LTDWMBD :: Volume #6

#543: Fallen ( 6 k )

In movement of population scarce and difficult time, in no matter which, people will find the special skill for the own hometown, but since Saint Mesit Theocracy Ascart Fiefdom, the millenniums, here people have taken the life stably as proudly. 在人口流动稀少而困难的时代,无论是哪里,人们都会为自己的故乡找到特长,而在圣梅斯特教国阿卡特领,千年以来,这里的人民则一直以生活稳定为骄傲。 The whether it is turbulent age or in time of war, Ascart Fiefdom is similar to the haven to be peaceful, the flames of war that the Ascart City millenniums experience are few, and returns safe and sound, however today, this inherent cognition actually in the arrival of enemy with the sky breaks. 无论是动荡的年代还是战争时期,阿卡特领都如同避风港般安宁稳定,阿卡特城千年来经历的战火屈指可数,且都是毫发无损,然而今天,这种固有的认知却随着天空中敌人的到来而打破。 Above the city wall, Roel Ascart looks into the distance the sky of watching distant place, originally cold solemn the facial features now already is dignified. 城墙之上,罗亚·阿卡特望着远方的天空,本就冷肃的面容如今已经是凝重不已。 Before then, black-haired youngster expected on already, this time enemy is perhaps same like Treeman priest that former Roel bumped into, has similar flame spirit general military strength, therefore dared to attack Ascart City this human big city, but nowadays, the dark clouds in sky proved the suspicion of Roel by the fact. 在此之前,黑发的少年已经预料到了,这次的敌人恐怕就如同之前罗亚碰到的树人祭祀一样,拥有着类似焰灵一般的兵力,所以才敢于进攻阿卡特城这种人类大城,而现如今,天空中的黑云则以事实证明了罗亚的猜想。 Dead crow falcon remote antiquity evil different lifeform will not sound it is said that its cry forever is the pitiful yell sound of last swallowing soul, but at this time above the Ascart Fiefdom sky, the countless death crow falcon already gathering is the dark cloud, the sound that opens the mouth to sound is similar to the countless lifeform to wail the pitiful yell. 死鸦隼这种远古邪异生物据说是不会鸣叫的,它的叫声永远是最后一个吞噬的灵魂的惨叫声,而此时阿卡特领的天空之上,数不尽的死鸦隼已经汇聚为乌云,开口鸣叫的声音就如同数不尽的生物在哀嚎惨叫。 Such sound has the strange magic power fluctuation, making one hear that confused, temper tantrum, strict in extreme cases even moves toward crazily, let alone is ordinary human, Transcendent is also hard to resist, if not Ascart City barrier, this time soldiers perhaps or fight burst. 如此的声音带着奇异的咒力波动,让人闻之心烦意乱、情绪失控,严重者甚至走向疯狂,别说是普通的人类,就连超凡者也难以抵挡,如果不是阿卡特城结界,此时的士兵们恐怕要不战自溃。 Thinks that here black-haired youngster got hold of the hand, in the heart rejoiced preparation that secretly for these days made, if did not open barrier ahead of time, was only this terrifying monsters sound, must raise reign of terror in Ascart City. 想到这里的黑发少年握紧了手,心中暗暗庆幸这几天所做的准备,如果不是提前开启了结界,只是这恐怖的怪物们的声音,恐怕就要在阿卡特城内掀起一场腥风血雨。 In this initial collision, prepares sufficient Ascart Fiefdom to be slightly better, but this short victory has not made Roel have any relaxation, because he knows, all just started. 在这最初的碰撞中,准备充足的阿卡特领略胜一筹,不过这短暂的胜利并没有让罗亚有任何放松,因为他知道,一切才刚刚开始。 The death crow falcon in sky may, not only will call, the length of body endures from dozens centimeters to several meters their strength compared with low rank Transcendent, and shortly after will turn toward Ascart City to launch the attack, by that time is true battle, but what is more important, tonight's they are the supporting roles. 天空中的死鸦隼可不只是会叫,体长从数十厘米到数米不等的它们实力堪比低阶超凡者,并且在不久后将向着阿卡特城发动袭击,到那时才是真正的战斗,而更为重要的是,今晚的它们不过是配角。 After the community of dead crow falcon appears, a huge form starts gradually to expose in the cloud layers, but with its appearance, in Ascart City the tension-filled atmosphere also climbs the pinnacle. 在死鸦隼的群体出现之后,一个巨大的身影开始在云层间逐渐展露,而随着它的出现,阿卡特城内紧张的气氛也随之爬升到极致。 