MSG :: Volume #24

#2345: Chapter 2207

The flowing light will fly shortly at present, Smith. The week fixes the eyes on looked, actually saw a somewhat familiar form. 流光顷刻间飞到眼前,史密斯.周定睛一看,却是看到了一个有些熟悉的身影。 As if only had the form in remote memory to make him have a time as if to return the 20 years ago misconception. However and that time somewhat different appearances, and sober consciousness made him understand, this possibly was not that person who in his brain thought. 仿佛只存在遥远记忆中的身影让他有一种时间仿佛回到了二十年前的错觉。但是到底和那时有些不同的模样,以及自身清醒的意识却还是让他明白,这不可能是他脑子里想的那个人。 Who are you?” His scruple sends to ask, feels somewhat hoarse. This means that he spiritual numbness and slowness, was unable to seem like beforehand such, casual and others exchanged through the will. “你是谁?”他迟疑的发问道,给人的感觉有些嘶哑。这意味着他精神上的麻木和迟钝,已经是无法像是以前那样,随随便便的就通过意志和别人交流了。 But such change, lets a wear armor comes the person to appeared somewhat silent, startled. He somewhat seems to be hard to accept such a reality, in a moment later, him restrained the mood that this astonished and did not endure, then maintained the mood tone to reply vigorously by one. 而这样的变化,让穿着一身盔甲的来人显得有些沉默、愕然。他似乎有些难以接受这样的一个现实,不过在片刻之后,他还是收敛了这幅惊愕和不忍的心情,转而以一副极力保持着自己情绪的口吻回答道。 Who I am unimportant, I want to help you.” “我是谁不重要,我只是想要帮你。” He as to take advantage of opportunity to hide oneself identity. However Smith. Even if the week is reduces until now paddies, should still not actually turn into that old with dim eyes, the thought muddle-headed appearance. His oversight for a while, when his brain starts to revolve again normally. He had concluded the status of present person through the slight traces. 他似乎想要顺势隐藏起自己的身份。但是史密斯.周即便已经是沦落到如今的这份田地了,却也依然是不会变成那副老眼昏花,思维昏聩的模样。他的疏漏只是一时的,而当他的大脑再度开始正常运转的时候。他已经是通过些微的蛛丝马迹断定了眼前之人的身份。 Go away, brat. This is not the matter that you can meddle. You have many to me roll far!” “滚开,臭小子。这不是你能插手的事情。你给我有多远滚多远!” He starts to shout angrily immediately, is scolding at present the rashness of this person, requesting him to leave from here immediately. But the reason he complete strength has been exhausting at this moment, is unable really to act to prevent the reason of this person. He is unable to drive away him by the spoken language. 他当即开始怒喝,呵斥着眼前这个人的胆大妄为,要求着他立刻从这里离开。但因由着他此刻全部的力量都已经是用尽,根本无法真的动作去阻止这个人的缘故。他根本无法靠言语就把他驱离。 Let alone comes the person also to have rebel thoughts. He was not that type listens to the Sir to say the two little darling obedient good children of casually. Therefore even said that he felt oneself has exposed the status, but he, toward had been roasted scarlet moon that roasts to put out a hand not making a sound. 更何况来人也是有一副叛逆心思的。他可不是那种随随便便听大人说两句就会乖乖听话的好孩子。所以即便说他感觉自己已经暴露出了身份,但是他还是不声不响的,向着已经被炙烤的赤红的月亮伸出了手来。 This is a dangerous movement. He evidently somewhat underestimated Smith. Thing that week institute is resisting. 这是一个危险的动作。他显然是有些低估了史密斯.周此刻所正在对抗的事物。 In flash that serious pressure in he just touched, is to make his whole body unable to bear send out the wail. But because the supernova energy overflows the high temperature that disperses to present, is makes him like placing the burning down hell is ordinary, is miserable beyond description. 那沉重的压力在他刚刚碰触的一瞬间里,就已经是让他全身都忍不住发出了哀鸣。而那因为超新星能量溢散而出现的高温,则更是让他如同身处焚烧地狱一般,苦不堪言。 He puts on armor at this moment is completely a joke. The tiny bit protection has not played, its outer layer had been destroyed by the ignition and melt, him from thorough exposition. But faces directly facing the present environment, even if said that he is what kind of talent different reported that shouted in the pain that this time could not bear. 