IHDMB :: Volume #16

#1525: Thieves

Facing huge center of the earth dragon vein, even if dense and numerous about ten ten thousand cultivator float in spatial, appears very tiny. 面对庞大的地心龙脉,哪怕是密密麻麻的近十万修者悬浮在空,也显得十分的渺小。 The giant center of the earth dragon vein is moving unceasingly, probably in the giant eight claw fish of crawling, several dragon clan cultivator is observing from afar, several had been injured, obviously after is the center of the earth dragon vein collides, is injured. 巨大的地心龙脉正不断地移动,像是在爬行的巨大八爪鱼,好几个龙族修者正在远远观察着,还有几个已经是受伤了,显然是和地心龙脉碰撞之后受伤的。 Dragon Emperor-” had dragon clan cultivator to see Mo Nan to fly, immediately welcomed, reported respectfully. 龙帝-”有龙族修者看见莫南飞来了,当即就迎了上来,恭敬地禀告起来。 Our seven clansmen have broken in the center of the earth dragon vein, judged after us, should have cultivator to hide in inside operates all.” “我们的七个族人已经冲入地心龙脉里面,经过我们判断,应该是有修者躲在里面操纵一切。” Heard such reporting, Mo Nan nods, he believes that at present reporting of dragon clan cultivator, presents any cultivator foot to assume sole responsibility for an important task after all. 听到了这样的禀告,莫南点点头,他相信眼前龙族修者的禀告,毕竟在场任何一个修者都足已经能独当一面了。 They are so here long, inquire the reason why this center of the earth dragon vein can move, will not have the big deviation. 他们在这里那么久,查询这个地心龙脉为何会移动的缘故,不会有多大的偏差。 Good, making them first remove! Can control the entire Vast Heaven World center of the earth dragon vein, this inside person is not simple.” The Mo Nan sinking sound said. “不错,让他们先撤出来吧!能够操控整个长天界的地心龙脉,这里面的人不简单。”莫南沉声说道。 Stands in Mo Nan behind not far these cultivator, after hearing, immediately gets angry in abundance shouts makes noise. 站在莫南身后不远的那些修者,听到之后当即就纷纷怒喊出声。 Originally some people were up to mischief in the center of the earth dragon vein, cut them!” “原来有人在地心龙脉里搞鬼,斩了他们!” This has this principle! This provokes all our cultivator simply, is actually where the monster thief?” “此有此理!这简直就是挑衅我们所有的修者,究竟是何方妖贼?” While they cursed angrily, suddenly front center of the earth dragon vein fierce, after stopping several breath , fled on the by speed like lightning unexpectedly. 正当他们怒骂之间,突然前面的地心龙脉猛的一顿,在停止了几个呼吸之后,竟然唰的一声,就以闪电般的速度逃离。 The Mo Nan pupil shrinks, the figure flashes, appears sky over the center of the earth dragon vein directly. 莫南瞳孔一缩,身形一闪,直接就出现在地心龙脉上空。 „To escape?” “想逃?” ! 噌! All of a sudden, in the hand fought the spear/gun to be taken, immediately the entire center of the earth space trembled, humming sound the sound resounded thunderously, lingering on faintly. 一下子,手中战枪被取了出来,顿时整个地心空间为之一颤,嗡嗡声音雷鸣响起,不绝于耳。 Immediately, will fight the spear/gun fiercely shoots, the seemingly small war spear/gun submerged in the giant center of the earth dragon vein instantaneously. 随即,将战枪猛的一射,看起来小小的战枪瞬间就没入到了巨大的地心龙脉之中。 Bang! 轰隆! The entire giant center of the earth dragon vein was killed by the foot pin rod unexpectedly stubbornly on the ground, is unable to move again. 整个巨大的地心龙脉竟然被死死地钉杀在地上,根本无法再动弹。 All cultivator are being startled, cannot think of the war spear/gun in Mo Nan Dragon Emperor hand unexpectedly so powerful. 所有的修者都是一阵的吃惊,想不到莫南龙帝手中的战枪竟然如此的强大。 Brushes! 