ME :: Volume #7

#659: Flier

When everyone sobers, was recalling all that just experienced, look in the deck tumbles the corpse of agglomerate, in abundance feel lingering fear. 当所有人都重新清醒过来,回想着刚刚经历的一切,看着甲板上滚落成团的尸体,纷纷不由的感到后怕。 However what is following is the gratitude to Charles, without him, everyone must stubbornly in 005-3 front. 但是随之而来的是对查尔斯的感激,如果没有他,大家都得死死在005-3的面前。 Do not gather round me. Our things had not ended. On the ship definitely also has other sunspots, we must clean up them thoroughly.” In is being pulled out on the neck Charles of black thorn to endure the ache to say by Linda. “都别围着我。我们的事情还没有结束呢。船上肯定还有其他黑点,我们必须彻底清理掉它们。”正在被琳达拔着脖子上黑刺的查尔斯忍着疼痛说道。 Was busy at work good, the crew the thing of black small sunspot to open completely with the iron shovel these adhesion with the crow bar, threw in the darkness. 忙活了好一阵,船员们用撬棍跟铁铲把那些粘连着黑色小黑点的东西全部拆下来,扔到黑暗之中。 When all settle down, the treatment of Charles also ended, he is drinking the blood plasma while listens to own first officer two to report the work. 等一切尘埃落定,查尔斯的治疗也结束了,他一边喝着血浆一边听着自己的大副二副汇报工作。 That thing meets to attach on the living specimen, changes the living specimen the thought that so long as knows that their abilities are very good to deal, the sunspot on ship in the situation of rug search, has cleaned up.” “那东西会自己附着在活体身上,改变活体的思维,不过只要知道它们的能力还是很好应对的,船上的黑点在地毯式搜索的情况下,已经清理完毕了。” After Charles suck dry blood plasma package, takes up one bag. Cannot relax vigilantly, lets one team of people in the middle of the pain that continues the falling nightfall to puncture, making them work as the supervising team.” 查尔斯吸干血浆包后,又重新拿起一袋。“不能放松警惕,让一队人持续陷入黑刺的痛苦当中,让他们当督查队。” Regarding the diffusivity of this type of thing, Charles really a little feared that if this type of sunspot were brought to bring to them to the dark below foothold, then feared that must leave is greatly troublesome. 对于这种东西的扩散能力,查尔斯实在有点怕的,如果这种黑点被带到他们带到黑暗下方的据点,那么怕是要出大麻烦了。 Under with own person discussion, after carrying out several prevention plan, in his brain tight that muscle finally can be lax. 在跟自己的人商榷下,执行了好几套预防方案后,他脑子里面的紧绷的那根筋终于可以松懈下来。 Perhaps captain another ship hears the reminder of first officer, the Charles look is gloomy immediately. “船长另外一艘船恐怕”听到大副的提醒,查尔斯的眼神顿时暗淡下来。 Their following unicorn number same place has not tenesmused, still stays in 005-3 there, for a long time passed, very obviously was more unfortunate than fortunate, coming up the exploration altogether was five ships, but got down actually only to remain one. 他们并没有跟着独角鲸号一起下坠,依然留在005-3那里,这么长时间过去了,很明显是凶多吉少了,上来探索一共是五艘船,但是下去却只剩一艘了。 Gives up rescuing, marks on the nautical chart 005-3 positions, is set at the forbidden area, forbidding anybody to approach.” “放弃营救,把005-3的位置在海图上标记出来,设定为禁区,禁止任何人靠近。” Regarding 005-3, clue few pity that Charles knows, no one can guarantee that It has the cognition of revision human is an only ability. Can become in ranking of foundation arranges to first five, 005 are not absolutely simple. 对于005-3,查尔斯知道的线索少的可怜,谁也不能保证祂拥有修改人类的认知是唯一一种能力。能在基金会的排名里面成为排到前五,005绝对不简单。 