IJWPBTB :: Volume #7

#612: Microcosm

Chapter 612 microcosm 第612章小世界 After the confirmation gu king by the thorough seal, Jiang Beiran was looked two checked sword blade certainly. 在确认蛊王被彻底封印后,江北然又看起了两把刹绝的剑身。 The colored glaze spindle biggest characteristics enlarge the formation effect doubled and re-doubled. 琉璃锭最大的特性就是将法阵的效果成倍放大。 Carves what formation upward, it will become what type Magical Treasure. 往上刻什么法阵,它就会成为什么类型的法宝 Engraving detection class formation it is detection class Magical Treasure, engraves defense formation it is defense class Magical Treasure, but now......, when Jiang Beiran carves clearly when sword body formation is anything affects, understood colored glaze spindle characteristics at this moment. 刻上侦查类法阵它就是侦查类的法宝,刻上防御型的法阵它就是防御类法宝,而现在……当江北然清楚刻在剑身上法阵到底是什么作用时,也就明白了琉璃锭此刻的特性。 Seal class Magical Treasure. 封印类法宝 The strong seal ability adds on Earth Store Crystal enforcement, that is really no matter what this gu king has the skill of direct access to the highest authorities unable to come out. 强大的封印能力加上地藏真晶加持,那真是任这蛊王有通天的本事也出不来啊。 ‚The gu cultivates the later period not to refuse stubbornly to extinguish? Even pointed such strong Magical Treasure is still only the seal its that's all, rather than kills.’ ‘不过蛊修修到后期都这么不死不灭的吗?就算是针对性这么强的法宝也只是封印它而已,而不是杀死。’ Moreover speaking of the pointedness, Jiang Beiran thought of that ancient grave. 另外说到针对性,江北然不禁想到了那座古墓。 Also does not know that actually the occupant in that ancient grave is, hid one so to aim at the weapon of gu clan in inside unexpectedly, very big probability has many actor's pays in the war that the past years and gu cultivated/repaired. 也不知道那古墓的主人究竟是谁,竟然在里面藏了一把如此针对蛊族的武器,很大概率在当年和蛊修的大战中有着许多戏份。 Later has a look again, in another two tomb chambers definitely also has a bigger pleasant surprise.’ ‘晚些再去看看吧,另外两个墓室中肯定还有更大的惊喜。’ Two check to change the bracelet to wear certainly in the wrist/skill, how Jiang Beiran starts to study to go out. 将两把刹绝重新变回手镯戴在手腕上,江北然开始研究该怎么出去。 Nearby Formless Venerable sees Jiang Beiran to look that does not look own eyes, some asking not being able to bear: „Do you have no issue to ask me?” 一旁的无象尊者江北然看都不看自己一眼,有些忍不住的问道:“你就没什么问题要问我吗?” She thinks oneself appear the true body after Jiang Beiran he definitely has many issues to ask itself, finally such half of the day passed, a he related issue does not have the issue obstinately. 她本以为自己在江北然面前现出真身后他肯定有很多问题问自己,结果都这么半天过去了,他愣是一个相关的问题都没问题。 No.” Jiang Beiran shakes the head directly. “没有。”江北然直接摇了摇头。 Why although his indeed very curious Formless Venerable must turn into the summer bell ambush in own side, but he currently also has the important matter to need to do, her matter does not worry. 虽然他的确很好奇无象尊者为什么要变成夏铃铛潜伏在自己身边,但他现在还有更多重要的事情需要做,她的事情并不着急。 Good, when you want to ask I may not be possible to tell you.” Formless Venerable said that then turns around. “好,等你想问的时候我可不一定会告诉你。”无象尊者说完便转过身去。 But she waited for quite a while not to have, when the Jiang Beiran opens the mouth, has to grasp making a fist, in pledged at heart secretly. 但她等了半天也没等到江北然开口,只好握了握拳,在心里暗暗发誓道。 A while he wants to ask, my certain anything did not say!’ ‘等会儿他想问的时候,我一定什么也不说!’ Made the oath, Formless Venerable has turned head to look at Jiang Beiran. 发完誓,无象尊者又扭过头看了眼江北然 Is anxious you!’ ‘急死你!’ But Formless Venerable these petty actions and small expressions submerge the eye of Jiang Beiran completely, because of his little while incomparably earnest ponder. 无象尊者这些小动作和小表情完全都没入江北然的眼,因为他这会儿正在无比认真的思考。 The Heaven and Earth Technique itself/Ben is one of his weak areas, although crammed ferociously one, but does not dare to call the expert. 乾坤术本就是他的短板之一,虽说恶补了一阵,但也不敢称高手。 Therefore wants to break open the space to clash is really not an easy matter. 所以想要破开空间冲出去实在不是一件容易的事。 To ask the gu king, but he curses you besides me now and puts me to go out anything not to say quickly, basically can say already was insane. 想问问蛊王吧,但他现在除了“我诅咒你”和“快放我出去”外什么都不会说,基本上可以说已经疯了。 Worries......’ ‘愁啊……’ Double referred to poking the forehead, Jiang Beiran decided to be the same to before, since a Heaven and Earth Technique insufficient solution present issue, other that reassignment Mysterious Art help. 双指戳了戳脑门,江北然决定还是跟之前一样,既然一门乾坤术不够解决现在的问题,那就调动其他玄艺来帮忙。 If can see how this space constitutes, opportunity that to/clashes on big many.’ ‘如果能看出这个空间是怎么构成的,那冲出去的机会大上很多。’ Goes ahead, Jiang Beiran puts out talisman treasure and Talisman Seal from storage ring starts the set up formation. 说干就干,江北然乾坤戒拿出符宝符篆就开始布阵。 Formation named is spread like stars in the sky densely covered, is detection class Formation, Jiang Beiran must arrange it, to discover various small details in this space. 阵法名为星罗密布,是一个侦测类的阵法,江北然之所以要布置它,是为了发现这个空间中的各种小细节。 How if can deduce this space to be opened, Jiang Beiran also had the means of going out. 若能推演出这空间是怎么被开辟出来的,江北然也就有了出去的办法。 After a double-hour, is spread like stars in the sky densely covered Great Formation successfully to open, difference that the space in Jiang Beiran eye also starts changes. 一个时辰后,星罗密布大阵成功开启,江北然眼中的空间也开始变的不一样。 In learned/studied one after reckless Hongwei, Jiang Beiran already understood the spatial concept of medicine consisting mainly of red mercuric sulfide completely. 在跟胡鸿惟学习了一阵后,江北然已经完全明白了灵砂的空间概念。 Simply speaking in the tiny dust also has a side own microcosm. 简单来说就是再细小的尘埃中也有着一方自己的小世界。 After being spread like stars in the sky densely covered opening, Jiang Beiran can clearer observes this microcosm, understood how it is born, how should also find the exit|to speak. 在星罗密布开启后,江北然就能够更清晰的来观察这个小世界,来了解它是如何诞生的,又该如何找到出口。 Each world has exit|to speak 【每个世界都有出口】 This is most Master of Heaven and Earth motto. 这是大多数乾坤师的“座右铭”。 Similar to Profound Dragon Continent also to have many secret realm such exit|to speak to be the same, in other spaces also the association/will contains all kinds of exits. 就如同玄龙大陆也有着很多秘境这样的出口一般,其他空间中也总会蕴藏着各种各样的出口。 But Master of Heaven and Earth must do looks for them. 乾坤师要做的就是将他们找出来。 As for looking the goal...... that was various. 至于找出来的目的……那就是各不相同了。 If wants anything permanent seal in inside, the goal of then finding the space exit|to speak is to block him, does not make inside person have any opportunity to escape. 如果是想要将什么东西永久的封印在里面,那么找到空间出口的目的就是封死他,不让里面的人有任何机会逃跑。 If is used to make the own treasure house, that must lock the exit|to speak, cannot make others easily go. 如果是用来做自己的宝库,那就要将出口锁好,不能让别人轻易进去。 ...... …… But these are unimportant regarding present Jiang Beiran, he only needed to find to export well. 但这些对于现在的江北然来说都不重要,他只需要找到出口出去就好。 Along the shadow earth that being spread like stars in the sky to appear densely covered, Jiang Beiran starts toward Northeast to walk. 沿着星罗密布显现出来的影土,江北然开始朝着东北走去。 