刷刷! At this time, several black forms flushed from the center of the earth dragon vein. 就在这个时候,几个黑色的身影从地心龙脉当中冲了出来。 Their bodies are sending out intermittent black air/Qi, seems like has myriad dark strength windings in their whole body, moreover their eye pupils blood red color. 他们的身上散发着一阵阵的黑气,似乎是有万千黑暗力量缠绕在他们周身,而且他们的眼眸还是血红颜色的了。 Mo Nan swept them merely, immediately discovered an incomparably familiar feeling. 莫南仅仅只是扫了一眼他们,顿时就发现了一股无比熟悉的感觉了。 Starry sky powerhouse!” “星空强者!” Right! 没错! At present fly several powerhouses from the center of the earth dragon vein, their aura and beforehand Heavenly Dragon and black Xu and the others, simply are exactly the same. 眼前从地心龙脉飞出来的几个强者,他们身上的气息和之前的天魔和黑胥等人,简直就是一模一样。 Then, they are also the huge starry sky come. 这么说来,他们也是从中天大星空过来的。 Just, Heavenly Dragon they are catch elemental adept, but present these starry sky powerhouses are compete for the center of the earth dragon vein. 只不过,天魔他们是去捕捉元素使,而眼前的这些星空强者就是过来争夺地心龙脉。 Mo Nan one gave birth to kill to read, shouted sternly: Several thieves, had the idea of center of the earth dragon vein unexpectedly. Said the last words!” 莫南一下就生出了杀念来,厉声喝道:“几位窃贼,竟然打起了地心龙脉的主意。说遗言吧!” Opposite several starry sky powerhouses have not spoken, but looks one, must give it all. 对面几个星空强者没有说话,只是对望一眼,显然要放手一搏了。 Although Mo Nan this side seemingly has about ten ten thousand cultivator, but came under the center of the earth dragon vein influence completely, cultivation base fell, therefore although their starry sky powerhouse several people, there is a capital of giving it all. 虽然莫南这一方看起来有近十万修者,可是全部都是受到了地心龙脉影响,修为跌了很多的,所以尽管他们星空强者才几个人,也有放手一搏的资本。 Buzz! 嗡! In a twinkling, several starry sky powerhouses grasp from the chest, put out an incense burner unexpectedly. 霎时间,几位星空强者就从胸口当中一抓,竟然拿出了一个炉鼎来。 This incense burner looks very strange, only then the palm size, inside has myriad flame, flaming does not extinguish, so long as if inside flame sends out to burn down the entire vault of heaven little. 这个炉鼎看起来十分古怪,只有手掌大小,里面却是有万千火焰,熊熊不灭,似乎里面的火焰只要散发出一点点就能够焚烧整个苍穹。 Bang- 轰- All of a sudden, the starry sky powerhouse erupts directly the flame, myriad flame spurted instantaneously to the Mo Nan direction. 一下子,星空强者直接将火焰喷发出来,万千火焰瞬间就喷向了莫南方向。 Mo Nan wants not to think, murderous aura that body that hidden erupts loudly, puts out a hand fiercely grasps, myriad flame caught in the hand completely, but also fierce stirs, the arm of opposite that starry sky powerhouse strangling to death. 莫南想也不想,身上那股隐藏起来的杀气轰然爆发,伸手猛的一抓,将万千火焰全部抓到了手中,还猛的一搅,将对面那个星空强者的手臂给绞杀断了。 But that small incense burner does not know that is what divine object, unexpectedly intact, without disruption. 但那个小小的炉鼎也不知道是什么神物,竟然还是完好无缺,没有碎裂。 Kills!!” “杀!!” Cuts to kill these thief demons completely!!” “将这些窃贼魔头全部斩杀!!” Loudly, Mo Nan behind that about 100,000 cultivator erupted in abundance. 轰然一声,莫南身后的那将近十万的修者纷纷爆发了。 They may be the powerhouses of eternal boundary, although the supernatural power was absorbed, but each powerhouse may have must the killer section, at this time, they acted together. 他们可都是永恒境的强者啊,虽然神力被吸收了很多,可是每个强者可都是有必杀手段的,在这个时候,他们一起出手了。 Bang! 