IHM :: Volume #3 叱咤霸顶

#443: Powerful enemy invasion! The crisis arrives! (Last Part)( second!)

The faint yellow mist whirlwind from void shoots suddenly, and Luo and Futu covers Su Haoran, Shen Yinghai is one of them, the mist steadily the eye seemed to be common, in three shadows toward these three human bodies outflanks. 淡黄色雾气蓦然从虚空中飚射而出,将苏浩然、沈瀛海、以及罗浮屠三人都笼罩在其中,雾气仿佛长了眼睛一般,向着这三人体内的三道黑影包抄过去。 This naturally was ‚the air/Qi of yellow and black Hong Yu displayed! 这自然是洪羽施展的‘玄黄之气’了! This special material has extremely strong decomposition to the world myriad things, under the control of Hong Yu, they bypasses the Su overwhelming three people, and Huayin madame the three twined the past toward cloud Ye, the corrupt wolf. 这种特殊物质对世间万物都有极强的分解作用,在洪羽的操控下,它们绕过苏浩然三人,朝着云烨、贪狼、以及华阴夫人这三者缠绕过去。 Controls the profound ecliptic unexpectedly? Really pretty good!” The corrupt wolf rattles on smiles saying that because he is in robs in the body process, to vocal cord the control is very disappointing, therefore, its sound sends crabbedly coarse, making the person ear somewhat unable to withstand. “竟然掌控玄黄道?真是不赖!”贪狼喋喋一笑说道,由于他正处于抢夺身体过程中,对‘声带’的控制还很差劲儿,所以,其声音发出来艰涩难听之极,让人耳朵都有些承受不住。 In during that he spoke, his body sent out to make a debut the dragon snake strong wind, will bully the body, but on the air/Qi of yellow and black cleansed. 在他说话的这个当口,其身上散发出道道龙蛇般的巨风,将欺身而上的玄黄之气都荡涤开去。 Huayin madame purses the lips, reveals one dimple, then, her whole body then presented a pink movie screen, attack superficial resisting of Hong Yu outside. 华阴夫人一抿嘴,露出一个浅浅的梨涡,接着,她的周身便出现了一道粉红色的障壁,将洪羽的攻击轻描淡写的抵挡在外。 Another side cloud Ye looks has not used slightly the method, but, the air/Qi of yellow and black arrives at its whole body is actually seems away from a space and time with him, saw with own eyes that covers it, actually cannot do to his slightest! 另一边的云烨看上去没有施展丝毫手段,只不过,玄黄之气来到其周身却是仿佛跟他隔着一个时空般,眼见将其笼罩,却是奈何不得他分毫! Is this moment time, taking possession of three big powerhouses almost complete, making the master of that body be miserable beyond description. 就是这片刻功夫,三大强者的附身几乎完成开去,让得原本那具身体的主人苦不堪言。 Hong Yu! Saves me!” Shen Yinghai face twists the extreme, obviously is suffering the incomparable painful the suffering. 洪羽!救我!”沈瀛海脸庞扭曲到极点,显然正在遭受无比痛苦的煎熬。 When Hong Yu just arrived at Tyrant Dingzong, in several big giants counts Shen Yinghai to its attitude is genial, even, he sees oneself son Shen non- to withdraw later struggles son-in-law, said in the presence of everyone wins over the Hong Yu words, making Hong Yu of come all alone have the enormous support at that time. 洪羽刚来到霸顶宗的时候,几大巨头中就数沈瀛海对其态度最是和善,甚至,随后他见自己儿子沈非已退出争婿行列,更是当众说出拉拢洪羽的话,让当时形单影只的洪羽得到极大的支持。 Now, facing taken possession Shen Yinghai, in the Hong Yu heart has the oppressed feeling of being able to say. 如今,面对被附身的沈瀛海,洪羽心中有说不出的憋闷感觉。 The Su overwhelming body trembles suddenly, his tooth bites giggle makes noise, finally seized a rare sober opportunity to open the mouth, Hong Yu! My Su Haoran previously did not do right by you! Is I am blinded by greed, is my mistake! Hopes you...... want you because of me, but has the view to Chuchu!” 苏浩然的身体急剧颤栗,他的牙齿咬得咯咯作响,终于抓住一丝难得的清醒机会开口了,“洪羽!我苏浩然先前对不住你!是我利令智昏,全都是我的错!希望你……希望你不要因我而对楚楚有看法!” Wenying! I know that she is you uses the divine creative force method to create, but I had admitted her in the heart! She is my Su Haoran wife clear/pain Wenying!” “还有文英!