他穿在身上的装甲在此刻完全就是一个笑话。根本就连一丝一毫的防护作用都没有起到,它的外层就已经是被点燃、熔毁,将他本人从其中彻底的暴露出来。而直面面对眼下的环境,哪怕说他是何等的天赋异禀,在这个时候都忍不住的痛呼了起来。 Hears this sound, Smith. Week subconscious wants to protect him. He does not know oneself are the strength of where coming, unexpectedly can feel the heavy burden on shoulder at this time obvious one light. He does not have the time to ponder like this small issue. Almost is somewhat arbitrary, he hit all of a sudden body that comes the person. But cares about the back and breaks the arm supports back moon at the same time, he is also even more anxious and feels weak scolded. 听到这声音,史密斯.周下意识的想要去保护他。他自己都不知道自己是哪来的力量,居然能在这个时候感觉到肩头上的重担明显一轻。他也没有功夫去思考这样的小问题。几乎是有些蛮横的,他一下子就撞到了来人的身上。而在意脊背和断臂支撑住背后月亮的同时,他也是越发焦躁和乏力的呵斥了起来。 I said that go away! Brat. You do not have the qualifications to mix, this is not you should the matter of mixing. Goes back, returns to your mother there. With them in the same place, honest works as an observer, matter that this you should handle!” “我说了,走开!臭小子。你没有资格掺和进来,这也不是你该掺和的事情。回去,回到你妈妈那里。和他们在一起,老老实实的当一个旁观者,这才你是应该做的事情!” Then makes me think you dead? Your this old bastard!” “然后就让我看着你死吗?你这个老混蛋!” The words had spoken of this situation, covers the status again is the impossible matter. But in putting aside these broken armor, changes itself the appearance that after the cost comes, Zhou still somewhat could not control the mood, to present Smith. The week yelled. 话已经说到了这个地步,再掩盖身份已经是不可能的事情。而在丢开了那些已经残破的盔甲,把自己变回成本来的模样之后,周尚也是有些控制不住自己情绪的,对着眼前的史密斯.周就大叫了起来。 He will appear well-founded here, completely at this time. That is he regarding Smith. The thorough bottom has a special sentiment, said that even if in Smith. After the week handled so many things, he is unable thorough him giving. 他在这个时候会出现在这里,完全是有理由的。那就是他对于史密斯.周到底存在着一份特殊的感情,以至于说哪怕是在史密斯.周做了那么多事情之后,他还是无法彻底的将他给割舍掉。 Perhaps regarding many people in this world, Smith. The week is the cruel devil, slaughters the executioner of the world. But even if regarding their families, Smith. The week is also very difficult to be called is a true family member. But regarding Zhou still, Smith. The thorough bottom is different. 或许对于这个世界的很多人来说,史密斯.周都是残忍的魔鬼,屠戮人间的刽子手。而哪怕是对于他们的家庭来说,史密斯.周也很难称得上是一个真正的家人。但对于周尚来说,史密斯.周到底是不同的。 Regarding Zhou still, Smith. The week achieves the matter that a grandfather should handle. In fact, in these years that Zhou Yi vanishes, is Smith. Zhou continuously accompanied in Zhou still side, fulfilled the duty that a male elder should fulfill to him. 对于周尚,史密斯.周做到了一个祖父应该做的事情。事实上,在周易消失的那些年里,也是史密斯.周一直陪伴在周尚的身边,对他履行着一个男性长辈应该履行的义务。 They have the sentiment earnestly. This point, Zhou is still not able to deny. Even if said Smith. The week uses their family members, killed his friend, he needs to acknowledge, his has Smith at heart. Existence of week. 他们之间是切实存在感情的。这一点,周尚根本无法否定。哪怕说史密斯.周利用他们的家人,害死了他的朋友,他到底还是需要承认,他的心里是有史密斯.周的存在的。 Therefore, when he sees Smith. The week reduces to the paddies of present. When his family member regarding this aloof, even said the insiders have a not being able to say pleased time. He is really felt oneself are unable to look on, therefore hid the truth from his family member to start to turn toward Moon racing to come. 所以,当他看到史密斯.周沦落到现在的这幅田地。当他身边的家人都对此无动于衷,甚至说知情者都有一种说不出的快意的时候。他实在是感觉自己无法坐视下去,于是瞒过了他身边的家人就开始向着月球奔来。 But leaves the easy and comfortable environment that he is. He is also understood clearly that the present world changes. 而一离开他所在的安逸环境。他也是更加清楚地了解到眼下世界所发生的变化。 