MSG :: Volume #24

#2326: Chapter 2188

Tony twisted the reality, stays behind after the universe is unable to distinguish clone of genuine and fake, quietly had returned to above Earth. 托尼扭曲了现实,在宇宙中留下了一个无法分辨出真假的分身之后,就已经是悄然的回到了地球之上。 Twice... the strength of extreme use reality and mind gem, lets him for the price that it paid some him not to pay. But this to him the thing that strives for most to want, is the time. 还有两次...极端的动用现实和心灵宝石的力量,让他为之付出了一些他不想付出的代价。而这到底是给他争取到了最想要的东西,也就是时间。 Yes, time. Although said to Smith. Week such hatred, even said that wishes one could to live to feed its meat. However in his at heart, has compared with this more important matter must do. 是的,时间。尽管说对史密斯.周那样的痛恨,甚至说恨不得生啖其肉。但是在他的心里,却还是有着比这更加重要的事情要做的。 He must recall these tragedies that in this world has, he must save, all that these he loses as well as with enough time has not protected. It can be said that when he in the dream saw that all tragedies have bred, all not irrecoverable time, this is becomes him to collect the simultaneous/uniform six unlimited gems the only power. 他要挽回这个世界上所发生的那些悲剧,他要拯救那些他所失去的,以及没有来得及守护的一切。可以说,当他在梦中见到一切的悲剧都已经酿成,一切都已经无法挽回的时候,这就已经是成为了他收集齐六颗无限宝石的唯一动力了。 Revenges, that can later some. However this matter, he is actually the least bit does not want to delay. Naturally, he also knows, he wants all that changes and reverses exactly is Smith. The week used energy the thoughts, a result that the turnover many years planned, therefore in any event, his ignores will not use the strength of unlimited gem to rewrite all these. 报仇,那可以稍晚一些。但是这种事情,他心里却是半点也不想拖延的。当然,他也知道,他想要改变和扭转的一切恰恰是史密斯.周费劲了心思,周转了多年才谋划来的一个结果,所以无论如何,他都是不会放任自己去利用无限宝石的力量来改写这一切的。 Defeats him, since is not feasible. Then regardless him, strives for a valuable time to oneself, becomes the only feasible means. 战胜他,既然已经不可行。那么撇开他,给自己争取一个宝贵的时机,就成为了唯一可行的办法。 Although said that somewhat is unfair to Carroll. However this did not have the choice of means. After all, she is only a person, sacrificed the small number of people for most people's interest, this is the perfectly justified truth. Moreover to a certain extent, Tony also has does not treat as the identical her the reason. 尽管这么说有些对不起卡罗尔。但是这也是没有办法的选择了。毕竟,她只是一个人,为多数人的利益而牺牲少数人,这是天经地义的道理。而且从某种程度上,托尼也有着这么不把她当做一回事的理由。 He does not believe that initially Thanos on a grand scale to Earth starts, Carroll can not hear the wind sound/rumor. Since she had not made any statement at that time, but was the choice remains silent. At the present, she did not regard a person to regard her on no wonder. 他可不相信,当初灭霸大张旗鼓的对地球下手的时候,卡罗尔会没有听到风声。而既然那个时候她没有做出任何的表态,而是选择保持了沉默。那么在现在,她也就怪不得自己不把她当成一个人来看待了。 The people, must pay the price for oneself choice. But at present this type, is she, for the past had a deficit the repayment. 人,到底是要为自己的选择而付出代价。而眼下这种,也不过是她为了自己以往的亏欠而进行的偿还罢了。 Can live, that is her luck. If cannot, then she also did a good deed finally, made the contribution to own hometown. Even if can only work as a nameless hero, that also always compared with, when a rebel must come good. 能活下来,那是她的运气。而要是不能,那么她也总算是做了一件好事,是为了自己的家乡做了贡献的。纵然是只能当一个无名的英雄,那也总比当一个叛徒要来的好吧。 Is pondering at heart, Tony was opening the right hand to Earth slowly. But above his back of the hand, six unlimited gems starts to enhance one another's beauty, blooms the dazzling ray. 心里这么玩味着,托尼已经是对着自己脚下的地球慢慢的张开了右手。而在他的手背之上,六颗无限宝石开始交相辉映,争相的绽放出耀眼的光芒来。 The huge energy starts racing wells up, but the so complete and thorough control unlimited gem, obviously to Tony is also a huge burden for the first time. His that the body by the energy being constituted is somewhat similar to completely suddenly blowing the air/Qi start inflation, but was more like an energizing 10,000 watts big light bulb to be the same, his whole person also started to bloom the dazzling ray. 