IHM :: Volume #3 叱咤霸顶

#358: The vitality is infinite, moistens the ice sculpture

Hong Yu grows to become Origin of Void Seed of Void World, and condenses Grand Xia palace and other thing, in this process, the empty Origin Dao fast congealing reality, finally some breakthrough boundary, making Hong Yu break through toward the boundary of Tyrant Venerable! 洪羽虚界之种衍生成为‘本源虚界’,并在其中凝聚出大夏宫廷等物,这一过程中,虚界本源道快速凝实,终于突破某个界限,让洪羽向着霸尊之境突破开去! Breaks through toward the boundary of Tyrant Venerable by the tyrant sect, the sound is not really small, but, Hong Yu in the instance of breakthrough, displays abyss the aura that fixed aura effect, will break through has hidden, reason that he so does, naturally wants, in the crisis-ridden tyrant withstand/top in the sect to keep some cards in a hand as far as possible. 由霸宗向着霸尊之境突破,动静着实不小,只不过,洪羽在突破的瞬间,施展出深渊的‘锁定气息’功效,将突破的气息都掩藏了下来,他之所以如此做,自然想要在危机四伏的霸顶宗中尽可能留些底牌。 Suppose, Hong Yu has Monster Star and source to be dark and Demon Clone and other hidden methods, how did he surface in formerly showdown? If others know that his these cards in a hand, early did have the protection to it, where Hong Yu will also defeat the enemy by a surprise attack? 试想,洪羽要不是有着‘妖星’、‘源暗’、‘恶魔分身’等这些隐藏手段,他在先前的对决中何以脱颖而出?别人要是知道他的这些底牌,对其早有了防备,洪羽哪里还会出奇制胜? Hides the card in a hand, the dreadful growth, this is in the enemy my weak situation the most effective measure. 隐藏底牌,猥琐发育,这才是处于敌强我弱情况下最为有效的措施。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… During the breakthrough, dantian in space develops rapidly, has achieved a surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) greatness! The illusory parts of 12 Origin Dao have also extended along with the expansion of dantian wall, was still one does not have the end appearance, this indicated that Hong Yu also had very far distance to walk on the road of Origin Dao. 突破之中,丹田的内空间迅速拓展开来,达到了方圆万里之巨!12条本源道的虚幻部分也随着丹田壁的扩张而延伸了开去,仍旧是一副没有尽头的样子,这表明洪羽本源道之路上还有很远的距离要走。 The boundary of Tyrant Venerable starts to show some clues, Hong Yu only Kyaw Than Tauchi suddenly erupts a boundless power and influence, he had a clear(ly) to become aware, if released this power and influence, will be one will destroy the day to extinguish the place the strength! Under Tyrant Venerable must receive its immobilization, cannot revolt! 霸尊之境初露端倪,洪羽只觉丹田内骤然爆发出一股磅礴的威势,他有种明悟,如果自己将这股威势释放出去,将会是一股毁天灭地的力量!霸尊之下都要受其钳制,根本反抗不得! Reveres the prestige! Is this then the attacking method that the Tyrant Venerable powerhouse is in sole possession of? 尊威!这便是霸尊强者独有的攻伐手段么? Initially, Hong Yu first time facing Romanian fierce time, he simply did not have the strength to hit back under the revering prestige of opposite party, was eaten stubbornly, finally must run away through the black hole that Confuse Trace Beast released, afterward he revered the level powerhouse with the vermilion bird to the war, can it be that revered prestige suppression not to have the temperament, now he also grows to finally have the Tyrant Venerable powerhouse of prestige! 当初,洪羽第一次面对罗烈的时候,他在对方的尊威之下根本没有还手之力,被吃得死死的,最后只得通过迷踪兽释放出的黑洞逃走,随后他与朱雀等尊级强者对战,莫不是被‘尊威’压制的没脾气,如今他终于也成长为拥有尊威的霸尊强者了! During the breakthroughs, bottom of below the 20,000 meters abyss is also the downward settlement goes, must break 20,000 meters this critical junction, during is indistinct, Hong Yu can induce to having a tenacious impediment in the front, has prevented abyss continues to undercut. 突破间,20000米以下的深渊之底也是向下沉陷而去,要突破20000米这个大关,隐约之中,洪羽能感应到有着一层坚韧的阻隔在前方,阻挡了深渊的继续下陷。 Ka, ka ka...... 