LTDWMBD :: Volume #6

#542: Start of war

The Ascart Fiefdom sky somewhat was recently strange, this matter could be said as the residents in city discussing one of the most things recently. 阿卡特领的天空最近有些奇怪,这件事可以说是城中的居民们最近讨论最多的事情之一。 In entertainment life not very rich Sia World, pleasure a large part of people lies in chatting the weather, after all compared with other complex topics, the topic of weather is direct, everyone can participate, and also practical impact in life to everyone. 在娱乐生活并没有很丰富的希雅世界,人们的乐趣很大一部分在于聊天气,毕竟与其他复杂的话题相比,天气的话题直接易懂,所有人都能参与,并且在生活中也切实的影响到每一个人。 On such as Roel previous life various topic Ranking List, being among the best not necessarily is the major science discovery, but the people sense of participation is high, certainly in front several, but Ascart Fiefdom recent long at night, without a doubt is the discussion high most fiery topic. 就如罗亚前世的各种话题排行榜中,名列前茅的不一定是重大的科学发现,但民众参与感高的,一定会在前面几位,而阿卡特领最近的漫长黑夜,毫无疑问就是讨论度最高最火热的话题。 All happen when three days ago, in people are enjoying in the new year the aftertaste of holiday, the Ascart Fiefdom sky suddenly starts becomes dim, starts is daytime reduction, night extension, the sunrise and sunset vanish do not see, will penetrate the dark clouds to appear close to noon Sun, but in the afternoon vanishes quickly. 一切发生在三天之前,在人们正享受新年节日的余韵之时,阿卡特领的天空突然开始变得昏暗,随之开始的便是白天的缩短,黑夜的延长,日出与日落消失不见,接近中午时分太阳才会穿透阴云出现,而下午则很快消失。 At first people also think that this is only the sudden sleet weather, after all when end of the year originally is in a year the night time is longest, bumping into the cloudy day seems like without the bright day same is also possible, but people soon detected that matter some are not right. 起初人们还认为这只是突然出现的雨雪天气,毕竟年关时本来就是一年中夜晚时间最长的,碰到阴天看起来和没亮天一样也是可能的,但是人们很快发觉事情有些不对。 Sky day after day continuously dim, however the sleet actually could not see the shadow, at night when the star and moon vanish do not see, in the sky seemed to be put up a jet black vault artificially. 天空日复一日连续着昏暗,然而雨雪却连影子都看不到,夜晚时星星与月亮消失不见,天空中似乎被人为的搭起了一个漆黑的穹顶。 The night time of significant growth makes the life of people have the confusion, on the avenue the brilliantly illuminated time significantly lengthens, but has wide divided opinions regarding the reason that this situation presents. 大幅增长的夜晚时间使得人们的生活出现混乱,大街上灯火通明的时间大大延长,而对于这种情况出现的原因则是众说纷纭。 Locally born Ascart Fiefdom people most comparitively are optimistic, does not care regarding this strange phenomenon, even treats as the interesting rumor it in the streets and lanes. 土生土长的阿卡特领民众大多数比较乐观,对于这种奇异的现象并不太在意,甚至在街头巷尾将其当做趣闻。 After all regarding lives from infancy to maturity them on this lands, perhaps Ascart House cannot provide prosperously, but the peace and stability are actually dozens years have not changed, the fief strong military power also makes them have this self-confidence. 毕竟对于从小到大生活在这片土地上的他们来说,阿卡特家也许不能提供繁荣,但是安全与稳定却是几十年都没变过的,领地强大的军事实力也让他们有这个自信。 But regarding the new resident, now Ascart Fiefdom situation some are not optimistic, how even in the knowledge superficial person, still to understand that such weather absolutely is not a good deed, but in fact the long-time darkness also truly makes people feel particularly depressing. 而对于新住民来说,现在阿卡特领的情况就有些不乐观了,即使是在如何知识浅薄的人,也明白如此的天气绝对不是一件好事,而事实上长久的黑暗也确实让人感到分外压抑。 Before Churchgate of urban center, the people that come to pray line up, is inquiring above the sky to the Church clergy the reason of phenomenon, that's all after is comforting the people with Church divine official that Ascart Residence has ventilated full power, is keeping the order of city. 城市中心的大教堂门前,前来祷告的民众排起了长队,向教会的神职人员询问着天空之上异象的原因,而已经与阿卡特公馆通过气的教会神官们则全力的安抚着民众,维持着城市的秩序。 一秒记住://bu6. Naturally, in population so many Ascart City, the embracers of some apocalypse theories is also must have, the busybody who promotion world apocalypse, the create alarm mood increases day by day, penalty of Sia and so on rumor also inevitable start starts to spread in the gloomy place, regarding these people, Roel not lenient, packed to throw into directly in is completely firm. 