MSG :: Volume #24

#2344: Chapter 2206

Regarding Smith. The week, this is not a diligent issue. But is the issue that does need to go all out. 对于史密斯.周来说,这已经不是一个努不努力的问题了。而是一个需不需要去拼命的问题。 Superficially, relieves the crisis that at present Earth faces is a very easy matter. Only needs to use the realistic gem slightly, or the direct time recollection, Earth can restore that tranquil appearance of past quickly. 表面上看,解除眼下地球所面临的危机是一件很容易的事情。只需要稍微的动用现实宝石,或者直接时间回溯,地球很快就能恢复成以往的那副平静模样。 The point is that the catastrophe does not plan to let Smith. The week does so relaxed. 可问题是,浩劫并不打算让史密斯.周做的如此轻松。 His wish lets Smith. The week feels many being incapable, therefore is also therefore, he left a special room on Moon. 他想要让史密斯.周感受到更多的无力,所以也是因此的,他在月球上留下了一手特殊的伏笔。 That was the entire Moon is transformed by his strength, turned into existence beyond specification. 那就是整个月球都已经是被他的力量所改造,变成了一个规格之外的存在。 It is not only original that Moon, has not changed regarding the influence that Earth it has. Meanwhile, it also becomes a special Moon, specially to the reality or the time and space, are unable to affect on its body. 它既是原来的那个月球,对于地球来说它所造成的影响并没有变化。但同时的,它也成为了一个特殊的月球,特殊到不论是现实还是时间和空间,都无法作用在它的身上。 Smith. No matter what magic arts the week with and method, is unable to change this nature. This also means that even if he to restore the original design wants Earth of completely all means that Moon that approaches unceasingly will have the destructive effect on Earth. 史密斯.周不管是用什么样的法术和手段,都无法改变这个性质。这也就意味着,哪怕他把想尽一切办法的地球恢复成原样,不断逼近的月球还是会对地球本身造成破坏性的影响。 Wants truly restores the original condition the situation, only then means that that drives back Moon to the original track comes up. But this regarding Smith. The week, is actually not that the easy matter. 想要真正的把事态恢复原状,只有一个办法,那就是把月球推回到原来的轨道上去。可这对于史密斯.周来说,却并不是那么容易的事情。 Indeed, Smith at this moment. Powerhouse who in the week or the universe have several. Only Moon, analogying in these giant heavenly bodies is existence of sesame seed size, to him should not be an issue is right. 诚然,此刻的史密斯.周还是宇宙中有数的强者。区区一个月球,类比于那些巨大天体不过是芝麻大小的存在,对于他来说应该根本就不是个问题才对。 However, the reality is not so simple. Because even if merely is only feeling slightly, he can feel this moment Moon to take to his with the heavy pressure that its volume does not tally clearly. 然而,现实却并不是那么简单。因为哪怕仅仅只是稍微的感受一下,他就能感受到此刻月球所带给他的那种与其体积截然不相符合的沉重压力。 That pressure, is only on hugest and heavy the heavenly body in the universe can feel. But now, it appears on the body of Moon, this can only say that was the catastrophe is being up to mischief in secret. 那种压力,是只在宇宙中最为庞大和沉重的天体上才能感受到的。而如今,它却出现在月球的身上,这只能说是浩劫在暗中搞鬼了。 As for the goal that he does that is anything. Smith. The week is very clear, fears to aim at oneself, but specially designed. 至于他这么做的目的是什么。史密斯.周很清楚,怕是为了针对自己而专门设计的。 He must push this month to save Earth brightly, saved him to make the lifetime ideal and effort. But is this he can achieve this step issue, but is he must achieve this step. In this, he has no escape route. But this , the intention of catastrophe is. 他必须推走这个月亮才能拯救得了地球,拯救得了他付出了一生的理想和心血。而这已经是不是他能不能做到这一步的问题,而是他必须要做到这一步。这里面,他没有任何的退路。而这,也正是浩劫的意图所在。 