LTDWMBD :: Volume #6

#541: Inseparable relations ( 6 k )

In the room in Saint flange fort, when Wilhelmina sees that segment words that on book pink-haired young girl holds up, the footsteps that wants to leave stop suddenly, the whole person like framing the common, orange red eye pupil also opens slightly. 圣法兰要塞的房间内,当威廉敏娜看到粉发少女举起的本子上的那段话时,想要离开的脚步突然一停,整个人如同定格一般,橙红色的眼瞳也微微睁大。 But saw that the knight young lady responded, Teresa shows the helpless look, receives silently the book, oneself also start to ponder this possibility. 而看到骑士小姐如此的反应,特蕾莎则露出无奈的神色,默默地将本子收回来,自己也开始思考起这种可能。 Although finished already passing nowadays for a year from Challenger Cup, the Roel already statement cannot treat as deathsworn of substitute person Wilhelmina, but young girl puts on that set of armor for a long time is actually the fact, even later present one year, reason that the effect that because accelerates to grow as well as some are not willing to disclose, Wilhelmina was still putting on this set of armor. 虽然现如今距离挑战者杯结束已经度过了一年时间,罗亚已经声明不会将威廉敏娜当做替身的死士,但是长久以来少女穿着那套铠甲却是事实,即使是在一年后的现在,因为加速成长的效果以及一些不愿透露的原因,威廉敏娜仍然在穿着这套铠甲。 Although when the Roel awakening bloodlines, this set of armor had not responded, cannot play the role that should play , since Roel comes, Wilhelmina already can through the armor feel some conditions of youngster, in this situation this year has actually been continuing, is controlling the Wilhelmina mood frequently. 虽然在罗亚觉醒血脉时,这套铠甲没有反应,没能起到应该起的作用,但是自罗亚现身以后,威廉敏娜已经可以通过铠甲感受到少年的一些状态了,这种情况其实这一年内一直持续着,也经常左右着威廉敏娜的情绪。 On for example a while ago, young girl of grey blue hair color, because all of a sudden/for a while cannot feel the Roel aura, but is exceptionally flurried, once affected the battle condition, until rear Rose Dawn member through the report, transmitted Roel to defeat the [Six Calamities] news, young girl installed the heart finally. 就比如前一阵子,灰蓝发色的少女因为一下子感受不到罗亚的气息而异常慌乱,一度影响到了战斗状态,直到后方的蔷薇黎明成员通过速报,传来了罗亚战胜【六灾厄】的消息,少女才终于安下了心。 In this Wilhelmina heart inexplicable anxiety, although is different from the condition of beforehand sensation youngster, but with its has the connection is not not possible, after all regarding these strange ancient being lost technologies, present Scholar, although conducted the research, the place that but has not decoded, has the unexpected function is very normal. 这次威廉敏娜心中莫名的不安,虽然与之前感知少年的状态有所不同,但是与其有关联也不是不可能,毕竟对于这些奇奇怪怪的古代失传技术,现在的学者虽然进行了研究,但是还有很多未破解的地方,有意料之外的功能也很正常。 pink-haired young girl with setting pen to paper is so thinking, but another side Wilhelmina has also gotten back one's composure, after the ponder, young girl actually suspected. 粉发的少女拿着笔如此想着,而另一边威廉敏娜也回过了神,不过在思考之后,少女却怀疑了起来。 This matter really possible? Thing that the words of body, mind type is unable to touch even......” “这种事真的可能吗?身体的话也就算了,心灵这种无法触碰的东西......” Your pledges can pull closer each other distance infinitely, does the mind interlinked this matter have nothing?】 【你们的誓约可以将彼此的距离无限拉近,心灵相通这种事也没什么吧?】 Although can say theoretically, but......” “虽然理论上可以这么说,但是......” Saw the words on Teresa book, Wilhelmina looked scruple fell into silent, saw this situation pink-haired young girl to ponder the moment, held up the book to say again: 看到特蕾莎本子上的话,威廉敏娜面露迟疑的陷入了沉默,见此情况粉发的少女思考了片刻,再次举起本子道: - 记住网址m.qu6 【If not that side issue, could it be is that princess and Imperial Princess reason?】 【如果不是那边的问题的话,难道是那个公主和皇女的原因?】 