MSG :: Volume #24

#2343: Chapter 2205

Roaring could not prevent the enemy. At least said at the present this time, Smith. The week wants to yell to stop the action of catastrophe depending on one, is a impossible matter. 怒吼是阻止不了敌人的。最起码说在现在这个时候,史密斯.周想要光凭一声叫喊就叫停浩劫的举动,是一件不可能的事情。 He can only act, uses the strength that oneself all possibly use to prevent the landing of this satellite. But, the strength of catastrophe is absolute. What kind of method no matter he resorted, pulls the space, is the recollection time, or is twists with the supernatural power that the reality as well as meets the tough head-on with toughness prevents falling of this satellite, he has no way to prevent all these. 他只能行动,动用自己一切可能使用到的力量去阻止这颗卫星的降落。可是,浩劫的力量是绝对的。不管他动用了怎么样的手段,是拉扯空间,还是回溯时间,亦或者是扭曲现实以及硬碰硬的用法力去阻止这颗卫星的下坠,他都没法去阻止这一切。 The speed that although Moon this satellite falls is not fast, but it is actually turning toward Earth to go forward throughout. But almost follows satellite unceasing approaching that Earth is operating along with this since the ancient time, on the entire Earth also starts to appear the disastrous change. 尽管月球这颗卫星下坠的速度并不快,但是它却始终是在向着地球前进。而伴随着这颗几乎是从亘古时代起就伴随着地球运行的卫星不断的逼近,整个地球上也开始显现出灾难性的变化来。 First is the change on tide. The tide on Earth is Earth the gravitation between Sun as well as under Moon at one periodical motion. Occupied Earth most area the ional attraction of sea reason Sun as well as moon, but forms the change that the tide rising tide falls in the fixed time. 首先是潮汐上的变化。地球上的潮汐是地球本身在太阳以及月球之间的引力作用下所产生的一种周期性运动。占据了地球绝大多数面积的海洋因由太阳以及月亮的引力吸引,而在固定的时间内形成潮涨潮落的变化。 This change has maintained for several hundreds of millions years. But it can maintain so long-time, lies in stable locations between Earth, moon and solar these three heavenly bodies. 这个变化已经维系了数亿年。而它之所以能维系的如此长久,就在于地球、月亮以及太阳这三个天体之间的稳定位置关系。 This track had operated the number orderly by trillion years, can say the life styles of human and even all lifeform on entire Earth establishes above such a set of heavenly body movement. But now this balance is broken suddenly, that naturally is the earth-shaking common drastic change. But the most remarkable characteristics are, the dreadful tide tumbles from the sea level instantaneously, changed makes the brutal tsunami to sweep across. 这个轨道已经有序运行了数以亿万年,可以说整个地球上的人类乃至一切生物的生活方式都是建立在这样的一套天体运动之上的。而现在这个平衡骤然被打破,那自然就是天翻地覆一般的剧变。而最显著的特征就是,滔天的浪潮瞬间就从海平面上翻滚而起,变作了无情的海啸席卷而来。 The tsunami, regarding the coastal area is always the destructive disaster. 2004 Indian ocean tsunami directly caused 200,000 people dead, several million people were homeless. But this is also not the largest tsunami that in the human history records. 海啸,对于沿海地区来说从来都是毁灭性的灾难。2004年的印度洋海啸直接导致了二十万人遇难,数百万人无家可归。而这还不是人类历史上所记载的最大规模的海啸。 With wave height, only then compared with dozens meters Indian ocean tsunami, in 1958 the megatsunami ocean waves of Lituya Bay once as high as 524 meters, might be called human unprecedented in history. Even but if such a altitude, in because at this moment Moon approaches in front of the tide that forms, cannot calculate that was anything. 