LTDWMBD :: Volume #7

#633: The thing of accident/surprise

When can this thing move? 这东西到底什么时候才能动? In the dark room, the Roel Ascart watching front table, puts out a hand to rub speechless of brow face, but in his line of sight whereabouts, little Longzinei that Antonio sends is stirless. 黑暗的房间之内,罗亚·阿卡特望着前方的桌子,伸手揉着眉头一脸的无语,而在他视线所在之处,安东尼奥送来的小笼子内则毫无动静。 Direction of Guiding Fairy, this is only one that Roel can find nowadays can lead him truly to go to the method of Alicia whereabouts, however from succeeding in obtaining later already several days, the little fellow in this basket is actually stirless. 引导精灵的指引,这是现如今罗亚能够找到的唯一一个可以带他确实前往爱丽莎所在之处的方法,然而自到手以后已经过了数天,这笼子里的小家伙却是毫无动静。 Said is the strike, perhaps this is far from, this has not begun simply, in the native place squatted. 说是罢工,这恐怕都谈不上,这干脆就是没开工,老家里蹲了。 To be honest, about Guiding Fairy not active this point, Roel is actually not surprised, because before Antonio, already has called the preventive inoculation him. 老实说,关于引导精灵不怎么活跃这一点,罗亚其实并不惊讶,因为安东尼奥之前已经给他打过预防针了。 According to the view of Margaret , Guiding Fairy also has the memory, although is insufficient to forget, because time already is two years ago, actually therefore when to remember Alicia and returns its side, this is indefinite......” “根据玛格丽特的说法,引导精灵也是有记忆的,虽然不至于遗忘,但是因为时间已经是两年前,所以究竟什么时候会重新想起爱丽莎并回到其身边,这点是不确定的......” Antonio that said starts to speak but hesitates, but then Roel at that time immersed in obtaining the joy of Guiding Fairy, but has not cared, but recalls now, this was the major problem. 如此说的安东尼奥欲言又止,而罗亚当时则沉浸在得到引导精灵的喜悦中而并没有在意,可现在回想起来,这就是大问题了。 artificial fairy Margaret , that manages a Saint Freya Academy several hundred years of elf, his master is [Scholar] Astrid, as elf member, it the understanding of Guiding Fairy naturally be much deeper than human, therefore also has the authority. 人工精灵玛格丽特,那是统管圣芙蕾雅学院数百年的精灵,其主人是【学者】艾丝翠德,作为精灵的一员,其对引导精灵的理解自然要比人类深得多,因此也具备权威性。 But she after Guiding Fairy these words translate, Roel ponders actually only sees a meaning, that is this crowd of Guiding Fairy is far-fetched, and seems sick. 可是她关于引导精灵的这些话翻译过来之后,罗亚左思右想却只看出一个意思,那就是这群引导精灵并不靠谱,且似乎有病。 Is insufficient to forget, but not necessarily can think, this symptom Roel may be too familiar. 不至于遗忘,但是又不一定想得起来,这症状罗亚可太熟悉了。 My goodness, the senile dementia template, is the race senile dementia. 好家伙,老年痴呆模板啊,还是种族性老年痴呆。 : //m.6.c 首发网址://m.6.c The small basket on watching front table, Roel quite feelings that becomes the hospital to accompany a sick person to provide nursing care, however also has no alternative, after all Roel is not the neurology department doctor, the structure and habit of Guiding Fairy he does not understand completely. 望着前方桌子上的小笼子,罗亚颇有一种当上了医院陪护的感觉,然而却又无可奈何,毕竟罗亚不是精神科大夫,引导精灵的构造与习性他更是完全不懂。 However regarding this Antonio naturally also clear, therefore Sir Dean gave Roel this basket same artifact(s) specially, seems like used to detain Guiding Fairy, however the actual role heard that can accelerate the Guiding Fairy activation, may be called the elf blood circulation removing extravasted blood big treasured sword same convalescing facility. 