With blesses by the strength of his father as well as Heaven, is been hardly different by Radiance City that any affects. The present world under approaching of Moon, presents earth-shaking, end ** near scene. But in this case, Smith. Zhou Zhicheng moon, must let the situation that it no longer falls in his eyes, presented an elegant demeanor of hero. 和被他父亲以及天界的力量所庇佑,几乎不受任何影响的辉耀市不同。眼下的世界在月球的逼近之下,已然是呈现出一种天翻地覆,末**近的场景。而在这种情况下,史密斯.周支撑着月亮,要让它不再下坠的情况在他的眼中,就呈现了出一种英雄的风采来。 He knew in the past Smith. The week does wrong. These matters that regardless of he does for anything, only depending on these harms that he brings, he can think that is wrong, is he unacceptable. All that however at present, he makes and past were not same. He in practical saves this world, saves the lives of countless person. But such matter is also wrong? 他知道以往史密斯.周做得不对。不论他所做的那些事到底是为了什么,仅凭他所带来的那些伤害,他都可以认为那是错的,是他所不能接受的。但是眼下,他所做的一切和以往并不相同。他是在切实的拯救这个世界,拯救无数人的生命。而这样的事情难道也是错的吗? He did not feel. Therefore does not understand the indifference of family member very much. Simultaneously, he also strengthened oneself faith. He believes what oneself does is correct, he is handling to matter. But when he really appears in Smith. Week at present, indicates own intention, however after obtained such a reply, he naturally was also hard to accept. 他不那么觉得。所以很不理解家人的冷漠。同时的,他也是更加坚定了自己的信念。他坚信自己做的是正确的,他是在做对的事情。但当他真的出现在史密斯.周的眼前,表明自己的意图,然而却得到了这样的一个回复后,他自然也就更加的难以接受了起来。 Oneself are handling obviously to the matter, why is everyone opposing him? He did not understand. Too does not understand. Why everyone wants to see Smith. The week dies, why he himself, is even supporting such a decision probably. 自己明明是在做对的事情,为什么所有人都在反对他?他不理解。太不理解了。为什么所有人都想要看到史密斯.周死,为什么甚至连他自己,都好像是支持着这样的一个决定。 Was is wrong? But he wrong in which? 难道是自己错了吗?可他到底错在哪了? The intense contradiction is flooding his brain, making his whole person be above the edge that a mood soon lost control. But, he did not want to see Smith in the final analysis. The week, saw the grandfather who oneself are intimate with dies before oneself. 激烈的矛盾充斥着他的大脑,让他整个人都处在了一种情绪都快要失控的边缘之上。而说到底了,他还是不想要看到史密斯.周,看到自己所亲近的祖父就这么死在自己面前的。 He wants to save him, with way that oneself all possibly can achieve. But also knew his mood, whole face scowl Smith. The week after the complexion was slightly stunned such a next, quick, became tranquil. 他想要挽救他,用自己一切可能做得到的方式。而也是知晓了他的这份心情,满脸怒容的史密斯.周在脸色稍微错愕了那么一下之后,很快的,就变得平静了下来。 He starts to smile. Smiling made Zhou still bewildered, even some do not understand that he laughed for anything. 他开始笑。笑得让周尚莫名其妙,甚至都有些不明白他到底是为了什么而发笑。 This has funnily what, said all these that oneself make really that laughable? 这难道有什么好笑的吗,还是说自己所做的这一切就真的那么的可笑? Shut up, your old fogy. Why can you also smile? You soon died, do you know? I do not think, I do not want to make you die!” “闭嘴,你这个老家伙。为什么你还笑得出来?你都快要死了,你知道吗?我不想,我一点也不想让你死!” Zhou was still angry. He is not clear, why soon faced dead, Smith. The week actually can also smile. What he only knows, oneself present is such being incapable, in the face of this brutal reality, in this soon loses in his moment, his anything cannot achieve. 周尚恼怒了起来。他不明白,为什么都快要面对死亡了,史密斯.周却还能笑得出来。他只知道的是,自己现在是那么的无力,在这个残酷的现实面前,在这个快要失去他的关头上,他什么都做不到。 This weak feeling is immature he is not willing to shoulder, is not willing to acknowledge. But he cannot run away at this time, does the coward who even he himself must despise. Therefore he can only be stubborn looks at Smith. The week, looks that the pitiful appearance that scarlet moon was oppressed soon collapses his by, bites the lip tightly, while silently flowed the tears. 这种无力的感觉是幼小的他不愿意背负,也不愿意承认的。但他又不能在这个时候跑掉,去做一个连他自己都要鄙视的懦夫。所以他只能是倔强的看着史密斯.周,看着他这幅被赤红月亮压迫的都快要崩溃的凄惨模样,一边紧咬住嘴唇,一边默默的流淌起了眼泪来。 