The under foot is all that you must protect, can save them, looked that you were the sufficient effort as well as go all out. 脚下就是你所要保护的一切,能不能拯救他们,就看你是不是足够的努力以及拼命了。 Such open intrigue. Smith. The week can only meet to incur. He may not even hesitate, has gone against above Moon, starts to get up with this special heavenly body test of strength. 这样阳谋。史密斯.周只能接招。他甚至都没有可犹豫的,就已经是顶在了月球之上,开始和这个特殊的天体角力起来。 The common sense, does not accept any magic at this moment by the special factor disturbance, can only conducts Moon of contention in most real and way of source shape, regarding Smith. The week is not a good opponent. Method that he has no way to display that type of law celestial phenomenon place, this means that his figure regarding the entire Moon can only be insignificant. Even if said, he has the tremendous strength, under the disparity of this volume, he still has in a big way possibly Moon to the top puts on, rather than goes against it. 常理来说,此刻不接受任何魔法以特殊因素干扰,只能以最真实和本源形态的方式来进行角逐的月球,对于史密斯.周来说并不是一个好的对手。他没法施展那种法天象地的手段,这意味着他的身形对于整个月球只能算是沧海一粟。而即便说,他本身拥有着巨大的力量,在这种体积的差距之下,他也有很大的可能是把月球给顶穿,而不是给它顶走。 This makes his subconscious somewhat cautious, but after real contact, he obvious feeling oneself has a false alarm. 这让他下意识的有些小心翼翼,但直到切实接触之后,他才明显的感觉到自己是虚惊一场。 The catastrophe gave this star all huge quality. But this quality basically the attraction production that is given by him. 浩劫赋予了这颗星球无不庞大的质量。而这质量基本就是由他所赋予的引力产生的。 Although said that he made the slight regulation, making this attraction the affect range only be restricted in moon, but regarding not overflowing to disperse, pulls the smashing below Earth directly. But cannot say that is as careful makes moon very heavy as that type, lax tofu general situation probably. 尽管说他做了细微的调控,使得这种引力的波及范围只限于月亮本身,而不至于说溢散出去,把下方的地球给直接扯成粉碎。但到底也不能说是细致到那种即让月亮无比沉重,又松垮的好像豆腐一般的地步。 That violated the common sense. Therefore, the good news is, under the huge attraction, Moon becomes the incomparable compactness. Said, even if Smith. Week such person of volume goes to resist with him, will not present that he is worried about, all of a sudden the situation of disintegrating Moon collides. 那太违反常理了。所以,好消息是,在巨大的引力之下,月球变得无比的致密。以至于说哪怕是史密斯.周这样体积的人去和他对抗,也不会出现他所担心的那种,一下子就把月球碰撞的分崩离析的地步。 But the bad news is, this month the ball was extremely heavy. Heavily to situation that the huge strength, even if by him now having is somewhat hard to shoulder. 但坏消息则是,这个月球太过于沉重了。沉重到了即便是以他如今所拥有的庞大力量都有些难以负荷的地步。 Is only the flash of contact, he has the feeling that a as if complete strength was squeezed. Collision in that pure strength, making his diamond not bad body the wood/blockhead that starts is similar to decays dry general, starts to exude the intermittent sound. But the machine that each organ and each cell in his body, the probably crazy pump moves is common, starts not to make any other considerations, operated crazily. 仅仅只是接触的第一瞬间,他就有一种仿佛全部的力量都被挤榨出来的感觉。那种纯粹力量上的碰撞,让他金刚不坏的身躯都开始如同枯朽的木头一般,开始噼里啪啦的发出阵阵响声。而他身体里的每一个器官、每一个细胞,都好像是疯狂泵动的机器一般,开始根本不做任何其他考虑的,疯狂运作了起来。 This is equal, therefore is burning oneself, but other he not choices. Because only by doing so, he can resist present Moon to give his huge pressure, only by doing so, he can prevent continuation of Moon to fall. 