No, this point I can definitely not be, after all our localizations are different, hasn't too many/much comparability.” “不,这一点我可以肯定不是,毕竟我们的定位不同,没有太多的可比性。” Regarding the pink-haired young girl new supposition, after young girl of grey blue hair color pondered the moment, decisive shaking the head, denied him to feel the pressure the possibility, but saw this situation Teresa is not surprised. 对于粉发少女新的假设,灰蓝发色的少女思考了片刻后果断的摇了摇头,否定了其感受到压力的可能,而见此情况特蕾莎也并不惊讶。 Nowadays frontline, three female commanders enliven above the battlefield frequently, it respectively is Austine Empire Noyes Fort Lilian Ackermann, Saint Mesit Theocracy new Tucker Fort Noelle Xeclyde, as well as Wilhelmina Cambonite of Knight Kingdom Saint flange fort. 现如今的前线,有三位女性指挥官频繁地活跃于战场之上,其分别是奥斯丁帝国诺伊斯要塞莉莉安·阿其曼,圣梅斯特教国塔克要塞诺艾尔·希兹克里特,以及骑士之国圣法兰要塞的威廉敏娜·康伯奈特 Three young girl from Saint Freya Academy, and has the similar age, similar position, even is the beautiful appearance of sharing half and half, three young girl often were therefore brought to make comparitively by the frontline soldier, but in fact, each of them's emphasis point is different. 三位少女均是来自圣芙蕾雅学院,并且拥有着相似的年纪,相似的地位,甚至是平分秋色的美貌,也因此三位少女经常被前线的士兵拿来作比较,但是实际上,她们每个人的侧重点都不同。 Lilian Ackermann was in three people level highest one, strength already achieved Origin Level 2, but by the current score, its most excels actually defended. 莉莉安·阿其曼是三个人之中等级最高的一个,实力已经达到了源级2,但是以目前的战绩来看,其最擅长的却是防守。 Under the [Kingdom] Origin Attribute ability, the array that the Ancient Austine Empire army composed coordinates citadel to display the unbelievable defensive power, even if facing several times in self army, Lilian can also deal freely with the help of soldiers, will not have the geographical advantage, Noyes Fort of not best defense changed into the impregnable bastion. 【王国】源质的能力下,古奥斯丁帝国军队所组成的阵列配合城塞发挥出了难以置信的防御力,哪怕是面对数倍于己的大军,莉莉安也能在士兵们的帮助下应对自如,将没有地理优势,最不好防守的诺伊斯要塞化为了铜墙铁壁。 Noelle Xeclyde is to promote Origin Level 3 to be latest, until now also just full one year, but its community striking power is in three people are strongest, what excelled is positive/direct battle in broad battlefield, the [King of Angels] bloodlines were the attack of Noelle brought extremely terrifying strength of erosion, the enemy, so long as stained on the misfortune of difficult escaping body collapse. 诺艾尔·希兹克里特是晋升源级3最晚的,至今也不过刚满一年,但是其群体攻击力却是三人之中最强的,擅长的是广阔战场上的正面战斗,【天使之王】血脉为诺艾尔的攻击带来了极其恐怖的侵蚀力,敌人只要沾上就难逃身体崩坏的厄运。 In the beforehand autumn battlefield, used large-scale destructive magic blonde Angel is almost puts in an appearance destroyed all defenses of enemy side, the Holy See army not by the influence of power of Angel, advanced triumphantly in the rain of golden magic power, caused the war is completely one-sided. 在之前秋季的战场上,使用了大规模杀伤性咒术的金发天使几乎是一个照面就摧毁了敌方的所有防御,教廷的军队不受天使之力的影响,在金色的咒力之雨中高歌猛进,使得战局完全就是一边倒。 But final Wilhelmina Cambonite, is in three people the personal ability is most comprehensive, but must say that the special skill also has, that is the simple point breaks through. 而最后的威廉敏娜·康伯奈特,则是三人之中个人能力最全面的,不过要说特长也并非没有,那就是单点突破。 Heart Sword adds on the bloodlines of dragon, making the Wilhelmina simple point breakthrough strength extremely strong, although only has Origin Level 3, however in the frontline is actually irresistible, the most typical case was under the disadvantage leads the soldier counter- charge of Knight Kingdom to rout that battle of Deviant flank, it can be said that the impulse will display the pinnacle. 心剑加上龙之血脉,使得威廉敏娜的单点突破力极强,虽然只有源级3,但是在前线却是势不可挡,最典型的案例就是劣势之下带领骑士之国的战士反冲锋击溃了异种人侧翼的那次战斗,可以说是将冲击力发挥到了极致。 