MSG :: Volume #24

#2327: Chapter 2189

The average people are unable to feel the change of this world. Because they changed part. Like sat the person on ship could not feel that flow direction of water is the same, they can only be passive moves along with the ship, will not actually pay attention, the ship is the downstream or the adverse current. 普通人是无法感受到这种世界的变化的。因为他们本身就是被改变的一部分。就如同被坐在船上的人感觉不到水的流向一样,他们只能是被动的随船而动,却根本不会注意,船是顺流还是逆流。 The strength function of unlimited gem on their bodies, making their time, passing start to reverse. One such as in this world each other things are the same. But in them is unable the place of sensation, their memories to start to dissipate, their sacrifices started to be made up, the time started like this in big strides backward, sped along to go in the ten years ago directions. 无限宝石的力量作用在他们的身上,让他们的时间、过往都开始逆转起来。一如这世界上每一种其他的事物一样。而在他们根本无法感知的地方,他们的记忆开始消散,他们的牺牲开始被弥补,时间就这样开始大踏步的向后,朝着十年前的方向飞驰而去。 Ten years ago, this world is also not now such spent clays. Ten years ago, situation also overall grasping of this world in their hands. These disasters have not happened mostly, the complementary waves that the alien invades also just subsided. Hydra can only ambush in secret, it did not have the means to seem like stirs up trouble today like this, making the world tremble. That time they, have the sufficient strength to cope with such a monster. 十年前,这个世界还不是现在这样的一片废土。十年前,这个世界的局势也总体的掌握在他们的手中。那些灾难大都还没有发生过,外星人入侵的余波也刚刚平息。九头蛇只能是在暗中潜伏,它还没有办法像是今天这样兴风作浪,让世界为之震颤。那时的他们,有着足够的力量来对付这样的一个怪物。 But is also ten years ago, Maria is in full flower, even has not had to do with playboy Tony Stark. Her youth is pretty, the abundant god handsome color, was not afterward that frail and sensitive appearance may compare, do not say appearance that afterward acted like a madman. 而也是十年前,玛利亚风华正茂,甚至还没有和花花公子托尼.史塔克打过交道。她青春靓丽,丰神俊彩,远不是后来那副脆弱而又敏感的样子可比,更不要说后来疯疯癫癫的模样。 That should be the Maria her entire life best time. But a matter that Tony most regrets probably that is, he delayed and harmed Maria for a lifetime. 那才该是玛利亚一生最美好的时光。而托尼最为后悔的一件事情大概也就是,他耽误和害了玛利亚的一辈子。 If not oneself, Maria currently has a content family probably. She will have one to like her, loving her, and there is accompanies a time greatly in her husband, will have two, even three lovable children, year to year lying in wait from all sides in her side. 如果不是自己,玛利亚现在大概早已经是有了一个美满的家庭。她会有一个爱她、疼她,并且有大把时间陪伴在她身边的丈夫,会有两个、甚至三个可爱的儿女,常年的环伺在她的身旁。 This happy life and contentment, are calm and steady and gentle. Does not seem like follows in own side, needs to make her withstand so many pain. 这种生活幸福而且美满,安稳而且平和。不像是跟在自己的身边,需要让她承受那么多的苦痛。 These pain, are not she should withstand, that is takes away to her, but this from the beginning is a mistake. 那些苦痛,本就不是她应该承受的,那都是自己所给她带去的,而这从一开始就是一个错误。 Witnessed oneself wife and children's tragic death, lets Tony has a not being able to pass fast knot at heart. Even if said that he at this moment had lost almost all emotions, by huge energy impact as if had turned into a tool of goal completely. However, in his at heart, him was always actually remembering matter that some remember with eternal gratitude. 亲眼目睹了自己妻儿的惨死,让托尼的心里已经有了一个过不去的死结。