这等同于是在燃烧自己,但是他并没有其他的选择。因为只有这样,他才能对抗得了如今的月球所给他的庞大压力,也只有这样,他才能阻止月球的继续下坠。 The sports of Moon stops instantaneously. The inertia that the huge quality has lets Smith. The complexion of week becomes red. His body cannot bear falls, then in the process of selecting for promotion and in stiff back successively, he started difficultly Moon promoting. 月球的运动瞬间停止。巨大的质量所产生的惯性让史密斯.周的脸色都变得一片通红。他的身体忍不住就是一坠,然后在一节节的拔升和挺直腰杆的过程中,他开始艰难的把月球给推动了起来。 At first was only the slightest, this was the most difficult stage, because needs to turn into the movement Moon from the static condition. But later, this movement started becomes slightly relaxed. In universe no attraction condition, once this type of heavenly body starts the movement, then leans on the inertia, it can the independent movement get up. 起先只是分毫,这是最困难的阶段,因为需要把月球从静止的状态变成运动。而随后,这个动作就开始变得稍微轻松了起来。在宇宙的无引力状态下,一旦这种天体开始运动,那么倚靠惯性,它就能自主的运动起来。 Smith. The week following movement can only increases this inertia operation, this naturally becomes simply. But, the catastrophe does not want to make this matter that simple. 史密斯.周接下来的动作只能算是加大这种惯性运作,这当然会变得简单许多。可是,浩劫并不想让这种事情变得那么的简单。 The boundless attraction bursts out in a special position, after avoided Earth ingeniously, starts compulsorily pulls moon to turn toward the earth movements again. 磅礴的引力在一个特殊的位置上迸发,在巧妙的避开了地球之后,开始强制性的拉扯着月亮再次向着地球运动。 This time, it takes to Smith. The pressure of week by far be huger than before. He cannot even achieve resistance slightly, already fell moon drags to entrain, flew to fall toward Earth. 这一次,它所带给史密斯.周的压力远远要比之前巨大。以至于他甚至连稍微的抵抗都做不到,就已经是被下坠的月亮拖拽着,向着地球飞坠了过去。 But this, is equal, therefore pulls open the countdown that Earth destroyed. Once moon falls to thoroughly by the situation of earth gravity capture, Moon that then accelerates again inevitably irresistible. So long as Moon and Earth clash, then at the serious quality of present Moon, in the wink of an eye, entire Earth thorough shatter, changes to the ashes in universe. 而这,等同于是拉开了地球毁灭的倒计时。一旦月亮下坠到彻底被地球引力捕捉的地步,那么再次加速的月球将势必不可阻挡。而只要月球和地球发生碰撞,那么以如今月球的沉重质量,瞬息之间,整个地球就将彻底破碎,化作宇宙中的灰烬。 This cannot absolutely by Smith. Situation that the week accepts, therefore he is roaring lowly, starts to evolve a more terrifying drastic change in own body. 这是绝对不能被史密斯.周所接受的情况,所以他低吼着,开始在自己的身体里演变出更加恐怖的剧变来。 He opened wide the body gate of universe thoroughly, lets the strength more direct irrigation of another universe on own body. Naturally, is limited because of the energy of new student/life universe, even such change, were still very difficult saying that had the means to make him have what fundamental change in the strength. 他彻底洞开了自己身体中的宇宙之门,让另一个宇宙的力量更加直接的灌注在自己的身上。当然,因为新生宇宙的能量毕竟有限,即便是这样的改变,也很难说有办法让他在力量上有什么根本性的变化。 This point he himself is also clear. Therefore after a consideration of clenching teeth, he not in hesitant, detonated the distance front door recent star directly. 这一点他自己也是清楚。所以在咬着牙的一番思量之后,他不在犹豫,直接就引爆了距离大门最近的恒星。 Even if said that was just the newborn star, it is also a star. The intrinsic material and evolution way decided that when it enters that moment of end, it will release the lifetime most dazzling ray to come, to turn into a supernova. 