当然,在人口如此多的阿卡特城,一些末日论的信奉者也是少不了的,鼓吹世界末日、制造恐慌情绪的好事之徒与日俱增,“希雅的惩罚”之类的谣言也不可避免的开始在阴暗之处开始流传,对于这些人,罗亚则没有手软,直接全部打包扔进了牢里。 The reorganization does not arrange randomly, the play said that is not the nonsense, although Roel support freedom of speech, but is actually not able to endure the badman to poison people's minds, especially when this pressure was enormous. 改编不是乱编,戏说不是胡说,虽然罗亚支持言论自由,但是却无法忍受不法之徒蛊惑人心,特别是在这本就压力极大的时候。 Is good before, because the new year investigation, true criminals mostly already first step-by-stepped the prison, causes even in this will of the people not steady period, in the city has not presented too many evil incidents, if this situation is continue continue, all did not say. 好在由于之前新年的排查,真正的罪犯们大多已经先一步进了大牢,使得即使是在这人心不稳的时期,城市中也没有出现太多的恶性事件,不过如果这种情况在继续持续下去,一切就都不好说了。 Enduring patiently of person limited, the gloomy feeling that this type of sky as if must depress let alone is the ordinary people, Transcendents has a heavy heart, short time curious, once in the past, the worried person will be getting more and more, the city will also certainly gradually have the popular sentiment not steady situation. 人的忍耐是有限度的,这种天空仿佛都要压下的阴沉感别说是普通的民众,就连超凡者们都心情沉重,短时间的好奇一旦过去,担忧的人将越来越多,城市也必将逐渐出现民心不稳的情况。 Regarding this situation, the Roel nature is clear, but actually did not worry, because he knows, perhaps Weird Creature already on sky wait/etc. was so long. 对于这种情况,罗亚自然清楚,不过对此却也并不担忧,因为他知道,恐怕天空上的诡异之物已经等不了那么久了。 The darkness that in Ascart Residence, in the watching sky surges, in black-haired youngster two eyes sends out the ray slightly, obvious already stood on guard the pinnacle, three days , the Ascart Fiefdom above darkness was even more deep, oppresses the strength is also getting stronger and stronger in the sensation of youngster, the Roel intuition felt, it arrived at the eruption quickly the critical point. 阿卡特公馆之内,望着天空中涌动的黑暗,黑发的少年双眼之中微微发出光芒,明显已经警戒到了极致,三天的时间,阿卡特领上空的黑暗愈发深沉,压迫力在少年的感知中也越来越强,罗亚直觉地感受到,它就快到达爆发的临界点了。 Through eyeglasses that Alicia grants, black-haired youngster continuously magic element density in observation sky, before the sky light purple gradually deepened over time, nowadays already changes into with the outward appearance same blackness, but this also symbolizes magic element density already to highest rank. 通过爱丽莎赠与的眼镜,黑发的少年一直在观察天空中的魔素浓度,之前天空的淡紫色随着时间的流逝逐渐加深,现如今已经化为了与外观相同的漆黑,而这也标志着魔素浓度已经到了最高级别 The charm accumulation of degree naturally is so hard to escape from the attention of Roel, but the youngster has not actually taken any action, but the reason is also very simple, because of through with the conversation of Grendel as well as Petra, Roel gradually understands the enemy is making anything, that constructs own domain. 如此程度的魔力聚集自然难以逃脱罗亚的注意,不过少年却并没有采取任何行动,而原因也很简单,因为通过与古兰达尔以及佩特拉的交谈,罗亚逐渐明白了敌人是在做什么,那就是构造自身的领域。 Domain words and expressions, nowadays Transcendent already was particularly strange, after all under the present extraordinary system, people already did not need the thing of that similar ceremony to release various magic freely. 领域这个词语,现如今的超凡者已经分外陌生了,毕竟在如今的超凡体系下,人们已经不需要那种类似仪式的东西就可以自由地释放各种咒术了。 Domain and so on noun withdraws from the human the stage for a long time, except for appearing in millennium ago history books, then displays in Holy See ceremony mage there, but mostly is only the priest nature, already had no usability. 领域之类的名词退出人类的舞台已久,除了出现在千年前的历史书中,便是在教廷的仪式咒术师那里施展,不过大多只是祭祀性质,已经没有什么实用性了。 However this time, the domain structure of remote antiquity appeared in the reality, what in the ceremony with Holy See compared to be different, this was not the useless action, the reason is also very simple, because this was one ceremony that awakened the bloodlines, but the object was not human. 然而这一次,远古的领域构造却出现在了现实之中,不过与教廷中的仪式相比不同的是,这并非是无用之举,理由也很简单,因为这是一场唤醒血脉的仪式,而对象也并非是人类。 They want to awaken, has the lifeform of Spiritual God bloodlines...... this opponent trouble.” “他们想要唤醒的,是具有神灵血脉的生物......这次的对手麻烦了。” After the sensation to the strange aura, appeared on own initiative looks up to the sky Earth Mother Goddess saying that informed the plot of enemy. 