哪怕说此刻的他已经丧失了几乎所有的情感,被巨大的能量冲击的仿佛已经完全变成了一个只有目的的工具。但是,在他的心里,他却还是始终铭记着一些最刻骨铭心的事情。 He remembers Maria, remembers Frank. But to him most regretted that the thing that also wants certainly to change is, their destinies. 他记得玛利亚,也记得弗兰克。而对于他来说最后悔的,也是一定想要改变的东西就是,他们的命运。 To them, the most wrong matter that in this life has should be stirs one. This is the matter that is unable to change, because the fact is the fact, has happened had been doomed unable to change. However, present he had changed all these strengths, then he needs to change all these. 对于他们来说,这一生中所发生的最错误的事情应该就是和自己搅到了一起。这本身是无法改变的事情,因为事实就是事实,已经发生了过了就注定无法改变了。但是,现在的他有了改变这一切的力量,那么他就需要对这一切做出改变。 He does not hope that Maria again and has the relations, therefore he needs before she knew oneself changes her. Using the strength of realistic gem, he gave her to arrange an outstanding fiance. Like his general wealth and humor, perhaps occasionally some venomous tongues, even has the playboy problem bastard by the dealings. After knowing her, only meets a heart is loving her, gives to hang all ideas in the lucky fellow of her body. 他不希望玛利亚再和自己扯上关系,所以他需要在她认识自己之前就对她做出改变。利用现实宝石的力量,他给她安排了一个优秀的未婚夫。如同他一般的富有、诙谐,或许偶尔会有些毒舌,甚至以往还有着花花公子毛病的混蛋。一个在认识了她之后,就只会一颗心的爱着她,把所有的想法都给挂在她的身上的幸运的家伙。 He is by rights ought to similar, but actually is also inevitably different. He will not care about other things, what enterprise and what ideal, should be the thing of being worth mentioning to him. Only the wife and family are he live the entirety, his life also this/should regarding right of these revolutions. 他理当是和自己相似的,但是却也是必然不同的。他不会在意其他的东西,什么事业、什么理想,都对于他来说都该是不值一提的玩意。只有妻子和家庭才是他生活中的全部,他的人生也该是围绕着这些运转的才对。 Frank he just now was actually born at this time time. But the birth in own, became own son, perhaps was also the biggest mistake that he made. 还有弗兰克这个时候其实正是他才刚出生的时候。而出生在自己家中,成为自己的儿子,或许也是他所犯下的最大的错误吧。 This is pure and good-hearted, is filial piety, moreover intelligent good child. One such as his Stark family's juniors are the same, always that outstanding. However, he actually shoulders the weight that many he should not shoulder prematurely, undertaking were too many pain that he should not bear. 这是个纯良、孝敬而且聪慧的好孩子。一如他史塔克家族的子弟一样,从来都是那么的卓尔不群。然而,他却过早的背负了许多他所不应该背负的重量,承担了太多他所不应该去承受的痛苦。 If were not born in such a family, he will have other life probably. He may the probably ordinary child same grow, is interesting, and is worth ruminating childhood for a lifetime. As a child then showed talent for the first time, reveals the unusual intelligence and wisdom. 如果不是出生在这样的一个家庭中,他大概会有另外的一番人生吧。他或许会像是普通的孩子一样成长,有一个充满乐趣,并且值得回味一辈子的童年。然后在少年时崭露头角,显露出非同寻常的聪明和智慧来。 Will grow up again in the future, is vertically and horizontally shameless at the wisdom and powerful capital of talent, heartily is enjoying the brilliance of happiness and life of the world. Rather than at this time, because shoulders the hatred and pain that should not shoulder, but his immature life setback in this age. 再往后长大成人,以天才的智慧和强大的资本纵横无忌,尽情的享受着世界的美好和人生的绚烂。而不是在这个时候,因为背负了不应该背负的仇恨和痛苦,而把他幼小的生命挫折在这个岁数上。 Tony is not cruel enough to make Frank withstand the thing that this type should not he withstand again. However, he does not want to make him as if never arrive in this world to come, or is he as well as Maria does not have a connection again. 