哪怕说是刚初生的恒星,它到底也是一颗恒星。其内在的物质和演变方式就决定了,当它进入终结的那一刻时,它就会释放出毕生最耀眼的光芒来,变成一颗超新星。 At this moment, the energy that inexhaustible radiation spraying, its releases is almost equivalent to the energy sum total that this star life releases. But so huge energy, even if penetrates the front door to release part merely, compared with before also is almost opens the sluice gates to turn on the water and burst the vast gap between dikes commonly. 这一刻,无穷无尽的辐射喷射而出,其所释放的能量几乎相当于这一颗恒星一生所释放的能量总和。而如此庞大的能量,哪怕仅仅只是透过大门释放出一部分,和之前相比也几乎是寻常开闸放水和溃堤之间的巨大差距。 Smith. The body of week was forced to bear a more tremendous pressure in this moment. He must clench the teeth, can guarantee reluctantly the energy in own body is insufficient to jump to shoot. 史密斯.周的身体在这一刻被迫承受了更加巨大的压力。他必须要咬紧牙关,才能勉强确保自己的身体里的这股能量不至于迸射出去。 That is not what good deed. Because this not only means that he lost the important energy source. Most critically, so powerful radiating capacity, was released in such distance, has the influence exterminating to the ecosphere of entire Earth sufficiently. 那不会是什么好事。因为这不仅仅意味着他失去了至关重要的能量源头。更关键的是,如此强大的辐射能量,在这样的距离中被释放出来,足以对整个地球的生态圈造成灭绝性的影响。 He is to save human, is not destroys personally their. 他是来拯救人类的,不是来亲手毁灭他们的。 Therefore, energy that the control that he goes all out oneself within the body erupted suddenly. Let them only limit to own within the body. Then, leads and absorbs through the platoon of unlimited gem, completes the transformation on his own body this energy directly, changes to the strength gem the actuation source, again the strength function of gem above own body. 所以,他拼命的控制住了自己体内这股突然爆发出来的能量。让它们只局限于自己的体内。然后,通过无限宝石的排导和吸收,将这股能量直接就在他自己的身上完成转化,化作力量宝石的驱动源泉,再将宝石的力量作用在自己的身躯之上。 It is not considered as that the complex operating system, but was actually the difficulty and danger to the pinnacle. This point can look from his semblance. The dense ray is similar at this moment in penetrating each pore on his body jumps again outward shoots, that type was similar his whole person to turn into the tattered and torn porcelain general change, showed sufficiently how at this moment his body is bearing the tremendous pressure. 并不算是复杂的运转机制,但是却是困难以及危险到了极致。这一点从他的外表就能看得出来。氤氲的光芒此刻正仿佛在透过他身体上的每一个毛孔再向外迸射,那种仿佛他整个人都已经是变成了千疮百孔的瓷器一般的变化,足以证明,此刻他的身躯到底是在承受着怎么样巨大的压力。 He looked like the dike, the carrying/sustaining to himself can the limit of carrying/sustaining. However at the same time, this type was almost the revolution of full load also brought the unprecedented enormous force to him. 他就像是堤坝,承载到了自己所能承载的极限。但是同时的,这种几乎是满负荷的运转也是给他带来了前所未有的巨大力量。 With the past only knows that is different to the person who the unlimited gem demands the strength. Present he is using the strength receiving in exchange strength, gains unlimited gem huger making a return gift in the exchange way. This makes him is almost the unprecedented great strength, said, he almost can the only this strength go to contend with the present terrifying attraction. 和以往只知道对无限宝石索取力量的人不同。现在的他是在用力量换取力量,以交易的方式来获取无限宝石更加巨大的回赠。这让他变得几乎是前所未有的强大,以至于说,他几乎能单凭这力量去与眼前的这恐怖引力相抗衡。 