在感知到了古怪的气息后,主动出现仰望天空的地母神如此说着,告知了敌人的阴谋。 In Remote Antiquity Period, Sia exist(ence) of the world highest order is Spiritual God, what is different from various legendary/in legend, it is actually not old Undead, as the countless years pass by, the change of change and environment of time makes Spiritual God gradually leave the historical arena, Mythological Lifeform also vanishes. 远古时期,希雅的世界最高位的存在神灵,可是与各种传说中不同的是,其却并非是不老不死的,随着数不尽的岁月过去,时代的变迁与环境的变化使得神灵逐渐退出历史舞台,神话生物也随之消失。 However like Highland Elf, Angel and other races can think that continues to be the same the own bloodlines through human, some evil different and powerful exist(ence) also found to be their methods to continue to survive, that was found to suit the strength the carrier, and gave the bloodlines of its Spiritual God. 不过就如同高地精灵天使等种族能够想到通过人类将自己的血脉延续下去一样,一些邪异而强大的存在也找到了属于他们的方法继续生存下去,那就是找到适合自己力量的载体,并赋予了其神灵的血脉。 What is different from the situation of deified races, these evil different exist(ence) will not make owner of these bloodlines live, but is meets attached to control in its body, in alternative forms, traded another stance to continue to survive. 只不过与神化种族们的情况不同的是,这些邪异的存在并不会让这些自身血脉的拥有者自己生活,而是会附着在其身上进行操控,以另一种形式,换了另一种姿态继续存活下去。 Without a doubt, this type similar taking advantage of the method that the corpse comes back to life is the dishonest ways, but, some truly remote antiquity exist(ence) escaped the change of time in this way, survived smoothly, but nowadays, this part to survive crazy Remote Antiquity Existence has common Name Fallen. 毫无疑问,这种类似借尸还魂的方法是歪门邪道,但是通过这种方法,确实有一些远古存在逃过了时代的变迁,顺利的存活了下来,而现如今,这部分为了生存已然疯狂的远古存在则有共同的称谓-堕落者 Petra and the others concluded the type of enemy, but Roel actually had in fact known the true colors of enemy, but the reason is also very simple. 佩特拉等人断定了敌人的类型,但是实际上罗亚却早已知晓了敌人的真面目,而原因也很简单。 Even if in sky one in the land, that is the Fallen odor unable to keep alone, smoked I felt nauseated.” “即使一个在天空一个在大地,那独属于堕落者的恶臭也藏不住啊,熏的我都要吐了。” The youngster of tranquil saying so feelings frowns, looks into the sky the look to be full of the dislike, but in confirming that moment of enemy, recently in the youngster heart all kinds of questions also untie finally. 平静的说出如此感想的少年皱起眉头,眺望天空的眼神充满厌恶,而在确认了敌人的那一刻,最近一段时间少年心中各种各样的疑问也终于解开了。 The recent all events is a plot, but it then suddenly discovers [Collector] to start from the Austine Empire boreal forest at first, was listed as the important goal of chief instigator facing this by Roel and the others, the special task force invested massive strengths, for safety's sake, even the Holy Eminence John also secret goes to crusade against. 最近的所有事件都是一场阴谋,而其最初便是从奥斯丁帝国北方森林突然发现【收藏家】开始,面对这个被罗亚等人列为主谋的重要目标,特别行动组投入了大量战力,为了保险起见,甚至连圣座约翰也秘密前往讨伐。 Uses [Collector] as the bait, the world and Roel most intimate two Origin Level 1 King of a Race was attracted the attention, but in the void rear, in people generally think in safest Saint Mesit Theocracy, other Fallen direct hit Ascart Fiefdom. 【收藏家】为饵,人类世界与罗亚最亲近的两位源级1种族之王都被吸引了注意力,而在已然空虚的大后方,在人们普遍认为最安全的圣梅斯特教国内,其他的堕落者则直接袭击阿卡特领 Uses diversionary tactics, unexpectedly, has saying that [Collector] the set of tactic is truly unexpected, Roel and the others suspicions perhaps already by its consideration, but stretches across the last step of several months of plan as this, exist(ence) in sky is to Roel final killing move. 声东击西,出其不意,不得不说,【收藏家】的这套战术确实出人意料,罗亚等人的怀疑恐怕都早已被其考虑在内,而作为这横跨数个月计划的最后一步,天空中的存在便是对罗亚的最终杀招 Disturbance connects the Altasia channel, should be they.” “干扰连接阿尔塔西娅通道的,应该就是他们吧。” Was saying the black-haired youngster facial features are dignified, finally understands why Queen of Succubi will aim. 如此说着的黑发少年面容凝重,终于明白了为什么魔女之王会被针对。 Since decides to plan finally result exist(ence), then here [Collector] naturally do not guarantee that lets its thorough display, but the premise then must guarantee that its ceremony was not broken. 既然是最终决定计划成功与否的存在,那么不在此处的【收藏家】自然要保证让其彻底发挥,而前提便是要保证其仪式不被打断。 