The shadow earth is special material in each space, not only naked eye not obvious, even if is still very difficult to discover him with profound sense and Sense strength. 影土是每一个空间中的特殊物质,不仅肉眼不可见,就算是用玄识感知力也很难发现他。 Similar to dark matter general existence. 就如同“暗物质”一般的存在。 But is this most people have not seen his entire life the shadow earth, actually haunched half world. 而就是这大多数人一生都没见过的影土,却撑起了半个世界。 On for example must have the Yin-Yang to live the myriad things, shadow earth representative is Yin, simultaneously leaves the road in this world also to hide during this is gloomy. 就比如必须要有阴阳才能生万物,影土代表的就是阴,同时离开这个世界的路也隐藏在这阴暗之中。 Seeks shadow Tuyi Road to arrive by a rock, the Jiang Beiran squatting lower part of the body carefully studied after for quite a while , the discovery is a stone, and does not have any specially. 寻着影土一路来到一处岩石旁,江北然蹲下身仔细研究了半天后发现就是一块石头,并没有什么特殊。 Therefore Jiang Beiran lifts a foot to trample broken it, saw was pressed the twinkle star under body by it. 于是江北然抬起一脚将它踹碎,看到了被它压在身下的星星点点。 These twinkle stars are in the medicine consisting mainly of red mercuric sulfide world most important seed. 这些星星点点便是灵砂世界中最重要的“种子”。 It can be said that all in this small space turn into by these twinkle stars, without them, that constructed the whole world not to have the significance even, can only be skulls. 可以说这个小空间中的一切都由这些星星点点所化成,如果没有它们,那就算建造了整个世界也毫无意义,只会是一个又一个的空壳。 ‚, The exit|to speak of space is quite fortunately easy to look temporarily.’ ‘还好,临时空间的出口还是比较好找的。’ Found the profound stars of these twinkle stars, was equivalent found formation eye in Formation, all immediately changed understood. 找到这些星星点点的玄星,就相当于找到了阵法中的阵眼,一切立即变的明了起来。 Transfers Spiritual Power, Jiang Beiran starts to follow the profound star and shadow earth understands this „the world. 调动精神力,江北然开始顺着玄星和影土了解这个“世界”。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Was pondering how a while must hang the Jiang Beiran appetite Formless Venerable to feel a fierce vibration suddenly, moreover this is not the ordinary earthquake, but is the entire space is vibrating. 正在思考着等会儿要怎么吊江北然胃口的无象尊者突然感觉到一阵剧烈的震动,而且这并不是普通的地震,而是整个空间都在抖动。 Probably...... this space must crash generally. 就好像……这个空间要崩塌了一般。 Formless Venerable guesses that does not need to guess knows this definitely is Jiang Beiran does, therefore has turned head to look immediately to him. 无象尊者猜都不用猜就知道这肯定是江北然干的,于是立马扭过头看向他。 Sees only Jiang Beiran at this moment float in the midair, innumerable small dust gatherings in his palms, as the vibration of space is getting more and more fierce, that two groups of dust that in the Jiang Beiran hand gather are also getting bigger and bigger, finally turned into two pieces of colorful galaxy unexpectedly, is very mysterious. 只见江北然此刻悬浮于半空,无数微小的尘埃汇聚于他掌心之间,随着空间的抖动越来越厉害,江北然手中聚起的那两团尘埃也越来越大,最后竟然变成了两片五彩斑斓的星河,十分神奇。 When the fever that Formless Venerable looks, Jiang Beiran opens the eyes suddenly, galaxy diverges two pieces that the palm gathers. 就在无象尊者看的入迷时,江北然突然睁开双眼,将掌心汇聚起来的两片“星河”散去。 Walks, went out.” “走吧,出去了。” Jiang Beiran said that brought Formless Venerable to return to the flying mansion together. 江北然说完带着无象尊者一起回到了飞府之中。 Now Jiang Beiran already completely grasps all veins of this space, therefore under his direction, Shi Fenglan is then driving the flying mansion ran out of this space that is created by gu king Linshi quickly along a rugged and colorful path. 