IJWPBTB :: Volume #7

#616: Relaxes

Chapter 616 relaxes 第616章放松点 Follows Yan Xiaobo to go to the meeting hall, Jiang Beiran discovers Yan Xiaobo although a moment ago said did not prepare to turn out in full strength, but on the lineup in meeting hall, with turning out in full strength has not basically distinguished. 跟着阎啸博来到议事厅,江北然发现阎啸博刚才虽然说的是不准备倾巢而出,但就议事厅里的阵容来说,和倾巢而出也基本没区别了。 flourishing Ling Yang, Gong Yiran, Ji rain and other were responsible for protecting him in a yesterday's service personal, and has Profound Sage that tall light displayed to present entirely. 殷凌炀、龚毅然、嵇雨等五位在昨天一役中负责贴身保护他,且都有着高光表现的玄圣统统在场。 When sees valley beam modest is also clear sufficiently must while this little while gu cultivates to be thrown into confusion fight a battle to force a quick decision, wipes out them at one fell swoop, otherwise they recovered, perhaps will have a bigger trouble to wait for them. 足以见得谷梁谦也非常明白必须要趁着这会儿蛊修乱了阵脚时速战速决,一举将他们全部歼灭,不然等他们缓过劲儿来,也许还会有更大的麻烦等着他们。 Grandmaster river.” “江大师。” Sees Jiang Beiran to come, several Profound Sage arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest toward him, it can be said that already treated as him with existence of their closely coincide completely. 见到江北然进来,几位玄圣都是朝着他拱了拱手,可以说是已经完全把他当做和他们完全相等的存在了。 Has seen several seniors.” “见过几位前辈。” After numerous Profound Sage has greeted, before Jiang Beiran arrived at the round table . 朝着众玄圣打过招呼后,江北然走到了圆桌前。 Waits for Jiang Beiran to sit down, Yan Xiaobo then spreads out a map saying: This was once Guo the topographic diagram, I first told that you where they are currently most likely to gather persevere.” 江北然一坐下,阎啸博便摊开一张地图说道:“这是曾国的地形图,我先跟你说说他们现在最有可能聚在哪里坚守。” Visited the eye once the country intriguing topographic diagram, Jiang Beiran transferred Spiritual Power to start it duplicate/restores to carve in own brain carefully. 看了眼曾国错综复杂的地形图,江北然调动精神力开始将它仔细复刻到自己脑内。 This.” Yan Xiaobo referred to once the city of country central location, this city named presenting far, was once Guo the national capital, if once Guo the person is still resisting, then here very big probability can be their final fortresses.” “这。”阎啸博指了指曾国中心位置的一座城市,“这座城市名叫奉远,是曾国的国都,如果曾国的人还在抵抗,那么这里很大概率会是他们最后的堡垒。” Observed one to attempt everywhere, the Jiang Beiran nod said: Other possibilities and useful information?” 观察了一遍地图,江北然点头道:“还有其他可能性和有用的情报吗?” Has, you look toward here......” “有,你往这边看……” Partly after burning a joss stick, Jiang Beiran almost understood once Guo the situation, in the heart also had the general act chart. 半炷香后,江北然差不多了解了曾国的形势,心中也有了大概的行径图。 Looks up kept a serious look Profound Sage to several, Jiang Beiran says with a smile: Everyone can put more relaxed, because this action can actually be said as risk-free.” 抬起头看向几位表情严肃的玄圣,江北然笑道:“大家可以放轻松些,因为这一次的行动其实可以说是毫无风险。” Yan Xiaobo listens to say: Not have a low opinion of the enemy to well, after all we do not know cultivated/repaired to compel after these gus anxiously, they will do to have an accident.” 阎啸博听完应道:“还是不要轻敌为好,毕竟我们都不知道把那些蛊修逼急了后他们会做出什么事来。” The Jiang Beiran hear still maintained the smile to say: Having a low opinion of the enemy naturally is the taboo, but everyone is extremely anxious does not need completely, this might affect your many judgments.” 