Although the opposite party stimulates god's the ceremony of bloodlines in the upper air, the range are also quite general, does not fear the enemy to discover very much, so long as is magic, is hard to escape from the control of Queen of Succubi. 虽然对方激发神之血脉的仪式是在高空之中,范围也极为广大,并不是很怕敌人发现,但是只要是咒术,便难以逃脱魔女之王的掌控。 Nowadays Roel passes even Holy One’s Short Sword Flies the sky is also hard to destroy the domain of enemy, may trade to make the Altasia words, how long perhaps does not need to be able it completely to destroy. 现如今的罗亚即使是通过【圣者的短刃】飞上天空也难以破坏敌人的领域,可换作阿尔塔西娅的话,恐怕不需要多久就能将其完全摧毁。 Ok, now said that these already was also useless.” “算了,现在说这些也已经没用了。” After sighing, black-haired youngster turns around to look to behind Cynthia and the others, but after discovery Roel and ancient gods conversation already comes to the end, stands for a long time big woman also to bend down to salute respectfully, opens the mouth to ask. 叹息了一声之后,黑发的少年转身望向身后的辛西娅等人,而发现罗亚古神们的交谈已经告一段落后,恭敬地站立许久的高大女人也俯身行礼,开口发问。 Sir Holy Son, refuge shelter already in city cleans up, you look......” 圣子大人,城内的避难所已经清理完毕,您看......” Un, was almost the time opening war warning, started the dispersal.” “嗯,差不多是时候开启战争警报了,开始疏散吧。” Hears the report of Cynthia, black-haired youngster nods, sound cold solemn say/way: 听到辛西娅的报告,黑发的少年点了点头,声音冷肃的道: „...... The war, must start.” “......战争,就要开始了。” --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- In sky in the third day that appears, Ascart City opened suddenly war warning that covers the entire city, but after the warning, the large-scale personnel disperses also starts. 在天空中的一项出现的第三天,阿卡特城突然开启了覆盖全城的战争警报,而在警报之后,大规模的人员疏散也随之开始。 Regarding warning that this comes, the Ascart City people are particularly puzzled, after all was in their opinion angrier besides the day recently lives has not changed, the city had not been invaded, outside the city does not have the army to threaten the border, let alone the shadow of enemy, the hearsay does not have one. 对于这突然而来的警报,阿卡特城的民众分外不解,毕竟在他们看来最近除了天气坏一些外生活并没有改变,城市没有遭到入侵,城外也没有大军压境,别说敌人的影子,就连传闻都没有一个。 So bewildered seeking asylum naturally caused the disaffection of some people, under the Roel prestige and recent thunder method, pours also no one to dare to revolt blatantly. 如此的莫名其妙的避难自然引起了一些人的不满,不过在罗亚的威信与最近的雷霆手段下,倒也没人敢公然反抗。 The Roel choice makes all people evacuate today, naturally not along with nature, but is, because black-haired youngster believes firmly that today is in the sky that monster thorough formation, the broken clouds, but time, but the evidence is that in the eye of high rank Transcendent, occasionally in the giant body that in the darkness flashes past. 罗亚选择今天让所有民众撤离,自然不是随性而为,而是因为黑发的少年确信今天就是天空中那怪物彻底成型,破云而出的时候,而证据就是那在高阶超凡者的眼中,偶尔于黑暗中一闪而过的巨大身体。 Eruption already of war is ready to be set off, but through the recent several days of detection, Roel also already found injured to the 【Spirit-Sensing Fledgling】 thing initially, one monster that in the gloomy sky paces back and forth, resembling is the falcon is similar to the crow to be jet black, has the blood red eye. 战争的爆发已经一触即发,而通过最近几天的侦查,罗亚已经找到了当初伤到【感灵雏鸟】的东西,其正是阴暗的天空中徘徊的一种魔物,似是鹰隼又如同乌鸦般漆黑,拥有着血红的眼睛。 Regarding this unusual and unclear monster, whether it is Roel did not know about monster quite some Alicia of research, Petra is not really clear, what however made youngster didn't expect was, finally brought this issue answer unexpectedly was continuously silent Grendel. 对于这种奇特而不详的魔物,无论是罗亚还是对魔物颇有研究的爱丽莎都不认识,就连佩特拉也不甚清楚,然而令少年没想到的是,最终带来这个问题答案的居然是一直沉默的古兰达尔 That is the dead crow falcon, is the Remote Antiquity Period legend swallows monster that the dead soul grows, can operate these things, I generally know that our enemies were anything.” “那是死鸦隼,是远古时期传说吞噬死者灵魂成长的魔物,能够操纵这些东西,我大致知道我们的敌人是什么了。” Was saying the huge skeleton sound is low and deep, but under the description of Grendel, Roel also knew the enemy possible information of the first time ahead of time. 如此说着的巨大骸骨声音低沉,而在古兰达尔的描述下,罗亚也第一次提前得知了敌人可能的信息。 