He is also obviously clear, the tears are uselessly the weakest thing. However in such a time, he still cannot control itself. 明明他自己也清楚,泪水是最无用最软弱的东西。但是在这样的一个时刻里,他依然还是没有能控制住自己。 Sees the tears to look like the crystal equally in the environment of this vacuum float, dispersing, by blazing high temperature changing into nihility. Smith. The week immediately became the look absent-minded. He is still smiling, even smiled before was happier. When he realized, this will stimulate Zhou still, lets he becomes rebukes oneself angrily, Smith. The week is to also sigh one, was saying to him. 看到眼泪就像是水晶一样在这种真空的环境中悬浮、飞散,又被炽热的高温给化为虚无。史密斯.周当即连眼神都变得恍惚了起来。他还在笑,甚至比之前笑的更加开心。而当他意识到,这会更加的刺激周尚,让他变得更加恼怒自责的时候,史密斯.周也是叹息一声的,就这么对着他说道。 Really good, brat. Can see that at this time a person is willing to burst into tears for me, that feeling... is very good.” “真好啊,臭小子。能在这个时候看到有一个人愿意为我流泪,那种感觉真的...很好啊。” Perhaps is felt that the rest of the time are not much, Smith. The week has not waited for Zhou still to give him to reply, has said again. 或许是感觉到自己剩下的时间已经不多了,史密斯.周并没有等周尚给予他回答,就已经是再次开口说道。 My life, handled a lot. Has to make me regret that also there are to make me proud. But, I was clear, will not have anyone to shed tears for me. Because I am living, will only make them hate angrily, but I died, will only make them clap and cheer.” “我的这一生,做了很多事情。有让我遗憾的,也有让我自豪的。但不论是哪一个,我都清楚,不会有什么人为我掉眼泪。因为我活着,只会让他们愤怒仇恨,而我死了,也只会让他们拍手称快。” I do not regret such choice, because I understand a result that from the beginning this is I choose the path that can definitely cause. From most starts me to know, always wants some people to pay this responsibility, always wants some people to shoulder all these.” “我并不后悔这样的选择,因为我从一开始就明白这是我所选择的道路必然会导致的一个结果。从最开始我就知道,总是要有人付出这个责任的,总是要有人去背负这一切的。” Works as the temporary hero, that is a very simple matter. I have handled such matter, but anything did not change. When hero for a lifetime, besides you, no one approves your enterprise and ideal particularly, all times and paying, that is most difficult.” “当一时的英雄,那是很简单的一件事情。我做过那样的事情,但什么都改变不了。而当一辈子的英雄,尤其是除了你之外,没有任何人认同你的事业、理想,以及所付出的一切的时候,那才是最艰难的。” Yes, that was really difficult. Was even suspecting to me sometimes difficultly, I really did choose a correct path? Was referred to by the multitude of people, was cursed and hated by countless people, this can understand matter that can also be accepted. But, my these sacrifices. I gave up these beautiful things, the family member, the lover... is this really worth?” “是的,那真是太难了。难到了有时候连我自己都在怀疑,我真的是选择了一条正确的道路吗?被千夫所指,被无数人咒骂、怨恨,这都是可以理解也可以被接受的事情。可是,我的那些牺牲。我放弃了的那些美好的事物,家人,爱人...这真的值得吗?” I have asked me, I also gave a oneself answer. Since has chosen giving up, should not have any recall again, the expectation. The brat, I have not really expected, I can have by one day that you give to remember. I have not expected, I can from your bodies obtain even if one point of sympathy and tears. However now... you burst into tears for me...” “我问过我自己,我也给出了自己一个答案。既然已经选择了放弃,就不应该再有任何的留恋,奢望。臭小子,我真的没有奢望过,我能有被你们给记住的一天。我也从来没有奢望过,我能从你们的身上得到哪怕一分的同情和泪水。但是现在...你为我流泪了...” This is really good. I think, in this case, my life will not really have any regret ..... “这真好啊。我想,这样的话,我的这一生就真的再也不会有任何的遗憾.....” He is saying, on deep looked at present Zhou still. The happy expression in that facial features, at this moment also many somewhat ignorant Zhou Shangyan, even more has become dazzling. 他这么说着,就深深的看了眼前的周尚一眼。那种眉眼里的笑意,在此刻已经还多少有些懵懂的周尚眼中,已经是越发变得刺眼了起来。 