如今江北然已经完全掌握了这片空间的所有脉络,所以在他的指挥下,施凤兰很快便驾驶着飞府沿着一条崎岖而又色彩缤纷的道路冲出了这个由蛊王临时创造出来的空间。 Beiran! Beiran! Beiran!!!” 北然北然北然!!!” Immortal reveres, there are many gus to cultivate/repair toward this came, we......” “仙尊,又有更多蛊修朝这来了,我们……” Came! Blocking is! reckless Hong only!? How hasn't he come?” “来就来了!挡住就是!胡鸿惟呢!?他怎么还没来?” Ji rain could see that valley beam modest at this moment worries, therefore also no longer said, replied: flourishing Tianjun already returned to the deep pool city to go, believes that quick will bring everyone Master of Heaven and Earth.” 嵇雨看得出此刻的谷梁谦十分着急,于是也就不再多说,回答道:“殷天君已经回渊城去了,相信很快就会把各位乾坤师带来。” Is quick! Is quick!” “要快!要快!” valley beam modest this chapter was anxious, when was thrown off a moment ago was more anxious than! 谷梁谦这回是急了,比刚才被甩掉时还要急! Now that meat armor gu cultivates with the flying mansion that Jiang Beiran rides also vanishes, even valley beam modest is not deep to the universe study understanding, can still guess correctly that Jiang Beiran was definitely dragged into somewhere in the space by him. 如今那个肉铠蛊修和江北然所乘坐的飞府同时消失,就算谷梁谦对乾坤学了解不深,也能猜到江北然肯定是被他拉入了某处空间中。 Otherwise his not possible Sense. 不然他不可能感知不到。 Now so many time pass by, Jiang Beiran has not heard from as before, valley beam modest already thought of the innumerable worst results. 如今这么多时间过去,江北然依旧杳无音讯,谷梁谦已经想到了无数最坏的结果。 What cultivation base is Jiang Beiran? What strength that meat armor gu cultivates is!? 江北然是什么修为?那个肉铠蛊修又是什么实力!? Even if Jiang Beiran is skilled in all Mysterious Art, but definitely bumps before the true powerhouse breaks to pieces. 就算江北然精通所有玄艺,但在真正的强者面前肯定还是一碰就碎。 Oh!” “唉!” Thinks of this, valley beam modest numerous sighing, wait for the best result with great difficulty, actually forsees the concomitant tragedy in final final. 想到这,谷梁谦又重重的叹了口气,好不容易等来最好的结局,却在最后的最后乐极生悲。 This should should do!” “这该如何是好啊!” Valley beam modest who looks at anxious look over the face, Ji rain also follows to sigh: Good, my Organization manpower blocks these gus to cultivate/repair again, Master Xinjiang good and virtuous person has day, will not have the matter inevitably.” 看着愁容满面的谷梁谦,嵇雨也跟着叹口气道:“好,那我再组织人手去挡住那些蛊修,相信江大师吉人自有天相,必然不会有事的。” Hears this, valley beam modest sighed: Hope so, you first resist, if......” 听到这,谷梁谦叹了口气道:“希望如此吧,你先去抵挡,若是……” Valley beam senior, you how also here?” “谷梁前辈,你怎么还在此处?” valley beam Qianhua just told only half, heard one to make him seek for a long time sound painstakingly! 谷梁谦话刚说到一半,就听到了一个让他苦寻已久的声音! Beiran!?” 北然!?” valley beam modest incomparably pleasantly surprised turning head looks, sees only Jiang Beiran already to walk leisurely toward him. 谷梁谦无比惊喜的扭头看去,只见江北然已经款款朝他走来。 Hi! You scared to death me!” valley beam modest rushed gives Jiang Beiran to come a bear to hug, then checked the Jiang Beiran physical condition with profound sense, discovered good cannot be good. “嗨呀!你吓死我了!”谷梁谦冲上去就给江北然来了个熊抱,然后用玄识查起了江北然的身体状况,发现好的不能再好。 Actually just to have what!? That gu cultivates!?” “刚刚究竟发生了什么!?那个蛊修呢!?” Was locked by me in that medicine consisting mainly of red mercuric sulfide, valley beam senior does not need to worry again, he should not come back.” “被我锁在那处灵砂中了,谷梁前辈不用再担心,他应该是回不来了。” Although does not understand how Jiang Beiran achieves to cultivate/repair to lock that gu, but the Jiang Beiran speech is always credible, since he said that gu cultivates not to come back, that definitely has the full assurance. 