和波高只有数十米的印度洋海啸相比,1958年利图亚湾发生的大海啸海浪一度高达524米,堪称人类历史之最。可即便是这样的一个高度,在此刻因为月球逼近而形成的浪潮面前,也根本算不了是什么。 The huge attraction so approaches, almost gave to wash the space the sea water. But under the dual function of fluid and attraction, in a flash, wave height several kilometers tide already in sea continuously. 巨大的引力如此逼近,几乎把海水都给洗到了天上。而在流体和引力的双重作用之下,一瞬间,波高数千米的浪潮就已经是在海洋上此起彼伏了起来。 This is not the disaster that human can deal with. In fact, when the government of the world is hearing Moon to approach, several kilometers tide on the coast emerges, they had almost given up the resistance. Only has, probably is also the beforehand fire seed plan. But even this plan, in time possibly already without enough time. 这已经不是人类所能应付的灾难了。事实上,当全世界的政府在听闻到月球逼近,数千米的浪潮在沿岸上兴起的时候,他们都几乎已经是放弃了抵抗。唯有的,大概也就是之前的火种计划。但即便是这个计划,时间上可能都已经来不及了。 A world confusion, the government did not have the information control of achievement to let everyone the cognition from the different channels to exactly to have anything. Even if said that the government controlled the information, stopped up the channel, was actually very still difficult to prevent them to know the situation. Because approaching of Moon is visible. The huge attraction is ripping open the backdrop of Earth slowly, can only see that white satellite depending on the naked eye in gradual clear and approaches. 世界一片混乱,政府无作为的信息管控让所有人都能从不同的渠道上认知到到底发生了什么。即便说政府管控住了信息,堵塞了渠道,其实也很难去阻止他们了解情况。因为月球的逼近是肉眼可见的。巨大的引力正在慢慢地撕开地球的天幕,仅凭肉眼就能看见那白色的卫星在逐渐的清晰和逼近。 The similar truth, several kilometers high tide the situation of the sea level approaching is impossible to make any covering up. Any is occupied by the person near coast only needs to look toward the sea level in, can see all these clearly. 同样的道理,数千米高的浪潮从海面上逼近的事态根本就不可能做任何的遮掩。任何一个居住在沿海附近的人只需要往海面上一看,就能清楚的看到这一切。 Must submerge the land like the sea water, in fact on Earth all islands had been almost submerged. Human facing prayed, but the pray that this disaster can only be incapable could not solve any problem completely. 如同海水要淹没陆地,事实上地球上所有的岛屿都已经差不多被淹没。人类面对这种灾难只能无力的去祈祷,而祈祷根本解决不了任何的问题。 The catastrophe is impossible to pay attention to these people's prays as all setters. But facing catastrophe such forcing, Smith. Week while pupil hyperemia, actually is also in the innermost feelings extremely intertwined. He fell into a difficult choice, what kind of choice regardless of makes to mean the big risk to him. In his brain thoughts constantly welling up, but until finally, him is clenching teeth, effort pinched tightly the Cherrisa tender and delicate neck. 浩劫作为一切的始作俑者是不可能去理会这些人的祈祷的。而面对浩劫如此的逼迫,史密斯.周在瞳孔充血的同时,却也是内心里万分的纠结了起来。他陷入了一个两难的抉择,而不论做出怎么样的抉择对于他来说都意味着巨大的风险。他脑子里思绪万千,但直到最后,他还是咬着牙的,用力的捏紧了夏芮丝娇嫩的脖子。 Calls a halt, otherwise I killed her! Is this you result that wants to see?” “停手,不然我就杀了她!这难道是你想要看到的结果吗?” The pupil of catastrophe is also contracting, is similar to the revolution continuous profound darkness angrily in his eyes, as if must swallow all. It can be said that in he at this moment is ambushing Beast that simply wants to destroy the whole world, is roaring to consider the strategic place to have this shackles. But the guard that he strives the door, is controlling reluctantly is being insufficient to become crazy like that by oneself. 