巨大的能量开始奔涌,而第一次如此完整而且彻底的操控无限宝石,显然对托尼自己也是一个巨大的负担。他那完全由能量构成的身躯一时间都有些类似于吹了气般的开始膨胀,而更像是一个通了电的一万瓦大灯泡一样,他整个人也开始绽放出刺眼的光芒来。 The facial features become fuzzy, the human form starts somewhat lax. This which angle from looked, does not seem like any calm and steady matter. But Tony are also clear, nearby this enough powerful strength, he depending on to exist the root is similar to is been ordinary by the ocean waves impact sand sculpture, gradual disintegrating. 五官都变得模糊,人形都开始有些涣散。这不论是从哪个角度去看,都不像是什么安稳的事情。而托尼自己也清楚,在这种足够强大的力量跟前,他赖以为存在的根源正在如同被被海浪冲击的沙雕一般,逐渐的分崩离析。 The humane outflow starts to intensify. Continues again, even if he can also continue to exist by this condition, perhaps that also only meets the remaining pure bodies, was not his Tony Stark oneself. According to the lifeform sought the live natural disposition, then he at this moment should receive the hand immediately. However present he wants is not living, he has other more demands obviously. Therefore, he does not make any scruples, but is lifting up high the right hand, release of exhausting ability the strength of unlimited gem. 人性的流失开始加剧。再这么继续下去,他哪怕还能继续以这种状态而存在下去,那也恐怕只会剩下一个单纯的躯壳,再也不是他托尼.史塔克本人了。依据生物求活的本性,那么此刻的他理应立刻收手。但是现在的他要的并不是自己一个人活着,他显然是有着其他更多的需求。所以,他根本不对此做任何的顾忌,而是高举着右手,竭尽所能的释放出无限宝石的力量来。 In a flash, the gem is entangled together the ray changed to a multi-colored rainbow light, shooting up to the sky directly. When this rainbow light is similar to the giant light cover, time that the entire Earth revolves all round, in this world all people who notice this change were immediately with amazement. 一瞬间,宝石纠结在一起的光芒就化作了一道五彩缤纷的虹光,径直的冲天而起。而当这虹光如同巨大的光罩,将整个地球团团围绕起来的时候,这个世界上所有注意到这种变化的人都是立时骇然了起来。 Is capable of noticing all these people most inferior also stands the powerhouse above human peak, because also just they have the far superhuman class perception capability, they can even more feels that from this type of multi-colored rainbow light boundless vast, just likes the inexhaustible source strength. 有能力注意到这一切的人最次也是站在人类巅峰之上的强者,而也正因为他们具备着远超人类的感知能力,他们才能越发的从这种五彩缤纷的虹光里面感受到那股磅礴浩大,恍若无穷无尽的本源力量。 Under this strength, even if in them as the fellow who acts with constraint proudly, will have a glow unavoidably compared with the feeling of it bright moon. But regarding managing this strength, and is hard to understand clearly its intention radically Tony, they naturally also had a greatest awe. 在这种力量之下,哪怕是他们中作为自傲矜持的家伙,也难免会生出一种萤火比之皓月的感觉来。而对于操持着这股力量,并且根本难以洞悉其意图的托尼,他们自然也是生出了一种莫大的敬畏。 Flustered, but actually does not dare to have any offending at this time to him. This saw with common Beast is really same in the big dragon of spit fire, even if they dread this flame, was worried to burn down own body fiercely. However facing the great strength and fearsomeness of big dragon, they have to the instinct exhibits a life and death appearance that whatever organizes. 人心惶惶,但是却也不敢在这个时候去对他有任何的冒犯。这就跟寻常的野兽见到了真在喷火的巨龙一样,哪怕它们畏惧这火焰,担心猛火烧到了自己的身上。但是面对巨龙的强大与可怖,他们还是不得不本能的摆出一副生死任由摆布的模样来。 The strength, always arrives at the natural moat that is unable to overstep. Cannot be above the similar level, the qualifications of naturally continually meddling do not have. 力量,从来都是一到无法逾越的天堑。达不到同样的层次之上,自然是连插手的资格都没有的。 At present the number of times entire Earth, can be on par with Tony, stands the person in same level also only has Zhou Yi and Smith. Week. In Zhou Yi has understood in another newborn universe situation, Smith. The week can prevent his only candidate probably. 眼下遍数整个地球,能够和托尼比肩,站在同一个层次上的人也只有周易和史密斯.周。而在周易已经进入到了另一个新生宇宙的情况下,史密斯.周大概就是能阻止他的唯一人选。 