江北然听完仍旧保持着笑容应道:“轻敌自然是大忌,不过各位太过紧张也完全没必要,这有可能会影响到你们的很多判断。” Looks at several Profound Sage puzzled looks, Jiang Beiran starts to explain: First we and yesterday's counterattack battles were different, the goal that we cannot achieve, presented everyone to withdraw to the deep pool city with immortal trace treasure Jane/simple in other words at any time.” 看着几位玄圣不解的眼神,江北然开始解释道:“首先我们和昨日的反击战不同,我们没有必须完成的目标,也就是说在座各位都可以随时用仙踪宝简撤回渊城。” Hears Jiang Beiran this saying, all Profound Sage suddenly see the light. 听到江北然这话,所有玄圣豁然开朗。 Because one fought them not to think before completely retreats this issue, when this action also completely this treasure forgetting. 因为之前一战他们完全没想过撤退这个问题,所以这次行动时也完全将这件宝物给遗忘了。 Sees several Profound Sage showed so that's how it is the expression, Jiang Beiran continues saying: Therefore in this action, if encountered the danger, everyone is not necessary to prolong contact, retreats directly well.” 见几位玄圣露出了“原来如此”的表情,江北然继续道:“所以这次行动中,若是遇到了危险,各位大可不必恋战,直接撤退就好。” Ha.” Hears here, flourishing Ling Yang smiled suddenly, really Grandmaster river one, my heart one settled, we also really forgot this treasure a moment ago.” “哈哈哈。”听到这里,殷凌炀突然笑了起来,“果然江大师一来,我这心就一下安了许多啊,刚才我们还真忘了这件宝贝。” Nearby Huo Hongkai listens also to nod, right, this time battled our already to have the enough strong backing, was this/should relaxed.” 一旁的霍宏恺听完也点了点头,“没错,这次作战我们已经有了足够强的后盾,是该轻松一点。” Right, we should relax.” Nods, Jiang Beiran continues saying: As a result of the information defect, wanted to find the broken Miasma key should in once Guo to need to spend some time, but in the situation of safeguard safely, these were the small issues.” “没错,我们都该放松一些。”点点头,江北然继续道:“不过由于情报的缺失,想要在曾国中找到破瘴气的关键应该需要多花些时间,但在安全有保障的情况下,这些都是小问题。” Said that Jiang Beiran with the index finger selected on the map presents the far city, „after entering once the country, we first rushed present the far city, if presented the far city to fall to the enemy, we continued to seek for the next place, in brief all actions were primarily finding the survivor, such , not only can increase our strength, might unearth the gu clan related information.” 说完江北然用食指点了点地图上的奉远城,“进入曾国后,我们第一时间就赶往奉远城,若是奉远城已沦陷,那我们就继续寻找下一个地点,总之一切行动以找到幸存者为主,那样不仅可以增加我方战力,也更有可能挖掘到蛊族相关的情报。” Yan Xiaobo listens to nod: Good, listens to Grandmaster river.” 阎啸博听完点点头:“好,就听江大师的。” Good, since everyone feels not to have the issue, we 9 to 11 a.m set off, will subscribe the good route to start the relief operations at the present tomorrow.” “好,既然大家都觉得没问题,那我们就明日巳时出发,以现在订好的路线展开救援行动。” Jiang Beiran must wait till tomorrow again set off , because he still thinks that the gu will cultivate in the night will have some special addition, will therefore go round their domineering points to go is quite good again. 江北然之所以要等到明天再出发,是因为他仍旧认为蛊修在夜里会有某种特殊的加成,所以绕开他们这个强势点再去会比较好。 Other Profound Sage hears also no opinion, expressed the agreement. 其他玄圣听完也没什么意见,纷纷表示了同意。 That this, 9 to 11 a.m we in the east gate set, Younger Generation will first say goodbye tomorrow.” “那就这样吧,明日巳时我们在东门集合,晚辈就先告辞了。” Jiang Beiran said that arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest toward several Profound Sage, opened the door to leave the meeting hall. 江北然说完朝着几位玄圣拱了拱手,推开门离开了议事厅。 Looks back that Jiang Beiran departs, Yan Xiaobo said: It seems like this action can indeed relax some.” 