浩劫的瞳孔也在收缩,愤怒在他的眼睛里如同运转不休的深邃黑暗,仿佛是要吞噬掉所有的一切。可以说,此刻的他内心里简直就是潜伏着一只想要毁灭整个世界的野兽,正咆哮着想要冲出这个牢笼来。而他则勉力的把守着牢门,勉强控制着让自己不至于变得那般的疯狂。 Sane, is abating unceasingly. But he was also slightly showed the fierce smile demented. 理智,正在不断的消退。而他本人则也是略显癫狂的露出了狰狞的笑容来。 I do not want to see such result, but you want to notice that all these were destroyed? You want to make exchange, I gave you exchange. The person who however now, should make that choice should be you, but should not be I!” “我是不想看到这样的结果,但是你难道就想要看到这一切被毁灭吗?你想做交易,我给了你交易。不过现在,该做出那个选择的人应该是你,而不该是我!” Lunatic!” The threat was actually instead threatened, the tiny step of catastrophe does not make concessions Smith. In the week innermost feelings loses the mind/square inch greatly. He simply has not as if thought, the catastrophe can with Zhou Yi such difference, under such situation not be willing to compromise unexpectedly, even if half step. But more is so, makes him feel these two hostages in own hand, even more becomes must be hot. “疯子!”威胁却反被威胁,浩劫的寸步不退让史密斯.周内心里大失方寸。他似乎根本没有想到,浩劫居然会和周易如此的不同,在这样的情况之下也不愿意妥协哪怕半步。而越是如此,就让他感觉自己手里的这两个人质,越发的变得烫手起来。 Because of a potential hidden danger, provokes such a terrifying fellow, is really correct? He is the question that cannot bear oneself decided at this moment from the beginning. However, year to year experience actually gave his same answer with the thought again and again. That is right, the catastrophe that he does absolutely is the biggest threat that human must face in the future. 因为一个潜在的隐患,去招惹这么恐怖的一个家伙,真的是正确的吗?他此刻已经是忍不住的质疑起了自己一开始的决定。但是,常年的经验和思维却一而再,再而三的给出了他一样的答案。那就是他做的并没错,浩劫绝对是人类未来要面对的最大威胁。 Present he can make this type almost to exterminate the human the matter, then later he not again in such matter repetition? 现在的他就能做出这种几乎是在灭绝人类的事情,那么以后他难道就不会再把这样的事情重复上一遍了吗? The possibility is not big, because his characteristics decided him only to be able forever so. Therefore ignores his existence, was equal to that places oneself human in a nearby of powder cask. But considers for the future of human, this threat eliminating absolutely is a correct choice. 可能性不大,因为他的特性就决定了他永远只会如此。所以放任他的存在,就等于把人类置身在一个炸药桶的边上。而为了人类的未来着想,把这个威胁给清除掉绝对是一个正确的选择。 The idea is correct. However wants to achieve this step, is actually difficulty extremely. Smith. The week has been unable to back down now. His idea has gone bankrupt, reposes above human race him completely ideally cannot accept the situation of present now. 想法是正确的。但是想要做到这一步,却是万分的困难。史密斯.周如今就已经是骑虎难下。他的想法已经破产,把全部理想都寄托在人类这个种族之上的他如今根本就接受不了眼下的这个情况。 Then, can drop? The weak idea appears from his heart immediately. Said laughably, his never has to feel for a lifetime oneself should be weak, probably this type of laughable thing should not exist in own body. But now, he at this moment actually indeed was feels, in oneself innermost feelings that weak existence. 那么,要放手吗?软弱的想法当即从他心中浮现。说起来可笑,他这一辈子从来都没有觉得自己应该是软弱的,像是这种可笑的东西根本就不该存在于自己的身上。但现在,此刻的他却的确是感觉到了,自己内心里那种软弱的存在。 