That is a build greatly twists, jet black queer bird that as if must camouflage the sky, its head bird dragon, on the neck the strange sarcoma, a body darkness, the blood red eye pupil is similar to the red stars in the cloud layers steadily, but most unusual is that is different from the three fierce check claws of ordinary birds. 那是一只体型巨大而扭曲,仿佛要遮蔽天空的漆黑怪鸟,它的头颅似鸟似龙,脖子上长着古怪的肉瘤,身躯一片漆黑,血红的眼瞳在云层间如同赤色的星辰,而最奇特的则是那有别于普通鸟类的三个狰狞的勾爪。 首发网址://m..c When saw this giant queer bird finds out the cloud layer, two eyes blood red sends out to cry out strangely that moment that a soldier simultaneous/uniform Qidaoxi cold air/Qi in city wall, even the brave soldier still cannot help but looks pale for this frightened scene, but the reason is also very simple, that is one on lifeform level subverts with the steamroll. 当看到这巨大的怪鸟探出云层,双眼血红的发出怪叫的那一刻,城墙上的士兵齐齐倒吸一口冷气,即使是再勇敢的战士也不由得为这惊悚的一幕而面色苍白,而理由也很简单,那就是生物等级上的一种颠覆与碾压。 The bird takes one of the human earliest pets, can say that in most people's impression is the docile representative, the person feeds the bird naturally not to have nothing right, does not have any can fear, but now, monster in sky finds out that moment of head, in the ground the human in barrier has a strange misconception. 鸟作为人类最早的宠物之一,可以说在大多数人的印象中是温顺的代表,人喂鸟自然没有什么不对,也没有什么可以恐惧的,但是现在,天空中的怪物探出头颅的那一刻,地面上结界之内的人类却有一种奇怪的错觉。 That is that is closed exist(ence) in basket, but outside that mountains giant queer bird is Ruler of this world, exchanging of this status stimulated the fear of people, but on the other hand, everyone can feel clearly, that huge monster oppression on life level. 那就是自己才是那个被关在笼子中的存在,而外面那山川般巨大的怪鸟才是这世间的主宰,这种身份的调换激发了人们的恐惧,而另一方面,所有人都能清晰地感受到,那庞大怪物的生命等级上的压迫。 That is like ordinary facing Dragon and Angel, from bloodlines oppression that is unable to change, is the absolute steamroll of Mythological Lifeform to ordinary life, but the reason is also very simple, because in that Remote Antiquity Period, this terrifying monster truly is noble is close to Spiritual God exist(ence). 那是如同面对巨龙天使一般的,来自无法改变的血脉上的压迫,是神话生物对普通生命的绝对碾压,而理由也很简单,因为在那远古时期,这个恐怖的怪物确实是高贵而接近神灵存在 That is three foot dragon crow, is Remote Antiquity Period guards one of the sky Holy Beast, is the ally of wing person clan......” “那个是三足龙鸦,是远古时期守卫天空的圣兽之一,也是翼人族的盟友......” In the watching sky huge fierce monster, the Earth Mother Goddess sound conveys suddenly, in the tone brings the inexplicable sorrow, but is listening to the explanation of Petra, Roel also understood initially what oneself sees is anything. 望着天空中巨大狰狞的怪物,地母神的声音突然传来,语气中带着莫名的悲哀,而听着佩特拉的解释,罗亚也初步了解了自己看到的是什么。 Three foot dragon crow, are one of the Remote Antiquity Period most famous Holy Beast, first-generation Earth Mother Goddess World Serpent that but unlike almost lords over in the ground, three foot dragon crow are second-generation Holy Beast. 三足龙鸦,是远古时期最出名的圣兽之一,只不过与在地面上几乎独霸的第一代地母神世界蛇不同,三足龙鸦是第二代圣兽 Although initial Holy Beast is also born in Sia World, but actually does not create the myriad things the Sia personally behavior, but product of natural selection in severe evolution, they are gradually powerful through the unceasing struggle, and becomes Ruler of side world, arrives until Sia. 最初的圣兽虽然也诞生于希雅世界,但是却不是创造万物的希雅亲手所为,而是在严酷的进化中自然选择的产物,它们通过不断的斗争逐渐强大,并成为一方世界的主宰,直到希雅降临。 Said on such as Petra at that later matter in the past, the path that parts in these monster chose Origin Attribute, belongs to Sia becomes first-generation Holy Beast, but another part becomes the demon beast, is the monster ancestor, some time, these demon beasts brought the giant disaster for the world, but second-generation Holy Beast, is Sia for the product that to resolve the crisis accomplishes. 