Naturally, merely is only reluctantly. This attraction after all is manifestation of catastrophe will, is his one control to own power. When the catastrophe does not want to make him complete this saving, or the catastrophe wants to be run over and die radically he with this way, making him be drown to death, when above own ideal and aspiration, no matter how he becomes powerful, does not help matters. 当然,也仅仅只是勉强。这引力毕竟是浩劫意志的体现,是他对自己权能的一种操控。而当浩劫不想要让他完成这种拯救,或者说浩劫根本就是想要用这种方式来碾死他,让他溺死在自己的理想和抱负之上的时候,不管他变得如何强大,都是无济于事的。 Smith. Week clear this point. But is also as he expected, weight/quantity that he withstands again becomes must be huge. 史密斯.周清楚这一点。而也是不出他所料的,他所承受的分量再一次的变得巨大。 This had turned into test of strength between in disguised form him and catastrophe. Only if he can force the catastrophe to be at wit's end to him, can only be forced to be out. Then, this test of strength he is impossible the victory obtained itself to want. 这已经是变成了他和浩劫之间的变相角力。除非他能逼迫到浩劫对他无计可施,只能被迫亲身下场。那么,这场角力他就不可能获得自己想要的胜利。 This is very difficult, but does not go to and catastrophe makes the resistance on upfront more hopeful. Smith. The week also has such a lucky hope to make this seemingly unproductive effort. He had found the method, then remaining is also repetition time and time again. 这很困难,但是怎么也不去和浩劫做正面上的对抗更有希望。史密斯.周也是抱着这么一份侥幸的希望在做着这种看似徒劳的努力。他已经找到了方法,那么剩下的也不过就是一次又一次的重复罢了。 The new student/life universe of his within the body has 1 million new student/life stars. Even if were ruined by the catastrophe in other words about half, that also has hundreds of thousands of stars. If lights a star, making him change to the energy of supernova to be not enough to support him in this manner and catastrophe conducts the resistance, then lights two, three...... 他体内的新生宇宙有百万颗新生的恒星。哪怕就是说被浩劫毁掉了近半,那也有数十万颗恒星在。如果点燃一颗恒星,让其化作超新星的能量不足以支撑他以这种方式和浩劫进行对抗的话,那么就点燃两颗,三颗...... Catastrophe impossible without limits promotes itself to control remotely the strength of Moon, he will have a limit inevitably. But oneself must do is, exceeds this limit. 浩劫不可能无止境的提升自己遥控月球的力量,他必然是会有一个极限的。而自己要做的就是,超出这个极限。 Firmed up the will, a more boundless strength is following Smith immediately. Week silent angry roaring, from his within the body even more turbulent burst out. 坚定了意志,更加磅礴的力量当即就伴随着史密斯.周无声的怒吼,从他的体内越发汹涌的迸发了出来。 His body has proliferated for the ray thoroughly. The strength that is almost impossible to cover up again completely dissipates from his body, but the ultra-high temperature that type is inconceivable is only the flash, already his surrounding lunar terrain fired magnificently like the diamond general crystallization shape. 他的身躯已经彻底为光芒所遍布。几乎无法再完全遮掩的力量从他的身体中逸散而出,而那种难以想象的超高温度只是一瞬间的,就已经是将他周围的月球表面烧成了瑰丽的如同钻石一般的结晶状。 The high temperature and high pressure, this is the foundation that this material forms. At this moment even more is boundless and under the beyond control strength, past in pure white moon had been caught wiped the dazzling redness. And is gets stronger and stronger, this scarlet color also started thickly. 高温、高压,这本身就是这种物质形成的基础。而在此刻越发磅礴和无法控制的力量之下,昔日里洁白的月亮已经是被染上了一抹耀眼的赤红。并且也是越演越烈的,这赤红的色彩也开始更加的浓厚了起来。 