Helpless, might as well give up. Such idea is new and laughable. Let him really unable to bear hoist the corners of the mouth. But saw that he can also show the smile at this time, on the catastrophe face the ferocious color is heavier, remote pressed toward Earth the palm again. 无能为力,不如放弃。这样的想法新鲜而且可笑。让他真的就忍不住扯起了嘴角来。而眼看着他在这个时候还能露出笑容,浩劫脸上狞色更重的,就再度把手掌向着地球遥按了过去。 Moon in approaching, the huge attraction is starts to tear the land of Earth at this moment. 月球在更加的逼近,这一刻巨大的引力已经是开始撕扯起地球的大地来。 Moon as a genuine heavenly body, is capable of affecting the revolution of Earth geology. But was in the past, it was away from an Earth safe distance, in addition Earth has also adapted to the attraction that it brought. Therefore is lives in peace with each other reluctantly. And yet, this situation had been broken. Moon has approached a distance of enough danger, but this also causes, Earth has to make to respond. 月球作为一个真正的天体,是有能力影响到地球地质的运转的。只不过是以往,它距离地球一个安全的距离,再加上地球本身也已经是适应了它所带来的引力。所以这才勉强算是相安无事。可眼下,这个情况已经被打破。月球已经逼近到了一个足够危险的距离,而这也就使得,地球本身不得不做出反应来。 The Moon huge attraction is involving the plate of Earth, but Earth's spinning motion is actually still deferring to the past way to revolve forward. This seems like two by the person who high-speed runs shoulder to shoulder, suddenly stopped, and held on the clothes of another person to be the same. Perhaps the people are all right, but the clothes will have problems absolutely. 月球巨大的引力在牵扯着地球的板块,而地球本身的自转运动却还在按照以往的方式在向前运转。这就好像是两个正在以高速并肩奔跑的人,突然有一个停下了并且拉住了另一个人的衣服一样。人或许没事,但是衣服绝对会出问题。 The plate of Earth is the clothes of Earth, but what is obvious, under this obvious pulling, this clothes could not have undertaken this tremendous strength. 地球的板块就是地球的衣服,而显然的是,在这种明显的拉扯之下,这件衣服也已经是承担不起这份巨大的力量了。 The huge sound is very obvious from underground transmits, that is the sound that among the land plates rubs vibrates. When this sound appearance, often also means that the land started the movement in the most direct way. 巨大的声音已经是很明显的从地下传来,那是大地板块之间摩擦震动的响声。而当这种动静出现的时候,往往也就意味着大地本身开始以最直接的方式开始了运动。 Earthquake, moreover is extends unceasingly, almost proliferates the earthquake of the whole world. If the beforehand tsunami endangers also merely is only coastal and nearby regions, then now, after the earthquake lives, any corner that human places oneself was very difficult to say again was safe. 地震,而且是延绵不绝,几乎遍布整个世界的地震。如果说之前的海啸危及的还仅仅只是沿海以及附近地区的话,那么现在,当地震生起之后,人类所置身的任何一个角落都很难再说是安全的。 All cities, no matter what kind of scale, is similar to the fortress that the sand builds to be the same under the earthquake, shortly disintegration, will vanish into thin air. But human, looking like the dust is equally tiny, under such disaster, their lives is even weaker than the duckweed. 所有的城市,不管是何等的规模,在地震之下都如同沙筑的堡垒一般,顷刻间的土崩瓦解,烟消云散。而人类,就像是尘埃一样渺小,在这样的灾难之下,他们的生命甚至比浮萍还要薄弱。 Perishes at present, but this also is almost becomes last straw that runs over the camel, thorough crashed Smith. The will of week. 灭亡就在眼前,而这也几乎是成为了压死骆驼的最后一根稻草,彻底的压垮了史密斯.周的意志。 