在那之后的事情就如佩特拉过去所说,这些怪物中的一部分选择了源质的道路,归属于希雅成为了第一代圣兽,而另一部分则成为了魔兽,也是魔物的祖先,在一段时间内,这些魔兽为世界带来了巨大的灾祸,而第二代圣兽,就是希雅为了应对危机而造就的产物。 Is partial unlike the first generation in Holy Beast of ordinary lifeform, second-generation Holy Beast often is the products of union many bloodlines, but three foot dragon crow are well-known figure that in second batch of hybrid Holy Beast Sia creates, it inherited Dragon and bloodlines of remote antiquity Holy Beast dead crow bird, even if in Spiritual God remaining Remote Antiquity Period, still dominates one of the sky King. 与第一代偏向于普通生物的圣兽不同,第二代的圣兽往往是结合多种血脉的产物,而三足龙鸦就是希雅所创造的第二批混血圣兽中的佼佼者,其继承了巨龙远古圣兽死鸦鸟的血脉,即使是在神灵尚存的远古时期,也是称霸天空的王者之一。 Three foot dragon crow, protects Holy Beast of dead, is defends the dead dignity exist(ence), however after the countless years pass by, nowadays appear in Roel present monster do not have Remote Antiquity Period to be noble and pure, instead made one feel particularly sorrowfully. 三足龙鸦,是守护死者的圣兽,也是维护死者尊严的存在,然而数不尽的岁月过去之后,现如今出现在罗亚眼前的怪物却早已没有了远古时期高洁,反而令人感到分外悲哀。 Is growing the head of sarcoma, the disorderly and dirty feather, the abnormality of semblance does not raise for the time being, truly those who made one sigh was crazy and cruel in its two eyes, as well as high and low fluttered in his side, is surrounding its ugly bird group. 长着肉瘤的头部,杂乱而肮脏的羽毛,外表的畸形暂且不提,真正令人感叹的是它双眼之中的疯狂与暴戾,以及在他身边上下翻飞,包围着它的丑恶鸟群。 Originally should be Holy Beast of dead patron god, nowadays is blasphemed the death crow falcon of dead to treat as the leader, such scene in the Roel eye simply is the biggest satire, exposed a Fallen pitiful dead end corner/horn. 本来应该是死者守护神的圣兽,现如今却被亵渎死者的死鸦隼当做领袖,如此的场面在罗亚眼中简直就是最大的讽刺,也揭露了堕落者们悲惨末路的一角。 However what has saying that although in heart heavy, however present black-haired youngster does not have the time for this tragedy sigh, that moment that because presents in three foot dragon crow, on other shore plain in giant skeleton and mountain valley golden-haired woman then simultaneously aura dignified, because they know, true enemy not that huge monster, but has someone else. 不过不得不说的是,虽然心中沉重,但是现在的黑发少年却并没有时间为这种悲剧感叹,因为在三足龙鸦出现的那一刻,彼岸平原上巨大的骸骨与山谷中金发的女人便同时气息凝重了起来,因为他们知道,真正的敌人并非那巨大的怪物,而是另有其人。 Since three foot dragon crow appeared, then the opponent also determined.” “既然三足龙鸦出现了,那么对手也确定了呢。” „...... Wing person king?” “......翼人王吗?” Low and deep is saying, the giant skeleton disclosed the alert, but on such as responded to two Ancient God to be the same, in that huge monster above, one bunch of vision also passed through ten thousand meters expansive sky, threw in black-haired youngster body. 低沉的如此说着,巨大的骸骨透露出戒备,而就如回应两位古神一般,在那巨大怪物的上方,一束目光也穿过万米的长空,投在了黑发少年身上 -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Beast, this community is the Remote Antiquity Period earliest powerful race, its rise time even also before the Sia present world, in that chaotic age, even Angel, Giant and other myth races, without Origin Attribute is still hard to contend with it, but a smaller and weaker race can only degenerate into monsters food. 圣兽,这个群体是远古时期最早的强盛种族,其崛起时间甚至还在希雅现世之前,在那个混乱的年代,即使是天使巨人等神话种族,在没有源质的情况下也难以与其抗衡,而更加弱小的种族则只能沦为怪物们的食物。 Until Sia presents Origin Attribute distributes to the intelligent life, each race in the world starts to step the road of extraordinary, but, in the second-generation Holy Beast exist(ence) age, other races was still not even so powerful. 