pull rank. 进入这个世界,随身只带了两件东西,战斗兽北冥和定海神针,如今他被困入阵法,切断了跟天地万物的联系,再也不敢托大。 The Dinghai god needle changes into a dark iron rod, passed over gently and swiftly before his body slowly, is only the flash, least 67 pointed weapons collided a lot of times with the Dinghai needle, but no one is able to break through this greatly skillful non- labor, the stick of blockade world. 定海神针化为一根黑沉沉的铁棒,在他身前缓缓掠过,只是一瞬间,最少有67件兵刃跟定海针碰撞了千百次,只是谁也无法突破他这大巧不工,封锁天地的一棒。 Xu Liao is confident, so long as a stick in hand, if any strategy, sorcery, Immortal Dao Martial arts, only then puts together a way hardly, is unable to break through own defense again. 许了有信心,只要一棒在手,任是什么阵法,妖法,仙道武学,都只有硬拼一途,再也无法突破自身的防御。 This is nine profound real law sharpest places, was able to move unhindered world the unsurpassed mystique of antiquity two generations of Heavenly Emperor Inheritance. 这是九玄真法最为犀利之处,也是纵横天地的上古两代天帝传承的无上秘法。 Hao Heavenly Emperor and turns Heavenly Emperor not to know how many archenemies strikes to kill, even including the generation of Heavenly Demon, in two manpower falls from the sky, this set of nine profound good law, contains does not know how many exquisite family numbers, where is nine Yuan calculates the fifty gentleman who after expediting childbirth can break? 天帝和翻天帝不知击杀过多少大敌,甚至连天妖之辈,两人手里都有陨落,这一套九玄棒法,蕴含不知多少精妙家数,哪里是九元算经催生出来的大衍士可破? Xu Liao Demonic Force is eternally changing, uses nine profound real law most mysterious mystiques, fights with 12 fifty gentlemen. 许了妖力变化万千,施展出九玄真法最玄奥的秘法,跟12名大衍士恶斗。 Although he after innumerable wars, but little was actually surrounded, by nine profound real law imperial enemies, calculates by nine Yuan after deducing the flaw of this set of strategy. 他虽然历经无数大战,但却很少被人困住,一面以九玄真法御敌,一面就以九元算经推演这套阵法的破绽。 Xu Liao is nine Yuan calculates after all building the sixth chapter of generation, even if no manpower spirit knowledge array, was still world rare his profound and abstruse principles gentleman! 许了毕竟是九元算经修成第六章之辈,纵然没有人工灵识阵列,仍旧是天下罕有其匹的玄机士! By the internal name of myth, builds nine Yuan to calculate that after the first chapter, the Condensed all phenomena on earth celestial sphere may be called the secret gentleman, such as can make the breakthrough again, builds nine Yuan to calculate that after the fourth chapter, perceives through meditation five method axles, can be called the profound and abstruse principles gentleman. If can also go a step further, builds up to be spread like stars in the sky the chess to have, is the god machine gentleman, can generation of even/including Yaoshen the include in the jar, has the generation of Heavenly Demon not to calculate. 以神话的内部称呼,修成九元算经第一章,凝练万象天球就可被称作天机士,如能再有突破,修成九元算经第四章,参悟五方法轨,就可以被称作玄机士。若是还能更进一步,炼成星罗棋具,便是神机士,可以连妖神之辈都算入瓮中,也只有天妖之辈才推算不得。 The myth did not have the god machine gentleman now, the profound and abstruse principles gentleman is in the peak strength. 只是神话如今已经没有了神机士,玄机士就已经是门中巅峰战力。 Xu Liao calculated again and again, but actually was short of a point, until fights over 1300 moves with 12 fifty gentlemen, draws support from the change of nine profound real laws, has initiated the fault of match, thus calculates this dust-shower law an eye. 许了连连推算,但却总是欠缺了一分,直到跟12名大衍士交手1300招以上,才借助九玄真法的一个变化,引发了对手的失误,从而推算出来这座阵法的一个阵眼。 Xu Liao wants not to think that immediately displays the change, reverses Demonic Force, changes into moves the strength of Tianlong shape, strikes a fist distantly. 许了想也不想,立刻就施展变化,逆转妖力,化为搬天龙象之力,遥遥击出一拳。 