He is unable to insist again, the thing that because he insists does not immediately exist, he insisted that also what significance has? The brutal reality, making him have to concede defeat. But also after the deep sigh one breath, he let loose the hand, was saying to the catastrophe. 他无法再坚持下去了,因为马上就连他为之坚持的事物都不存在了,他坚持下去还有什么意义呢?残酷的现实,让他不得不低头认输。而也就是在长叹一口气之后,他放开了手,对着浩劫说道。 Wait, I admit defeat... call a halt, I will not make any resistance again.” “等等,我认输...停手吧,我不会再做任何的反抗的。” Un?” Sneers, in the eye of catastrophe is the obscure ray surges as before. The anger in his heart has not stopped burning, but he himself is also clear, at this time was not truly suitable again many forcing Smith. Week. “嗯?”冷笑一声,浩劫的眼中依旧是暗光涌动。他心中的怒火并没有停止燃烧,但是他自己也清楚,这个时候确实不适合再更多的逼迫史密斯.周。 This after all is only the critical life or death moment, is keeping abreast in the situation of unlimited gem in the hand, he also has the means to reverse all these. But if really ruined all, a hope does not stay behind to him, perhaps then he will also really come a fight in which both sides perish. 这毕竟只是危急存亡的关头,在手上掌握着无限宝石的情况下,他还有办法去扭转这一切。可要是真就毁掉了所有,一点希望都不给他留下,那么说不定他还真的会来一个鱼死网破。 This similarly is not the catastrophe desired situation, therefore he also sneered such, said. 这同样不是浩劫希望看到的情况,所以他也只是冷笑了这么一下,就这么说道。 „Did this plan to admit defeat? I also think, you can insist for a long time?” “这就打算认输了吗?我本来还以为,你能坚持的更久一点呢?” Insisted? Such insistence, what significance but also there is?” “坚持?这样的坚持,还有什么意义吗?” Smiles bitterly also has Natasha to advance Cherrisa. Smith. The week is rapid rushes toward moon. But the catastrophe also chose the ignores at this time, because he focuses on the bodies of two hostages. 苦笑着把夏芮丝还有娜塔莎向前一推。史密斯.周就已经是飞速的向着月亮奔去。而浩劫在这个时候也选择了放任,因为他已经是把注意力放在了两个人质的身上。 Smith. The week is the sincerity surrender. He even untied to control to the magic arts of these two people. This point, the catastrophe is also looks clearly, this is also his ignores Smith. The week prevents that all reasons to be. When he first received Natasha, her surrounds after own bosom. He slightly hesitant, was saying to close Cherrisa like this. 史密斯.周是真心投降的。他甚至解开了对这两个人的法术控住。这一点,浩劫也是看得清楚,这也是他放任史密斯.周去阻止那一切的原因所在。而当他首先接过娜塔莎,把她环抱在自己怀中之后。他稍微的犹豫了一下,就对着近在咫尺的夏芮丝这样说道。 You are good, Cherrisa.” “你还好吧,夏芮丝。” Naturally, I am very good, he did not have to make anything to us with enough time.” “当然,我很好,他还没有来得及对我们做什么。” Although the first time was not met, but Cherrisa to catastrophe had many to be somewhat at a loss. But after slightly hesitant one next, she was saying to the catastrophe. 尽管不是第一次见面了,但是夏芮丝对浩劫的存在多少还是有些无所适从。而在稍微的犹豫了一下之后,她就这么对着浩劫说道。 How before possibly did not have to chat... me should with you to call you with enough time carefully, I meant, needs me to call your Elder Brother?” “之前可能没有来得及和你仔细聊聊...我该怎么称呼你了,我是说,需要我叫你哥哥吗?” Present Cherrisa and that many some differences in catastrophe memory. Because he remembers that in that younger sister obviously be younger than this at present. This seems reminding him, among them also has a barrier. But as if also remembered this point, the catastrophe retracted hand that reached her cheeks, restrains the different kind facial expression on oneself face. 