IHHH :: Volume #9

#864: Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude

Principal, these fellows humiliate the schoolmate, I cannot tolerate make a move.” Chen Ge collar that seizes that boy: I came in a moment ago, he was being ganged up to surround and beaten up by that several people, was I helped him.” “校长,这些家伙欺凌同学,我看不过去才出手。”陈歌一把揪住那个男学生的衣领:“刚才我进来的时候,他正被那几个人围殴,是我帮了他。” But I only see you to beat others!” The senior principal seems like angry, on the face also brings a disappointment, he arrives at side that boy: „The ground is lying down were these people hitting you a moment ago?” “可是我只看见你在殴打别人!”老校长看起来非常生气,脸上还带着一丝失望,他走到那个男学生身边:“地上躺着的那些人刚才在打你?” We are practicing with him, Shen clear, you replied ah quickly!” Studied by oneself indoor to bully his several people to hope a moment ago with great difficulty the liberator, yelled loudly. “我们只是跟他在练习,沈清,你快回答!”自习室内刚才欺负他的几个人好不容易盼来了救星,大声叫喊。 Puts on the boy of Tae Kwon Do clothing/taking to open mouth, quite a while has not spoken, finally under he seemed like decides anything to be determined, points at the ground is lying down these students: They said the people who join a company newly must undergo this process, the first new student/life was beaten by them seeks pleasure, I have not opened the mouth, even also under their forcing, practices acquiring a skill with that child, when the second new student/life was bullied, I as before remain silent, until was one's turn me finally.” 穿着跆拳道服的男学生张着嘴,却半天没有说话,最后他好像是下定了什么决心,指着地上躺着的那些学生:“他们说新入社的人都要经历这个过程,第一个新生被他们殴打取乐的时候,我没有开口,甚至还在他们的逼迫下,也拿那孩子练了手,第二个新生被欺负时,我依旧保持沉默,直到最后轮到了我。” Shen clear had not been daunted, he chooses the truth says: I made mistakes before, but later cannot.” 沈清没有被吓住,他选择将真相说出来:“我以前犯了错,但以后不会了。” Studies by oneself indoor everyone to stare at Shen clear, he is afraid very much, the shoulder and calf are trembling, sound also very unnatural. 自习室内所有人都盯着沈清,他很害怕,肩膀、小腿都在打颤,声音也很不自然 Principal, you also saw, the ground is lying down these fellows are the punishment is deserved, my does not bully them, but is helping these bullied child air vent.” Chen Ge beckons, hints Xu Yin and headless female ghost continues to start to Han Song, the paralysis in independent-study hall central Han Song covered with blood and dying, the appearance is pitiful. “校长,你也看到了,地上躺着的那些家伙是罪有应得,我这可不是欺负他们,而是在帮助那些被欺负的孩子出气。”陈歌招了招手,示意许音和无头女鬼继续对韩松下手,瘫在自习室中央的韩松血肉模糊、奄奄一息,样子非常凄惨。 However what is somewhat strange, this child has been staring at Shen clear, his vision is very complex, contains many mood. 不过有些奇怪的是,这孩子一直盯着沈清,他的目光很复杂,包含着许多情绪。 The development and Han Song own experience are different, when he falsely accuses, and no one stands to help him, even he protected others, others will not appreciate kindness rendered, for various reasons is far away from him. 事情的发展和韩松自己的经历不同,在他诬陷时,并没有人站出来帮他,就算他保护了别人,别人也不会领情,因为种种原因远离他。 Possibly, because I am a monster, therefore everyone will do?” “可能真的因为我是个的怪物,所以大家才会那么做?” For to a Han Song memory profound lesson, Chen Ge has not made the staff keep the hand, simultaneously was ganged up to surround and beaten up by three Red-clothed, Han Song can support the present to be surprising. 为了给韩松一个记忆深刻的教训,陈歌没有让员工们留手,同时被三位红衣围殴,韩松能撑到现在已经让人惊讶了。 His body becomes somewhat illusory, the bloodstained clothing is gloomy, the memory in head becomes fuzzy, once obsession is reappearing at present, in his scarlet eye pupil full is the negativity, cannot see the tiny bit hope. 身体变得有些虚幻,血衣暗淡,脑袋里的记忆变得模糊,曾经的执念在眼前浮现,他赤红的眼眸之中满是负面情绪,看不到一丝一毫的希望。 