Although said this moment Smith. Zhou Shangqie also beside Earth, but the infinite gem so huge strength fluctuates, is naturally impossible to hide the truth from his eye. He had realized, oneself were Tony the idea of luring the enemy out of his stronghod. At this moment what no matter Tony wants to do is anything, he exhibits such big a weaponry, regarding oneself will not be any good news. 虽然说此刻史密斯.周尚且还在地球之外,但是无限宝石如此庞大的力量波动,自然也不可能瞒过他的眼睛。他已经是意识到了,自己是中了托尼的调虎离山之计。而不管托尼到底此刻想要做的是什么,他摆出如此之大的阵仗,对于自己来说都不会是什么好消息。 At heart many are somewhat annoying, but at this moment he also can only one grasp explodes the skull that refining up from Carroll comes out, while annihilating her soul turns around to turn toward the direction of Earth to rush. 心里多少是有些懊恼,而此刻他也只能一把抓爆从卡罗尔身上炼就出来的颅骨,在湮灭她灵魂的同时转身向着地球的方向奔去。 He the energy, the speed also displays the pinnacle to the utmost. However at universe length and breadth, even if he has the light general speed, is hard to turn back within the short time, prevents Tony the action. He can only look helplessly Tony haunches as if brings the light cover of infinite strength, wraps up the entire Earth. After his hits, the strength of unlimited gem is similar to is enraged and provocative Beast immediately is ordinary, started to counter-attack to him crazily. 他极尽所能,速度也已经是发挥到了极致。但是以宇宙的广袤,纵然是他有着光一般的速度,也难以在短时间之内折返回去,阻止托尼的这番举动。他只能眼睁睁的看着托尼撑起仿佛带着无穷力量的光罩,将整个地球包拢。而等到他一头这么撞上去之后,无限宝石的力量立刻就如同被激怒和挑衅的野兽一般,开始对他疯狂的反扑了起来。 He is not a weak one, but facing being situated in this universe apex, most points to the unlimited gem of source, before he has no way seems like, copes with Tony and Carroll such, deals with the easily accomplished stance. The unlimited gem does not play what tactic to deal with you with the skill collides, you want to break his counter-attack, only then in pure strength thorough crushes it to be good. But wants to press the unlimited gem in the contention of this strength, that and suppressed the entire universe the order also to have no difference. 他并非是弱者,但是面对位居于这个宇宙的顶点,也是最直指本源的无限宝石,他到底还是没法像是之前对付托尼和卡罗尔那样,以摧枯拉朽的姿态去应对。无限宝石可不跟你玩什么战术应对和技巧碰撞,你想要打破他的反扑,就只有在纯粹的力量上彻底的压倒它才行。而想要在这种力量的角逐上压到无限宝石,那和镇压住整个宇宙的秩序也没有什么区别了。 Smith. Zhou Guran is powerful, but also is actually insufficient to be in such a situation powerful. Facing the demonstration of unlimited gem, he can only do to regress slightly. Did not say that really does not have strength of the war, under premise that but its was wrapped in present this Earth, he really has no way the affirmation, if oneself really independently and unlimited gem wrestle, can make the entire Earth suffer as an innocent bystander. 史密斯.周固然是强大,但是却也不至于强大到这样的一个地步。面对无限宝石的示威,他只能稍作退步。不是说真的就没有一战之力,而是在眼下这个地球都被其所包裹的前提之下,他真的没法肯定,自己要是真的放手和无限宝石一搏,会不会让整个地球都遭受到池鱼之殃。 Must know to him, the present Earth may be equivalent to his complete chassis and hope. Has conducted such a situation, he does not want to see that in any event any mistake appears. Therefore he can only stop the footsteps, then by one type is inwardly angry extremely, moreover full is the unwilling tone, to Tony on distant tastes. 要知道对于他来说,现在的地球可相当于他全部的底盘和希望。都已经进行到了这样的一个地步,他是无论如何都不想要看到有任何的差错出现的。所以他只能止住脚步,然后以一种极为愠怒而且满是不甘的语气,对着托尼就遥遥张口道。 Very good, Tony Stark, you suspended me completely together! If your scheme for this moment, then I have to acknowledge, you worked. However, is this useful? Do you also want to threaten me to be inadequate with this strength? This is useless. I can be clear told you, the situation has become. Even if said that you really begin to kill Steve now, destroys Hydra, you cannot change anything.” “很好,托尼.史塔克,你完全的摆了我一道!如果你的图谋就是为了这一刻的话,那么我不得不承认,你得逞了。但是,这有什么用?你难道还想用这份力量来威胁我不成?这没有用。我可以明确的告诉你,大势已成。哪怕说你现在就真的动手杀了史蒂夫,毁灭掉九头蛇,你也改变不了什么。” All have been doomed. All that you make, can only be not studious!” “一切都已经注定了。