Fallen, especially has survived until now Fallen from remote antiquity, it mostly receives powerful exist(ence) that directly involves because of degeneration of Remote Antiquity Period Saviour, such as previous life-span already countless Treeman priest is ordinary, their strengths exceptionally are often strong, even if wears down after the years is not the average man may compare, but these is also time so. 堕落者,特别是自远古一直存活至今的堕落者,其大多是因远古时期救世主的堕落而受到直接牵连的强大存在,就如上一次寿命已经无可计数的树人祭祀一般,他们的力量往往异常强大,即使是经过岁月消磨也绝非常人可比,而这一次也是如此。 The wing person clan, or the eagle body clan, is one in Remote Antiquity Period numerous intelligent race, to be good at soaring, but world-famous, Angel that but unlike can soar similarly, the difference of their body and human is very big. 翼人族,或者说鹰身族,是远古时期众多智慧种族中的一个,以善于飞翔而闻名于世界,不过与同样能够飞翔的天使不同,他们的身体与人类的区别很大。 Sia Angel can soar, what depended is magic power forms Wings of Light that but the wing of wing person clan is part of body, and is ordinary on such as the nickname eagle body clan, it mostly will have the symbol of part of birds, or sharp check claw, the feather of birds. 希雅天使能够飞翔,靠的是咒力形成的光翼,而翼人族的翅膀则是身体的一部分,且就如绰号鹰身族一般,其本身大多会有一部分鸟类的象征,或是尖锐的勾爪,或是鸟类的羽毛。 Naturally, with as compared with Sia Envoy Angel, the wing person clan was well below in the magic power aspect, the speed and skill of but if only by the sky in flying, the wing person clan is actually better than any other races, is one of sky overlords. 当然,与身为希雅使者天使相比,翼人族在咒力方面远远不如,但是如果只论天空中飞行的速度与技巧,翼人族却远远胜过其他任何种族,是天空中的霸主之一。 However is ordinary on such as the experience of Treeman priest, after Sia vanishes, the world entered Saviour and time of Mother Goddess leadership, wing person clan as hovering in the ethnic group of sky, it can be said that race closest to sun, naturally believes to have sun god Title Saviour, but the later all were very simple. 然而就如树人祭祀的经历一般,在希雅消失之后,世界进入了救世主母神主导的时代,翼人族作为翱翔于天空的族群,可以说是距离太阳最近的种族,自然而然的信奉起有着太阳神称号救世主,而之后的一切就很简单了。 Saviour degenerated to have the extremely strong infection, Treeman priest received affect as divine official initially, but the wing person clan cannot escape such misfortune, in that in disaster that affected entire Sia, the entire race was under the enormous impact, ultimately moved toward demise. 救世主的堕落具有极强的传染性,树人祭祀当初作为神官受到了波及,而翼人族也没能逃过如此的厄运,在那场波及整个希雅的灾难中,整个种族受到了极大的冲击,最终走向了灭亡。 Can tame the dead crow falcon, only then the dominant sky, guards the wing person in Saviour temple, our opponents perhaps were surviving members of degeneration wing person clan.” “能够驯服死鸦隼的,只有统治天空,守卫救世主神殿的翼人,我们的对手恐怕是堕落翼人族的余孽了。” Experienced the giant skeleton of that period of time saying that in the words brings dignifiedly, but heard his words heavily, the black-haired youngster facial features. 曾经经历过那段时光的巨大骸骨如此说着,话语中带着凝重,而听到他的话,黑发的少年面容也沉重了起来。 The remote antiquity race, this can be said as one of the Roel most repugnant opponents, as can survive several thousand years of exist(ence), its intensity and method must Dingyuan superhuman class mages, but, Roel is not the most important thing is familiar with these fellows. 远古种族,这可以说是罗亚最讨厌的对手之一,作为能够存活数千年的存在,其强度与手段必定远超人类的咒术师们,而最重要的是,罗亚对这些家伙并不熟悉。 As was treated as exist(ence) of trump card by [Collector], the great strength of enemy is surely, but even if expert of Spiritual God rank, facing having the Ascart bloodlines of Ancient God help as if should not have the absolute odds of success, then the opposite party has other preparations surely. 作为被【收藏家】当做杀手锏的存在,敌人的强大是必定的,但是哪怕是神灵级别的强者,面对拥有古神帮助的阿卡特血脉似乎也不该有绝对的胜算,那么对方必定有其他的准备。 What Remote Antiquity Period polluted divine tool is also? Said is what magic other? 又是什么远古时期被污染的神器?还是说是其他什么咒术 The youngster who so thinks shakes the head, serious the pressure in the heart throws off part, speed that later the watching sky ordered to pick up to evacuate. 如此想的少年摇了摇头,将心中沉重的压力甩掉一部分,随后望着天空下令加快撤离的速度。 Does obeisance the interest of Roel generations to bestow, the Ascart City City Defense facility is very perfect, in the city the every large or small refuge shelter quantity are many, even grows many present reluctantly is still sufficient in population already, but the residents in city dispersed, black-haired youngster in watching oppression strength more and more powerful sky, full play magic power in within the body. 