我知道她是你用造物手段创造出来的,但我早已在心中接纳了她!她就是我苏浩然的妻子楚文英!” Hong Yu, pleaded you obsolete! After I die, takes care of them well, asked! If there is a next generation, my Su overwhelming does everything will also repay your great kindness......” 洪羽,老朽恳求你!在我死后,好好照顾她们,拜托了!若有下辈子,我苏浩然就是当牛做马也会报答你的大恩大德……” Su overwhelming spoke a few words reluctantly, then made within the body powerhouse seize the chance to invade the last god knowledge, fell to the enemy thoroughly. 苏浩然勉强说完一段话,便让体内强者趁机侵占了最后一丝神识,彻底沦陷开去。 Overwhelming! You will certainly not have the matter, cannot......” clear/pain Wenying the voice hoarse. “浩然!你一定不会有事的,一定不会……”楚文英声音嘶哑。 Father sect! The father sect...... does not want, do not leave me!!!” Su Xi'er tears well up. “父宗!父宗……不要,不要离开我!!!”苏曦儿泪如泉涌。 The Hong Yu method completely leaves freely vigorously to prevent, the action that however, takes possession regarding three big powerhouses, still had no alternative. 洪羽尽管手段尽出倾力阻止,然而,对于三大强者附身的举动,仍旧无可奈何。 This time, Su Haoran the body has transformed, becomes one charming such as the monster youth, he cloud Ye appearance! 此时间,苏浩然的身体已然蜕变,成为一个帅气如妖的青年,他正是‘云烨’的模样! Shen Yinghai becomes a bald man who has the full beard, is corrupt wolf! 沈瀛海变为一个有着络腮胡子的秃头男人,乃是‘贪狼’! What the change is biggest is the Romanian buddhist monk, his excellent aggressive man, is divides minute to change to a female who unexpectedly has classical beautiful, the corners of the mouth have one dimple, seemingly beautiful, this person Huayin madame. 变化最大的要数罗浮屠,他大好的一个霸气男人,竟是分分钟化作一个极具古典美的女子,嘴角边有着一个浅浅的梨涡,看上去养眼之极,此人正是‘华阴夫人’。 Junior! Then enjoys the life well the final time!” cloud Ye facial color was solemn, said that its form slightly one fuzzy then vanished not to see. “小辈!接下来就好好享受生命的最后时光吧!”云烨面色冷峻,说了一句,其身影略一模糊便消失不见开去。 Greedy, Huayin madames reveal to Hong Yu wipe the meaningful cruel smiling face, the form also disappear. 贪婪、华阴夫人都对洪羽露出一抹意味深长的残忍笑容,身影也随之消失。 Damn bastards!” “该死的混蛋们!” As the Lord of potential surface, Hong Yu naturally detected that three's whereabouts, they arrived at the tyrant to withstand/top mainland core place unexpectedly in an instant- under potential surface tree! Afterward uses the method to start to derive the potential surface essence! 作为位面之主,洪羽自然察觉到了三者的行踪,他们竟是霎那间来到了霸顶大陆核心处-位面树之下!随后施展手段开始汲取位面精华! In an instant the time, Hong Yu then feels shivering of struggling and potential surface of great tree, and in constant anxiety of trillion lives! 转眼功夫,洪羽便感受到巨树的挣扎、位面的颤抖、以及亿万生灵的惶惶不可终日! Whiz! 嗖! Hong Yu almost at the same time, figure whirlwind shoots, to potential surface tree in it place. 洪羽几乎在同一时间,身形飚射而出,也去往位面树所在之地。 In the field the shock of person is without doubt the additional degree, the bonus is law enforcement owner hold/container Tianzheng, the tyrant Saint powerhouse who and two long husbands smelt Yu Zheban still trembles! They have not thought, helplessly look, the Su overwhelming several people were taken possession, looks at their backs to brave the cold air, all over the body lives coldly! 场中之人的震惊达到无疑附加的程度,饶是执法堂主包天正,以及二长老公冶俞这般的霸圣强者兀自战栗不已!他们没想到,眼睁睁看着,苏浩然几人被生生附身开去,看得他们脊背冒凉气,遍体生寒! And what is more, evidently, Hong Yu this grade of Emperor Tyrant the powerhouses cannot do to these three people! This subverted their cognition simply, in this world, unexpectedly compared with Hong Yu more powerful existence! But why haven't they appeared in the previous endless years? 