你所做的一切,都只会是无用功!” Not studious?” Humming sound the sound shivers in the atmosphere, that is the complementary waves reverberation that the fluctuation of energy creates, is present Tony can display the only means of intention. Although he at this moment light is the emotion of human, even said that was who soon cannot remember including oneself. However, he actually forever keeps firmly in mind oneself mission, always remembered all that the present makes for anything. “无用功?”嗡嗡的声音在大气中颤动,那是能量波动所造成的余波回荡,也是如今托尼所能表现自己意图的唯一办法。尽管此刻的他已经淡薄了所有身为人类的情感,甚至说连自己是谁都快要记不住了。但是,他却始终牢记着自己的使命,铭记住自己现在所做的一切到底是为了什么。 He is unable to approve of Smith obviously. Zhou said all that he makes are not studious views. Therefore, he also in incomparably also the incomparably calm tone, replied to him faintly. 他显然是无法赞同史密斯.周说他所做的一切是无用功的说法。因此的,他也是以无比淡漠也无比冷静的语气,这么对他回复了起来。 If you were clear I grasp is what strength, you should not have were like this assured, Smith. Week. This is the strength of unlimited gem, but it represents, is the infinite possibility... including reversing and changing the possibilities of all these established facts.” “如果你清楚我所掌握的到底是什么力量的话,你就不该有这样的笃定了,史密斯.周。这是无限宝石的力量,而它所代表的,就是无限的可能...包括扭转和改变这一切既定事实的可能。” I will not make the world turn into the appearance of today. If it has turned like this, then I must reverse it, reversed this damn past, gives opportunity that it came again, a brand-new future!” “我是不会让世界变成今天的这幅模样的。如果它已经变成这样了,那么我就必须要扭转它,扭转这个该死的过去,给它一个重来的机会,一个崭新的未来!” This is the matter that I can want as well as must handle, but it, will not be nothing will affect inevitably!” “这就是我会要以及要做的事情,而它,必然不会是没有任何作用的!” The reply of Tony lets Smith. The bottom of the heart of week trembles, he at this moment had guessed correctly what kind of one intention Tony is. 托尼的回答让史密斯.周的心尖发颤,此刻的他已经是猜到了托尼到底是怎么样的一种意图。 He must reverse, he must change the history. But this is not only saves these innocent people so simple, what is more important, he will commit to flames oneself for many years painstaking care. 他要扭转过去,他要改变历史。而这不仅仅是拯救那些无辜者那么简单,更重要的是,他会把自己多年来的心血付之一炬。 These because of the person who his plan died, these were acted as to make the sacrifice by him the role. Their deaths will no longer have any significance. Flows the blood of rivers and streams, the skeleton of piled up mountain range. These have had the fact that and has created not to exist probably generally. The world will restore the original that irrevocable appearance, but all changes that he brings will also be nothing left. 那些因为他的谋划而死去的人,那些被他充当做牺牲的角色。他们的死将不再有任何的意义。流淌成江河的鲜血,堆积成山峦的尸骨。这些已经发生和造成的事实都将像是不复存在了一般。世界将恢复原来那种一成不变的模样,而他所带来的一切改变也都将荡然无存。 His unproductive was cursed by thousands of people, hate. Whatever both hands dye completely bloody, prepared several thousand years of fond dream painstakingly actually at this moment by the person thorough striking back primary form of soon realizing. This is he is unable to accept also an intolerable fact, therefore he immediately is the eyes scarlet looked to Tony, then without delay launches the fiercest attack. 他徒劳的被千万人咒骂,怨恨。任凭双手染满血腥,苦心筹划了数千年的美梦却在即将实现的这一刻被人彻底的打回原形。这是他无法接受也不能容忍的一个事实,所以他当即就是双眼猩红的看向了托尼,然后二话不说的就已经是发动起了最猛烈的攻击。 He opened some limit in within the body, the invisible door irrigation of strengths of 1 million stars in through his body to his body, was transformed by him for the strong supernatural power, then to mediate the good fortune the magical powers, direct displayed toward Tony. 他打开了体内的某种限制,百万恒星的力量通过他身体中无形的门扉灌注到他的躯体中,被他转化为了强大的法力,然后以斡旋造化的神通,直接的向着托尼施展了起来。 He does not dare to plunder the unlimited gem crazy, because broke Earth, similarly also means coming to an end of his all fond dreams. He can only launch an attack by this circuitous method whereabouts Tony, places hopes before he creates truly all these, prevents even to destroy him. However, although the mediation good fortune is the unsurpassed magical powers, can revise and twist the reality to the high method. When facing also has the realistic gem of this strength, it is not that the non-solution and unmatchable strength. 