托尼是不忍心再让弗兰克承受这种本不该他承受的事物的。但是,他也不想要让他仿佛从未到这个世界来过,更或者是和他以及玛利亚再也无一丝的关联。 He is the son who most love, is the crystallization of Maria life. He does not want to change such a fact. Therefore, he gave Frank to arrange such a status. 他是自己最疼爱的儿子,是自己和玛利亚生命的结晶。他并不想要改变这样的一个事实。所以,他给弗兰克安排了这样的一个身份。 That is he is Maria's child, is she and Tony Stark the bastard named a crystallization that is born. Who that bastard is, he is dies is exactly unimportant. More importantly, he will have a love his mother, as well as is willing to contain him to exist, regards the stepfather who such as has to him. 那就是他还是玛利亚的孩子,是她和一个叫做托尼.史塔克的混蛋所诞生出来的结晶。那个混蛋是谁,他是死是活都不重要。重要的是,他会有一个爱他的母亲,以及一个愿意包容他存在,对他视如己出的继父。 This may make his life have some small slight defects, but in any event, this has been better than these tragedies on are too many are too many. Tony confessed oneself are not a qualified father, what in each with the world father- like, he hopes that to oneself the child, completes forever. In the past, he could not give his these, but now, he had such ability, then natural did not hesitate the ample force. 这或许会让他的生活存在着一些小瑕疵,但是不论如何,这已经是比那些已经发生的悲剧要好上太多太多了。托尼自认自己并不是一个合格的父亲,但是和世界上每一个父亲一样的是,他希望给自己孩子的,永远都是做好的。以往,他给不了他这些,但是现在,他有了这样的能力,那么自然就不惜余力。 Why this is he may proceed to advance, advances 20 years ago, 30 years ago the time greatly again, that America is most prosperous, can let the whole world for the time that it submits, but he actually must choose for ten years ago, this America has started to reveal the delapidated condition, and steps onto the transition time of downhill. 这就是为什么他大可把时间再往前推进,推到二十年前、三十年前,那个美利坚最为鼎盛,能够让整个世界都为之臣服的时代,而他却偏偏要选择十年前,这个美利坚已经开始显露出颓态,并且走上下坡路的转折时候。 This is because his strength is limited, even if great great power of unlimited gem can, was impossible saying that and was the reality reversal of trillion idea lives time of entire star to such a situation. He must choose, but this choices are he need in the destiny of Maria and Franck, as well as between the destinies of this country makes the choice. 这是因为他的力量有限,哪怕是无限宝石的伟大威能,也不可能说把一整个星球的时间和属于亿万计生灵的现实逆转到那样的一个地步。他必须要做出取舍,而这个取舍就是他需要在玛利亚和弗兰克的命运,以及这个国家的命运之间做出抉择。 To him, this is not an issue that is hard to choose. Because after real tasting to the taste of losing, actually anything after the most profound understanding is in he most precious thing, he is the weight was clear about this two weight/quantity in oneself heart. 对于他来说,这已经不是什么难以抉择的问题了。因为在切实的品尝到了失去的滋味之后,在最为深刻的了解到了究竟什么才是他内心里最宝贵的事物之后,他就已经是衡量清楚了这二者在自己心中的分量。 For he this country made so many, but did this country give him to return? 他为了这个国家做了那么多,而这个国家又给予了他怎么样的回报呢? They covet oneself family's industry, for benefit, even does not hesitate to plot to murder own son! This let his past payout, these become for the sacrifice that ideal made laughable exceptionally. But what is most laughable, oneself have not actually been able to look helplessly this country withers away, will also be wanting, gives him again an opportunity. 他们觊觎自己家族的产业,为了利益,甚至不惜谋害自己的儿子!这让他以往的付出,那些为了理想而做出的牺牲都变得可笑异常。