轰隆! Almost 100,000 magical powers rumbled together, directly opposite that several starry sky powerhouses submerging. 几乎十万道神通一起轰了出去,直接将对面那几个星空强者给淹没了。 In various fearful magical powers, the opportunity that the starry sky powerhouse escapes radically continually does not have, no matter they powerful, in this flash, had been ground the powder. 在各种可怕的神通之中,星空强者根本就是连逃跑的机会也没有,不管他们有多强大,在这一瞬间,就已经是被碾碎成粉末了。 Bang- 轰隆- Entire space, after the huge thundering sound resounds, finally returned tranquilly. 整个空间,在巨大的轰鸣声音响起过后,终于回归到了平静。 Because about 100,000 magical powers make, although this stretch of the world does not have the disintegration, but had formed the daytime, luminous. 因为有近十万道神通打出,这片天地虽然没有崩碎,但已经是形成了白昼,一片光亮。 In giant the center of the earth dragon vein the ground also shone. 将地面上巨大的地心龙脉也照耀出来了。 Mo Nan felt, that several starry sky powerhouses were truly rumbled to kill, is state of mind entirely to extinguish that he did not have multibarreled, fell the mountain range of that center of the earth dragon vein to conduct the back gently. 莫南感受了一下,那几名星空强者确实是被轰杀死了,还是神魂俱灭的那种,他也没有多管了,轻轻地落到了那地心龙脉的山脉背上。 Although that 100,000 powerhouses acted together, but also no one at the meeting comes to take undeserved credit at this moment, they display a natural appearance, if displays to render meritorious service the cherished appearance, that extremely did not have the scheme. 虽然那十万名强者一起出手了,但此刻也没有人会上前来邀功,他们都表现出一副理所当然的样子,要是表现出立功心切的模样,那就太过没有心计了。 As the matter stands, Mo Nan also ends up quietly, his god knows in the middle of the center of the earth dragon vein sweeps. 这样一来,莫南也落得清静,他神识在地心龙脉当中一扫。 Immediately induced, as if in the center of the earth dragon vein, arranged incomparably mysterious big. 顿时就感应了,似乎在地心龙脉里面,布置了一种无比玄妙的大阵。 This big absolutely is big of Pangu clan, once does not understand mysterious cultivator goes, will be stranded surely is one of them. 这种大阵绝对是盘古族的大阵,一旦不懂其中玄妙的修者进去,必定会被困在其中。 Really, he thinks the knowledge to search one, immediately discovered several dragon clan cultivator forms. 果然,他才用神识搜索一阵,顿时就发现了几个龙族修者的身影了。 It seems like before they are, several dragon clan cultivator that thorough in investigates. 看来他们就是之前深入里面调查的几个龙族修者了。 This strategy is extremely strange, why controlled a center of the earth dragon vein, can control entire Vast Heaven World cultivator cultivation base?” “这种阵法太过古怪,为什么掌控了一个地心龙脉,就能够操控整个长天界修者修为?” Mo Nan discovered, this as if in Heaven, he controlled 3000 tablet such in the past, grasps all throat simply. 莫南发现,这仿佛和当年在天界的时候,他掌控三千道碑那样,简直就是掌握一切的咽喉。 Thinks of here, he thought of anything suddenly, the complexion slightly changes, immediately turns around to say to these cultivator: 想到这里,他忽然想到了什么,脸色微微唰的一变,当即转身对着那些修者说道: Being injured to go out, gives me to have a news to go out, lets all races, immediately inspects the race the life to be. Has a look whether had what problem!” “受伤要出去的,给我带一个消息出去,让所有的种族,马上检查自己种族的命脉所在。看看是否出现了什么问题!” Many cultivator do not understand that had anything, but also replied, direct crumb token passing. 不少修者不明白发生了什么,但也都是纷纷应答,直接捏碎了令牌传送出去。 Mo Nan muttered: Hope, was I wants!” 莫南喃喃自语:“希望,是我想多了!”
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