不过对于这点安东尼奥自然也清楚,所以学院长大人特意给了罗亚这个笼子一样的咒物,看起来似乎是用来关押引导精灵的,但是实际的作用听说是能加速引导精灵活性化,是堪称精灵界活血化瘀大宝剑一样的疗养设施。 Naturally, even if the big treasured sword also divides the person, different person the stimulation of magic power to Guiding Fairy will also be different, therefore Roel found many people to attempt over the two days, but heard after function of Guiding Fairy, one by one and Alicia familiar Golden Generation members also chose the help. 当然,哪怕是大宝剑也是分人的,不同人的咒力引导精灵的刺激也会不同,因此这两天罗亚找了不少人尝试,而听说了引导精灵的作用后,一个个爱丽莎熟悉的黄金一代成员们也选择了帮忙。 In this frontier fort, a marvelous sight then appeared thereupon, the younger generation military officers of having fought many battles arrange to become Pai, and Emperor chooses imperial concubine equally cautious going forward, serves Guiding Fairy in basket one by one. 于是乎在这边境的要塞之内,一个奇景便出现了,身经百战的年轻一代将领们排成排,跟皇帝选妃一样小心翼翼的上前,挨个伺候笼子里的引导精灵 famous general of room serves little fairy/elf, the Roel corner of the eye that this scene looks at twitches, although black-haired youngster does not know that Guiding Fairy most luxurious enjoyment is what specification, but at least now, Alicia this Guiding Fairy treatment was the point fills, might be called the intemperate eating and drinking simply. 一屋子的名将伺候一个小精灵,这情景看的罗亚眼角抽搐,虽然黑发少年不知道过去引导精灵界最奢侈的享受是什么规格,但是至少现在,爱丽莎这个引导精灵待遇是点满了,简直堪称酒池肉林了。 However what makes Roel helpless is, after many attempts, the youngster discovered technique best unexpectedly is oneself, next is Blood Race Juliana, when they emit magic power, the ray that Guiding Fairy emits most is dazzling. 不过让罗亚无奈的是,经过诸多的尝试之后,少年发现手法最好的居然是自己,其次是血族朱莉安娜,只有他们两人放出咒力时,引导精灵放出的光芒才最耀眼。 Regarding this point, black-haired youngster pondered slightly understood, Juliana did not need to raise, the Blood Race strength could be said as the branch of Mother Goddess branch, had the similar point to be very normal with Alicia, as for Roel, was it takes Chosen King probably, in the soul has Mother Goddess part, will therefore be similar to Alicia. 对于这一点,黑发的少年稍加思考就理解了,朱莉安娜就不用提了,血族的力量可以说是母神分支的分支,与爱丽莎有相似的点很正常,至于罗亚,大概是其作为选王者,灵魂中有母神的一部分,所以才会与爱丽莎相似。 Extends make a move touching to carve the complex spell basket, gently to inputs magic power, Guiding Fairy of Longzinei will then send out to represent the comfortable twinkle ray, but the feeling the Roel expression of slight Alicia aura was also calmer, after pondering the moment, the youngster turned the head to look to the hand the thick material. 出手触摸刻着复杂咒文的笼子,轻轻地向其中输入咒力,笼子内的引导精灵便会发出代表舒适的闪烁光芒,而感受到些微爱丽莎气息的罗亚表情也平静了一些,思考了片刻后,少年转头看向了手中厚厚的资料。 Recently because cared about the final plan in Antonio mouth, Roel started Rose Dawn and Ascart House intelligence net, started to collect Austine Empire that side news with emphasis, but the present these are the achievements. 最近因为在意安东尼奥口中的最终计划,罗亚启动了蔷薇黎明阿卡特家情报网,开始重点搜集奥斯丁帝国那边的消息,而眼前的这些便是成果。 Generally speaking, in these intelligence the valuable quantity are not many, after read earnestly, Roel found some things of caring, for example...... Paul and Emperor Lucas ability issue. 总的来说,这些情报中有价值的数量并不多,但是在认真阅读了之后,罗亚还是在其中找到了一些在意的东西,比如......