罗亚列祖列宗的兴趣爱好所赐,阿卡特城城防设施很完善,城内大大小小的避难所数量很多,即使是在人口已经增长了许多的现在也勉强够用,而在城中的居民疏散之时,黑发的少年则在望着压迫力越来越强大的天空,全力运转着体内的咒力 Although wants to destroy in the sky that Spiritual God domain already is too late nowadays, however has the contact before battle with Altasia as far as possible, restores the complete strength actually is also most important, but over time, Roel within the body connects the Succubus channel also truly to start gradually to restore. 虽然现如今想要破坏天空中那神灵的领域已经为时已晚,但是在开战之前尽量与阿尔塔西娅取得联系,恢复全部的实力却也是重中之重,而随着时间的流逝,罗亚体内连接魔女的通道也确实开始逐渐恢复。 According to this speed, wants late at night to be good probably? 按这个速度,大概要深夜才行吗? The watching out of the window dim weather, black-haired youngster so estimates is not speaking silently, but in Roel behind, silver-white-haired young girl rare put on one set of armor, feels own condition to ponder anything. 望着窗外昏暗的天色,黑发的少年如此估算着默默不语,而在罗亚的身后,银白发色的少女则少见的穿上了一套铠甲,感受着自身的状态思考着什么。 Onii-sama, that thing magic power response in sky is getting stronger and stronger, today as if must make war.” 兄长大人,天空中的那个东西咒力反应越来越强,今天似乎就要开战了呢。” Un, I also thought so.” “嗯,我也这么觉得。” That in other words...... can I with Onii-sama together battle?” “那也就是说......我能够和兄长大人一同战斗了吧?” About this, I also just wants to tell you, Alicia, I hope that you can be responsible for the defense of Ascart City.” “关于这点,我也正想跟你说,爱丽莎,我希望你能够负责阿卡特城的防守。” Yeah?” “哎?” Hears the Roel words, silver-white-haired young girl cannot help but stares, later understood Roel subtext, opened the eye surprisedly. 听到罗亚的话,银白发色的少女不由得一愣,随后读懂了罗亚的潜台词,惊讶的睁大了眼睛。 Onii-sama, do you want to go out of town?” 兄长大人,你要出城?” Un.” “嗯。” „It is not good, that was too dangerous! Ascart City citadel artifact(s) already starts, does not need such take risks also......” “不行,那太危险了!阿卡特城城塞咒物已经启动,没必要那样冒险也......” Even barrier, still has the limit, moreover battle in the city I worries are too many.” “即使是结界,也是有极限的,而且在城里战斗我顾虑太多。” Was saying Roel shakes the head, without the meaning of change idea, but heard the reason of black-haired youngster, Alicia also fell into at once silent. 如此说着的罗亚摇了摇头,没有改变想法的意思,而听到黑发少年的理由,爱丽莎一时之间也陷入了沉默。 citadel artifact(s) , that without a doubt is the defense of powerful, however said on such as black-haired youngster, any barrier has it limit theoretically to withstand the value, but in following battle, the attack of enemy might break this limit, or has other what methods to bypass barrier to launch the offensive. 城塞咒物,那毫无疑问是强力的防御,然而就如黑发的少年所说,任何结界都是有其理论上的极限承受值的,而在接下来战斗中,敌人的攻击很可能会打破这个极限,或者有什么其他方法绕过结界发动攻势。 City barrier is unable to protect Roel, otherwise does [Collector] possibly brave such big risk personally to come? 城市结界无法保护罗亚,否则【收藏家】怎么可能冒着这么大的风险亲自现身? Moreover in the final analysis, barrier is Roel to protect others starts, he has not treated in inside works as the idea of turtle, instead will rather limit his hands and feet in Ascart City. 而且说到底,结界本来就是罗亚为了保护其他人而启动的,他本人并没有待在里面当缩头乌龟的想法,不如说在阿卡特城内反而会限制他的手脚。 Hears Roel such words, on the silver-white-haired young girl face shows the hesitant look, saw this situation Roel silent the moment, walked up to grasp Alicia gently. 听到罗亚如此的话语,银白发色的少女脸上露出犹豫的神色,见此情况罗亚沉默了片刻,走上前去轻轻的抱住了爱丽莎 This their goal is I, how long barrier could not protect my, with its stayed here to affect in the city, might as well outside battle, such words tactic comparitively was also flexible.” “这次他们的目标是我,结界是保护不了我多久的,与其留在这里波及城内,还不如在外面战斗,那样的话战术也比较灵活。” „But if has any unexpected words......” “可是万一发生什么意外的话......” Other not to mention, if I want to leave, the enemy may be not necessarily able to block.” “其他暂且不说,如果我想要离开的话,敌人可未必能够拦住。” young girl that watching worries about, Roel quite self-confident said, but saw such youngster, the words that Alicia advised against also stopped suddenly, cannot help but lowered the head the thinking. 望着担忧的少女,罗亚颇为自信的如此说,而看到这样的少年,爱丽莎劝阻的话语一时间也停了下来,不由得低头思索。 