ME :: Volume #7

#657: Discovery

Saw that the angry shout of crew has arrived at outside, bandage both hands has pressed on the wall. 眼看着船员的怒喊声已经来到了外面,绷带双手在墙上一按。 Vines establish the net rapidly, and starts to thicken fast, kept off outside. 一根根藤蔓迅速编制成网,并且开始飞快变厚,就被挡在了外面。 Captain was not the means we need to find to solve their real reasons this way.” The bandage reminded. “船长这样下去不是办法我们需要找到解决他们的真正原因。”绷带提醒到。 I know certainly, the issue is I, if knows how this situation causes, I looked to find the way to solve, moreover this ability unusual unusual Anna are unable to shake off his control.” “我当然知道,问题是我要是知道这种情况是怎么引起的,我找想办法解决了而且这种能力非常的异常安娜都无法摆脱他的控制。” Started somewhat to feel hot in this time wooden wall slightly, and in the air is filling a thick smoke flavor, they are using to burn down. 就在这个时候木墙开始微微有些发烫,并且空气中弥漫着一股浓烟味道,他们在用火烧。 Nick cannot bear shout abuse immediately, this group of mental illness!! Dares to set on fire in the cabin! They did not live patiently!? Here may not have many distances from the weapon bay.” 尼科顿时忍不住破口大骂,“这帮神经病!!敢在舱内放火!他们是活不耐烦了吗!?这里距离武器舱可没多少距离。” The bandage raises both hands again according to the wall, making the wall thicker, but Charles knows that does that can only not going to the roots of the problem, they must first leave. 绷带再次举起双手按在墙上,让墙体更厚一些,但是查尔斯知道这么做只能治标不治本,他们必须先离开。 We walk, cannot stay again!” Charles was saying turns into the giant bat monster, holds two people to vanish in the third-class cabin rapidly. “我们走,不能再呆下去了!”查尔斯说着变成巨大的蝙蝠怪物,抓住两人迅速消失在底舱之内。 When they appear again, has appeared in unicorn number side, has not waited for the person attack on deck, Charles to lead two people to drill into the darkness rapidly. 等他们再次出现之时,已经出现在独角鲸号的旁边,还没等甲板上的人攻击,查尔斯带着两人迅速钻入黑暗之中。 The present aspect was a little awkward, saw that after Charles transforms two people is normal, others on ship will definitely guard. 现在的局面有点尴尬了,看到查尔斯把两人转换成正常后,船上的其他人肯定会有所防备。 Now on Charles also leads two people, cannot the free movement like before. 现在查尔斯身上还带了两个人,不能像之前一样自由移动了。 It seems like made them change them did not work, regarding this aspect, what means you had?” “看来让他们一个个把他们变回来是行不通了,对于这种局面,你们有什么办法没有?” Captain, I thought that...... must...... look from the source, perhaps when we are...... turn...... can the jet braking try...... to look for the clue.” “船长,我觉得……还是要从源头……找,我们是……什么时候变成也许……可以反推试试……找找线索。” Jet braking? Let me first think.” Charles recalls rapidly, their behaviors have the unusual time. “反推?让我先想想。”查尔斯迅速回想起,他们所有人的行为发生异常的时候。 Most starts is that falls in Shidao, there after the foundation contacts, the crew start not to appear normally. 最开始的时候是那座陨石岛上,就在那里跟基金会接触之后,船员们就开始出现不正常的。 Originally according to the plan, how regardless of the negotiations of foundation, they to go to the following foothold, when the unicorn number leaves that ship, actually strange upward flight, and he himself personally below order. 本来按照计划,无论跟基金会的谈判如何,他们都会前往下面的据点,可是当独角鲸号离开那艘船的时候,却诡异的向上飞行,并且还是他自己亲自下的命令。 All these sources on that island, are after the Charles rapid thinking, discovers in own memory and nothing unusual. 这一切的源头就在那岛上,可是查尔斯迅速思索过后,发现自己的记忆里面并没有任何异常。 When Charles is retrieving own memory, he gawked suddenly. 就在查尔斯检索着自己的记忆的时候,他忽然愣了一下。 Suddenly has anything to flash past in the brain, that as if to the present aspect very important, but he actually more wants unable to think now. 就在脑子忽然有有什么东西一闪而过,那似乎对现在的局面非常的重要,可是他现在却越想又想不起来了。 That feeling as if to the name of mouth, wants saying that how to say. 那种感觉就仿佛是到嘴边的名字,想说又怎么说不出口。 What thing is? What clue in my brain has? Before is me, has neglected??” “到底是什么东西?我的脑子里面到底有什么线索?是我之前忽略过了的吗??” Saw that Charles was pondering, two people who he conducts the back do not dare to disturb to wait for peacefully. 看到查尔斯在思考,他背上的两人不敢打扰安静的等待着。 Pondering diligently after having a half hour, Charles thought of anything suddenly, ecstatical his body rapid retraction, turns into the human form the instance, he puts out a hand to put in the bosom, took the diary. 冥思苦想的有半小时后,查尔斯忽然想到了什么,欣喜若狂的他身体迅速回缩,变成人形的瞬间,他伸手伸进怀里,把日记本拿了出来。 He! Just flashed through is the diary that in the diary it wrote, at that time brainwashed simply have not cared, but looked at two at will. 他记起来了!刚刚闪过的就是日记本上它自己写的日记,当时被洗脑的自己根本没有在意,只是随意看了两眼。 However the above content seems to be related with the present aspect. 但是上面的内容似乎就跟现在的局面有关。 Charles lifts fiercely throws after on, immediately turns into the bat, the meat wing makes an effort a leaf, holds in the mouth with ease it. 