保罗皇帝卢卡斯的能力问题。 The Paul ability, once lived in Roel under eaves with it can be said as quite familiar, that makes divine weapon by magic power, oneself incarnation god will install the soldier. 保罗的能力,与其曾经住在一个屋檐下的罗亚可以说是相当熟悉,那就是以咒力制造神兵利器,将自己化身神装战士。 This ability sounds like not strong, after all in most people's idea, the equipment is the external object, but if in fact own ability is to make these equipment, then the Paul ability is actually equivalent can strengthen itself in the innumerable direction sharply. 这个能力听起来似乎并不强,毕竟在大多数人的想法中,装备是外物,但是事实上如果自身的能力就是制造这些装备,那么保罗的能力其实就相当于能够向着数不清的方向大幅强化自己。 Truly, when Paul level is very low, this ability has almost no function, nothing but is the vegetable/dish chicken throws over body armor, but......, if he does achieve Origin Level 3? If he does achieve Origin Level 2? If he does achieve Origin Level 1? If his Origin Level 1 also body Ancient God? 确实,在保罗等级还很低的时候,这个能力几乎没什么作用,无非就是菜鸡披身甲,但是......如果他达到源级3呢?如果他达到源级2呢?如果他达到源级1呢?如果他源级1还一身上古神器呢? With the enhancement of level, the Paul ability was doomed his combat power to meet the leaping promotion, moreover had can deal with various different environment, can have the ability of attire according to the enemy pointedness. 随着等级的提高,保罗的能力就注定了他的战斗力会飞跃性的提升,而且还是拥有着能够应付各种不同环境,能够根据敌人针对性出装的能力。 On for example excels at the magic attack [Magic King] Priester, if Paul is also Origin Level 1, then near this battle surely is the Paul victory, because Paul can definitely put out Remote Antiquity Period to be able drastically to reduce divine weapon of magic effect, under such strength, skill entire Priester on magic is almost the dead end, 就比如擅长咒术攻击的【咒术王】普利斯特,如果保罗也是源级1,那么这场战斗边必定是保罗胜利,因为保罗完全可以拿出远古时期能够大幅降低咒术效果的神兵利器,在这样的力量下,技能全点在咒术上的普利斯特几乎就是死路一条, Naturally, in true battle fears all is not smooth, because of understanding the essence of Paul strength, Roel particularly will attach great importance to it, what has saying that the ability about Emperor Lucas, until now is actually a riddle. 当然,真正的战斗中恐怕一切不会那么顺利,不过正因了解保罗力量的本质,罗亚才会对其分外重视,但是不得不说的是,关于皇帝卢卡斯的能力,一直以来却是一个谜。 Although Lucas is Origin Level 1 King of a Race, but in fact before Deviant War, this Emperor never make a move, has no news about its ability, the outside world can only guess according to historically the [Kingdom] Origin Attribute nature, after Deviant War had the records of some of his make a move. 卢卡斯虽然是源级1种族之王,但是实际上在异种人战争之前,这位皇帝从未出手过,也没有任何关于其能力的消息,外界只能根据历史上【王国】源质的性质来猜测,直到异种人战争之后才有了一些他出手的记录。 So far, the record of Lucas make a move altogether had twice, by the jungle of sword resists the Deviant sudden sneak attack army in the campaign respectively, as well as lowered the rain of coordination human army sword to break through. 到目前为止,卢卡斯出手的记录总共有两次,分别是在战役中以刀剑的丛林抵挡住了异种人突然的偷袭部队,以及降下刀剑之雨配合人类军队突围。 Has saying that although only has twice, but the role of Lucas make a move display is very each time remarkable, in the material records under Lucas magic, at that time whereabouts sword crowded like rain, created destructive attack to the morale of enemy. 