看着江北然离去的背影,阎啸博说道:“看来这次行动的确可以放松一些了。” flourishing Ling Yang listens to the future supine, satisfied saying: Our truly some were extremely anxious, now when our situation already most started good is too more, even met any sudden outbreak, withdrew Tong Country to be good promptly.” 殷凌炀听完往后一仰,惬意的说道:“我们确实有些太过紧张了,如今我们的情况已经比最开始时好了太多,就算遇到了什么突发状况,及时撤回潼国就好了。” Yes, this yesterday that fought extremely frigidly, done I have not walked to the present, now thinks, Grandmaster river also was really a language reminds the dreamboat.” “是啊,这昨天那一战太过惨烈,搞的我到现在还没走出来,现在想想,江大师还真是一语点醒梦中人。” You said that once the country...... also did have to be saved?” “你们说曾国……还有得救吗?” Did not say, if in any case us did not have Grandmaster river, we let alone completed the counter-attack, perhaps even/including Yuancheng could not defend, only if once Guo also had the character like Grandmaster river, otherwise...... I looked to hang.” “不好说,反正我们这边如果没有江大师的话,我们别说完成反击,恐怕连渊城都守不住,除非曾国也有像江大师这样的人物,不然……我看悬。” Listens to Huo Hongkai words, presents Profound Sage to nod to agree. 听完霍宏恺的话,在座玄圣都点头表示同意。 After all they look various Jiang Beiran types show the miracle, makes them incomparable the headache the issue to be solved by him with ease. 毕竟他们是一路看着江北然各种展现奇迹的,很多让他们都无比头疼的问题都被他轻松解决。 Finally Yan Xiaobo opens the mouth saying: Since that already discussed, everyone went back to prepare respectively.” 最后阎啸博开口道:“那么既然已经商议完,大家就各自回去准备吧。” Numerous Profound Sage nodded in abundance, sets out to leave the meeting hall. 玄圣纷纷点头,起身离开了议事厅。 ...... …… After Jiang Beiran leaves the meeting hall, has not returned to the temporary residence, but first entered the flying mansion. 江北然离开议事厅后并没有回临时住所,而是先进入了飞府。 Found the summer bell, Jiang Beiran transfers Spiritual Power to stir up her. 找到夏铃铛,江北然调动精神力激了她一下。 The next second, the cleaning summer bell makings change, then looked to Jiang Beiran. 下一秒,正在打扫的夏铃铛气质一改,回头看向了江北然 Has seen Venerable.” On Jiang Beiran the face arch cupped one hand in the other across the chest. “见过尊者。”江北然上前拱了拱手。 What matter asks me also to have?” “找我又有何事?” „The dying and being reborn incident, some Younger Generation details want to ask the senior to consult.” “死而复生一事,晚辈有些细节想要找前辈请教。” Said.” Formless Venerable takes advantage of opportunity to sit the tea table to ask. “说吧。”无象尊者顺势坐上茶桌问道。 At this time is looking at this in not far away to rub poor wonderful Shi Fenglan fully is curious. 这时正在不远处撸穷奇的施凤兰看着这一幕满是好奇。 Changed, changed.’ ‘又变了,又变了。’ When feels is interesting, she found similarly in toward Meng Sipei that side Formless Venerable sizes up. 感觉到有趣之时,她找到了同样在往无象尊者那边打量的孟思佩 „Does Peppe, Peppe, you say the bell now what's the matter?” “佩佩,佩佩,你说铃铛现在到底是怎么回事?” Their previous time saw in the flying mansion the summer bell changes the appearance of body, knows the summer bell is actually fierce. 她们上次都在飞府里看到了夏铃铛变身的样子,也都知道了夏铃铛其实非常厉害。 Therefore after the summer bell returns to the flying mansion once does not dare to her to speak, but later the summer bell is actually the appearance that a anything does not know, but also thinks that was makes the mistake what Shi Fenglan they to pay no attention to her. 所以在夏铃铛回到飞府后一度不敢跟她说话,但之后夏铃铛却是一副什么都不知道的样子,还以为是自己做错了什么施凤兰她们才不理她。 Shi Fenglan that this does they somewhat fainted, does not understand completely the present bell is also a bell. 