直到希雅出现将源质分发给智慧生命,世界上的各个种族才开始踏上超凡之路,不过即使如此,在第二代圣兽存在的年代,其他种族仍然并不强大。 Three foot dragon crow, truly can call it the king of sky in Remote Antiquity Period, but its at first another status is the patron god of wing person clan, but with the development of time, the strength of wing person clan is gradually powerful, three full dragon crows then became from the patron god with the generation after generation wing person king signing contract, offensive and defensive cooperation ally exist(ence). 三足龙鸦,在远古时期确实可以被称之为天空之王,而它最初另一个身份则是翼人族的守护神,只不过随着时代的发展,翼人族的实力逐渐强大,三足龙鸦便从守护神变为了与代代翼人王签订契约,攻守互助的盟友般的存在 When Saviour degenerates, the high level of wing person clan was almost involved, three foot dragon crow cannot escape the misfortune, but was ordinary on such as the past contract, this huge monster can appear, is representing a fact, that was the arrival of king of wing person. 救世主堕落之时,翼人族的高层几乎都被牵连,三足龙鸦也没能够逃脱厄运,不过就如过去的契约一般,这巨大的怪物能够出现,就代表着一个事实,那就是翼人之王的到来。 The youngster who the Ascart City top, feels the for a while/a bout of piercing line of sight looks up to the sky, the vision went to that constriction the place of source across the space of big piece, but in the above of giant beast that covers the sky, two with three full dragon crows compare the form that may be small is floating above the sky. 阿卡特城城头,感受到一阵刺骨视线的少年仰望天空,目光穿过大片的空间投向了那压迫感的源头之处,而在那覆盖天空的巨兽的上方,两个与三足龙鸦相比可算是微小的身影则正漂浮在天空之上。 That is two image entirely different forms, one of the is throwing over the black cape, cannot see clearly the concrete appearance, has no remarkable characteristics, mystery quite thick, seems like Saviour divine official, but another is the old man of common on the back grows pair of wings such as Roel expects. 那是两个形象截然不同的身影,其中一个披着黑色的斗篷,看不清具体的样貌,也没有什么显著的特征,神秘感相当的浓厚,似乎是一名救世主神官,而另一个则是如罗亚所预料的一般的背生双翼的老者。 In the imagination of beforehand Roel, the wing person clan should in Angel of feather wing with the youngster mind differ not the multi- races, in sees the king of nowadays wing person truly, black-haired youngster actually has to knit the brows. 在之前罗亚的想象中,翼人族应该是与少年脑海中羽毛翅膀的天使相差不多的种族,然而在真正看到现如今的翼人之王时,黑发的少年却不得不皱起了眉。 Before such as if old to Treeman priest of limit is ordinary, the king of life-span shorter wing person also has become in the change of years changes beyond all recognition, at this time on big King back wing already scarcely feather, but is the exposed dense white bones, the facial features are the living person are more like the mummy, the withered body almost misleads the person into thinking that is Undead. 就如之前仿佛苍老到极限的树人祭祀一般,寿命更加短暂的翼人之王也早已在岁月的变迁中变得面目全非,此时高大的王者背后的翅膀上已经几乎没有羽毛,而是裸露的森森白骨,面容与其说是活人更像是木乃伊,枯槁的身体几乎让人误以为是不死者。 In his top of the head, Crown of wood gold/metal is sending out the dim ray, as if fled the capital by the years, but so, the black-haired youngster facial features are even dignified, because this time Roel already roughly felt the aura of enemy. 在他的头顶,一顶似木似金的王冠正散发着黯淡的光芒,仿佛被岁月蒙尘,不过即使是如此的,黑发的少年却面容凝重,因为此时的罗亚已经大致感受到了敌人的气息。 Although in long years after degeneration, the Fallen strength is almost impossible to rise, can only the unceasing feebleness, but even so, has the Origin Level 1 strength as three foot dragon kings of crow and wing person of Remote Antiquity Period sky overlord, what is different from Treeman priest, their strengths will not be restrained by Roel, and is more powerful. 虽然在堕落之后漫长的岁月中,堕落者的力量几乎无法上升,只能不断的衰弱,但是即使如此,作为远古时期天空霸主的三足龙鸦与翼人之王也有着源级1的实力,不过与树人祭祀不同的是,他们的力量不会被罗亚所克制,而且更加强大。 