For a long time Roel and person battle ends with a win, causes silver-white-haired young girl customary forgot other possibilities, but if pondered carefully will discover, even if not beat the opposite party, Roel still seems difficult to be killed truly. 长久以来罗亚与人战斗都是以胜利告终,导致银白发色的少女习惯性的忘记了其他的可能,但是如果仔细思考就会发现,即使是不敌对方,罗亚似乎也很难被真正杀死。 For the time being does not propose the Grendel strong breakthrough ability, as Earth Mother Goddess Petra, above the land is also round trip free, magic of any limit class is hard to getting up to become effective, because most limit class magic have in the final analysis attribute. 暂且不提古兰达尔超强的突破能力,就是作为地母神佩特拉,在大地之上也是来去自如,任何限制类的咒术都难以对起生效,因为绝大多数限制类咒术归根到底就是具备地属性的。 But besides Ancient God, Roel also has Stone Crown this trump card that may be called plug-in, frost energy or the dusk colour of whether it is that freeze myriad things wind mist, can become very good hindrance to intercept the enemy. 而除了古神之外,罗亚本身还有着冠之石这种堪称外挂的杀手锏,无论是那冻结万物的冻气还是黄昏色的风岚,都可以成为很好的阻碍将敌人拦截。 The words that therefore thinks carefully, black-haired youngster clings to tenaciously the city to lose concentration by others with it, might as well a person displays in the open country heartily, such words survival rate may be higher. 所以仔细想想的话,黑发的少年与其死守着城市被其他人分神,还不如一个人在野外尽情施展,那样的话生存率可能还要高一些。 After wants to understand this point, silver-white-haired young girl slightly nodded, complied with the idea of Roel, after Alicia undertakes the heavy responsibility of defense, Roel also breathes a sigh of relief finally, completely cut off extra worries. 想明白了这一点后,银白发色的少女微微点了点头,答应了罗亚的想法,而在爱丽莎承担起防守的重任后,罗亚也终于舒了口气,彻底断绝了后顾之忧。 Since this battle the opponent is Fallen, then Roel cannot have any reserved, because except some recent one year of new skill, [Collector] is familiar with him, in this case can make him feel relieved person who sends, is not the Roel beforehand method can contend absolutely. 这次战斗既然对手是堕落者,那么罗亚就不能有任何保留,因为除去最近一年的一些新技能,【收藏家】对他可谓了如指掌,在这种情况下能够让他放心派来的人,绝对不是罗亚之前的手段所能抗衡的。 However is good because of Fallen, although fell into degenerated with crazily, but outside the person to Chosen King Clan had no interest, if in other words Roel met head- on outside, perhaps then the enemy will not divert attention to manage Ascart City specially. 不过好在堕落者虽然陷入了堕落与疯狂,但是对选王一族以外的人却没什么兴趣,也就是说如果罗亚在外面迎战,那么敌人恐怕也不会特意分心去管阿卡特城 Thinks here youngster innermost feelings are slightly peaceful, regarding Roel, the most precious person can pass this disaster safely, is to he best encouragement, but in this hurried preparation, the time also starts fast passing, battle that moment arrives finally. 想到了这里的少年内心稍安,对于罗亚来说,最宝贵的人能够平安度过这次劫难,就是对他最好的鼓励,而在这匆忙的备战之中,时间也开始快速的流逝,开战的那一刻终于到来。 --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- At night, to most Ascart City residents is relieved time, worked day of people mostly to return to own home at this time, or a person or sitting of one group of people by the table, enjoyed to people in the three meals a day the most important dinner. 夜晚时分,对于绝大多数阿卡特城的居民来说是一个令人安心的时间,工作了一天的民众们大多在这个时候回到自己的家中,或是一个人或是一群人的坐在桌子旁,享受对于人们来说三餐中最为重要的晚餐。 The dinner was a day of conclusion, people after this meal or passed the night with the family members leisurely and carefree, or was tavern in the person set off going city looks for the pleasure, which type regardless, makes the time that one relaxed. 晚餐是一天的结束,在这一餐后人们或是与家人们悠闲地度过夜晚,或者是一个人出发前去城中的酒馆找乐子,无论哪种,都是令人放松的时刻。 However today, the Ascart City residents did not have the past relaxedness and tranquility, but the reason was also very simple, because they mostly are fully occupied and having the underground of magic protection, was crowded is waiting for outside news together. 然而今天,阿卡特城的居民们却并没有往日的轻松与平静,而原因也很简单,因为他们大多在人满为患、拥有咒术防护的地下,拥挤在一起等待着外面的消息。 Ascart City war warning, this is in the memory of people of the older generation mostly has not presented the matter, as the main city of Ascart Fiefdom center, all the year round peace made here people already forget in the terrifying and chaos caused by war of war drifting about destitute of average person, but did not have them of that big sense of crisis even, still understands now unusual of situation. 