OSTI :: Volume #7 过去未来

#634: Two receives the monstruous talent, filling the heavens ghosts and gods

Xu Liao Enter four coastal territory chart only Quest, builds the boundary of monster handsome, will avoid becomes by tiger Panther Yilian Talisman sad Cui will be out in the future. 许了进入四海疆图唯一的任务,就是修成妖帅之境,避免日后被虎豹乙炼成法宝的悲催下场。 But his modern people thought is strong, there is filling the heavens big this and other unsurpassed mystiques, has the supernatural power slightly, rushed to build up four coastal territories to attempt...... 只不过他现代人思维浓厚,又有弥天大阵这等无上秘法,稍有法力,就奔着炼化四海疆图去了…… His determination has been unable to co-exist with all sea dragon palace, but actually the South China Sea big priests with the meaning of his life and death showdown, if both sides draw back respectively half step, divides into two influence of South China Sea, is not cannot be accepted. 他自觉跟四海龙宫已经势不两立,但其实南海大祭司并没有一定要跟他生死对决之意,若是双方各退半步,把南海的势力一分为二,也不是不能够被接受。 The South China Sea big priests with the emperor uncle heard that Zhong dispatches under the disciple disciple hand the audiences to fight respectively for three years, is a test of strength, whose victory and defeat is unimportant, more importantly passes through this service, both sides can live in peace with each other, temporarily stopping fighting armistice. 南海大祭司跟皇伯闻仲各自派遣门人弟子手下部众恶斗三年,就是一种角力,谁人胜负都不重要,重要的是经过此一役,双方可以相安无事,暂时罢兵休战。 Xu Liao here ash fire mountain is also common, must by this war, both sides everyone cannot deal with who, natural rooms on either side armistice, although was still the enemy, will not have the war of strength of any causing the downfall of the nation. 许了这边的余烬山也是一般,也要经此一战,双方“谁也奈何不得谁”,自然两厢休战,虽然仍旧是敌人,却不会有什么倾国之力的战争了。 After all both sides are top big monsters, if a side wants to run away, other one even if the supernatural power is more profound, the influence is huger, is not necessarily able how. 毕竟双方都是顶级大妖,若是一方想要逃走,另外一方纵然法力更为高深,势力更加庞大,也未必能奈何的了。 This is also four coastal territory chart all parties influence many years goes on an expedition, tacit understanding that finally forms. 这也是四海疆图各方势力多年征战,最后形成的默契。 Xu Liao had recognized the South China Sea big priests must kill itself, had this foresight, calculation, therefore until this time, has resulted in the emperor uncle hear Zhong reminder, responded that also understood, why initially Jiang still directly gave up, no matter, did not enter the war. 许了一直都认定了南海大祭司必然要弄死自己,有了此“先见”,也就没有推算,故而直到此时,得了皇伯闻仲的提醒,才反应过来,同时也明白了,为何当初姜尚直接罢手不管,也不参战。 If Jiang also had still interpolated this war, both sides will be inevitably more difficult to give up, therefore he leaves in advance, allowed the leeway of strain to Xu Liao. 若是姜尚也参入了此战,双方势必更难罢手,所以他预先抽身,也给许了留出了应变的余地。 Why still did not expose Xu Liao as for Jiang, was other one has considered, Xu Liao does not know that this master, actually Heart more than several calculated. 至于姜尚为何不点破许了,就是另外一番考虑了,许了也不知道这位师父,究竟心底有几多盘算。 Since he understands this knot, naturally does not dread with the South China Sea big priests sees, he said goodbye with emperor uncle hear Zhong, swaggers Mt. Longhu, challenged on all alone. 他既然明白此节,自然也不畏惧跟南海大祭司见阵,他跟皇伯闻仲告辞,摇摇摆摆下了龙虎山,就孤身一人搦战。 The South China Sea dragon palace does not show weakness, immediately ten big monsters depart, Xu Liao saw from afar, shakes off two streamers, but swings, has sent in filling the heavens big this crowd of big monsters. How these big sorcery strength do not arrest, so long as into filling the heavens big, must naturally be built up by the strategy, becomes this part. 南海龙宫也不示弱,顿时有十余头大妖飞出,许了远远见了,把两界幡抖开,只是一摇,就把这群大妖送入了弥天大阵。这些大妖法力不拘如何,只要入了弥天大阵,自然要被阵法炼化,成为此阵的一部分。 Xu Liao since nine profound real laws practiced the fourth type: Cosmos changes Transform Body! 