So the emphasis point completely different three people, wanted comparitively also comparitively, but in fact the frontline soldiers basically were also blow themselves, had nothing to struggle completely. 如此侧重点完全不同的三个人,想要比较比较不了,而事实上前线的战士们基本也都是自家吹自家,完全没什么好争的。 After thinking it over, Wilhelmina has to acknowledge that compared with what non-existence pressure, is Roel that side influence possibility comparitively is big, even if knew these, young girl of grey blue hair color does not know to should do, even does not know whether should write a letter to inquire. 思来想去之后,威廉敏娜不得不承认与什么不存在的心理压力相比,还是罗亚那边的影响可能性比较大,然而即使知道了这些,灰蓝发色的少女也不知该如何是好,甚至不知道是否该写信询问。 【Before you, hasn't written to him?】 【你之前不是给他写过信吗?】 Writing has written, but these are the contacts in official business, private nature letter anything not.” “写过是写过,但是那些都是公务上的往来,私人性质的信件什么的并没有。” 【......】 【......】 Hears Wilhelmina such words, the Teresa slightly twitched corner of the eye, suddenly does not know how should evaluation, but another side, the knight young lady particularly is also worried. 听到威廉敏娜如此的话语,特蕾莎微微抽了抽眼角,一时间不知该如何评价,而另一边,骑士小姐也分外苦恼。 It looks like in Wilhelmina, she and Roel relations have not been at present are too close, what if feels this matter is Noelle or Lilian, then they can definitely write to the youngster directly ask about the situation, but regarding Wilhelmina, makes actually some intimate feeling like this. 威廉敏娜看来,她与罗亚的关系目前还算不上太亲密,如果感受到这件事的是诺艾尔或者莉莉安,那么她们完全可以直接写信给少年询问情况,但是对于威廉敏娜来说,这样做却有些过于亲近的感觉。 We are only friend that's all, recently meets already is one year ago, wrote a letter to say this matter suddenly, if right good, if not Roel that side reason, will make one confuse very much.” “我们只是朋友而已,就连最近一次见面都已经是一年前了,突然写信说这种事,如果是对的还好,如果不是罗亚那边的原因的话,会让人很迷惑吧。” Although truly is this, but Mina, if will be that two people will not consider these.】 【虽然确实是这样,但是敏娜,如果是那两个人的话可不会考虑这些。】 „...... Different, their one is his friends from childhood, one is to have same bloodline bloodline relative, but I am only bystander that's all.” “......不一样,她们一个是他的青梅竹马,一个是拥有相同血脉血脉之亲,而我只是一个外人而已。” After silent moment, Wilhelmina some such replies of losing, in the words did not take voluntarily some bitterly and astringently, but hears these Teresa to knit the brows, moved the pen again. 在沉默了片刻后,威廉敏娜有些失落的如此回答,话语中不自觉的带上了些苦涩,而听到这些的特蕾莎则皱起了眉,再次动起了笔。 Bystander? What Mina are you saying? You are his pledger, you sacrificed for ten years for him!】 【外人?敏娜你到底在说什么?你是他的誓约者,你为他牺牲了十年!】 But hasn't my what done for him? Found him unable to achieve while in infancy, did not need to discuss protected, went to Academy also to put to trouble to him, imposed the own idea on his that's all.” “但是我什么也没为他做不是吗?就连在幼年时找到他都没能做到,更不用谈保护了,去学院也只是给他添麻烦,将自己的想法强加给他而已。” Wilhelmina of saying to be sadder, but heard these Teresa pens also to stop, young girl of watching grey blue hair color, does not know suddenly should write what good. 如此说的威廉敏娜情绪更加低落,而听到这些的特蕾莎笔也停了下来,望着灰蓝发色的少女,一时间不知该写什么好。 The sense of distance of Wilhelmina to Roel is very serious, the feeling that even some types cautious do not dare to approach, regarding this feeling, Teresa is actually understood, after all regarding the Knight Kingdom Reclusive Family children, Chosen King Clan is special exist(ence), Hero that is they hear in the story that can present since childhood, is the person who they should follow. 威廉敏娜罗亚的距离感十分严重,甚至有种小心翼翼不敢靠近的感觉,对于这种感受,特蕾莎其实是理解的,毕竟对于骑士之国隐世家族的孩子们来说,选王一族是特殊的存在,是她们从小听到的故事中才会出现的英雄,也是她们应该追随的人。 