In feeling so the instance of aura, the heart of Roel then sank the valley, although has long known before Fallen powerful was big, when the enemy really appeared in the front, black-haired youngster clear feeling this tremendous pressure. 在感受到如此气息的瞬间,罗亚的心便沉到了谷底,虽然之前早已知道堕落者实力强大,但是当敌人真的出现在面前时,黑发的少年才真切的感受到这巨大的压力。 I see, is this you for the killing bureau that I formulate? Also gave many cares.” 原来如此,这就是你为我制定的杀局吗?还真是费了不少心思啊。” Is gazing at monster and powerful enemy in blood red sky, black-haired youngster so think aloud, although powerful to some extent of enemy somewhat exceeds the estimate, but treats as the person of getting along with people principle as the by caution and care, Roel is not unprepared. 注视着血红的天空中的怪物与强敌,黑发的少年如此自言自语着,虽然敌人的强大某种程度上有些超出预计,但是作为以谨慎小心当作处世原则的人,罗亚却也并非毫无准备。 Was pondering silently after youngster silent moment, takes back the observation to the vision of sky, later after turning around to face setting out , the gaze that has worried about his young girl, on the face was showing the smile of comforting. 默默思考着的少年沉默片刻后收回了望向天空的目光,随后转身面对起身后一直担忧的注视着他的少女,脸上露出了安抚的微笑。 That, Alicia, I almost should walk.” “那么,爱丽莎,我差不多该走了。” Onii-sama......” 兄长大人......” Relax, they truly come prepared, but we will not be are struck down easily, the reinforcements should arrive at earliest tomorrow, before that Ascart City gave you.” “放心,他们确实是有备而来,但是我们也不是那么容易就会被击倒的,外界的援军最快明天应该就会抵达,在那之前阿卡特城就交给你了。” „......, I understood.” “......嗯,我明白了。” Under the commission of Roel, silver-white-haired young girl nod of silently, suppressed in the heart to Roel incomparable worry, but the reason was also very simple, because understands to military theory research quite deep Alicia, present Ascart City is actually unsafe. 罗亚的嘱托下,银白发色的少女默默的点了点头,强忍住了心中对罗亚无比的担忧,而原因也很简单,因为对军事理论研究颇深的爱丽莎明白,现在的阿卡特城其实并不安全。 citadel barrier no doubt can provide the protection for Ascart City, but also has the obvious weakness, that is unable to stop the huge goal, but nowadays three foot dragon crow in sky are these barrier kind of artifact(s) difficult adversaries. 城塞结界固然能够为阿卡特城提供保护,但是却也有着明显的弱点,那就是无法阻拦巨大的目标,而现如今天空中的三足龙鸦便是这些结界咒物的克星。 After the beforehand agreement was clear about respective quest, black-haired youngster steps was the own journey, runs out of the barrier Roel body like the lightning, pulled open rapidly with the Ascart City distance, following is the comprehensive eruption of magic power. 按照之前约定明确了各自的任务之后,黑发的少年踏上了属于自己的征程,冲出结界罗亚身躯就如闪电,迅速的拉开了与阿卡特城的距离,随之而来的便是咒力的全面爆发。 First what erupts is pale yellow and heavy/thick magic power, that is the Earth Mother Goddess great power, is the first-generation King of Holy Beasts aura, when this aura appears, huge monster in sky sends out grating sounding, later anxious fans the wing, but black-haired youngster to time has not actually cared. 首先爆发的是昏黄而厚重的咒力,那是属于地母神的强大力量,也是第一代圣兽之王的气息,当这股气息出现之时,天空中的巨大怪物发出刺耳的鸣叫,随后不安的扇动起翅膀,不过黑发的少年对次却并没有在意。 Under the help of Petra, the Roel front path changes into a piece of level road, the giant stone of float is covering the Roel form, letting black-haired youngster can rapid march, in the Roel body emerge the countless mist at the same time. 佩特拉的帮助之下,罗亚前方的道路化为一片坦途,漂浮的巨石遮挡着罗亚的身影,让黑发的少年能够迅速的行进,同一时刻罗亚的身躯中涌现出数不尽的雾气。 When saw when Roel body that leaves rapidly twines the white fog, familiar Roel Cynthia and the others strange knitting the brows, Permafrost Energy, that is Calamity from remote antiquity, disregards almost all defenses, can the enemy thoroughly frozen aura, it can be said that one of the Roel symbolic skill, but as skill, the actually very major problems, that is the distance. 