许了自从九玄真法练成了第四式:乾坤化身 All Spells that the original body cultivates, the return, does not arrest is the jade cauldron 36 changes, the celestial phenomenon 36 change, or the Heavenly Court six magical powers, Dragon Clan being in direct line mystique, as well as the monster nerve change and Heavely cave sword, is...... can handle skillfully as for Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill, with had except for the supernatural power height badly, changeable already rude original. 原身所修的一切法术,尽数回归,不拘是玉鼎36变,还是天象36变,又或者天庭的六部神通,龙族的嫡传秘法,以及妖神经变化和洞天剑经,乃至于天妖诛仙法……都能运用自如,除了法力高低与原身有差,变化多端已经不逊原来。 Especially these two streamer changes, Xu Liao is adept, after is the method of escape, the practice are more. 尤其是这两界幡变化,许了更是拿手,毕竟是逃命的手段,练习的多些。 South China Sea dragon palace first wave of Demon sent in filling the heavens big by Xu Liao, then had to depart one group of Demon, in this crowd of Demon, the big monsters grasped at the same time the valuable mirror, can resist two streamers, Xu Liao has swept twice, has not packed off this crowd of Demon, deciding the profound mirror change put forth, with the mirror to subdue|grams mirror, the pressure extinguished the mirror light of opposite party, still had sent in filling the heavens big this crowd of Demon with two streamers. 南海龙宫第一波妖怪许了送入弥天大阵,便有飞出了一拨妖怪,这群妖怪中,有一名大妖手持一面宝镜,能够抵挡两界幡,许了扫了两次,没有把这群妖怪送走,就把定玄镜变化使出,以镜克镜,压灭了对方的镜光,仍旧用两界幡把这群妖怪送入了弥天大阵。 The South China Sea big priests have sent out more than ten groups of Demon continuously, the Xu Liao jade cauldron 36 change cannot act bashful the enemy finally, this departs the cutting dragon blade that the new sacrifice builds up, has cut 19 groups of Demon continuously, at this time according to the custom of all sea dragon palace, he has dealt with 34 groups to go on a punitive expedition against, only remains two groups of monster soldiers to crusade against. If Xu Liao can crusade against also to resist these two groups of monster soldiers, this battle terminates, both sides make Crossed one to kill the tribulation, can two live in peace with each other for many years. 南海大祭司连续派出了十余伙妖怪,许了的玉鼎36变终于拿捏不住敌人,这才把新祭炼成的斩龙刀飞出,连续斩了19路妖怪,此时按照四海龙宫的规矩,他已经应付了34路征伐,只剩有两路妖兵讨伐。若是许了能够把这两路妖兵讨伐也抵挡过去,这一场争斗就算完结,双方做过了一场杀劫,可以两下相安无事多年。 Xu Liao was deliberately considering that the South China Sea big priests have any method, actually sees together the monster light getting up place, is an old acquaintance goes to battle unexpectedly. 许了正寻思,南海大祭司还有什么手段,却见一道妖光起处,竟然是一个老熟人出战。 This going to battle, is shocking Hou Wei is shocking. 此一番出战者,正是震天侯卫震天。 To be the South China Sea big priests was also angry, the Xu Liao one breath dealt with these many battlefields, the face could not get down, this sent out this monster handsome. According to the truth, Xu Liao builds up 13 fifty [lineage/vein], but the monster the progression, from should rotate this, changed other monster commanders-in-chief to go forth to battle. 想是南海大祭司也恼怒了,许了一口气应付了这么多战阵,面子下不来,这才把这头妖帅派出。按照道理,许了不过才炼开13条大衍脉,不过妖将级数,自应该回转本阵,换了其他妖帅出阵。 Does not arrest on the king, is the scud marquis, or on Chang E, always both sides supernatural power quite, even if has fought, has divided the victory and defeat victory and loss, not really big matter. 不拘是应王,还是飞云侯,又或者应嫦娥,总是双方法力相当,纵然斗过一场,分了胜负输赢,也没甚大事儿。 If so continues to sweep to Xu Liao, the face of South China Sea dragon palace must fall completely. 若是给许了这般继续扫下去,南海龙宫的面子就要跌尽了。 Xu Liao does not know in this key, but he saw the shocking marquis, cannot help but the index finger greatly moves, heart Secretly ponders saying: Said that any today must receive filling the heavens big this big monster. First several times gave this monster handsome to run away, this time cannot.” 许了也不知道此中关键,但是他见了震天侯,不由得食指大动,心头暗暗忖道:“说什么今日也要把这头大妖收入了弥天大阵。前几次都给这头妖帅逃了,这一次绝不能够。” Xu Liao also knows that he is not the match of shocking marquis, therefore beckons, summoned filling the heavens Jinnouchi's Battle Beast north greatly deeply, Activated north the deep real law, the torrential Heilongjiang River, has taken away as many things as possible toward the shocking marquis immediately together. 