阿卡特城的战争警报,这是在老一辈人的记忆中也大多没有出现过的事,作为阿卡特领中心处的主城,长年的和平让这里的人们已经忘记了战争的恐怖与战乱中普通人的颠沛流离,不过即使是没那么大危机感的他们,也明白现在情况的不同寻常。 The phenomenon in sky does not raise for the time being, after the warning resounds starts to disperse, an inexplicable constriction starts gradually to appear in people's mind, but the origin is also very clear, is above that jet black sky, but over time, more and more strange sounds start to convey from the outside world. 天空中的异象暂且不提,在警报响起开始疏散之后,一种莫名的压迫感开始逐渐出现在人们的心中,而来源也很清晰,正是那漆黑的天空之上,而随着时间的流逝,越来越多奇怪的声音开始自外界传来。 That most starts is rumble like the heavenly thunder sound, after that like the hurricane sweeps away the sound, finally is the vague sound strange cry. 那最开始是隆隆的如同天雷般的声音,在那之后则是如同飓风横扫般的声音,最后是若有若无的声音奇怪的叫声。 That somewhat looks like the birds wail, somewhat looks like the strange sound of human pitiful yell, continuous reverberates in the outside world, hears the people's first response of this sound is absolutely terrified, but in this weird situation, no one dares easily to go out again. 那是有些像鸟类哀鸣,又有些像人类惨叫的奇怪声音,持续不断的在外界回响,听到这种声音的民众第一反应就是毛骨悚然,而在这种诡异的情况下,也再没有人敢轻易外出了。 The people's in refuge shelter for the sound are panic-stricken, but since sky over this time Ascart City, several days a piece of jet black backdrop also started surging, revealed hidden in true colors that enemy. 避难所中的人们为外界的声音而心慌意乱,而在此时的阿卡特城上空,几天以来一片漆黑的天幕也开始了涌动,露出了隐藏在其中敌人的真面目。 Bang-!” “轰-!” First what starts is in the sky fierce, like thundering of thunder, that moment when the sound presents, the blood-color ray blasts out the dark cloud layer, indicates that in sky completion of ceremony, following is the intense ray covers the land, the setting sun that such as sets all catches the one layer blood-color. 首先开始的是天空中剧烈的,如同雷霆的轰鸣,当声音出现的那一刻,血色的光芒炸开黑暗的云层,预示着天空中仪式的完成,随之而来的便是强烈的光芒覆盖大地,如落山的夕阳般将所有的一切染上一层血色。 When the blood-color ray falls, all stands people above land to breathe obstructs, simultaneously feels blood and vital breath beyond description, the present world even more twists in this aura blushes, as if in attractive crazy, however has not waited for the soldiers to be flurried, the indifferent and tranquil order sound then resounds from the city wall , the transmitting orders officer also shouted. 当血色的光芒落下之时,所有站立在大地之上的人们都呼吸一窒,同时感受到一种难以形容的血气,眼前的世界在这气息中愈发扭曲发红,仿佛在诱人疯狂,然而还未等士兵们慌乱,冷漠而平静的命令声便自城墙上响起,传令官也随之大喊。 Starts barrier!!” “启动结界!!” In loud saying, in Ascart City spreads the violent magic power fluctuation suddenly, the entire city shivers slightly, later makes rumble the sound, as if contends in exist(ence) with horizon, blue white the light beam in this sound shoots up to the sky, later changes into covers the barrier of entire city, resists the blood-color ray firmly outside. 大声的疾呼之中,阿卡特城内突然传出剧烈的咒力波动,整个城市微微颤动,随后发出隆隆的声响,似乎在与天际的存在抗衡,在这声音之中蓝白色的光柱冲天而起,随后化为覆盖整座城市的屏障,将血色的光芒牢牢地抵挡在外。 that moment when barrier starts, the soldiers in Ascart City relax, however has not waited for people from just spiritual influence slow the god, the for a while/a bout of strange cry then spreads from the sky, what also appears under is the scarlet ray shines, dark cloud of transformation shape downward movement. 结界启动的那一刻,阿卡特城内的士兵们纷纷松了一口气,然而还没等人们从刚刚的精神影响中缓过神,一阵古怪的叫声便自天空中传出,随之出现的是赤红光芒照耀下,一朵变换形状向下移动的乌云。 That is resembles is the crow resembles the falcon, the group that the jet black bird that has the blood red eye pupil countless composes, they open the mouth apparatus, the sent out cry is not a song of the birds, but is various animal sad and shrill pitiful yell sounds. 那是似是乌鸦又似鹰隼,数不尽拥有血红眼瞳的漆黑之鸟组成的集团,它们张开口器,发出的叫声并非鸟鸣,而是各种动物凄厉的惨叫声。 Dead crow falcon, this is their names, is Remote Antiquity Period makes the bird of swallowing soul one dreads, but under surrounding of this innumerable portent of disaster, huge form also reappearing slowly in horizon. 死鸦隼,这是它们的名字,也是远古时期令人畏惧的吞噬灵魂之鸟,而在这数不清不祥之物的包围下,一个巨大的身影也缓缓的浮现在了天际之中。
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