当看到迅速离开的罗亚身上缠绕起白雾之时,熟悉罗亚辛西娅等人奇怪的皱起眉,冻土之气,那是来自远古灾厄,是无视几乎所有防御,能够将敌人彻底冰封的气息,可以说是罗亚的标志性技能之一,但是作为技能,其却有一个很大的问题,那就是距离。 As the mist, [Permafrost's Touch] is hard to launch the attack to the extremely remote goal, the enemy who above the sky can move willfully especially so, since that this enemy can soar time, this skill use does not seem big. 作为雾气,【冻土之触】难以对太过遥远的目标发动攻击,天空之上可以任意移动的敌人尤其如此,那么既然这一次的敌人能够飞翔,这一技能的用处似乎就不大了。 Is so thinking Heretic Corps look puzzled, however above the plain of distant place, the enemy in black-haired youngster actually watching sky, in the eye glitters the ray of wisdom. 如此想着的异教军团们面露不解,然而在远方的平原之上,黑发的少年望着天空中的敌人,眼中闪烁起智慧的光芒。 Actually own skill can achieve what degree, this point Roel is clear a lot compared with others, even if has no function of essence, Roel still used skill, but the reason is still very simple, because these to not attack, but to attract the attention of enemy, and forces him to make the choice. 自己的技能究竟能够做到什么程度,这一点罗亚比别人清楚得多,然而即使没有什么实质的作用,罗亚仍然将技能使用了出来,而原因也很简单,因为这些不是为了攻击,而是为了吸引敌人的注意力,并迫使其做出选择。 Three foot dragon crow appearances go beyond the Roel expectation, if will make it the target decide as Ascart City, barrier will be how regardless of unable to shoulder, therefore Roel must direct strangely, will draw all hatreds to own body. 三足龙鸦的出现是超出罗亚预料的,如果让其将攻击目标定为阿卡特城,结界是无论如何也扛不住的,也因此罗亚必须引怪,将所有的仇恨拉到自己身上 If the Petra aura caused that huge monster attention before, then the Roel body Stone Crown strength is no different than the taunt nowadays. 如果说之前佩特拉的气息只是引起了那巨大怪物的注意力,那么现如今罗亚身上冠之石的力量就无异于嘲讽了。 In Remote Antiquity Period, the opposition of Saviour and Mother Goddess is the facts that everyone knows, but regarding as Fallen of Saviour follower, the [Six Calamities] aura is one of aura they most loathe, carves hostility in their bone. 远古时期,救世主母神的对立是众所周知的事实,而对于身为救世主信徒的堕落者们来说,【六灾厄】的气息则是他们最为厌恶的气息之一,是刻在他们骨子里的敌对者。 Under the aura hauling of Roel, huge monster in sky sends out the grating wailing, the king of wing person also sends out the magic power fluctuation of terrifying, the dark sky starts to whirl around slowly, the jet black backdrop will change into the deva-eye of screw from now on, is announcing official start of war. 罗亚的气息牵引之下,天空中的巨大怪物发出刺耳的尖啸,翼人之王也散发出恐怖的咒力波动,黑暗的天空开始缓缓翻卷,漆黑的天幕自此化为螺旋的天眼,也宣布着战争的正式开始。 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ In black-haired youngster provokes the flames of war after the own behavior, first acts is not huge monster in sky, is not the king or another side decayed wing person like specter divine official, but paces back and forth in the sky for a long time, sends out the bird groups of various pitiful yells unceasingly, but their goal population and soul many Ascart City. 黑发的少年自己的行为挑起战火之后,首先行动的不是天空中的庞然大物,也不是腐朽的翼人之王或者另一边如同幽灵般的神官,而是徘徊在天空中已久,不断发出各种惨叫的鸟群,而它们的目标正是人数与灵魂最多的阿卡特城 These strengths situated in low rank monster, although is mammoth, but has not actually challenged the Roel guts, their limited intelligence quotient choices follow the instinct, but under this objective, attacking Ascart City is natural. 这些实力处于低阶的怪物虽然声势浩大,但是却并没有挑战罗亚的胆量,它们有限的智商选择遵循本能,而在这种宗旨之下,进攻阿卡特城就是理所当然的了。 In the pitiful yell sounds of countless lifeform, the dark cloud above sky approaches toward below city, hundreds and thousands of jet black queer birds drop toward under rapidly, like a sharp long spear pierces to barrier, but in barrier, silver-white-haired young girl extends make a move gently, what also appears is another flock of birds. 