咔,咔咔…… The prestige of breakthrough was tyrannical, is promoting the bottom of downward crush abyss in the past, making that thing of impediment in abundance break, so broke through the distances of several meter/rice, a bottom of suddenly fierce shake abyss, it does not know unexpectedly moved the firm thing, making the downward potential slowly stop! 突破之威强横无匹,推动着深渊之底向下碾压过去,让得那阻挡之物纷纷破碎开来,如此突破了数米的距离,深渊之底忽然一阵剧烈震荡,它竟是不知碰触到了何等坚固之物,让得向下之势缓缓停止下来! Does not know that below 20,000 meters exist, why so is hard to break through?” Hong Yu muttered. “也不知20000米以下是何等存在,为何如此难以突破?”洪羽不由喃喃。 When he breaks through to the boundary of Tyrant Sovereign, abyss then grew to 20,000 meters deeply, however, afterward his breakthroughs, even has achieved the boundary of Tyrant Venerable now, is still unable to break through impediment under 20,000 meters completely, this made Hong Yu be startled the sigh. 早在他突破到霸皇之境的时候,深渊便成长到20000米之深了,然而,随后他一次次突破,甚至如今都达到了霸尊之境,仍旧无法完全突破20000米之下的阻挡,这让洪羽不由为之吃惊感叹。 In his induction, under 20,000 meters is one piece most profound is , during is dark he felt that another side as if a new world, has filled mystically profound wonderful. 在他的感应中,20000米之下似是一片玄之又玄的所在,冥冥之中他感觉另外一侧仿佛一个新世界般,充满了神秘玄奇。 Was a pity, was poor!” Hong Yu sighed, although this breakthrough cannot attack that matter hindrance, but is not absolutely far from the breakthrough, he can affirm, next time will have striven again, certainly can break through this fetter, making him peep mysterious region under 20,000 meters! “可惜,就差一点儿了!”洪羽感叹,这一次的突破虽然没能冲击开那层阻碍,但距离突破绝对不远了,他可以肯定,下次再有所精进,一定能冲破这层束缚,让他一窥20000米之下的神秘地带! Suddenly, as rich as the pinnacle vitality store front comes, making Hong Yu smell previous then to feel to be refreshing merely, the whole person is full of energy! 忽然,一股浓郁到极致的生机铺面而来,让洪羽仅仅嗅上一下便感觉神清气爽,整个人都精神抖擞起来! This is...... 这是…… He discovered afterward astonished, lives the massive rich vitalities baseless unexpectedly, they fast graze toward him, suddenly then large share large share drills into his body, skin, muscle, skeleton, internal organs wait/etc. place moment times were filled up by the rich vitality, they are moistening on Hong Yu each inch place! Make him suddenly feel that the vitality is infinite! 他随后惊愕的发现,凭空竟是生出来大量的浓郁生机,它们快速朝他飞掠过来,眨眼间便大股大股的钻入他身体之中,皮肤、肌肉、骨骼、脏腑等等地方须臾功夫就被浓郁的生机填满,它们滋润着洪羽身上的每一寸地方!让他一时间感觉生机无限! Is it possible that is it possible that is this life of Tyrant Venerable powerhouse can cross ten thousand reasons easily? 莫非,莫非这就是霸尊强者的寿元能够轻易过万的原因? Before Hong Yu had then heard, after achieving Tyrant Venerable, the life significantly will then promote, not having in the situation of disaster to live basically ten thousand years, now feels that as rich as the pinnacle vitality, Hong Yu is knowing why finally this was. 以前洪羽便听说过,达到霸尊之后,寿元便会大幅度提升,没有灾祸的情况下基本都能活过万年之久,如今感受着身上那浓郁到极致的生机,洪羽终于知道这是为什么了。 These vitalities are the world bestow, seemed inexhaustible, moistens Hong Yu whole body each place, in the dantian also has naturally been spilling into the massive vitalities, however, when they went to the place that Life Dao was, these vitalities as if all of a sudden held on, afterward by downward towing ruthlessly in the past! Rich vitality instant was caught by Life Dao, afterward greedy is swallowing...... 这些生机乃是天地所赐,仿佛无穷无尽,滋润着洪羽全身各个地方,丹田之中自然也涌进了大量的生机,然而,当它们来到生命道所在的地方,这些生机仿佛一下子被拉住,随后被向下狠狠的拖曳过去!浓郁的生机霎那间都被生命道捕捉过来,随后贪婪的吞噬着…… Congealing reality! Fast congealing reality! 凝实!快速的凝实! Swallowed the magnanimous vitality, Life Dao started to congeal to be solid fast, under gaze that Hong Yu stared dumbfounded, the Life Dao congealing solid degree surpassed Dao of Ice as well as Space Dao unexpectedly one after another, became second largest Origin Dao that was next to empty! 