不得不说,虽然只有两次,但是卢卡斯每次出手发挥的作用却都很显著,资料中记载在卢卡斯咒术下,当时下落的刀剑密集如雨,对敌人的士气造成了毁灭性打击 Summoned the sword baseless, this could be said as one of the [Kingdom] Origin Attribute several most universal abilities, belonged is fair, can summon the [Ten Castles] ability to compare with Lilian [Kingdom] Origin Attribute it can be said that pales by comparison, but pondered after carefully, Roel did not feel right. 凭空召唤刀剑,这可以说是【王国】源质几个最普遍的能力之一了,属于是中规中矩,与莉莉安【王国】源质能够召唤【十城】的能力相比可以说是相形见绌,但是仔细思考之后,罗亚却觉得不对。 Although guessed, but according to a series of traces, Roel feels Emperor Lucas ability not this mass production, but with Paul similar walking nature, but the reason is also very simple, because crosses Tucker Plains in a person, goes to the Harvey desert preparation and Allied Army of Humans converges in the process that black-haired youngster seems to have seen that stretch of battlefield. 虽然只是猜测,但是根据一系列蛛丝马迹,罗亚觉得皇帝卢卡斯的能力并不是这种量产,而是与保罗类似的走质,而原因也很简单,因为在一个人横穿塔克平原,前往哈维沙漠准备与人类联合军汇合的过程中,黑发的少年似乎见过那片战场。 Remembers that is a dusk, the distant dense and numerous swords insert above the plain ground, making Roel of distant place think that is a shrubbery, until solar change angle, the light shadow of sword flashes one piece under the setting sun, black-haired youngster discovered exceptionally. 记得那是一个黄昏,远方密密麻麻的刀剑插在平原的地面之上,让远方的罗亚以为是一片灌木丛,直到太阳改变角度,刀剑的光影在夕阳下闪成一片,黑发的少年才发现了异常。 That region should be Lucas make a move place, but according to the time calculated, its make a move time fears already is one year ago. 那片区域应该就是卢卡斯曾经出手过的地方,而根据时间来推算,其出手的时间恐怕已经是一年之前了。 A year , the Tucker Plains spring, summer, autumn, winter take turns, however even so, these swords can still the sword glittering under the setting sun, this point then Roel not care, but looked like is too now strange. 一年的时间里,塔克平原春夏秋冬轮换一圈,然而即使是如此,那些刀剑仍然能够在夕阳之下剑光闪烁,这一点当时的罗亚并没有在意,但是现在看来却太奇怪了。 Ordinary [Kingdom] Origin Attribute, is absolutely impossible to achieve such degree, even the sword will soon after deteriorate in the attack rapidly vanishes, can insist for a year under this wind and rain, only has a possibility that Roel can think. 普通的【王国】源质,绝对不可能做到如此的程度,甚至于在攻击不久之后刀剑就会迅速劣化消失,能够在这风吹雨打之下坚持一年,罗亚能够想到的只有一个可能了。 That is the forest of that sword, actually only has one is the genuine main body. 那就是那刀剑的森林,其实只有一把是真正的本体。 Good, at that time Lucas sent out likely not the rain of myriad sword, but only then an demon sword, but its special effect is to then change into myriad types of weapons, because also has not damaged as the demon sword of main body, these seemed like the weapon of ordinary sword to pass the four seasons as before such as beginning. 不错,卢卡斯当时发出的很可能并非万千刀剑之雨,而是只有一把的魔剑,只不过其特殊效果便是化为万千种武器,而也正是因为作为本体的魔剑没有损坏,那些似乎是普通刀剑的武器才能度过四季依旧如初。 If this suspicion is the fact, then the Emperor Lucas ability and Paul were very similar, naturally, only could not prove anything depending on this point, but does not know that was the Roel misconception, the youngster always thought Austine Empire the action of weird possibly was recently related with this. 如果这个猜想是事实的话,那么皇帝卢卡斯的能力与保罗就很相似了,当然,只凭这一点证明不了什么,不过不知是不是罗亚的错觉,少年总觉得奥斯丁帝国最近诡异的行动可能与此有关。 