在数不尽生物的惨叫声中,天空之上的乌云向着下方的城市靠近,成百上千的漆黑怪鸟向着下方急速下降,如同一柄柄锋利的长枪刺向结界,而在结界之内,银白发色的少女则轻轻伸出手,随之出现的是另一群鸟类。 That is pure white and glittering and translucent carving, by Life Energy and bird group of magic power constitution, their in groups in the whole body encirclement of young girl, later rapid flies toward the above, the fashion in barrier is precisely the lovable appearance, however a barrier rapid inflation, will then change into neighbor to destroy magic completely. 那是纯白而晶莹剔透,由生命能量咒力构成的鸟群,它们成群结队的在少女周身环绕,随后迅速的向着上方飞去,在结界之内时尚且是可爱的模样,然而一出结界便迅速的膨胀,化为了将附近的一切摧毁殆尽的咒术 Bang-!” “轰-!” The fierce explosive sound spreads over the city, blue white barrier also vibrates, but beside that barrier, charged into the Ascart City death crow falcon group already casualty to be serious, changed into the fragment of splash incarnadine nearby sky, what is appalling, facing the casualty of companion, the responses of these lifeform is not frightened, but to fight of its soul. 剧烈的爆炸声传遍城市,蓝白色的结界也随之震动,而在那结界之外,原本冲向阿卡特城的死鸦隼群已经死伤惨重,化为了飞溅的碎片染红了附近的天空,不过令人毛骨悚然的是,面对同伴的死伤,这些生物的反应不是恐惧,而是对其灵魂的争抢。 Above barrier the average man facing the overflowing loose soul and magic power that cannot see, the dark cloud of creeping motion closes, tens of thousands of death crow falcon is swallowing the similar soul, and starts to strengthen itself rapidly. 面对结界上方常人看不到的溢散的灵魂与咒力,蠕动的乌云一拥而上,成千上万的死鸦隼吞噬着同类的灵魂,并开始迅速的强化自身。 Sees such scene, even the Alicia complexion cannot help but were still uglier, but in another side, some powerful individual already started to break through the stop of barrier to enter in the city. 看到这样的一幕,即使是爱丽莎的脸色也不由得难看了些,而在另一边,一些强大的个体已经开始突破结界的阻拦进入到了城内。 Even Ascart City barrier, is unable to resist all enemies in out of the door, a small number of breakthrough strength strong individuals definitely will have the omission, but after entering barrier, their actions will not be smooth. 即使是阿卡特城结界,也无法将所有的敌人抵挡在门外,少数突破力强的个体必然会有遗漏,不过进入了结界后,它们的行动就不会那么顺利了。 As the for a while/a bout of strange fluctuation spreads over in the city, all above the death crow falcon bodies of entering Ascart City had/left several types to limit spell, many even fell directly falls on the place, was rushed to the soldiers who went to encircle kills, but some powerful big was processed by Cynthia, Wood and the others specially. 随着一阵奇异的波动传遍城内,所有进入阿卡特城的死鸦隼身躯之上都多出了数种限制法术,不少甚至直接摔落在地,被冲上前去的战士们围杀,而一些实力强大的则被辛西娅伍德等人专门处理。 But on such as makes war beforehand Roel and the others the expectations to be the same, as breaks in the barrier monster quantity to be getting more and more, the limit spell effect in barrier starts to reduce, the jet black giant bird starts to start counter-attacks, the casualties of human also start the appearance and increase. 可是就如开战之前罗亚等人的预料一样,随着冲入结界魔物数量越来越多,结界内的限制法术效果开始减轻,漆黑的巨鸟开始发动反攻,人类的伤亡也开始出现并增加。 Tangled warfare already in city starts, and gets stronger and stronger, but another side, black-haired youngster and confrontation of king of wing person has also been in progress. 城市之内的混战已经开始,并愈演愈烈,而另一边,黑发的少年与翼人之王的交锋也早已进行。 Under the fermentation of king of decayed wing person, in the sky the spiral deva-eye changes into the hurricane, then becomes the exceedingly high dragon volume, falls toward the youngster like the deity long spear/gun, but above the ground, saw the king of wing person so attacks, the Roel vision also sank, during the golden eye pupil twinkles, vigorous magic power started to whirl around upwardly, changed into the giant shield of ice crystal. 