许了也知道,自己不是震天侯的对手,故而一招手,把弥天大阵之内的战斗兽北冥召唤了出来,催动了北冥真法,顿时一道滔滔黑水,向着震天侯席卷而去。 This patrolling sea king true body refinement Battle Beast, not only north quite the monster commanders-in-chief of in Liankai eight [lineage/vein], are skilled in the deep real law and hold the Racon electricity real Secret Art two dragon clan secrets. 这头巡海王真身炼制的战斗兽,不但相当于炼开八条道脉的妖帅,更精通北冥真法和操雷控电真诀两部龙族秘传。 Xu Liao also has to cut dragon blade Level 1 god soldier approaching body, pours does not fear the shocking marquis. 许了还有斩龙刀这件一级神兵傍身,倒也不惧震天侯。 Shocking Hou Wei despondently, he has originally intended itself to go to battle shocking, can compel ash fire mountain [lineage/vein] to send out a monster inevitably to be graceful, saves some faces for the South China Sea dragon palace. After all by Xu Liao one person, was swept across 34 groups to go on a punitive expedition against, really also makes the South China Sea big priests not drop the face. 只是震天侯卫震天就抑郁甚矣,他本拟自己出战,必然可以逼得余烬山一脉派出一头妖帅,为南海龙宫挽回一些面子。毕竟被许了一人,就席卷了34路征伐,实在也太让南海大祭司落不下面子。 However he said that anything has not thought that Xu Liao does not know made any method, the supernatural power leapt steps into the monster to be graceful, moreover monster handsome who built up eight [lineage/vein], non- was beginning promoted the generation of boundary. 但是他说什么也没有想到,许了不知道弄了什么手段,法力一跃就踏入了妖帅,而且还是炼开八条道脉的妖帅,非是初晋升境界之辈。 Do not say the shocking marquis, even if the South China Sea group monster, including the South China Sea dragon palace and Mt. Longhu Demon, the heart big envious hatred, four coastal territory charts has not presented Battle Beast this treasure, they think that this is Xu Liao own supernatural power. 不要说震天侯,就算南海群妖,包括南海龙宫和龙虎山的妖怪,都心头大大嫉恨,四海疆图从没有出现战斗兽这种宝物,他们都以为这是许了自身法力。 The Xu Liao family background understands, is Zhenjiang Hou Sun Zongbin parent-child, is born also a few days, can build the monster, is the having god-given wisdom rare talent, now Commander even/including Yao the boundary treads broken, this is not the rare talent may praise, the entire four coastal territory charts do not have this character, is goes against heaven's will simply changes the life first-class. 许了出身明了,乃是镇江侯孙宗鬓的亲子,出世也没几天,能修成妖将,已经是天纵奇才,如今连妖帅境界都踏破,这已经不是奇才可夸,整个四海疆图也没有这种人物,简直是逆天改命一流。 Shocking Hou Wei is shocking, shakes the shoulder, two god soldiers depart immediately, immediately cuts the Heilongjiang River, cannot nearly his body. 震天侯卫震天,一抖肩头,两件神兵顿时飞出,顿时把黑水划开,再不能近他的身子。 His original four god soldiers: Denticle long blade, hook chain rifle, long handle great sword, double-edge spear halberd! Afterward double-edge spear halberd was being taken away by Xu Liao, because the denticle broadsword suppressed on Chang E, by the Xu Liao backhand suppression, only remaining, the bill hook rifle and long handle great sword, initially Xu Liao received him by filling the heavens big, by this person of weaponry two god soldiers, had been cut flees void. 他原有四件神兵:锯齿长刀,钩链大枪,长柄巨剑,双刃矛戟!后来双刃矛戟被许了在收走,锯齿大刀因为镇压应嫦娥,被许了反手镇压,就只剩下了,钩镰大枪和长柄巨剑,当初许了以弥天大阵收他,都被此人仗了两件神兵,划破虚空遁走。 Xu Liao keeps thinking about this monster to be graceful, nine points of reasons, had a liking for these two god soldiers actually. 许了惦记这头妖帅,倒是有九分原因,是看上了这两件神兵。 He saw the shocking marquis to put forth these two god soldiers, knew the only supernatural power, even if there is north Battle Beast deep and cuts Dragon Dao, still could not suppress this big monster, immediately on the non- care for reputation surface, has received and instructed the filling the heavens big remote control, circled body, changed into rolling Huang Yun. 他见震天侯使出了这两件神兵,知道单凭自己法力,就算有战斗兽北冥和斩龙刀,仍旧压不住这头大妖,顿时就不顾脸面,把弥天大阵遥控接引了过来,绕身一圈,化为滚滚黄云。
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