这就搞的施凤兰她们有些晕了,完全不明白现在的铃铛到底还是不是铃铛。 However a little Shi Fenglan can determine that is the present and Little Beiran speaks that bell, definitely is not the bell. 不过有一点施凤兰是可以确定的,那就是现在和小北然说话那个铃铛,肯定不是铃铛。 Notices two people to surround behind, Jiang Beiran gave the hand signal of action of driving away toward them. 注意到身后有两个人在围观,江北然朝着她们做了个驱赶的手势。 When two people leave the hall, Jiang Beiran continues saying: Does not know whether when Venerable described one previous time came back to life all sorts of details carefully, for example......” Jiang Beiran was saying put out Ice Silver Ring from storage ring, what did you feel the function of this Magical Treasure are?” 等到二人离开大厅,江北然继续道:“不知尊者可否仔细描述一番上次复生时的种种细节,比如……”江北然说着从乾坤戒中拿出了冰银环,“你感受到这件法宝的作用是什么了吗?” The Formless Venerable hear first showed the look of thinking, then replied: At that time the activeness of this body all lost, I also completely lost to her control power, returned to the main body.” 无象尊者听完先是露出了思索的神色,然后回答道:“当时这具身体的活性全失,我也完全失去了对她的操控权,回到了本体中。” I was sitting in meditation to recover, actually felt that suddenly in this body transmits a burning hot feeling, I guessed correctly that is you are definitely making anything, therefore then attempts to arrive to this body in again, finally actually exceptionally smooth, I can feel clearly this body lived, if must describe specifically......” “原本我正在打坐恢复元气,却突然感觉到这具身体中传来一种炙热感,我猜到肯定是你在做什么,于是便再次尝试着降临到这具身躯上,结果倒是异常的顺利,我能清晰感觉到这幅身躯又活了过来,如果要具体描述的话……” Formless Venerable was saying the ponder moment continues saying: Is the body starts to absorb Spirit Qi, simultaneously whole body each moved.” 无象尊者说着思考片刻又继续道:“就是身体又开始能吸收灵气,同时浑身每一处都重新动了起来。” Un......’ ‘嗯……’ Listened to the reply of Formless Venerable, Jiang Beiran to determine a matter. 听着无象尊者的回答,江北然确定了一件事。 That is the Formless Venerable reply reference value indeed is not big, because in coming back to life most difficult one step is to awaken divine sense of dead. 那就是无象尊者的回答参考价值的确不大,因为复生中最难的一步就是唤醒死者的神识 However Formless Venerable divine sense has not extinguished, is completely because the body function is completely destroyed entered the death condition. 然而无象尊者神识根本就没灭过,完全是因为身体机能完全被破坏才进入了死亡状态。 Therefore Formless Venerable simply has not actually experienced to have been to the process that divine sense grows out of nothing, this causes her coming back to life almost to have no reference value. 所以无象尊者其实根本没有体验到过那个神识从无到有的过程,这就导致她的复生几乎没有任何参考价值。 When the Jiang Beiran ponder, Formless Venerable is still describing the own feeling. 江北然思考时,无象尊者还在描述自己的感受。 Must say that in the process is most special, I felt very powerful Spirit Qi to swamp into this body afterward, not only the shatter part will restore completely, but also provided one type to this body very powerfully...... stimulation of movement feeling?” “要说过程中最为特别的,就是后来我感受到了一股十分强有力的灵气涌入了这具身体里,不仅将破碎的部分完全修复,而且给这幅身躯提供了一种十分强有力的……催动感?” Stimulation of movement feeling?” Asking of some Jiang Beiran doubts. “催动感?”江北然有些疑惑的问道。 Right, stimulates to movement the feeling.” Formless Venerable nods, seems like must give this body new student/life Strength to be the same, without this Strength wells up, actually I must awaken this body am not such easy matter, will lead to be defeated probably.” “没错,催动感。”