Although Wilhelmina is Knight Kingdom Royal Family, but Knight Kingdom is the ancestor foundation of Roel, is leaves the Chosen King Clan leadership the country, but young girl should protect the Roel guard, such status adds on the education since childhood, making Wilhelmina place very lowly the own position, two people relations are similar to the leader and follower. 威廉敏娜虽然是骑士之国王室,但是骑士之国本身便是罗亚的先祖创建的,是留给选王一族领导的国家,而少女自身更是应该保护罗亚的护卫,这样的身份加上从小的教育,让威廉敏娜自己的位置放得很低,两人的关系就如同领袖与追随者。 If, this type relates Teresa not to feel in the past strange, after all is Teresa to black-haired youngster is also the intention respect, however after detecting the sentiment in Wilhelmina heart, young girl thought that this relations are incorrect, the sense of distance that because not the coordinated status has, will make two people be almost impossible to have the sentiment. 如果在过去,这种关系特蕾莎不会感到奇怪,毕竟就是特蕾莎自己对黑发的少年也是心怀敬意,但是在察觉到威廉敏娜心中的感情后,少女却觉得这种关系是不行的,因为不对等的身份产生的疏远感,会使得两人几乎不可能产生感情。 Is so thinking pink-haired young girl sighed, but young girl of another side ash blue hair color is worried for the anxiety in heart, if this feeling really the youngster from thousand li (500 km), what that did meet to trouble on behalf of Roel? 如此想着的粉发少女叹息了一声,而另一边灰蓝发色的少女则在为心中的不安感到担忧,如果这种感觉真的是来自千里之外的少年,那是不是代表罗亚遇到什么麻烦了? Really has this possibility, but he should be right in own fief now.】 【确实有这个可能,不过现在他应该在自己的领地才对。】 Un, in other words is not Deviant, can that be evil cultist?” “嗯,也就是说不是异种人,那会不会是邪教徒?” Hears the guess of Wilhelmina, Teresa nods to express that approval, after discussing for a moment, two people decided that the whereabouts are in Knight Kingdom King in castle, is Wilhelmina father's Friedrich reports this matter. 听到威廉敏娜的猜测,特蕾莎点了点头表示出了赞同,商量了一会之后,两人决定去向身在城堡中的骑士之国国王,也是威廉敏娜父亲的弗里德里希报告此事。 The Knight Kingdom two princesses ended the talk to choose reporting, however Ascart Fiefdom outside thousand li (500 km), the situation actually gradually did not start with the lapse of time optimistically. 骑士之国的两位公主结束了谈话选择了上报,然而在千里之外的阿卡特领,形势却随着时间的推移逐渐开始不乐观了起来。 ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- In Sia, in the new year in the winter mid and late part, by the words that the time comes to see is the severe winter of being worthy of the reputation, is during one year the night time is longest, the temperature is coldly easiest to snow. 希雅,新年处于冬季的中后期,以时间来看的话是名副其实的深冬,也是一年之中夜晚时间最长,气温寒冷最容易下雪的时候。 At this time the morning waking up day did not have to be normal brightly, in the afternoon sky black also usually was much earlier, but in the Ascart Fiefdom study room, at this time in already point candlelight. 这种时候早上醒来天还没亮是正常的,下午天空黑的也比平时要早得多,而在阿卡特领的书房之内,此时则已经点上了烛火。 Facing possibly crisis of arrival, Roel matter that after processing to do, then starts to enhance itself full power, the simplest method is the promotion. 面对可能到来的危机,罗亚在处理好了能够做的事之后,便开始全力提高自身,其中最简单的方法莫过于晋升。 After a [Lord of the Dead Tide] bloody battle, Roel strength already achieved the Origin Level 3 apex, although level is upward, the promotion is troublesome, however without any method, this was the method that Roel can think of only, what pitifully was, the ordinary method progress was very slow. 在与【死潮之主】一番血战之后,罗亚的实力已经达到了源级3的顶点,虽然等级越是往上,晋升就越是麻烦,但是在没有什么好手段的情况下,这便是罗亚唯一能想到的方法了,不过可惜的是,普通的方法进度十分缓慢。 Clearly, Origin Level 3 to Origin Level 2 such span, but hides in home studies is unable to break through, the only function makes magic power of youngster concentrate more solid probably, but in also plays some roles regarding state of mind well, for example can make the Roel psychology as far as possible tranquil. 