眼前的夏芮丝和浩劫记忆中的那个多少有些出入。因为他记忆里的那个妹妹明显要比眼前这个年轻一些。这仿佛是在提醒着他,他们之间到底也是存在着一个隔阂。而似乎也是想起了这一点,浩劫缩回了伸向她脸颊的手,同时也是收敛起了自己脸上的别样神情。 No. I am different from that fellow. You is a his sister, is not my. My Cherrisa... had died, dying before was very long. Therefore, you do not need that to call me, called me...” “不。我和那个家伙到底不一样。你是他的妹妹,不是我的。我的夏芮丝...已经死了,死在了很久以前。所以,你不用那么称呼我,就叫我...” Rinehart. You called his Rinehart!” “莱因哈特。你就叫他莱因哈特吧!” Natasha made noise to break the spoken language of catastrophe, she can feel, the catastrophe seemed like wants to cut off anything, but this was actually not she hopes decision that exactly he made. Some things, should not be given up. Because you, once chose putting down, likely cannot look again, and thorough changes to become other one to exist. 娜塔莎出声打断了浩劫的言语,她能感觉出来,浩劫似乎是想要斩断什么,而这恰恰却并不是她希望他做出来的决定。有些东西,是不能也不应该被放弃的。因为你一旦选择了放下,就很可能再也找不回来,并且彻底的变成为另外的一个存在。 Relies on the woman inborn keen sixth sense, Natasha can feel, the catastrophe seems to be having to the potential of this transformation. But she does not want to see the own most intimate person turns into other appearance, therefore she broke him. And name that often uses in human the catastrophe saying. 凭借着女人天生敏锐的第六感,娜塔莎能够感觉到,浩劫似乎正有向这种转变的潜质。而她并不想要看到自己最亲近的人变成另外的一副模样,所以她打断了他。并且把浩劫在人类中经常使用的名字给说了出来。 She is regarded as recalling this. But regarding this, the catastrophe has not made many sounds. He is only silent. But some Cherrisa looks inexplicable shook the eyebrow, is putting out a hand to him. 她把这当做是一种挽回。而对此,浩劫并没有发出过多的声音。他只是沉默。而夏芮丝则有些神色莫名的抖了抖眉,然后对着他就伸出了手来。 Good, Rinehart. I must thank you save me. Although method strange a point, so long as can daunt that fellow is also enough.” “好吧,莱因哈特。我要谢谢你救了我。虽然方法怪异了一点,不过只要能吓住那个家伙也就足够了。” Different from Smith. The week as well as catastrophe such existence, they direct-viewing feeling above Earth had not exactly had how huge change at this moment. In their eyes, Moon pulled closer with the distance of Earth, but also is far from that type directly with the situation that Earth collides. So long as has not been in this situation, then all also in acceptable category. 不同于史密斯.周以及浩劫这样的存在,她们并没有直观的感受到地球之上此刻到底发生了多么巨大的变化。在她们眼中,月球只是拉近了和地球的距离,还远远没有到那种直接和地球碰撞的地步。而只要没有到这个地步,那么一切就都还在可以接受的范畴之内。 Naturally, they are also clear, this is not a very good way. Perhaps when they were held under duress, this is a method of reverse threat. But now, crisis, since has relieved, then this dangerous method can also stop? 当然,她们也清楚,这不是一个很好的办法。或许在她们被挟持的时候,这是一个反向威胁的手段。但现在,危机既然已经解除了,那么这种危险的手段是不是也可以停止了呢? They threw to the catastrophe this issue. But regarding this, the catastrophe looks at the direction of Moon, to has been placing above Moon, catches up toward Smith who on the track carried out. The week showed a pondering smile. 她们把这个问题抛给了浩劫。而对此,浩劫则是把目光转向了月球的方向,对着已经身处于月球之上,发力将之往原本轨道上推行的史密斯.周露出了一个玩味的笑容来。 Stops? This should not decide by me, but should... want to stop all these that is decided by him, looks at him enough diligently!” “停止?这并不该由我来决定,而应该是由他来决定的...想要停止这一切,就看他够不够努力吧!”
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