而最可笑的是,自己却偏偏还不能眼睁睁的看着这个国家消亡,还会想要着,再给他一次机会。 Yes, gives her again an opportunity. Perhaps this is the named Tony Stark man can make finally yielded. 是的,再给她一次机会。这或许是名为托尼.史塔克的男人所能做出的最后的让步了。 He has no way to live him to raise his motherland to this eventually to turn a weapon around to quarrel, although said that he incomparably hates their actions, but he does not endure, lets this country after such artificial disaster, radical trend withering away. 他终究是没法对这个生他养他的祖国反戈相向,尽管说他无比痛恨他们的所作所为,但是他也到底是不忍,让这个国家在这样人为的灾难过后,彻底的走向消亡。 This is final one time, was the named Tony Stark person makes the sacrifice and contribution to own motherland for the last time. Drives back the time to this country also has the retrieval leeway the time, choosing the power of destiny returns in their hands again. Since then, what condition this country moves toward again, is he has not been connected again. Because starting from this moment, the named Tony Stark person will not soon exist. This plays with the inevitable result that the time brings, even if has the time gem mighty force to protect and sustain, unavoidable must make him pay the price for own actions. 这是最后的一次,是名为托尼.史塔克的人最后一次为自己的祖国做出牺牲和奉献。把时间推回到这个国家还有挽救余地的时候,把抉择自己命运的权力再度交还到他们的手中。自此之后,这个国家再走向什么样的境况,都已经是和他再也没有关联。因为从这一刻开始,名为托尼.史塔克的人即将不复存在。这是玩弄时间所带来的必然结果,纵然是有着时间宝石的伟力相护持,也难免的要让他为自己的所作所为而付出代价。 This price is, he will definitely disappear in the river of time. No matter in the past in the future, is the present now, he because of the penalty of reversal time, but radical annihilation withering away. All about the trace that he has, all regarding his memory, will not exist. It seems him not to appeared same, besides extremely some small numbers of people, everyone will forget thoroughly, who Tony Stark is, as well as he has made anything. 这个代价就是,他必然会消失于时间的长河之中。不管是过去未来,还是如今现在,他都会因为逆转时间的惩罚而彻底的湮灭消亡。所有关于他存在的痕迹,所有对于他这个人的记忆,都会不复存在。就好像他这个人从来都没有出现过一样,除了极个别的少数人之外,所有人都会彻底忘记,托尼.史塔克到底是谁,以及他到底做过些什么。 This absolutely is the greatest satire, when you paid the heavy price that is inconceivable, is enduring the greatest pain and suffering, going all out of after saves anything . You actually discovered suddenly, no one knows all these radically, all effort a wee bit traces that you pay have not stayed behind continually. All probably are only your illusion, when a laughable conjecture is the same, you know, this is what kind of one aggrieved and suffers. 这绝对是莫大的讽刺,当你付出了难以想象的沉重代价,忍受着莫大的苦痛和折磨,拼了命的去挽救什么之后。你却陡然的发现,根本没有人知晓这一切,你所付出的所有努力连一丁点的痕迹都没有留下。一切就好像只是你的一场幻梦,一个可笑的臆想一样时,你就会知道,这到底是怎么样的一种憋屈和折磨。 What is most essential, the opportunity that you even have no goes to and others told and argued. Because under the penalty of time, you have not existed, seems like drop of evaporated waterdrop to be the same, in this river each drop of water current of flowing does not have happening together with you again. You are unable to communicate, all can only always remember by you. If even you forgot or withered away, then all these really can only seem like, has never happened. 最关键的是,你甚至没有任何的机会去和别人诉说和辩解。因为在时间的惩罚之下,你已然不复存在,就好像是一滴已然蒸发的水滴一样,这长河中哗哗流动的每一滴水流都和你再无交集。你无从沟通,所有的一切都只能是靠你自己去铭记。而如果连你自己都遗忘或者消亡了,那么这一切就真的只能像是,从未发生过了。 