很明显,源级3源级2这样的跨越,只是躲在家中读书是无法突破的,唯一的作用大概只是让少年的咒力更加凝实一些,不过好在对于心境方面也起到些作用,比如能够让罗亚的心理状态尽量平静。 But at the present this time point, Roel seeks tranquil goal already is not in the heart that evasive discomfort, but bleeds the later heart pain crazily. 只不过在现在这个时间点,罗亚所寻求平静的目标已经不是心中那不可捉摸的不安感,而是疯狂出血之后的心痛。 Today day, Roel brought silver-white-haired young girl to go all over Ascart City, looks all defense facilities that in the city can use nowadays, and scattered money to start it crazily completely. 今天一天的时间,罗亚带着银白发色的少女走遍了阿卡特城,看了现如今城内能够动用的所有防御设施,并疯狂撒钱将其全部启动。 Has saying that as the established military strategic place, the Ascart Fiefdom inventory is really many, family's generations other has not stayed behind, various defense facilities actually construct a lot . Moreover the consciousness of turning to a new generation is very high. 不得不说,作为老牌军事重镇,阿卡特领的存货是真不少,家里的列祖列宗别的没留下,各种防御设施却是没少建,而且升级换代的意识很高。 Did not say exaggeratingly, after starts the City Defense system completely, when Ascart Fiefdom defense level already achieved all -out war highest tide disposition, at the present that the enemies have not presented that such behavior is the luxurious, many officials and military officer also is quite really puzzled, considering Roel the foresight of achievements as well as various matters until now, pours also no one to raise the objection. 毫不夸张的说,在将城防系统全部启动之后,阿卡特领的防御水平已经达到了全面战争最高潮时的配置,在敌人都没有出现的现在,如此的行为实在是奢侈,很多官员与将领也颇为不解,不过鉴于罗亚一直以来的政绩以及各种事的预见性,倒也没有人提出异议。 The Ascart Fiefdom money, to some extent is Roel gained, now black-haired youngster must spend naturally also no one to stop, but does not need to stop in fact, because each time most puzzled is Roel. 阿卡特领的钱,某种程度上来说本来就是罗亚赚的,现在黑发的少年要花自然也没有人能阻拦,不过事实上也不需要阻拦,因为每次最纠结的就是罗亚自己。 When sees surpasses 20 ten thousand gold coin disbursement bills on this day, black-haired youngster at the scene almost faints, hard Kui behind Alicia supports by the arm promptly, otherwise must unable to fall to the ground directly. 当看到这一天超过二十万金币的支出账单时,黑发的少年当场差点背过气去,辛亏身后的爱丽莎搀扶及时,要不然恐怕就要直接倒地不起了。 As the saying goes the children of poor family manage a household early, Roel as the first generation of rich of undertaking, once Saint Mesit debt king, to money was exceptionally sensitive, although has entire Sia richest rich woman Charlotte to look, but, 20 ten thousand gold coin also were too even so many. 俗话说穷人家的孩子早当家,罗亚作为创业的富一代,曾经的圣梅斯特“债王”,对金钱可谓是异常敏感,虽然身后有着全希雅最富的富婆夏洛特照拂,但是即使如此,二十万金币也太多了些。 20 ten thousand gold coin this disbursements, place other fief estimates to spend for a year, but Roel used for day, although various artifact(s) started the later expenditure to be then lower, but overall was still far higher than the usual consumption level. 二十多万金币这种支出,放在其他领地估计要花一年,可罗亚这边就用了一天,虽然各种咒物启动之后花费便低了很多,但是整体来说仍然是远高于平时的消费水平。 In this spending such as in the situation of running water, a natural issue then appears in Roel at present, that is the fiscal bankruptcy of fief. 在这种花钱如流水的情况下,一个理所当然的问题便浮现在了罗亚的眼前,那就是领地的财政破产。 During the war made into the poor wretch, this matter simply should not be too common in Noble, after one scattered money conclusion, black-haired youngster will not naturally omit this issue. 在战争期间打成穷光蛋,这种事情在贵族间简直不要太常见,而在一圈撒钱结束之后,黑发的少年自然也不会遗漏这个问题。 According to present this consumption level, how long Ascart Fiefdom can maintain?” “按照现在这个消耗水平,阿卡特领能够维持多久?” Sir Roel, after our computations, in half a month about, the finance of time long fief could not support probably again.” 