The vomitive sound that vomiting side hears, making Charles turn head to look, discovered that is Grace, she seems like collapse, on the face the tears to spending the pale makeup on her face flowed off two light tears. “呕”旁边传来的呕吐声,让查尔斯扭头看去,发现那是葛瑞丝,她看起来十分的崩溃,脸上泪水冲花了她脸上的淡妆流下两条淡淡的泪水。 Charles knows that she is vomiting anything, before the right side three meters away places are piling up the crew corpse that offers sacrifices with the head, they piles up to become a small corpse mountain mutually. Sends out the revolting smell of blood, the sailors is taking the stick toward outboard to select these corpses. 查尔斯知道她在呕吐什么,就在右侧三米远的地方是堆积着之前献祭掉的船员尸体跟头颅,他们相互堆积成为一座小尸山。散发着令人作呕的血腥味,水手们正在拿着棍子把这些尸体向着船外挑去。 Looks that Linda runs to comfort her low voice, she who Charles looks at the sob, on the face shows the expression that shuts out. 看着琳达跑过去小声的安慰她,查尔斯看着哭泣的她,脸上露出嫌弃的表情。 „It is not really good trades one. This minor matter on racing Kuicheng this, too burden.” “实在不行换一个。这点小事就奔溃成这样,实在太累赘了。” Although western sea area said, the ability of this young girl is most powerful, but her delicate sex appeal is not suitable to work as a seeker. 虽然西海域方面说,这个少女的能力是最强大的,可是她的柔弱的性感根本不适合当一位探索者。 Saw that some deceased people become this on the fear, if this critical moment really must use her the time, she can also apply is really difficult to say. 看到一些死人就害怕成这样,这要是关键时刻真的要用到她的时候,她到底还能不能派上用场还真难说。 Hugged Grace's Linda to look at his one eyes accidentally/surprisingly, nod of commended. Captain, I agreed that your view, truly is this, making them change an adult to cross.” 抱着葛瑞丝的琳达意外的看了他一眼,紧接着赞许的点了点头。“船长,我同意您的看法,确实是这样,让他们换一个成年人过。” At this time side hung a Nick of arm to speak with the plain white cloth, captain, I felt, this are not related with the age, anybody saw so many corpses, responded where very to went, they were not the seekers, without experiencing so many deaths, so long as the adaptation were good, I also very liked this little miss, walked on the ship to be possible no one to talk with me.” 这个时候旁边的用白布吊着一只胳膊的尼科说话了,“船长,我觉得,这跟年龄没有关系,任何人看到这么多尸体,反应都好不到哪去,他们不是探索者,没有经历过这么多死亡只要适应适应就好了,我还挺喜欢这个小姑娘的,走了船上可没人陪我说话了。” Charles stares, in heart secretly thought: Strange, when I start to believe, a normal person sees these corpses, should not be frightened, instead should overrun the help?” 查尔斯一愣,心中暗道:“奇怪,我是什么时候开始认为,一个正常人看到这些尸体,不应该被吓到,反而应该冲过去帮忙的呢?” Charles thinks a meeting, looking up is being cloudy the face to stare Nick's ship's doctor. That considers as finished, that first makes her stay here, after all has experienced one time, next time will come across this matter again, should be better.” 查尔斯想了一会,抬起头来看着正在阴沉着脸瞪着尼科的船医。“那算了,那先让她留在这里吧,毕竟已经经历过一次了,下次再遇到这种事情,应该会好很多。” Bosom Grace's shivering that Linda feels, in heart slightly one soft. After she thinks simply, just about to opens the mouth to Charles to ask favor, but she just about to opens the mouth to stop suddenly, expression shocking looks at Charles behind darkness. 琳达感受的怀里葛瑞丝的颤抖,心中微微一软。她简单思索过后,刚要开口想要向查尔斯求情,可是她刚要开口忽然停下,表情震惊的看着查尔斯身后的黑暗。 