他不敢直掠无限宝石的疯狂,因为打破了地球,同样也意味着他所有美梦的告终。他只能以这种迂回的手段去向托尼发难,寄希望于在他真正造成这一切之前,来阻止甚至毁灭他。然而,尽管斡旋造化是无上的神通,是能够修改和扭曲现实的至高法门。但是在面对同样具备此种力量的现实宝石的时候,它就已然不是那么无解和无法对抗的力量了。 Above the fate, is unable by the direct-viewing reality structure during. Smith. The strength of magical powers and realistic gem of week is having the most crashing collision. The average people are unable to detect all these, but fellow who these strong capabilities and talents different reported that then can through a unique angle of view sensation to a special change. 命数之上,无法被直观的现实构造之中。史密斯.周的神通和现实宝石的力量发生着最为激烈的碰撞。一般人根本无法察觉到这一切,而那些强大能力以及天赋异禀的家伙,则可以通过一种独特的视角感知到一种特别的变化。 They can feel, basic order between world, the revolution principle of myriad things, during this collision by the distortion and destruction of unconsciousness. Certain established things change to other suddenly, certain real not empty existences also start to interlock to exist with these false divine creative force coprime. Has the incredible thing to appear imperceptibly, the time has the thing born and be disillusioned. Such strength, is really makes them be awed at the sight. 他们能够感觉的到,天地间的基本秩序,万物的运转法则,在这种碰撞之中被无意识的扭曲和破坏。某些既定的事物陡然间化作其他,某些真实不虚的存在也开始和那些虚假的造物互质交错而存在。无形中有荒诞的事物出现,时刻都有东西在诞生和破灭。这样的力量,实在是让他们望而生畏。 With their experiences, they are almost unable to imagine, is what kind of mighty force can achieve such a situation unexpectedly. But thinks contention between these two may relate to their destiny very much, these person again how hearts are even big, still started unavoidably anxiously. 以他们的见识,他们几乎都无法想象,到底是何等的伟力居然能做到这样的一个地步。而一想到这两者之间的角逐很有可能关系到他们自己的命运,这些人即便是再怎么心大的,也难免地开始紧张了起来。 Dying to live is in others' instant, this matter said no on any event happy. But worst is also, their victory and defeat disparity somewhat looked that is not quite clear. 死生都系于别人的一念之间,这种事情无论如何都说不上愉快。但最糟糕的还要数,他们连胜负差距都有些看不太明白。 The level of this resistance is extremely high-end, has surpassed them to be able the category of cognition. But only has Smith. Week were clear, in this contention, he fell leeward. 这种对抗的层次太过高端,已经超过了他们能认知的范畴。而只有史密斯.周自己清楚,在这场角逐中,他是落了下风的。 The magical powers of mediation good fortune no doubt are not at the prestige of realistic gem to be able, but the present situation is actually, he is not solely only makes the resistance with a realistic gem. Under the Tony will, the prestige of six gems can pester the relation in one, under a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation, he makes the resistance in the complete unlimited gem radically. 斡旋造化的神通固然是不在现实宝石的威能之下,但如今的情况却是,他并不是单单只和一个现实宝石作对抗。在托尼的意志之下,六颗宝石的威能已经纠缠联系在了一起,牵一发而动全身之下,他根本就是在同全部的无限宝石做抗争。 This degree has exceeded some limit, even if said is he, impossible in controlling situation situation, must crush forcefully. He impossible reckless, if because made the entire Earth have the mistake recklessly, then he lost completely and all in the end. 这种程度已经超过了某种限度,哪怕说是他,也不可能在控制住局势的情况下,强行得将之压倒下去。他不可能不顾一切,因为要是不顾一切而使得整个地球出现了差错,那么到头来还是他输掉了全部和所有。 His Gu Shougu tail, is appears somewhat has certainly no alternative. But present Tony has not actually cared about his movement, because he had started the final plan. 他顾首顾尾,当然是显得有些无可奈何。而眼下的托尼却已经是不太在意他的动作,因为他已经是开始了自己最终的计划。 The world, becomes in this moment static. Then is ordinary like the river water of flowing backwards, following already have flowed the river course and path, reversed. 世界,在这一刻变得静止。然后如同倒流的河水一般,顺着已经流淌过的河道和轨迹,逆转了起来。
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