罗亚大人,经过我们的计算,大概在半个月左右,时间再长领地的财政就撑不住了。” „...... I understood.” “......我明白了。” watching also calculates the fiscal officer who money Ruge meat, black-haired youngster nods said that quite wishes with its feeling of crying on each other's shoulders, but after the careful ponder, Roel also made the preliminary resolution, that first opens for three days. 望着同样算钱如割肉的财政官,黑发的少年点了点头如此说,颇有一种想要与其抱头痛哭的感觉,而在仔细的思考之后,罗亚也做出了初步决断,那就是先开三天。 Three days, this time is almost Altasia returns to the time, but will also arrive in later Rose and Holy See reinforcements one after another, when the time comes had the support, this suffering unexpected financial losses exempted the behavior of disaster to terminate. 三天,这个时间点差不多是阿尔塔西娅回归的时候,而在之后罗塞教廷的援军也会陆续到达,到时候有了支援,这种破财免灾的行为就可以终止了。 Recalled that the beforehand arrangement, black-haired youngster before desk lamp cannot help but sighed in a soft voice, the didn't expect own vacation crossed so difficultly, really it can be said that the person sits unexpectedly in home, unexpected misfortune, however has not waited for the sigh conclusion of Roel, silver-white-haired young girl then knocked on a door. 回想起之前的安排,台灯前的黑发少年不由得轻声叹息,没想到自己的假期居然过得如此艰难,真可以说是人在家中坐,祸从天上来,然而还没等罗亚的感叹结束,银白发色的少女便敲门走了进来。 „...... Onii-sama, are you still reading the material?” “......兄长大人,您还在看资料吗?” Un? In look right, how?” “嗯?是在看没错,怎么了吗?” watching Alicia that looks the scruple pushing gate to walk into, black-haired youngster is replying blinking, is somewhat surprised about the arrival of young girl. 望着面露迟疑的推门走入的爱丽莎,黑发的少年如此回答着眨了眨眼,对少女的到来有些惊讶。 Although usually silver-white-haired young girl frequently in being all right looks for Roel, makes anything in its side or depends simply in the rest of youngster, when the Roel consult material promotes level the number of times of disturbing are not many, after all in this critical time, the one more strength is the one more security. 虽然平时银白发色的少女经常在没事的时候来找罗亚,在其身边做些什么或者干脆靠在少年的身边休息,但是在罗亚查阅资料提升等级的时候来打扰的次数却并不多,毕竟在这种紧要时刻,多一份实力就是多一份安全。 Sudden the arrival and young girl the style when the Roel promotion strength is incompatible, but on the other hand, the present Alicia expression somewhat is also strange. 罗亚提升实力时突然的到来与少女的风格不符,而另一方面,现在的爱莉莎表情也有些奇怪。 At this time enters gate silver white hair color young girl usually not to see Roel is the joy, but was frowning lightly as if encountered any difficult problem of difficult solution, saw this situation black-haired youngster naturally unable to neglect, waited for the moment, discovered that Alicia was silent is not knowing after thinking anything, Roel could not bear take the lead to ask. 此时走进门的银白发色少女并没有平时见到罗亚是的喜悦,而是轻皱着眉头似乎碰到了什么难解的难题,见此情况黑发的少年自然不会忽视,等待了片刻,发现爱丽莎沉默着不知在想什么后,罗亚忍不住率先开口询问了起来。 „Was Alicia, what has? Always felt that what concern you do have?” 爱丽莎,是发生什么了吗?总感觉你有什么心事?” „...... Is, Onii-sama, actually, I also felt some are not right.” “......算是吧,兄长大人,其实,我也感到了有些不对劲。” Un?” “嗯?” Hears the young girl words, black-haired youngster accidental/surprised raised the eyebrows, later understood what putting down book, the facial features enforced. 听到少女的话语,黑发的少年意外的挑了挑眉,随后理解了什么般的放下书,面容严肃了起来。 Nowadays Ascart House high rank Transcendent may, not only Roel, after the promotion, Alicia also already stepped the high rank Transcendent steps, in Roel because some reason hearts have the present of feeling, strength more mysterious silver hair young girl has anything to feel that can say is normal. 现如今阿卡特家的高阶超凡者可不只是罗亚,在晋升之后,爱丽莎已经踏上了高阶超凡者的阶梯,在罗亚都因为一些原因心有所感的现在,力量更加神奇的银发少女有什么感觉可以说再正常不过。 