查尔斯举起来猛地向上一抛后,紧接着马上变成蝙蝠,肉翼用力一扇,把它轻松叼住。 Crawled to crawl in the bandage that he conducted the back, took that diary with the hand, rapid read. 爬在他背上的绷带爬了上来,用手把那日记本拿了出来,迅速的翻看起来。 Flips to look, I remember diary have written something, at that time brainwashed I had nothing to care, you had a look carefully, above had what clue!” Charles was saying to him. “翻翻看,我记得日记本自己写过一些东西,当时被洗脑的我根本没有任何在意,你仔细看看,上面是不是有什么线索!”查尔斯对着他说道。 Nick pulls out the cigarette lighter illumination, sat turned several pages in the bandage that he conducted the back, raised the head directly, captain I could not understand 尼科掏出打火机照明,坐在他背上的绷带翻了几页,直接抬起头来,“船长我看不懂” Charles then responded, even if were the thing that the diary wrote, similarly was Chinese, the bandage does not look clearly. 查尔斯这才反应过来,哪怕是自己日记本写出来的东西,同样也是中文,绷带根本看不明白。 Like this, you lift to place in front of me the diary, I come to see.” “这样,你把日记本掀开放在我面前,我来看。” When the bandage does that after his means that Charles saw clearly the beforehand diary to write anything immediately. 当绷带按照他的办法这么做后,查尔斯马上看清了之前日记本到底写了什么。 October 1 , 809 809年10月1日 We are going to 005-3 positions, goes to there to conduct the ceremony, although on the ship is somewhat crowded, but the material issue is not big 我们正在前往005-3的位置,前往那里进行仪式,虽然船上有些拥挤,但是物质方面问题不大 Turns again, this page of useless.” “再翻,这一页没用。” October 3 , 809 809年10月3日 Outside is quieter, perhaps is because before foundation that I imagine has explored the reason, all the way and has nothing to suffer any 外面比我想象的还要平静,也许是因为基金会之前探索过的原因,一路上并没有任何遭受到任何 Turns again!” “再翻!” October 7 , 809 809年10月7日 My God, I 005-3 was controlled unexpectedly, how It accomplishes, moreover Its control did not seem away from affects, is not good! Anna also received this influence before, then her present situation I must trouble to solve this greatly troublesome. 我的天啊,我居然被005-3控制了,祂到底是怎么办到的,而且祂的这种控制似乎并不受距离影响,不好!安娜之前也收到了这种影响,那么她现在的处境我必须麻烦解决掉这个大麻烦。 Today was October 7, but in the diary this was not the last page. In the diary it wrote down the future tomorrow's diary. 今天就是10月7日可是日记本上这并不是最后一页。日记本上它自己写下了未来明天的日记。 October 8 , 809 809年10月8日 I died, the crew do not know that found my in the air position with what means that and made Lily sneak attack me with the deck artillery. 我死了,船员们不知道用什么办法找到了我空中的位置,并且让莉莉用甲板炮偷袭了我。 After severely wounded I was towed by them to a law center executes, I saw the black thing sneaked in my body, the black of that twinkle star, seems the firefly. 当重伤的我被他们拖到法阵中央之时处死后,我看到了黑色的东西钻进了我的尸体之中,那星星点点的黑色,好似萤火虫。 I am clear until this moment, where these things come, they are these black tiny insect that the facing set from the foundation spacesuit comes out, was they have controlled us. 直到这一刻我才明白,这些东西是哪来的,它们就是那些从基金会太空服里面钻出来的黑色细小的虫子,一直是它们控制了我们。 Insect!? Black firefly? 虫子!?黑色萤火虫? Charles recalled immediately before all sorts, subconscious lowering the head looks toward the body, he discovered some black small sunspot covert hiding at this time in oneself hair, if did not look carefully could not find. 查尔斯马上回想起之前的种种,下意识的低头向着身上看去,他这时候才发现一些黑色的小黑点隐蔽的躲在自己的毛发之间,如果不仔细找根本找不到。 Charles stops to fan the meat wing, taking advantage of the time of body freely falling body, he puts out a hand to want these sunspot to buckle the ant could not be smaller than many, but soon discovered that it as if did not have the entity to be the same, passed directly. 查尔斯停下扇动肉翼,借着身体自由落体的功夫,他伸手想要把那些比蚂蚁小不了多少的黑点扣出来,但是很快发现它仿佛没有实体一般,直接透了过去。 The Charles sharp claws make an effort, buckles directly that body, body of Charles the black insect following body is also far away from. 查尔斯利爪一用力,直接把那块皮肉扣下来,黑色的虫子也跟着皮肉远离的查尔斯的身体。 Useful!” Charles saw hope that passed this crisis, the black that so long as all hidden the unicorn number on all discards, then can resolve this brainwashing crisis. “有用!”查尔斯看到了度过这次危机的希望了,只要把独角鲸号上面所有隐藏起来的黑色全部扔掉,那么就可以解除这次洗脑危机。 However in this, but must first experiment, went to make a mistake rashly by some chance, that was too dangerous. 不过在此之间,还必须要先进行实验,贸然前往万一错了,那就太危险了。 Charles told two people of conducting the back own discovery immediately, on Nick face is overjoyed immediately, lifts the cigarette lighter to look for three people of sunspots. 查尔斯马上把自己的发现告诉了背上的两人,尼科脸上顿时喜出望外,举着打火机找着三人身上的黑点。 After 3 people careful all cleans from top to bottom, Nick careful pulled out the black thorn on own hand. 当三个人仔细的把浑身上下全部弄干净后,尼科小心的把自己的手上的黑刺拔了出来。
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