Pondered over for a while, Roel gave up inquiring about this issue eventually, however has not waited for him to serve basket inside Uncle Guiding Fairy, the gate outside heard the knock. 思前想后了好一会,罗亚终究还是放弃了探寻这个问题,然而还没等他将笼子里面的引导精灵大爷伺候好,门外便传来了敲门声。 Enters.” “进。” After blinking, Roel tranquil gave the reply, Cynthia pushed the door to enter immediately, slightly after a ritual, took to the youngster an unexpected news. 眨了眨眼后,罗亚平静的给予了回复,辛西娅随即推门进入,微微一礼后,带给了少年一个意外的消息。 Sir, the news that the Ascart House that side spreads, Sir Carter must arrive immediately.” “大人,阿卡特家那边传来的消息,卡帝亚大人马上就要到了。” Father? Arrived this?” “父亲?到这?” Yes.” “是的。” After surprised question, heard the reply Roel quickly to stand up the body, walked toward outside. 惊讶的反问之后,听到回答的罗亚急忙站起了身,向着外面走去。 --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Arrival of Carter, before this is Roel, has not thought the matter, after all according to the message that Noelle provides, in the beforehand campaign, he coordinated Holy Eminence John strike to kill Deviant King of a Race, now should recuperate in the native place is right, however the fact actually came as a surprise to Roel. 卡帝亚的到来,这是罗亚之前从没有想过的事,毕竟根据诺艾尔提供的消息,在之前的战役中,他配合圣座约翰击杀异种人种族之王,现在应该是在老家养病才对,然而事实却出乎了罗亚的意料。 It seems like because before hearing Roel, was stranded in the Tucker Plains situation, the Carter innermost feelings anxiously, has not recovered then decided that rushes to frontier to save the child, the along/all the way speed may be called the hand cut the electric wire with the kitchen knife, the spark belt/bring lightning, caught up with the Ascart House signal officer unexpectedly actually. 似乎是因为听说了罗亚之前被困在塔克平原的情况,卡帝亚内心焦急不已,尚未痊愈便决定赶往边境救子,一路上的速度堪称手拿菜刀砍电线,一路火花带闪电,居然硬是追上了阿卡特家的通信官。 For this reason, Carter can person and the news like the present arrives about the same time, what his absolutely didn't expect is, even if has not started before the scorched earth campaign catches up toward here full power, still cannot catch up to the rescue of Roel. 正因如此,卡帝亚才能像现在这样人与消息前后脚到达,只不过他万万没想到的是,哪怕是从焦土战役还没开始前就全力往这边赶,依然没能赶上对罗亚的救援。 Also without and other Sir Marquis personally fences, Roel collaborated from outside with the inside to break through on already and Allied Army of Humans, made King of Deviants while convenient, has saying that this plot very dramatic, causes Carter heard doubting life of face. 还没等侯爵大人亲自操刀,罗亚已经人类联合军里应外合突围了,顺便还做掉了异种人之王,不得不说,这个剧情还是很戏剧性的,导致卡帝亚听到的时候一脸的怀疑人生 „Did Roel defeat King of Deviants?” 罗亚击败了异种人之王?” Yes, Sir.” “是的,大人。” Un???” “嗯???” When such dialogue then the first time is Carter heard the news performance, but the such surprised reason is also very simple. 如此的对话便是卡帝亚第一次听到消息时的表现,而其这样惊讶的原因也很简单。 Originally hugs to open the preparation of memorial service to the son, finally my goodness, turned into the victory celebration meeting directly, this contrast endures to enter simply is selected, if not the Carter cardiovascular is hale and hearty, perhaps cannot bear this impact, as for Roel, then particularly is affected about own father's actions. 本来抱着给儿子开追悼会的准备来的,结果好家伙,直接变成了庆功会,这反差简直堪比范进中举,如果不是卡帝亚心血管硬朗得很,恐怕都受不了这冲击,至于罗亚,则是对自己父亲的所作所为分外感动。 