However what lets some Roel doubts is, why compares the feeling of Alicia with such late? Because of the reason of strength? Said what young girl feels is other matters? 但是让罗亚有些疑惑的是,为什么与自己相比爱丽莎的感觉来的这样晚?是因为实力的原因吗?还是说少女感受到的是其他事? Beckoning that gently the youngster who in the heart has doubts somewhat worries about , as his movement Alicia also approaches slowly, arrived by the desk of youngster. 心中疑惑的少年有些担忧的轻轻招手,而随着他的动作爱丽莎也缓缓走近,来到了少年的书桌旁。 Alicia, you said isn't right refers to with my same feeling?” 爱丽莎,你说的不对劲是指和我一样的感受?” No, Onii-sama, my feeling and your some are not quite same, in my heart does not have that intense discomfort, but...... I always thought that the strength came under the influence.” “不,兄长大人,我的感觉与你有些不太一样,我的心中没有那么强烈的不安感,不过......我总觉得力量受到了影响。” „Was strength affected?” “力量受到影响?” Repeats the young girl words, black-haired youngster is frowning again, suddenly does not know meaning that young girl wants to express. 重复着少女的话语,黑发的少年再次皱起了眉头,一时间不知道少女想要表达的意思。 The Transcendent strength originates from oneself, disturbance resistance of high rank Transcendent to magic power is quite strong, theoretically, young girl in the place of Ascart Residence this absolute safety, will be is impossible to encounter the outside influences on...... wait/etc! 超凡者的力量来源于自身,高阶超凡者对外界咒力的干扰抗性更是相当强,理论上来说,少女阿卡特公馆这个绝对安全的地方,是不可能会遭到外界影响才对......等等! Is so thinking black-haired youngster stares suddenly, before the next moment set out to arrive at the window suddenly, looked up to the sky of out of the window, but saw Roel such behavior, Alicia also follows arrived at the window, later surprised staring in a big way scarlet red eye pupil. 如此想着的黑发少年突然一愣,下一刻猛然起身来到了窗前,抬头望向了窗外的天空,而看到罗亚这样的行为,爱丽莎也紧随其后的来到了窗边,随后惊讶的瞪大了赤红色的眼瞳。 At this time the time is in the evening, Sun just set not long, according to the winter normal situation, the sky should at this time, in addition be at the dark gray condition, after the 1~2 hour thoroughly since the night, however the actual situation is actually, nowadays sky already is a darkness. 此时时间正值傍晚之后,太阳刚刚落山没有多久,按照冬季正常的情况,此时天空应该尚且处于灰黑的状态,在一两个小时后才彻底进入黑夜,然而实际的情况却是,现如今的天空已经是一片黑暗。 That is dyes like black ink the blackness, is similar to all photo sources swallows completely the general spread above the vault of heaven, unlike the dark cloud, is the pure not well-known darkness, obviously is different from the normal sky the phenomenon, but Roel can the so affirmative reason very be also simple, that is moon. 那是如同墨染般的漆黑,就如同将所有的光源吞噬殆尽一般蔓延于苍穹之上,与乌云不同,是纯粹的不知名的黑暗,也是明显有别于正常天空的异象,而罗亚能够如此肯定的原因也很简单,那就是月亮。 In this dark sky, that vanished at night always the trace in silver moon already of shining land, but this should also Alicia feel the ill reason. 在这片黑暗的天空中,那夜晚无时无刻不在照耀大地的银月已经消失了踪影,而这应该也正是爱丽莎感到不适的原因。 Onii-sama, that is!” 兄长大人,那个是!” Un, it seems like that this was your strength receives the influence reason.” “嗯,看来这就是你力量受到影响的原因了。” watching jet black sky, complexion naked eye of Roel obvious gloomy, before he puts out soon , the eyeglasses that Alicia sends, after putting on, really discovered that this time sky already changes into the flood magic element purple. 望着漆黑的天空,罗亚的脸色肉眼可见的阴沉了起来,他拿出不久之前爱丽莎送来的眼镜,戴上后果然发现此时的天空已经化为充斥魔素的紫色。 The vision of suspicion will place above the sky when beforehand 【Spirit-Sensing Fledgling】 is injured the youngster, for this reason today goes to start citadel artifact(s) specially, but lets his didn't expect is, worst estimate unexpectedly such quickly on to become true. 