MSWWY :: Volume #6

#577: Mother-in-law's plot

Newly-married that night, accompanies to rest to draw a bye. 新婚当夜,陪睡轮空。 The reason of drawing a bye, naturally is because today is the special date, everyone does not want the husband to be rested by others on this day, therefore no one has rather resulted in rests. 轮空的原因,自然是因为今天是特殊日期,大家都不愿意丈夫在这一天被别人睡,所以宁愿谁都没得睡。 So-called does not contract widowed contracts unevenly. For example I can not the wife, but others cannot be the wives ; Also for example I can newly-married fly for several hours to descend in the Yangtze River on the same day, but others cannot compare me first to arrive in Divine Capital Cheng Clan Clan Ground absolutely...... are this truth. 所谓不患寡而患不均。比如我可以不是正妻,但其他人绝不能是妻;又比如我可以新婚当天在长江上飞几个小时才降落,但其他人绝对不能比我先抵达神都程氏族地……都是这个道理。 girls rests the bed, Cheng Jinyang is a person lies on the small bed bored, is looking at the dim light of night of out of the window. 姑娘们睡大床,程晋阳则是无聊地一个人躺在小床上,望着窗外的夜色。 Confused. 心烦意乱。 Naturally, actually thinks carefully, the oneself result is worst also to be seized being on intimate terms, appoints big pile of wife that's all. 当然,其实仔细想想,自己结局最差也不过是被捉回去相亲,指派一大堆老婆而已 Became freedom to choose one's marriage partner, lost the arranged marriage. This? 成了自由恋爱,输了包办婚姻。呵,就这? Does not fear? 根本不怕的好吗? Does not need to evade, gives it all directly! 无需逃避,直接放手一搏! Another side, Ye Ru also returns to the dwelling, inquired other girls: 另一边,叶茹也回到住处,询问其他的姑娘们: „The A'Shu that side and mother basically settled, do you want also to go out to relax?” 阿殊那边和母亲基本安顿下来了,你们要不要也外出散散心?” I......” Su Lili just opened mouth, was broken by Ye Ru, Xiaoqi I have not asked you, your reply I had long known, does not need to talk too much. How Jiang Jiu and did Lin Hu say?” “我……”苏理理刚张开嘴,就被叶茹打断了,“小七我没有问你,你的回答我早就知道了,无需多言。姜酒林狐怎么说?” I must stay here to record his daily life.” The Lin Hu slightly hesitant moment, said, this is the Your Majesty decree.” “我要留在这里记录他的起居。”林狐稍微犹豫片刻,说道,“这是陛下的旨意。” Everyone stays here, I also remain.” Jiang Jiu casual said/tunnel. “大家都留在这里,那我也留下来吧。”姜酒大大咧咧地道。 A'Si you?” 阿四你呢?” You remained, did I alone go out to do?” Ye Ru said ill-humoredly. “你们都留下来了,我一个人出去干什么?”叶茹没好气地说道。 I know that A'Si to me best ~ Su Lili then comes with a smile, grasps her arm to say. “我就知道阿四对我最好了~”苏理理便笑着过来,抱住她的胳膊说道。 Did not propose this.” Ye Ru knits the brows saying that that side Central Plains as if was a little not recently right.” “不提这个了。”叶茹皱眉说道,“最近中原那边似乎有点不对劲。” Isn't right?” Su Lili blinks. “不对劲?”苏理理眨了眨眼。 Un.” Ye Ru thinks, that side Luoyang probably is under-construction the factory.” “嗯。”叶茹思索起来,“洛阳那边好像在建工厂。” Then the Demon little elder sisters were startled. 这下妖魔小姐姐们都惊了。 The factory is what rare and beautiful flowers thing! Aren't we that...... Demon? What wants the factory to make? 工厂是什么奇葩玩意!我们不是那个……妖魔吗?要工厂做什么? Lin Hu, what do you know?” The Ye Ru look stares at her to look brightly. 林狐,你知道些什么吗?”叶茹眼神炯炯地盯着她看。 I do not know.” Lin Hu first is dumbfoundedly shakes the head, then ships out the experienced capable appearance, the tone deep said/tunnel, „, but, Your Majesty every word and deed, every action and every movement, must have the profound meaning.” “我不知道。”林狐先是懵逼地摇了摇头,然后又装出老成干练的模样,语气深沉地道,“不过,陛下的一言一行,一举一动,必有深意。” People: .................. 众人:……………… You flatter here, that side mother -in-law cannot hear! 你在这边拍马屁,婆婆那边也听不到啊! „It is not good, I did not feel relieved, I have a look again.” Ye Ru is saying heavyheartedly, then transmitted again leaves. “不行,我不放心,我还是再去看看吧。”叶茹忧心忡忡地说着,便又再次传送离开了。 