无象尊者点了点头,“就好像是要给予这具身体新生的力量一般,如果没有这股力量涌进来,其实我要唤醒这具身体也不是这么容易的事,甚至大概率会失败。” Hears this, Jiang Beiran was somewhat clear. 听到这,江北然有些明白了。 The Strength that Formless Venerable said without doubt is Earth Level purple spirit pill, listens from her description, this Earth Level purple spirit pill not only has the function of restore body, what is fiercer is it can living provide a strong boost for the body again. 无象尊者说的这股力量无疑就是地级灵丹,从她的描述听来,这地级灵丹不仅有着修复身躯的作用,更厉害的是它能够为身体重新“活”过来提供一种强大的助力。 ‚After the words that thinks perhaps...... these come back to life, perhaps is paralyzed cultivator that or cultivation base all loses is profound sense is awakened forcefully, but hasn't the body simply actually lived?’ ‘这么想的话……也许那些复生过来后半身不遂或者修为全失的修炼者也许就是玄识被强行唤醒了,但身体其实根本没活过来?’ Jiang Beiran more wants more to feel credible, the function of Earth Level purple spirit pill awakens the body that died thoroughly, solved a very troublesome resurrecting sequela. 江北然越想越觉得靠谱,地级灵丹的作用就是彻底唤醒死去的身体,解决了一个非常麻烦的复活后遗症。 Does not know that it does have the similar function to divine sense......’ ‘就是不知道它对神识有没有同样的作用……’ Almost was this, said that what that Strength was?” Formless Venerable asked. “差不多就是这样了,说起来那股力量是什么?”无象尊者问道。 spirit pill of Earth Level quality.” Jiang Beiran was saying took Earth Level purple spirit pill. “一颗地级品质的灵丹。”江北然说着将地级灵丹拿了出来。 Earth Level!?” Formless Venerable was obviously startled, you really have Earth Level Medicinal Pill!?” 地级!?”无象尊者明显被惊到了,“你竟然还有地级丹药!?” Looks at the Formless Venerable exaggerating response, Jiang Beiran is also somewhat strange, followed is so long in own side, shouldn't be unalarmed by strange sights? 看着无象尊者夸张的反应,江北然也是有些奇怪,都跟在自己身边这么久了,不是应该早就见怪不怪了吗? Un.” “嗯。” Listens to the Jiang Beiran affirmative reply, Formless Venerable unable to bear say: „This is the first time that I saw Earth Level spirit pill.” 听完江北然肯定的回答,无象尊者忍不住道:“这还是我第一次见到地级灵丹。” ‚The first time?’ ‘第一次?’ Then was one's turn Jiang Beiran to be dumbstruck, how Formless Venerable said that was also the character of Profound Sage rank, without seeing Heaven Level Medicinal Pill is excusable, after all that gadget is completely the thing in Legend. 这下轮到江北然发懵了,无象尊者怎么说也是玄圣级别的人物,没见过天级丹药还算情有可原,毕竟那玩意儿完全就是传说中的东西。 But Earth Level hasn't spirit pill seen? Is failure that too this Profound Sage works as, is Earth Level spirit pill really so rare? 地级灵丹都没见过?是她这个玄圣当的太失败,还是地级灵丹真的如此稀有? Can feel to me?” Formless Venerable puts out a hand to ask toward Jiang Beiran. “能给我感受一下吗?”无象尊者朝着江北然伸出手问道。 Jiang Beiran selected, put in Earth Level purple spirit pill the Formless Venerable hand directly. 江北然点了下头,直接将地级灵丹放入了无象尊者手中。 Received Earth Level purple spirit pill, Formless Venerable felt attentively, although she in the Alchemy above attainments is not that high, can actually feel that in contains boundless Spirit Qi, can mediate other spirit pill to have the qualitative difference. 接过地级灵丹,无象尊者用心的感受了一遍,虽然她在炼丹上面的造诣不是那么高,却能感觉到里面蕴含着磅礴的灵气,可以说和其他灵丹有着质的区别。 Where do you from obtain?” Formless Venerable looks up asked to Jiang Beiran. “你从哪得到的?”无象尊者抬头看向江北然问道。 I refine.” “我自己炼的。” „......” “……” The Formless Venerable hear stared in a big way the eye, somewhat unbelievable saying: „Can you refine the Earth Level quality spirit pill......?” 