This is the sorrow. Even if how the common person has to come to understand again, very difficultly confidently facing such punishment. But Tony is different, he is prepared early, will say regarding for extrication to a certain extent. 这是悲苦的。寻常之人哪怕是再怎么具备觉悟,也很难会坦然面对这样的责罚。但托尼却不同,他对此早有准备,甚至说将之视之为某种程度上的解脱。 Reviews his life, besides abandoning oneself to Bohemianism of young time, until now all sorts summarizes, is only a failure. 回顾他的一生,除了年轻时候的放浪形骸之外,至今的种种总结下来,都只是一个失败。 He resolves as a hero, a good president, saves his country. Therefore he neglected oneself wife and children, making the wife the crazy, making the son fall into because of him to the endless hatred and pain. Wife and children's death and he chose to have the most direct relations initially, but the list from this point, he is not a qualified husband, is not a qualified father. 他立志作为一个英雄,一个好的总统,去拯救他的国家。为此他忽视了自己的妻儿,让妻子变得疯癫,让儿子因为他而陷入到无尽的仇恨和苦痛之中。妻儿的死和他当初的选择有着最为直接的关系,而单从这一点上来说,他就不是一个合格的丈夫,也不是一个合格的父亲。 What most satirized, for he this country paid all, even once thinks that proudly he had saved from peril the country. However, the final result told him, his pays no one to be willing to always remember and feel grateful, but achievement that he thinks oneself infallible, is the in the air tower, the inverted image in water, radically is light, but Yi (easy) lifts, had been overthrown and usurped. 最为讽刺的是,他为了这个国家付出了一切,甚至一度自豪的以为他已经将国家从危亡之中挽救了回来。但是,最终的结果却告诉了他,他的付出没有任何人愿意去铭记和感恩,而他自以为是的成果,也不过是空中的楼台,水中的倒影,根本就是轻而举的,就已经是被人推翻和篡夺。 Such life is defeated radically. Especially in witnessing oneself wife and children died there, but he actually radically helpless time, that frustrating feeling was makes him fall into the incomparable lamentation and compunction. Regarding oneself, regarding Tony Stark this person, he is incomparable detesting and rejecting. If can make all come again, enabling certain things to choose again, he have not rather existed. 这样的人生根本就是失败的。尤其是在亲眼目睹了自己妻儿死在那里,而他却根本无能为力的时候,那种挫败的感觉更是让他陷入到了无比的悔恨和内疚之中。对于自己,对于托尼.史塔克这个人,他已然是无比的厌弃。所以如果可以让一切重来,让某些事情可以再一次进行选择的话,他宁愿自己根本就不曾存在过。 Without oneself, perhaps all gets better. If oneself have not appeared, perhaps everyone can obtain the happiness. 如果没有自己的话,也许一切都会变得更好。如果自己不曾出现的话,也许所有人都能得到幸福。 This is Tony to a oneself most essential suspicion. But this suspicion causes, he to such destiny, such penalty appears incomparable confident. 这是托尼对自己最本质的一个怀疑。而这种怀疑就使得,他对这样的命运,这样的惩罚显得无比的坦然。 He can smile by right. In fact, if really can see Maria to obtain the happiness, sees Frank probably ordinary child such growing healthy and strong, he will really feel grateful heartfeltly, regards as this for the destiny to he is defeated lifetime in a big way pities with the blessings. 他是能微笑以对的。事实上,如果真的能看到玛利亚获得幸福,看到弗兰克像是普通的孩子那样茁壮成长的话,他真的会由衷的感激,把这视作为命运对他失败一生的最大怜悯和赐福。 However pitifully, this big probability is not able to see. 然而可惜,这大概率是看不到的了。 Finally gazed at one to start to return to the normal path above, like the going downstream river water revolution world. Gazed at one to start the newborn wife and children under his arrangement. In the Tony heart sends out a sigh finally, when raised the head again, in his innermost feelings had changed to the solid ice rock waste thoroughly, has no emotion of again being the person. 