更甚者,看样子,洪羽这等霸帝强者都奈何不得这三人!这简直颠覆了他们的认知,这世界上,竟然还有比洪羽更加强大的存在!但为何他们在先前的无尽岁月中都没有出现呢? However, in the field the people simply do not have how much time to sigh and sigh with emotion, because, as three big super powerhouses disappear, a moment later, they then felt that the sky, land, cloud, air wait/etc. all become come suddenly decadent, they also similarly so! Decadent! Endless decadent spreads the whole body! The essence of their within the body drains fast, this feeling wants intense hundred times of thousand times compared with blood sacrifice big that previously Tantai Yang displayed! 然而,场中众人根本没有多少时间来感叹与感慨,因为,随着三大超级强者消失,片刻之后,他们便感觉天空、大地、云彩、空气等等一切的一切突然都变得颓败开来,他们自己也同样如此!颓败!无尽的颓败蔓延全身!他们体内的精华快速流失开去,这种感觉比先前澹台央施展的血祭大阵要强烈百倍千倍! How! 到底怎么了! Saw that the land crack and sky drag, floating clouds to rewind, the rivers and streams closure, to see the vegetation withers, mountains to jump, the birds dispirited, to be decadent broken, everyone falls into the panic-stricken mood. 眼看着大地龟裂、天空摇曳、浮云倒卷、江河断流、眼看着草木枯萎、山川蹦碎、鸟兽萎靡、自身颓败,所有人都陷入惊恐的情绪之中。 ...... …… Stop! You are so crazed, do did not fear that has the wound day and?” Hong Yu is hysteric, roared to make noise toward the potential surface tree next three big super powerhouses. “住手!你们如此丧心病狂,做就不怕有伤天和?”洪羽歇斯底里,朝着位面树下三大超级强者咆哮出声。 Just, he used all methods to prevent the opposite party to derive the potential surface essence, however, did not help matters! Only can full resentful erupts with the spoken language. 刚刚,他施展了所有手段想要阻止对方汲取位面精华,然而,都无济于事!只能将满腔的愤懑都随着言语爆发出来。 Has the wound day and? Ha haha...... small indigenous is small indigenous, fellow who has not seen the world, if some Tianhe saying, our these derived several thousand over ten thousand potential surfaces executioners to unravel, you looked, we also weren't live well?” The corrupt wolf flung his bald, laughs to make noise. “有伤天和?哈哈哈……小土著就是小土著,没见过世面的家伙,要是有‘天和’一说,我们这些汲取了数千上万位面的刽子手早就灰飞烟灭了,你看,我们还不是活得好好的?”贪狼甩了甩他的光头,大笑出声。 Boy, does not use in this grumble, immediately was one's turn you!” cloud Ye facial color is solemn, the words that said lets the person fine body hair straight vertical stroke. “小子,不用在这磨叽,马上就轮到你了!”云烨面色冷峻,说出的话语让人寒毛直竖。 The Huayin madame chuckle makes noise, near the corners of the mouth dimple is even more moving, you two are really vulgar, what to do scared others? Later eats the flavor is not good!” 华阴夫人轻笑出声,嘴角边的梨涡越发动人,“你们两个真是粗鄙,吓坏了人家怎么办?待会儿吃起来味道就不好了!” At once, this Huayin madame shifts to Hong Yu, reveals wipes to seem like the human and animals harmless smiling face, Little Brother, do not fear, has the elder sister, will not let your pain, giggle......” 旋即,这位华阴夫人转向洪羽,露出一抹看上去人畜无害的笑容,“小弟弟,不要怕,有姐姐在,不会让你痛苦的,咯咯……” When the three chatted recklessly, a void fluctuation, immediately, the person's shadow flashed before together, her snow-white skin, was spotless, the peerless looks, is not the person of this world seems to be ordinary! 就在三者肆意说笑的时候,虚空中一阵波动,随即,一道人影闪现而出,她冰肌玉骨、纤尘不染、绝世姿容、仿佛不是这个世间之人一般! Just also the lawless three big super powerhouses saw this person suddenly, the complexion immediately changed, again also no longer rampancy. 刚刚还无法无天的三大超级强者骤然看到此人,脸色顿时变了,再也不复刚才的嚣张。
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