吞噬了海量的生机,生命道开始快速凝实起来,在洪羽瞠目结舌的注视下,生命道的凝实程度竟是接连超过冰之道以及空间道,成为仅次于虚界道的第二大本源道 Sucks in air through the teeth, sucks in air through the teeth. 吸溜,吸溜。 Life Dao also in deriving vitality, the vitality that however overflows from void actually actually came less, the world granted also has a limit, was impossible to continue, finally, Life Dao domineering derived the last vitality, void did not have the new vitality to appear again. 生命道还在一个劲儿的汲取生机,然而从虚空中溢出的生机却是却来越少了,天地赐予也有个限度,不可能一直持续下去的,最终,生命道强势的汲取了最后一点生机,虚空中再也没有新的生机出现了。 Hong Yu sucks the tongue, oneself this Life Dao also is really the raker of enriching oneself, such little while time, perhaps compared with others break through Tyrant Venerable the time must much derive one time to have vitalities! 洪羽不由咂舌,自己这生命道还真是个搂钱的耙子,就这么会儿功夫,恐怕比别人突破霸尊的时候要多汲取一倍有余的生机! Other person of promotions are Tyrant Venerable time, then after the vitality on them will fill up, will stop, but his here, after the body will fill up, a Life Dao there as if bottomless pit crazily derives, this naturally must plunder much. 其他人晋升为霸尊的时候,生机将他们身上填满后便会停下来,而他这里,将身体都填满后,生命道那里仿佛一个无底洞般疯狂汲取,这自然要多掠夺不少。 Then Hong Yu then the discovery of surprise, being satiated with food and wine Life Dao is releases vitalities as abundant as the extreme green luminous spot unexpectedly, they have moistened the dantian as well as the whole body, has the Life Dao Tyrant Venerable nature not to be different from other Tyrant Venerable, they in vitality aspect must other people. 接下来洪羽就诧异的发现,吃饱喝足的生命道竟是释放出一个个生机盎然到极点绿色光点,它们又将丹田以及全身都滋润了一番,拥有生命道霸尊自然跟其它霸尊不一样,他们在生命力这方面要远强其他人。 These vitality abundant green luminous spots run through the Hong Yu whole body, naturally, has entered in the Heavenly Monster space! 这些生机盎然的绿色光点跑遍洪羽全身,自然地,有着一些进驻了天妖空间之中! When they just like the life envoy has fluttered ice sculpture region, then by frozen among the people are been even more bright! Even, their complexions some living the person seems like more vital than! 当它们犹如生命使者般飘过‘冰雕区域’的时候,那被冰封在其内的众人越发鲜活起来!甚至,他们的脸色比一些活着的人看起来更充满生命力! Jiang Chen! Can you hear? Can hear me to speak?” Was full of the hope the female voice to make a sound in this region suddenly. “姜辰!你听得到么?听得到我说话么?”一个充满希冀的女声在这片区域忽然响了起来。 Summon naturally was Jiang Yuluan, when cultivation she then treated is gazing at Jiang Chen in ice sculpture here, these time was no exception, entered this region along with the vital green luminous spots, Jiang Yuluan discovered pleasantly surprised, seemed to be lived by seal in thick ice Jiang Chenjing of general, she then could not bear greeted excitedly. 呼唤者自然是姜玉鸾了,修炼之余她便待在这里注视着冰雕中的姜辰,这一次也不例外,随着一个个充满生机的绿色光点进驻这片区域,姜玉鸾惊喜的发现,被封印在厚厚玄冰中的姜辰竟仿佛活过来一般,她这才忍不住的激动招呼起来。 However, no matter how what she summoned, the sign that in the ice sculpture the person have not regained consciousness, she saw at this time, the opposite party was just becomes even more fresh/live, not true awaking revolutions, but, this also let her is very happy, looks at the present situation, Hong Yu that Life Dao cultivates some time again, can perhaps make in the ice sculpture the person live. 不过,任她如何呼唤,冰雕中之人都没有苏醒的迹象,这个时候她才看出,对方只不过是变得越发鲜活而已,并没有真正的醒转,不过,这也让她很是高兴了,看眼下的情形,洪羽那‘生命道’再修炼一些时间,或许就能让冰雕中之人活过来了。 Hong Yu has not disturbed Jiang Yuluan, his vision sweeps in Jinyan Teacher and the others, the sound of resolution resounds in the heart, everybody, waits for some time again, I will make everybody resurrect finally!” 洪羽没有打扰姜玉鸾,他的目光在金燕老师等人身上一扫而过,坚定之音在心中响起,“各位,再等待一些时间,我终会让大家都复活过来的!”
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