最后注视了一眼已经开始回归到正常轨迹之上,如同顺流而下的河水般运转的世界。注视了一眼在他的编排之下已然开始新生的妻儿。托尼心中最后发出一声叹息,再抬头时,他的内心里已经彻底化作了坚冰顽石,再也没有任何一丝属于人的情感。 The penalty of destiny has come in time, Tony Stark has not existed. 命运的惩罚已经如期而至,托尼.史塔克已然是不复存在。 Present he, body that but an infinite gem energy gathers, is one empty, sane, but does not have any emotion life. He keeps aloof, like Spiritual God. When he has the doubts, is staring at own right hand, and after got hold of the fist, slowly. The unlimited gem is covering the huge strength of the world , had restrained quietly. 现在的他,只是一个无限宝石能量所聚集的躯壳,是一个空洞洞的,只有理智而没有任何情感的生命。他高高在上,如同神灵。而当他带着疑惑,凝视着自己的右手,并且慢慢的握紧了拳头之后。无限宝石笼罩着世界的庞大力量,也已然是悄然的收敛了起来。 Smith. Stop that front the week also has no again, he rushed to the Tony front immediately, simultaneously takes a fast look around this as if never to experience any change world back and forth, cannot control the mood, had been roaring to Tony in a low voice. 史密斯.周面前再也没有任何的阻拦,他当即冲到了托尼的面前,同时来回扫视着这个仿佛从未经历过任何变动的世界,根本就是控制不住自己情绪的,就已经对着托尼低声怒吼了起来。 What did you do? You destroyed all these!” “你都干了什么?你毁了这一切!” He has certainly the reason to be angry. All when for several thousand years the pains plan such person destroys, he is the performance is not overrated again indignantly. 他当然是有理由愤怒的。当数千年来苦心谋划的一切就这么被人所摧毁的时候,他就是表现的再激愤也是不为过的。 He at this moment then lived to feed the heart of Tony to have continually. However similarly is coming out that sensation keen he actually can also distinguish, Tony at this moment is just has difference clearly. 此刻的他便是连生啖托尼的心都已经是有了。但是同样是感知敏锐的他却也是能分辨的出来,此刻的托尼已经是和刚刚有着截然的不同。 Thought, soul and emotion. As if all labels that are labelling Tony Stark had been excised from this body. He seems a brand-new life, gods who was just born. In eye indifferent, to oneself, to all things. 意念,灵魂、情感。仿佛所有标注着托尼.史塔克的标签都已经是从这个躯壳上被摘除。他仿佛是一个崭新的生命,一个刚刚诞生的神明。眼中只有冷漠,对自己,也是对万事万物。 Naturally, this is not Smith. Key point that the week cares about. What he cares, how should be able all these again reforms. He cannot accept distortion of Stark to his great plan, he must make the world return him above the course of meticulous arrangements. Regarding this, he needs some boosts. But as if not thinks of the Stark body that not thinks shortly at this moment, his vision concentrates, is puts out a hand directly to him. 当然,这并不是史密斯.周所在意的重点。他在意的是,到底该如何才能将这一切给重新的归正回来。他不能接受史塔克对他伟大计划的篡改,他必须要让世界重新回到他所精心安排的历程之上。对此,他需要一些助力。而眼看着此刻仿佛无思无觉的史塔克的躯壳,他眼光一凝的,就已经是对他径直的伸出了手来。 Hands over the unlimited gem!” “把无限宝石交出来!” Like receiving some stimulation, was more like touched one already the mechanism/organization that arranged. A mind gem glimmer glitters, this was the Stark body also to have the operation suddenly. 如同受到了某种激发,更像是触动了一个早已经安排好的机关。心灵宝石一阵微光闪烁,这属于史塔克的躯壳也是突然间有了运作。 He is staring at the speed of light Smith who flies to raid to come. The week, sent out the call letter of hatred in ultra time view in he immediately suddenly. 他凝视着光速飞袭而来的史密斯.周,处于超维时间观中的他当即也是陡然地发出了憎恶的呼号。 Last time, butchered this bastard!” “最后一次,宰了这个混蛋!” :.: :。:
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