Captain, be careful!!” Depp to/clashes at the maximum speed, supports by the arm Charles to lead him rapidly far away from the ship near. “船长,当心!!”迪普以最快的速度冲过来,搀扶起查尔斯带着他迅速远离船边。 When the angle of view reverses rapidly, severely wounded Charles saw immediately ship along outside darkness gradually shone two like the eye yellow highlight. 当视角迅速扭转,重伤的查尔斯马上看到船沿外面的黑暗处渐渐的亮起了两个如同眼睛般的黄色亮点。 Everyone on ship feels, the unicorn number speed of unceasingly falling slowly becomes slow, finally float stops in a darkness. 紧接着船上的所有人都感觉到,正在不断下坠的独角鲸号速度慢慢的变缓,最终悬浮停在一片黑暗之中。 The quick that huge highlight breaks open the darkness, arrived at the unicorn number front, just started Charl also to think that a great wall drilled from the darkness, but after seeing the above serial number, he understands that this is a giant flier that endures Ronkka. 很快那巨大的亮点破开黑暗,来到了独角鲸号的面前,刚开始查尔丝还以为一堵巨墙从黑暗中钻了出来,但是看到上面的编号后,他才明白这是一艘堪比隆卡的巨型飞行物。 Under everyone's gaze, the steel great wall in darkness falls slowly, quick brings the deck of flight runway to appear in the Charles front at the same time smoothly. 在所有人的注视下,黑暗之中的钢铁巨墙慢慢下落,很快一面平整带着飞行跑道的甲板出现在查尔斯的面前。 Rows of searchlights let Charles saw above to anchor the neat airplane, as well as three rows of foundation member who wore the white spacesuit. 一排排探照灯让查尔斯看见了上面停靠着的整齐飞机,以及三排身穿白色太空服的基金会成员。 That of odd change has not brought the helmet, from his signboard smiles badly also has the green hair on his head, he was past unicorn two Feuerbach. 零头的那位没有带头盔,从他那招牌的坏笑还有他脑袋上的绿色头发,他是昔日的独角鲸二副费尔巴哈。 The Charles attitude visits him indifferently, in such a long time, do you see a play in side?” 查尔斯态度冷漠的看着他,“这么长时间内,你们就在旁边看戏?” Feuerbach shakes the head the denial, „, I am not thinking helps you , this type troubled you to be solved unexpectedly, really worthily was my captain Sir.” 费尔巴哈摇头否定,“不,我本来还想着来帮助您呢,没想到,这种麻烦您自己居然解决了,真不愧是我的船长大人。” Charles not to the words expression attitude that Feuerbach said that the direct jump topic said: Matter, since has solved, your following person does make you come to do?” 查尔斯并没有对费尔巴哈的说的话表达态度,直接转移话题说道:“事情既然已经解决了,你后面的人让你过来是要干什么?” Feuerbach shows a faint smile again, we changed the mind, they thought you to be able the standing in line use, especially this critical moment.” 费尔巴哈再次微微一笑,“我们改变主意了,他们认为你们还是能排上用场的,特别是这种紧要关头。” The opposite party said that threw any thing directly, the tentacle of Charles stretches out, rapidly that thing volume to own front, that is a metal structure of palm of the hand size similar pie, has a button in the above center. 对方说完直接把一个什么东西抛了过去,查尔斯的触手伸出,迅速把那东西卷到自己的面前,那是一个巴掌大小类似圆饼的金属构造体,在上方的中央有一个按钮。 After striving of Dr. t3, we decided that carries out the preliminary cooperation with you, wraps the technical support, intelligence sharing.” “经过t3博士的争取,我们决定跟你们进行初步合作,其中包裹技术支持,情报共享。” „”, As the transparent tentacle presses the above key gently, a circular stereographic projection appears in the Charles front, a red light of small dot unceasing sparkle, this is a map, tridimensional maps in this darkness. “啪嗒”一下,随着透明触手轻轻一按上面的按键,一个圆形立体投影出现在查尔斯的面前,其中还有一个小圆点不断的闪耀的红光,这是一张地图,这片黑暗之中的立体地图。
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