I turn into the person who oneself most loathed, but this has not made me feel joyful, no one has been able to bully me obviously.” “我变成了自己最厌恶的人,但这样并没有让我感到快乐,明明已经再也没有人能够欺负我。” Swelling body gradually returns to normal, but on him that fishy smell stink has not actually diverged, instead is getting more and more thick, looks like lingers in the innermost feelings despairs is fermenting slowly. 胀大的身体逐渐恢复正常,但他身上的那股腥臭味却没有散去,反而越来越浓,就像是萦绕在内心的绝望在慢慢发酵。 If I were not a monster were good, everyone will not dislike me, the father will not shut out me.” “如果我不是个怪物就好了,大家不会讨厌我,父亲也不会嫌弃我。” The head was being pressed by anything, cursed just like poisonous snake that hovered in within the body, towed for a long time, his situation was worse. 脑袋被什么东西压着,诅咒宛如一条条在体内游动的毒蛇,拖得越久,他的情况就越糟糕。 Han Song wants to run away, but all outlets were blocked, he felt that oneself body is reducing little, seemed torn to cut. 韩松想要逃走,但所有出路都被封死,他感觉自己的身体正在一点点消减,似乎被人撕扯切割。 Good tired......” “好累……” He felt that an indescribable being stranded intent wells up from various body places, when he soon closes the eyes, a short and stout old person stood before his body. 他感到一股无法形容的困意从身体各处涌来,在他快要闭上双眼的时候,一个矮胖老人站在了他身前。 Old person is not tall, that face looks very genially, but his expression is serious at this time. 老人个子不高,那张脸看着很和善,但此时他的表情却非常严肃。 Chen Ge, possibly you thought that even had not related the homicide, but I hope that you can consider carefully, this child once was also a victim, you hated school bullying, but counter-violence is eventually unrecommendable, because some day you will also meet compared with you more terrifying person.” The senior principal knew the Chen Ge’s plan before passing through the gate probably, but after passing through the gate, when he arrives at the Han Song side, was frightened, preying between Red-clothed compared with ordinary Specter savage hundred times. 陈歌,可能你觉得就算把他杀了也没关系,但我希望你能仔细考虑一下,这个孩子曾经也是一个受害者,你憎恶校园霸凌,但是以暴制暴终究不可取,因为有一天你也会遇到比你更恐怖的人。”老校长在进门之前大概知道了陈歌的计划,但是进门后,当他走到韩松身边时,还是被吓到了,红衣之间的搏杀要比普通厉鬼凶残百倍。 He discovered that Chen Ge that several Red-clothed hand/subordinate really got up killed the heart, they wanted to eat this Red-clothed, picked his heart! 他发现陈歌手下的那几位红衣是真的起了杀心,他们想要吃掉这个红衣,摘了他的心! You cannot do that.” The senior principal won't budge, he proceeds from the sincerity. “你不能这么做。”老校长一步不让,他是发自真心的。 Actually he also wrongly accused Chen Ge, that three Red-clothed Specter, met 100% to carry out the Chen Ge’s request besides Xu Yin, other two Red-clothed have killed to get angry, Chen Ge is unable to direct them. 其实他也是错怪陈歌了,那三位红衣厉鬼,除了许音百分百执行陈歌的请求外,其他两个红衣早已杀红了眼,陈歌也无法指挥她们。 Principal, you determined that can help them?” “校长,你确定要帮他们?” Human nature was friendly, even can still find the flower that is in full bloom in the most jet black abyss.” The senior principal looks at Chen Ge very much earnestly: Can make me chat with him alone?” “人性本善,就算是在最漆黑的深渊里也能找到盛开的花。”老校长很认真的看着陈歌:“能让我单独跟他聊一聊吗?” He is Red-clothed.” “他可是红衣。” I know.” “我知道。” The senior principal is the temperament very gruff person, Chen Ge is to also avoid happening accidentally/surprisingly, intends to make the red high-heeled shoes stay behind. 老校长也是个脾气非常倔的人,陈歌为避免意外发生,有意让红色高跟鞋留下。 You go out, right, making that woman also receive the curse, was too dangerous.” Senior principal eyes saw the Chen Ge’s calculation, he gave a Chen Ge reassurance look, after everyone goes out, closed the door of independent-study hall personally. “你们都出去吧,对了,让那位女士把诅咒也收了吧,太危险了。”