Her transmits at the same night, long-distance shuttled back and forth Southern Luoyang Department. 她这边连夜传送,一路长途穿梭到了洛阳城南部。 On the broad plain, already established the big piece the workshop, the giant chimney points to the vault of heaven, projects the fearsome shadow under the curtain of night. 原本广阔的平原上,已经建立起大片的厂房,巨大的烟囱直指天穹,在夜幕下投射出可怖的阴影来。 In the workshop campus is dispersing massive sentry posts, partially is high rank Demon, but more is actually human. 厂房园区内分散着大量的岗哨,部分是高阶妖魔,但更多的却是人类。 Ye Ru looks at these human the attire, felt that the blood pressure one got up. 叶茹看着这些人类的装束,感觉血压噌地一下就起来了。 Initially in Songjiang, is this said as White Lotus Cult forming association, is hitting female cooperation, helped the distressed the pretence, deceived them to drink talisman water containing high rank Demon blood. 当初在松江的时候,便是这个自称为“白莲教”的结社,打着“女性互助,救苦救难”的幌子,骗她们喝下了含有高阶妖魔血液的符水 In fact, White Lotus Cult is one is born in the north enemy-occupied area, the religious organization of spontaneous Demon worship, they thinks Demon by named Unborn Mother the god only dispatches Envoy of the world, is to save human( female) to be separated from the sea of bitterness and emergence to become an immortal. 事实上,白莲教是一个诞生于北方沦陷区的,自发性妖魔崇拜的宗教组织,她们认为妖魔是由一个名为“无生老母”的神祇派往人世的使者,是来拯救人类(女性)脱离苦海、羽化成仙的。 Until now, high rank Demon regards as the trash these crazy followers, after all their battle efficiencies were inferior to Puppet Ghost, but the wisdom also not necessarily wins it. 只是一直以来,高阶妖魔都将这些狂信徒视为垃圾,毕竟她们的战斗力连傀伥都不如,而智慧也未必胜之。 Now sees these crazy followers and high rank Demon, treats peacefully in the factory district, Ye Ru then already guessed correctly that is Xie Guyan has a liking for the White Lotus Cult strength, attempted also to change into oneself to use its conformity. 如今看到这些狂信徒和高阶妖魔,相安无事地待在厂区里,叶茹便已经猜到是谢孤雁看上白莲教的力量,企图将其整合并且化为己用了。 Xie Guyan, actually you want to do...... 谢孤雁,你究竟想要干什么…… Stares at these to stand erect the workshop in darkness, Ye Ru deeply inspires slightly, will suppress to the dislike of White Lotus Cult. 盯着那些矗立在黑暗里的厂房,叶茹稍稍深吸了一口气,将对白莲教的厌恶镇压下去。 No, calm. 不,冷静点。 Since Xie Guyan stands naturally here, definitely already thinks how to deal with the detection and spying on. 谢孤雁既然大大方方地立在这里,肯定已经想好了如何去应对侦查和窥探。 Perhaps corresponds to trap to wait for me! 说不定对应设下了陷阱等着我呢! Rushes rashly, was not necessarily able to ask for well. 贸然闯进去,未必能讨得了好。 ...... …… Does not manage! Clash/To has a look! 不管了!冲进去看看! Looks at one, looked that then evacuates immediately, regardless of saw anything! 就看一眼,看一眼便马上撤离,无论看到了什么! Thinks of here, Ye Ru then starts the ability without hesitation, moved the skylight place of workshop instantaneously. 想到这里,叶茹便不假思索地发动能力,瞬间就移动到了厂房的天窗处。 She has not dared the direct transmission to the workshop, but is away from the window glass outside, stared the big eye rapid to look at one toward inside, then transmits immediately leaves. 她没敢直接传送到厂房里面,只是在外头隔着窗户玻璃,瞪大眼睛迅速往里头看了一眼,然后便立刻传送离开了。 A series of transmissions, returned to the Jingkou town/subdues directly, she returned to normal slightly the disturbed mood. Before recalling, content that sees, actually somewhat perplexed dumbfounded. 一连串的传送,直接回到了京口镇,她才稍微平复了忐忑的心情。回忆起之前看到的内容,却又有些不明所以的懵逼 Is that...... the canned food? 那是……罐头? The big vessel of innumerable canned food shape, dense and numerous actually arranges uniform in the workshop. Outside is the disorderly staggered pipeline, the interior is...... 无数个罐头状的大型容器,密密麻麻却又整齐划一地排列在厂房内部。外面是凌乱交错的管线,内部则是…… ...... Soaks the female body in liquid. ……泡在液体里的女体。 