Sorry, child. Let you burst into tears for me. Was also sorry, I made so many to be unfair to your matter. As the grandfather, I do not have completely to arrive at itself should responsibility completely. I should accompany with more time obviously your to..., but, it seems like should already without enough time.” “抱歉,孩子。让你为我流泪了。同时也抱歉,我做了那么多对不起你的事情。作为祖父,我没有尽到自己该尽的责任。我应该明明用更多的时间来陪伴你的才对...但,看来应该是已经来不及了。” Therefore in finally, please let me leave behind the valuable thing to you. In my life the most precious thing, I handed over to hold it to you... this world, the world that I molded. It becomes happy, but you, the brat, I wholeheartedly hope, you can in such a beautiful new world, not be sad.” “所以在最后,请让我给你留下一点有价值的东西吧。我这一生中最宝贵的东西,我把它交托给你了...这个世界,我所重新塑造的这个世界。它会变得更加的美好的,而你,臭小子,我衷心的希望,你能在这样一个美丽的新世界里,再也不会悲伤。” Parted forever, my child.” “永别了,我的孩子。” Final glow, like tearing all dark Daywalker, from Smith. The week in the broken body had erupted. But his body, in this time radical disintegration, shatter. Just like the dense dust and fog, under coercing of this dazzling ray, burst out the final remaining prestige together. 最后的辉光,如同撕裂了所有黑暗的黎明一样,从史密斯.周已经残破的身躯中爆发了出来。而他的身躯,则在这个时候彻底的崩解,破碎。如同一道氤氲的尘雾一样,在这耀眼光芒的裹挟之下,迸发出了最后的余威。 Moon starts the movement, toward it should in the existence position. The huge strength not only brings above it the track that returned to be at directly, simultaneously, in Smith. Under obligation that Zhou Zuihou consciousness, lets the time and reality, starts to get up toward all normal direction changes. 月球开始运动,向着它本该存在的位置上。庞大的力量不仅直接把它带回到了它本身所在的轨道之上,同时的,在史密斯.周最后意识的驱使之下,也让时间和现实,开始朝着一切正常的方向变迁起来。 The disaster was subsided, the casualties were recalled. All as if had returned regularly, probably all has not happened is the same. No one remembers, they just encountered anything. No one knows, when they are facing such disaster, is a to them how impossible person, saved their all. 灾难被平息,伤亡被挽回。一切仿佛都已经是回到了正规,好像所有都从来没有发生过一样。没人会记得,他们刚刚到底遭遇了什么。更没有人会知道,当他们面临着那样的灾难的时候,是一个对于他们来说多么不可能的人,挽救了他们的一切。 But Zhou still actually knows, he can still remember clearly, the most intimate family member died in own front. He is really hard to accept such reality, but such reality actually not because he cannot accept to have any change. 但周尚却是知道,他仍然能清楚地记得,自己最亲近的亲人死在了自己的面前。他实在是难以接受这样的现实,但这样的现实却并不会因为他不能接受而有任何的改变。 Smith. The week, he was mammoth, the life that was hard to write marked the end point in this moment. Such as he said that no one will fondly remember him, people will only clap and cheer for his death. But, would the exception. 史密斯.周,他波澜壮阔,难以书写的一生到底是在这一刻画上了终点。就如同他所说的那样,没人会怀念他,人们只会为他的死而拍手称快。但,总会有例外的。 The ray of twinkle star scatters, float in Zhou's still front. The multi-colored gem is sending out the dim ray, escorted in fragmentary fire seed Zhou's still hand. 星星点点的光芒散落,悬浮在了周尚的面前。五彩缤纷的宝石散发着黯淡的光芒,将一个零星的火种护送到了周尚的手中。 From Smith. Newborn universe that week final presenting, he has in endless squeezing out, after being stave, finally a remaining spark. 来自史密斯.周最后的馈赠,他所拥有的新生宇宙在无休止的榨取,破碎之后,最后所残余的一点星火。 Like universe, such spark may have one day that opens again and again, if really has such a day, it may become rich presenting that is inconceivable. But, said no matter how, it was not Zhou still wanted. 如同宇宙的周而复始一样,这样的星火或许会有重新开辟出来的一天,而如果真的有那么一天的话,它或许会成为一份难以想象的丰厚馈赠。但,不管怎么说,它并不是周尚想要的。 Bastard! I only think that you are living......” “混蛋!我只想你活着......” Got hold of the fist, Zhou's still tears flowed rapidly to continue, how to scratch does not scratch cleanly. But also at this time, a sigh transmitted from his back eventually. 握紧了拳头,周尚的泪水奔流不止,怎么擦都擦不干净。而也就在这个时候,一声叹息终究是从他的背后传来。
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