Moves a moving day of Tianlong clan to execute likely, by vigorous verve, but also above nine profound law, Xu Liao this strikes, surmounts void, pierces the strategy, the bang was tall in one, but actually on age aged fifty gentleman. 搬天龙象一族的搬天正法,论雄浑刚猛,还在九玄真法之上,许了这一击,跨越虚空,洞穿阵法,轰在了一名身材高大,但却年纪老迈的大衍士身上。 In this fifty gentleman horizontal palm the long sword, the sword light like the water, the consecutively three revolutions, melted seven points of Xu Liao fist strength, but still gave this to strike final three points of Demonic Force finally, the sword light that the bang passed on protecting oneself, has printed the chest. 这名大衍士一横掌中长剑,剑光如水,连续三转,化去了许了拳力的七分,但最后仍旧给这一击最后的三分妖力,轰传了护身的剑光,印入了胸膛。 This fifty gentleman has spurted a blood crazily, does not give a thought to own injury, strove to promote the battle formation change, being insufficient to make Xu Liao seize the opportunity to sneak, this again covered up the flaw of strategy. 这名大衍士狂喷了一口鲜血,不顾自身伤势,勉力推动了阵势变化,不至于让许了乘虚而入,这才重新把阵法的破绽遮掩起来。 Xu Liao is also Secretly admires, this strikes, he has not certainly remained, this old fifty gentleman actually in the swordsmanship by hand forcefully melts, even if this set of swordsmanship is inferior to Heavenly Cave sword, but actually not northern heavens Emperor Bai, in the hole profound immortal sends sword after and thousand extremely magneto-optical swords after under. 许了也是暗暗佩服,这一击,他当然不曾留守,这个年迈的大衍士却以手中的剑术强行化去,这一套剑法纵然不如洞天剑经,但却绝不在洞玄仙派的玄天白帝剑经和千极磁光剑经之下。 Although sword is delicate, but actually wears away the rock with water, unexpectedly can withstand to move day execution crazy fierce strikes. 虽然剑式柔弱,但却以柔克刚,居然能够承受搬天正法的狂猛一击。 Especially this person of fighting spirit is tenacious, after carrying the severe wound, unexpectedly is not on the point of death chaotic, forcibly promotes the strategy, surrounds oneself again. If not this person promotes the strategy at risk of life, he is one of the eyes, has the internal combustion engine to change the detention slightly, Xu Liao can deduce this set of strategy more flaws, thus the bang passed on big. 尤其是此人斗志顽强,身负重伤之后,居然临危不乱,强行推动阵法,重新把自己困住。若非此人拼死推动阵法,他身为阵眼之一,稍有气机变化滞涩,许了就能推演出来这套阵法的更多破绽,从而轰传了大阵。 Xu Liao this strikes, makes these 12 fifty gentleman respective hearts be startled. 许了这一击,也让这12名大衍士各自心惊。 They thought strength that Xu Liao shows, Valiant is inexplicable, in society does not have simply, even if 12 fifty gentlemen collaborate, the advantage of strategy, still was unable unexpectedly it killing. Has not thought that Xu Liao can also break through the enemy lines, if not the blue sky hangs the swordsman to resist at risk of life, only feared that this big must be broken. 他们已经觉得许了表现出来的实力,强悍莫名,简直世间所无,就算12名大衍士联手,还有阵法之利,居然仍旧不能将之杀死。没想到许了还能破阵而出,若非青天悬剑客拼死抵挡,只怕这座大阵就要被破了。 The fifty gentleman of student appearance, shouted to clear the way: Big demon chief offender is horizontally boundless, we cannot be careful the general idea.” This person is this time rate audiences ambushes the Xu Liao president , is known as of horizontal day swordsman Uncle Lu dang world five swords! Also is people the first master on the scene, this set of strategy is also he supposes, and has undertaken the pressure heaviest part. 书生模样的大衍士,喝道:“大魔主凶横无边,我们不可小心大意。”这人就是此番率众伏击许了的主持者,也是号称天下五剑之一的横天剑客鹿伯砀!也是在场众人的第一高手,这套阵法也是他设下,并且承担了压力最重的部分。 12 fifty gentlemen give birth respectively vigilantly, knows that Xu Liao this big demon main really cut-throat, will not advance recklessly, surrounds in Xu Liao firmly, wants to obliterate his Demonic Force thoroughly. 12名大衍士各自生出警惕,也都知道许了这头大魔主果然凶狠,再也不会冒进,牢牢把许了困住阵中,就想要彻底磨灭他的妖力
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