在腐朽的翼人之王的酝酿下,天空中螺旋的天眼化为飓风,进而成为通天的龙卷,如同天神的长枪般向着少年直坠而下,而在地面之上,看到了翼人之王如此的攻击,罗亚的目光也沉了下来,金色的眼瞳闪烁之间,蓬勃的咒力开始向上翻卷,化为了冰晶的巨大盾牌。 The shield float of ice crystal in in the air, after the shield forms, scarlet red magic power burns like flame on Roel's body, the the next moment giant skeleton shoots up to the sky, the shield of ice crystal in the hand, conflict of both sides erupted in the next second firmly directly. 冰晶的盾牌漂浮于空中,而在盾牌形成之后,赤红色的咒力如同火焰在罗亚的身上燃烧起来,下一刻巨大的骸骨冲天而起,将冰晶之盾牢牢地拿在了手中,双方的冲突于下一秒直接爆发。 Bang-!” “轰-!” Since battle has started, the second explosion resounds, but compared with the sound of Ascart City that side Alicia manufacture, Roel and conflict of king of wing person is similar to the thunder of blasting open. 战斗开始以来,第二声的爆炸响起,只不过与阿卡特城那边爱丽莎制造的声响相比,罗亚与翼人之王的冲突就如同炸裂的雷霆。 The long spear/gun of wind mist pounds above the Permafrost ice crystal, the air current of scattering in all directions changes into the air the monstrous waves to sweep across the entire land, under the attack of spear/gun of this dragon volume, ground rapid cracking near Roel locale, however, that blue white ice crystal shield is even so crackless. 风岚的长枪砸在冻土的冰晶之上,四散的气流化为空气的巨浪席卷整个大地,在这龙卷之枪的攻击下,罗亚所在处附近的地面迅速的崩裂,然而即使如此,那蓝白色的冰晶盾牌却毫无裂痕。 Facing in the sky contains countless magic power strikes, Grendel raises the arm to withstand stubbornly, however the giant skeleton actually has not been only the meaning of defense, as the enemy's first wave attacks is resisted, King of Giants two eyes emits the ray, later angrily roars loudly, on the body glitters scarlet thunder light. 面对天空中蕴含着无可计数咒力的一击,古兰达尔举起手臂死死顶住,但是巨大的骸骨却并没有只是防守的意思,随着敌人第一波攻击被抵挡,巨人之王双眼放出光芒,随后放声怒吼,身体上闪烁起赤红的雷光。 In the thunder, Grendel shakes the fist to pound air current upwards, the red fist front from bottom to top just like rising the dragon, magic power of radical explosion changes into the shock-wave, explodes from bottom to top successively the long spear/gun of dragon volume, the howling shock-wave direct link horizon, the jet black dark cloud will make a hole. 雷霆之中,古兰达尔挥拳砸向上方的气流,赤色的拳锋自下而上宛如升龙,剧烈爆炸的咒力化为冲击波,自下而上将龙卷的长枪节节爆开,呼啸的冲击波直达天际,将漆黑的乌云打出了一个孔洞。 The so powerful strength makes the sky king of wing person have to avoid temporarily, simultaneously was enraged the hissing sounded, but another side giant three full dragon crows start to crash rapidly, the check claw of deep place by extremely heavy potential, toward Grendel rapidly. 如此强大的力量让天空中的翼人之王不得不暂时躲避,同时被激怒般的嘶声鸣叫了起来,而另一边巨大的三足龙鸦则开始迅速坠落,深处的勾爪以万钧之势,向着古兰达尔急速而来。 Powerful after fighting with the fists, big Giant is in the old strength already completely, when new strength has not lived, however attacks the second enemy who comes facing the sky in suddenly, on face of Roel actually not flustered look, but the reason is also very simple. 威力巨大的一拳打出之后,高大的巨人正处于旧力已尽,新力未生之时,然而面对天空中突然袭击而来的第二位敌人,罗亚的脸上却毫无慌张的神色,而原因也很简单。 This did almost you enter the stage?” “差不多该你出场了吧?” That's true.” “确实如此。” In the question and answer sound of youngster, a huge form runs out from nearby mountain jungle in suddenly, it extends the make a move palm, the giant check claw will keep off, later emits the countless rattan to tie down the enemy firmly. 在少年的问答声中,一个巨大的身影突然自一旁的高山密林中冲出,它伸出手掌,一把将巨大的勾爪挡下,随后放出数不尽的藤条将敌人牢牢缠住。 Many years had not moved, fire off this, I must drink to make up.” “好多年没有活动了,打完这场,我得喝酒补一补。” The black-haired youngster side, huge Treeman is saying, in the old facial features shows the smile. 黑发少年的身旁,巨大的树人如此说着,苍老的面容上露出微笑。
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