虽然不明白江北然是怎么做到将那蛊修锁起来的,不过江北然说话一向靠谱,既然他说了那蛊修回不来,那就肯定有十足的把握。 I know you fiercely!” “我就知道你最厉害!” valley Liangqian said that patted the shoulder of Jiang Beiran, said: Good, the detail we go back to chat again, now many gus cultivated/repaired to concentrate toward here, we first returned to the deep pool city to reconsider not lately.” 谷梁谦说完拍了拍江北然的肩膀,说道:“好,细节我们回去再聊,现在有很多蛊修朝这边集中了过来,我们先回渊城再议不迟。” Good.” “好。” Ji rain, you keep this to protect Grandmaster river, I first come up.” valley Liangqian said that then flickered the body to vanish in the mansion. “嵇雨,你留在这保护江大师,我先上去。”谷梁谦说完便一个瞬身消失在了大宅之中。 After valley beam modest leaves, Jiang Beiran said toward Ji Yugong of black clothes submissively: Many thanks the senior intended to protect a moment ago, otherwise......” 谷梁谦离开后,江北然朝着一袭黑衣的嵇雨拱了拱手道:“刚才多谢前辈出手保护,不然……” Did not wait for Jiang Beiran saying that Ji rain then shook the head saying: Grandmaster river does not need to be polite, protecting you are all of us should mission completely, now outside Miasma already diverges, this must give credit to Grandmaster river transforms castoffs into delicaties, Ji rain admires.” 不等江北然说完,嵇雨便摇头道:“江大师不必客气,保护你是我们所有人应尽的使命,如今外面的瘴气已经散去,这都要归功于江大师化腐朽为神奇,嵇雨佩服。” Ji Senior spoke discreetly, if not for the everyone senior blocks these gus to cultivate/repair without regarding own safety, I cannot break this Formation certainly.” Said that suddenly Jiang Beiran remembers anything to resemble and said: First did not say that these pleasantries, many proper business must manage, but also asked Ji Senior first to follow me.” “嵇前辈言重了,若不是各位前辈舍生忘死的挡住那些蛊修,我也绝破不了这阵法。”说完江北然突然想起什么似的又道:“先不说这些客套话了,还有许多正事要办,还请嵇前辈先跟我走一趟。” Grandmaster river manages although is, I will be protecting you in secret.” “江大师尽管去办就是,我会在暗中护着你。” Ji rain said that the body advantage of terrain vanishes in thoroughly same place, does not seem to exist is the same. 嵇雨说完身形便彻底消失在原地,就好像不曾存在过一样。 ‚The technique of good fierce concealment.’ ‘好厉害的隐匿之术。’ Jiang Beiran now Sees clearly Selecting already was quite high, wants to approach him quietly is very difficult matter, vanishes under his eyelid background let alone instantaneously. 江北然如今的【洞察】点已经相当高了,想要悄悄靠近他都是很难的事情,更何况是在他眼皮底子下瞬间消失。 The technique of this concealment, is nothing less. 这份隐匿之术,不可谓不强。 Sighed, Jiang Beiran turned around to go out of the mansion. 感叹完,江北然转身走出了大宅。 Now outside day before already greatly bright, again before also no longer, dark cloud coping gloomy, looks at the sunlight, Jiang Beiran felt happier. 如今外头天已大亮,再也不复之前乌云盖顶般的阴沉,看着久违的阳光,江北然感觉心情都好了许多。 However although the sky shone, but the situation is still less optimistic, in the midair massive gus cultivate/repair are flushing, but was actually blocked by Tong Country Profound Sage stubbornly. 不过天虽然亮了,但局势依旧不容乐观,半空中大量蛊修正在冲阵,但却是被潼国玄圣们死死拦住。 Now Miasma diverges, Profound Dragon Continent became the Profound Sage main battlefield. 如今瘴气散去,玄龙大陆又成了玄圣们的主战场。 In can supplement in unscrupulously Spirit Qi situation, the Profound Sage attack and defense draws again fully, various enchanting big moves like does not want Copper Coin general crazy toward the gu cultivate/repair in the pile to fling. 在能够肆无忌惮补充灵气的情况下,玄圣们的攻防再次拉满,各种炫丽大招如同不要一般疯狂的往蛊修堆里甩。 