Moon seemed lit. But the situation as if also falls into deadlock at this time. The catastrophe indeed is unable without limits promotes the remote control of oneself this attraction. After all he promotes again, very cannot be difficult to have the influence on Earth. But regarding contention of present this game, if he did that , was equal to that he lost. 月亮仿佛被点燃了。而情况在这个时候似乎也已经是陷入到了僵持。浩劫的确是无法无止境的提升自己这种引力的遥控。毕竟他再提升下去,就很难不去对地球造成影响。而对于眼下这种游戏的角逐来说,如果他那样做了,也就等于是他输了。 Although he does not care about the safety of what Earth, but this does not mean that he is willing to go to destroy this blue star personally. After all, Earth to many important. For example these two people of his side...... 他虽然不在乎什么地球的安危,但是这并不意味着他就愿意去亲手毁灭这个蓝色的星球。毕竟,地球对于很多人来说还是重要的。比方说他身边的这两个人...... Therefore, he also obeys the rule of this game. But under this situation, oneself only needed to add on a strength to be able shortly to win the victory of this contention again. But Smith. The week somewhat stunned discovery, he as if no means to continue again. 所以,他还算是遵守这场游戏的规则。而在这种情况之下,眼看着自己只需要再加上一把力就能够赢得这场角逐的胜利。但史密斯.周却还是有些愕然的发现,他似乎已经没有办法再继续下去了。 The control of catastrophe has the limit. However similarly, his body is also same, has a limit. Any indestructible body, the body of all generations not extinguishing. That is also only an exaggerating fabricated word. Even if said, he can rely on the powerful body to cross the universe, in such as Sun and neutron star and so in the terrifying heavenly body wanders about. But this does not mean, his body really can withstand all. 浩劫的操控是有极限的。但是同样的,他的身躯也是一样,是有一个极限的。什么金刚不坏之身,万劫不灭之体。那到底也只是一个夸大的虚妄之词。纵然说,他能凭借着强大的身躯横渡宇宙,在诸如太阳、中子星之类的恐怖天体上徜徉。但这并不意味着,他的身躯就真的能承受所有。 The supernova, in the universe most has the explosive strength. Even if such explosive strength is to him is also an injury. He can withstand one time, but does not represent him to withstand the second time, the third time. Let alone among this also has the strength gem time and time again in responds, therefore this has approached the oil completely lamp dry edge him. 超新星,宇宙中最具爆发性的力量。这样的爆发性力量哪怕是对于他来说也是一种伤害。他能承受一次,但是不代表他能承受第二次,第三次。更何况这中间还有力量宝石在一次又一次的做出回应,所以这已然是把他逼近到了油尽灯枯的边缘。 He thinks oneself can insist is longer. However obviously, the collapse is similar to the building to lean general, suddenly reacts to him radically radically without enough time. 他本以为自己能坚持的更久一些。但是显然,崩溃就如同大厦将倾一般,突然到根本他根本就来不及做出反应。 In a flash, he supports moon the ash fire that burnings out probably to be the same as the arm of catching up, in in the air shatter and annihilation. But falls in Moon suddenly, he has to shoulder his instance with the shoulder, his body also started little breaking, to fall off, disintegrated. 一瞬间,他支撑着月亮作为发力的手臂就已经是好像烧尽的余烬一样,在空中破碎和湮灭。而在月球陡然下坠,他不得不用肩膀扛住他的这一个瞬间,他的身躯也开始一点点的破碎、脱落,分崩离析了起来。 All come are sudden such, he even cannot send a forced smile. But almost must thoroughly destroy his entire body in the tremendous pressure, the flash of whole person. Together the flowing light, is actually even if to/clashes from Earth. 一切来得就是这么的突然,以至于他甚至连一声苦笑都发不出来。而就在巨大的压力几乎要彻底摧毁他整个身躯,整个人的这一瞬间。一道流光,却是纵然的从地球内冲来。
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