在之前【感灵雏鸟】受伤时少年就将怀疑的目光放在了天空之上,为此今天才去特意启动了城塞咒物,只是让他没想到的是,最坏的预想居然这么快就成真了。 Day present phenomenon, although Roel has not known this at present on behalf of anything, but very obvious this absolutely is not a good deed, but on the other hand, how the youngster regarding makes the sky return to the original condition also to have no clue. 天现异象,虽然罗亚目前还不知道这代表着什么,但是很明显这绝对不会是一件好事,而另一方面,少年对于如何使天空恢复原状也没有什么头绪。 Thinks that here Roel frowns, the current condition can be said as quite bad, can affect natural magic, generally speaking only has two possibilities. 想到这里的罗亚皱起了眉头,目前的状况可以说是相当糟糕,能够影响到自然的咒术,一般来说只有两种可能。 The first type is large-scale group magic, in washing place magic in time of war massive mage together release, the reason of this magic change environment is very simple, because of the accumulation of magic element, but the function is also wide area killing, now what if faces is this situation, then Roel, although is anxious, but is also insufficient to worry. 第一种便是大规模的集团咒术,也就是在战争时期大量咒术师共同释放的洗地咒术,这种咒术改变环境的原因很简单,就是因为魔素的聚集,而作用也不过是广域杀伤,如果现在面对的是这种情况,那么罗亚虽然紧张,但也不至于担忧。 However was a pity very much, the present situation is actually not true. 但是很可惜,如今的情况却并非如此。 In is tightly guarded, in the forest has Ascart Fiefdom that monster disclosed secret information, was not possible silent submerged such a team, then the situation of enemy only possibly was second planted, belongs to individual special magic. 在戒备森严,就连森林中都有魔物通风报信的阿卡特领,是不可能无声无息的潜入一支这样的队伍的,那么敌人的情况只可能是第二种了,也就是属于个人的特殊咒术 Unique bloodlines magic, or by magic that what artifact(s) can release, so forth basically is the quite troublesome thing, the effect bystander is unable to know, can be said as compared with the first type with its battle risk raises infinitely. 独有的血脉咒术,或者借由什么咒物才能释放的咒术,诸如此类的基本都是相当麻烦的东西,效果外人也无从知晓,与其战斗的风险与第一种相比可以说是无限拔高。 The watching jet black sky, the Roel vision is glittering the strategy that is pondering opposing the enemy, in the side of youngster, the silver-white-haired young girl actually hand is however covering the chest, in the scarlet eye pupil was still glittering the doubts. 望着漆黑的天空,罗亚目光闪烁着思考着对敌的策略,然而在少年的身边,银白发色的少女却手捂着胸口,赤红的眼瞳中仍然闪烁着疑惑。 The unusual form of sky, this is the Alicia strength receives one of the influence reasons without a doubt, however looks like in young girl is actually not complete, because in fact the feeling of Alicia to own strength does not weaken, but up and down. 天空的异状,这毫无疑问是爱丽莎力量受到影响的原因之一,但是在少女看来却不是全部,因为实际上爱丽莎对自身力量的感受不是削弱,而是忽上忽下。 Loses the moonlight the addition, this possibly is the reason that the bloodlines strength drops, however occasional rise what's the matter? 失去月光的加成,这可能是血脉力量下降的原因,但是偶尔的上升又是怎么回事? Such question appears in the heart of Alicia, but the watching side facial features dignified youngster, silver-haired young girl has not actually said it, after all regarding present young girl, the result, the occasional strength rise is more importantly beneficial, after the reason, looks well. 如此的疑问在爱丽莎的心中浮现,但是望着身边面容凝重的少年,银发的少女却并没有将其说出口,毕竟对于现在的少女来说,重要的是结果,偶尔的力量上升有益无害,原因以后再找就好。 Looks young girl that the thoughts depress to the sky, the feeling had that not to know that where moon, but above the distant Ascart Fiefdom sky, an evil different black person's shadow flashes past in the cloud layers, having the infinite darkness to spread in the sky, advances to go toward youngster whereabouts. 将心思压下的少女望向了天空,感受起那不知在何处的月亮,而在远方阿卡特领的天空之上,一个邪异的黑色人影则在云层间一闪而过,带着无穷的黑暗在天空中蔓延,向着少年所在之处推进而去。
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