To be honest, Ye Ru does not understand the functions of these machines very much, but she can also guess correctly that probably is Demon body -based some large-scale experiment. 说实话,叶茹并不是很懂那些机器的作用,但她大概也能猜到是某种基于妖魔身体的大规模实验。 Therefore she then turns around the direction again, plans to look for in Demon only credible Murong Shu to ask. 于是她便再次掉转方向,打算找妖魔里唯一靠谱的慕容殊问一问。 Position that Murong Shu lives in seclusion at this time, situated in being far away from the southwest corner in Central Plains mainland, on an island near overseas India province. 慕容殊此时隐居的位置,位于远离中原大陆的西南角,在海外天竺行省附近的一个小岛上。 Although with the efforts of Sima Yi, Central Plains here already is comprehensive, but on being far away from the province influence of Central Plains was still small, in addition successor Emperor to enlightening the indigenous interest lacks, causes about millenniums later, India was still maintaining the ancient residency registration system, all civilian's houses will soon be divided into four native places: The people in office and civilians( are also so-called good family), army artisan, as well as inexpensive record/native place. 尽管在司马懿的努力下,中原这边已经全面开化,但对于远离中原的行省影响仍然甚微,加上继任者皇帝对教化土著兴趣缺缺,导致将近千年下来,天竺这边仍然维持着古老的户籍制度,即将所有民户分为四种籍贯:官身、平民(也就是所谓的“良家子”)、军匠,以及贱籍。 The civilians obtain the person in office through the imperial civil service examination, but the army artisan and inexpensive record/native place must be able to take off/escape record/native place through the payment money, but probably stemming from local culture and so on thing, India here mainstream generally to taking off/escaping the desire is not very intense. 平民通过科举获得官身,而军匠和贱籍要通过缴纳金钱才能脱籍,但大概是出于本地文化之类的东西,天竺这边主流普遍对脱籍的欲望不是很强烈。 Murong Shu bought a manor on the island, as well as lots of craftsman households are used to operate the manor to produce, lots of inexpensive record/native place is responsible for taking care of the old woman. 慕容殊在岛上买下了一座庄园,以及大量的匠户用来经营庄园生产,还有大量的贱籍负责服侍老太太。 A small number of steward and guard position, then holds the post in some Demon of Qinghe county by her, making Ye Ru transport one after another in turn. 少数的管家和侍卫职位,则是由她在清河郡的一些妖魔手下担任,让叶茹陆续分批运送过来。 The craftsman household and inexpensive record/native place of these local nationalities, comparing that side Central Plains generally are docile, obedience and deficient desire, but the health problem makes one have a headache. Moreover they worship some are also frantic about the cow, Ye Ru ridiculed Murong Shu occasionally, said the position in this manor is cow is bigger than your mother to be bigger than you, was pressed by Murong Shu was bullying one. 这些本地民族的匠户和贱籍,相较中原那边普遍更加温顺、服从、缺乏欲望,只是卫生问题非常让人头疼。另外他们对牛的崇拜也有些过于狂热,以至于叶茹偶尔嘲笑慕容殊,说这庄园里的地位是“牛大于你妈大于你”,被慕容殊按着欺负了一通。 At this time Murong Shu is sitting in the hall drinks tea, talks with mother, side is several dark-skinned maidservants, the facial features is actually worth looking, but puts on simply. 此时慕容殊正坐在堂上喝茶,陪着母亲说话,旁边则是几个皮肤黝黑的侍女,五官倒是耐看,只是穿着过于朴素。 A'Shu!” Ye Ru to/clashes to attend a lesson directly, the expression dignified said/tunnel, that side Central Plains had an accident!” 阿殊!”叶茹径直冲上堂来,表情凝重地道,“中原那边出事了!” Jinyang how?!” Is startled Murong Shu not to attend to being pregnant, stands to ask immediately. 晋阳怎么了?!”惊得慕容殊也不顾大着肚子,立马站起来问道。 „It is not that dregs male!” Ye Ru beckons with the hand hastily, is his mother!” “不是那屑男!”叶茹连忙摆了摆手,“是他妈!” His mother is doing some evil experiment!” “他妈在做某种邪恶的实验!” „Hasn't that had long known?” Murong Shu sat, feels the belly, thinks otherwise the said/tunnel. “那不是早就知道了嘛?”慕容殊又重新坐了下去,摸着肚子,不以为然地道。
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