Drags the sick body that has not been recovering to go forth to battle to save the child, such father is in fact rarely seen, especially in Noble House, although Roel had not anticipated to Carter from beginning to end, when that familiar form really appears when his front, the Roel innermost feelings actually emerged the unprecedented stability. 拖着尚未痊愈的病体上阵救子,这样的父亲事实上并不多见,特别是在贵族家,虽然自始至终罗亚都没有对卡帝亚有所期待,但是当那个熟悉的身影真的出现在他面前时,罗亚的内心却涌现出了前所未有的安定。 Regardless of powerful is weak, how regardless of the position, the appearance of family member always to bring warm, even if Roel cannot be unconventional. 无论实力强弱,无论地位如何,亲人的出现总是会带来温暖,哪怕罗亚也不能免俗。 In seeing Carter, after father and son reunion, Roel mood good many, Carter is also the old bosom consoles greatly, however after this, the black-haired youngster actually complexion enforced, because difficult quest are waiting for him to carry out, that informs the event of Carter about Alicia. 在见到卡帝亚,父子两人团聚之后,罗亚的心情好了不少,卡帝亚也是老怀大慰,然而在此之后,黑发的少年却面色严肃了起来,因为有一项艰难的任务正等着他执行,那就是告知卡帝亚关于爱丽莎的事件。 Father, although did not have official intelligence, but the matter I need to tell you......” “父亲,虽然还没有正式的情报,但是有一件事我需要告诉你......” After silent moment, black-haired youngster was saying mentioned witnessed the Alicia event in that desert, but with narration of Roel, the smile on Carter face also gradually vanished, during falling into was silent. 沉默了片刻后,黑发的少年如此说着讲出了在那片沙漠目击爱丽莎的事件,而随着罗亚的讲述,卡帝亚脸上的笑容也逐渐消失,陷入了沉默之中。 As managing Ascart House dozens years, experienced countless disturbance Patriarch, Carter naturally knows that the Alicia event is representing anything, knew it the effect on Ascart House, but even so, Sir Marquis after the long-time silence still had not said anything. 作为管理阿卡特家数十年,经历了数不尽风波的家主,卡帝亚自然知道爱丽莎事件代表着什么,也知道其对阿卡特家的影响,但是即使如此,在长久的沉默后侯爵大人仍然没有说什么。 I see, I knew.” 原来如此,我知道了。” Father......” “父亲......” The middle-aged man who said nods, puts out a hand to pat the shoulder of Roel, but black-haired youngster could not bear open the mouth to inquire after silent the moment. 如此说的中年男人点了点头,伸手拍了拍罗亚的肩膀,而黑发的少年则在沉默了片刻后忍不住开口提问。 „Does father, how the Alicia matter you plan to process?” “父亲,爱丽莎的事你打算怎么处理?” Processing? What processes? Before the official report has not come out , to promote the main house gate the own home person?” “处理?处理什么?在正式的报告还没有出来前,将自己的家人推出家门吗?” watching stares Roel of big eye, the middle-aged man shakes the head, opens the mouth the light say/way: 望着瞪大眼睛的罗亚,中年男人摇了摇头,开口淡淡的道: Our Ascart House has not reduced to that situation, moreover what is more important, Alicia not necessarily cannot come back.” “我们阿卡特家还没沦落到那种地步,而且更重要的是,爱丽莎也未必不能回来。” Was saying Carter searched the hand to enter the bosom to put out a letter, gave Roel , after it is said in a soft voice: 如此说着的卡帝亚探手入怀拿出了一封信,将其递给罗亚后轻声道: „...... This gives you.” “......这是给你的。” Gives me?” “给我的?” The youngster who hears the Carter words blinks, received the letter to look, contraction that suddenly the golden eye pupil cannot control immediately. 听到卡帝亚话语的少年眨了眨眼,接过信件一看,金色的眼瞳立即控制不住的骤然收缩。 Sends Onii-sama Alicia Ascart 【致兄长大人-爱丽莎·阿卡特
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