无象尊者听完不禁瞪大了眼睛,有些难以置信的说道:“你能炼出地级品质的灵丹……?” „Very strange?” “很奇怪吗?” Thinks that Jiang Beiran all sorts of non- human general strong capabilities, Formless Venerable somewhat had nothing to say in reply suddenly unexpectedly. 想到江北然种种非人类一般的强大能力,无象尊者一时间竟有些无言以对。 Did not say strangely, but Earth Level Magical Treasure can or explores secret realm to obtain through the inheritance, however Earth Level spirit pill cannotted be found anywhere completely, but can hear under some Nine Grades Alchemist accident of sorts to be able occasionally to refine a furnace, but was really very occasionally.” “也不是说奇怪,只是地级法宝可以通过传承或者探索秘境来获得,但是地级灵丹就完全无处可寻了,只是偶尔能听到某位九品炼丹师机缘巧合下能炼出一炉,但真的是很偶尔。” So that's how it is......’ ‘原来如此……’ Then Jiang Beiran understands that Formless Venerable will be why surprised. 这下江北然明白无象尊者为何会如此惊讶了。 Actually must refine the Earth Level Magical Treasure difficulty to above building up Earth Level Medicinal Pill absolutely, however Earth Level Magical Treasure can under the accident of sorts find in various places, but Earth Level spirit pill may not have. 其实要炼制出地级法宝的难度绝对要在炼出地级丹药之上,但是地级法宝是可以机缘巧合下在各种地方找到的,但地级灵丹可就没有了。 Therefore will cause this Earth Level spirit pill compared with Earth Level Magical Treasure few present situations. 所以才会导致这种地级灵丹远比地级法宝少的现状。 It seems like cultivator is really one generation is inferior to one generation......’ ‘看来修炼者真的是一代不如一代啊……’ This felt that Jiang Beiran had long before, collects various information that from him now, before for a long time is very very long, cultivator should have far surpasses the present great strength, Profound Emperor is also good, the Mysterious Art divine creative force of Heaven Level quality is also good. 这个感觉江北然很早以前就有了,从他现在搜集到的各种情报来看,很久很久以前修炼者应该有着远超现在的强大,玄帝也好,天级品质的玄艺造物也好。 These are not the happy expectations of present age cultivator, but is they knows that existences of these things, do not have the ability to achieve. 这些并不是什么当代修炼者的美好期望,而是他们知道这些东西的存在,却没能力做到。 Received Formless Venerable also Earth Level purple spirit pill, Jiang Beiran asked: Mentioning has not known that which country person Venerable is.” 接过无象尊者还回来的地级灵丹,江北然问道:“说来还不知道尊者是哪国人士。” Ji Guo.” “嵇国。” How doesn't that know Ji Guo now the situation?” “那不知嵇国现在情况如何?” Basically already ended.” “基本上已经完了。” Listened to the Formless Venerable superficial tone, Jiang Beiran to twitch two corners of the mouth. 听着无象尊者轻描淡写的口气,江北然不禁抽动了两下嘴角。 Compares for Profound Sage that Tong Country laughs in the face of death with these, this life or death to own Nation was also too calm. 和那些为了潼国舍生忘死的玄圣比起来,这位对自己国家的存亡也太淡定了吧。 Looks at the Jiang Beiran look, Formless Venerable sighs: Ji Guo before you break Tong Country Miasma was incapable of resisting, because experienced fierce that these gus have repaired, therefore I truly admired you very much.” 看着江北然的眼神,无象尊者叹口气道:“嵇国早在你破掉潼国瘴气前就无力抵抗了,也正是因为见识过那些蛊修的厉害,所以我确实很佩服你。” Does not dare.” Jiang Beiran arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, „that since Ji Guo already strength of the passivity, that Venerable you......?” “不敢。”江北然拱了拱手,“那既然嵇国已无抵抗之力,那尊者你……?” We remove into the day certainly cliff now, therefore is not affected much temporarily.” “我们现在都撤入了天绝崖中,所以暂无大碍。” Day certainly...... cliff?’ ‘天绝……崖?’ ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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