But the condition that the gu cultivates with Profound Sage completely in turn, after losing Miasma enforcement, the resilience that their goes against heaven's will one weakened, this will be seriously injured to from them fall back to look in the future. 而蛊修的境况就和玄圣们完全反过来了,失去瘴气加持后,他们那逆天的恢复能力一下削弱许多,这点从他们一受重伤就要往后退就能看出来。 If trades to do in Miasma, these gus cultivate/repair to be possible only to know the advance, does not know the retreat. 若换做在瘴气中,这些蛊修可一直都是只知前进,不知后退的。 Moreover before these gus in Miasma cultivated/repaired, in addition must be able to fight with Profound Sage by the fusion, now did not have Miasma, did not say that their already was not the Profound Sage opponent, but also indeed had no threat. 而且之前在瘴气中这些蛊修尚且要靠融合才能与玄圣们一战,如今没了瘴气,不说他们已经不是玄圣们的对手,但也的确没什么威胁了。 Observed the war, Jiang Beiran entered in the cave, these by him cultivator that rescued from the meat cocoon also in this, Jiang Beiran delivered the flying mansion one after another, prepared one and brings back to the deep pool city therapy. 观察完战局,江北然走进了刚才的地窖中,那些被他从肉茧中救出来的修炼者还都在这,江北然一一送上了飞府,准备一并带回渊城去疗伤。 Ok, Ji Senior, we went back.” Jiang Beiran said that then returned to the flying mansion. “好了,嵇前辈,我们回去吧。”江北然说完便回到了飞府中。 Ji rain sees that toward in the air to throw a Profound Qi ball, then also entered the Shi Fenglan flying mansion. 嵇雨见状朝着空中扔出一枚玄气弹,然后也进入了施凤兰的飞府。 Bang!” “砰!” Sees the Profound Qi ball that blasts out in the midair, valley beam modest then to know the Jiang Beiran already safe withdrawal. 看见在半空中炸开的玄气弹,谷梁谦便知道江北然已经安全撤离。 Therefore expands the sound said with Profound Qi immediately: Walks, first returns to the deep pool city.” 于是立马用玄气扩音道:“走,先回渊城。” Now although Tong Country Profound Sage faced compared with probably the gu of several times cultivate/repair a moment ago, but the pressure actually cannot with place on a par completely a moment ago, even thought that cultivated/repaired these gus strikes to kill in this is completely not the difficult matter. 如今潼国玄圣们虽然面对着比刚才要多出数倍的蛊修,但压力却完全不能与刚才相提并论,甚至觉得将这些蛊修全部击杀于此也不是什么难事。 I said the immortal to revere, or we killed off them to go back again, was convenient.” “我说仙尊,要不我们就杀光了他们再回去吧,多省事。” Is listening to this familiar tone, valley beam modest then looks with a smile, just about to opens the mouth, actually discovered that already did not have Cao Jinghua form. 听着这熟悉的语气,谷梁谦笑着回头看去,刚要开口,却发现已经没了曹惊骅的身影。 Oh......” “唉……” Sighed the one breath, valley beam modest gripped tightly the double fist, shouted: Walks!” 叹上一口气,谷梁谦紧握双拳,喝道:“走!” Under the valley beam modest direction, numerous Profound Sage retreats fighting, then returned to the deep pool city quickly. 在谷梁谦的指挥下,众玄圣且战且退,很快便回到了渊城中。 These gus cultivated/repaired pursued little segment path, after the discovery indeed could not do to these human cultivator then returned to the past Feng Village. 那些蛊修只是追了一小段路,在发现的确奈何不了这些人类修炼者后便又退回了昔丰村中。 After all their time comes the matter of primary importance rescues their kings, other things are unimportant. 毕竟他们这次来最重要的事情是救出他们的王,其他事情都不重要。 But has the situation that made them be confused now, that was they could not find their kings, how regardless of they sent out the signal, could not get any response, this at before has not had matter. 可现在出现了一个令他们一头雾水的情况,那就是他们找不到他们的王了,无论他们怎么发出信号,都根本得不到任何回应,这在以前是从来没发生过的事情。 Suddenly, the gu heart is fearful! 一时间,蛊心惶惶! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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