老校长一眼看出了陈歌的小算盘,他给了陈歌一个放心的眼神,等所有人都出去以后,亲自关上了自习室的门。 Chen Ge is a little worried about the senior principal, sticks to the crack in a door to peep, the principal has the danger, he to/clashes immediately. 陈歌有点担心老校长,紧贴着门缝偷看,校长一有危险,他会立刻冲进去。 Is away from the crack in a door, Chen Ge saw that the senior principal helps up Han Song, spoke several words very much low voice. 隔着门缝,陈歌看到老校长将韩松扶起,很小声的说了几句话。 From the beginning was only he himself was saying, Han Song slowly also started to answer, two people talked for dozen minutes, Han Song went crazy suddenly, but the senior principal did not hide does not dodge stands in front of Han Song, the sound also increased. 一开始只是他自己在说,慢慢的韩松也开始回话,两人足足交谈了十几分钟,韩松突然发狂,可是老校长不躲不闪就站在韩松面前,声音也变大了很多。 Chen Ge heard the monster, family/home in out of the door indistinctly and other words. 陈歌在门外隐约听到了怪物、家等少数几个词。 Going crazy Han Song has not harmed the senior principal, finally the following senior principal went out of the independent-study hall together. 发狂的韩松没有伤害老校长,最后跟着老校长一起走出了自习室。 This child agreed to join us, he had received the penalty for the mistake that oneself violated, hopes that you can give him again an opportunity.” The senior principal looks at Chen Ge sincerely: Actually he hates bullying compared with us, but he fell into a labyrinth, found fault the outlet.” “这孩子同意加入我们了,他已经为自己犯下的错受到了惩罚,希望你们能再给他一次机会。”老校长非常诚恳的看着陈歌:“其实他比我们更加憎恶霸凌,只不过他掉进了一个迷宫里,找错了出路。” Stands is a little afraid Chen Ge in senior principal behind Han Song, his camel the back, is lowering the head lowly, seems like does not want to seem that high by oneself. 站在老校长身后的韩松还是有点害怕陈歌,他驼着背,低垂着头,似乎是不想让自己显得那么高。 Principal, he with us is not a passer-by, the safest approach is to let him joins us in another form.” Chen Ge referred to the belly of Bai Qiulin, he has not responded Han Song, since must be the unprincipled person, that must implement. “校长,他跟我们不是一路人,最稳妥的做法是让他以另外一种形式加入我们。”陈歌指了指白秋林的肚子,他没有搭理韩松,既然要做坏人,那就要贯彻到底。 Chen Ge, these calculates that time I asked you.” The senior principals spoke in this share, Chen Ge had not insisted again. 陈歌,这一次算我求你。”老校长都说到这个份上了,陈歌也就没有再坚持。 He agrees with Han Song to join, then one side draws the senior principal to arrive: Principal, how am I very curious you to convince his? Can speak the entire process to me?” 他同意韩松加入,然后拉着老校长走到一边:“校长,我很好奇你是怎么说服他的?能给我讲讲整个过程吗?” Chen Ge wants to study with the senior principal, he felt after oneself, definitely can also use on. 陈歌想要跟老校长学习一下,他感觉自己以后肯定也会用的上。 Cannot say, he chooses to believe me, I must help him keep the secret.” The senior principal treats people with the sincerity forever, his deceived very miserable, eats owes oversized, but he has therefore not changed, after this sincerity experienced a lot, finally met some to understand his person, these people have also been accompanying him, is protecting him: I must thank you, without you hit to awake he, how I persuaded is also useless again, but do not hit next time again.” “不能说,他选择相信我,我就要帮他保守秘密。”老校长永远是用真心待人,他被骗的很惨过,也吃过大亏,但他并没有因此而改变,这颗真心经历了很多事情后,终于遇到了一些能够懂他的人,那些人也一直陪伴着他,保护着他:“不过我还是要谢谢你,没有你打醒他,我再怎么劝说也没有用,不过你下次可别再往死里打了。” The senior principal is also a lingering fear, if oneself go in late a meeting, Han Song possibly does not exist. 老校长也是一阵后怕,如果自己晚进去一会,韩松可能就不存在了。 I have the spectrum, this in the school is very special child, therefore I can only use very special method the education guidance they, this is also teaches students in accordance with their aptitude.” Chen Ge then looked at Han Song one secretly: Discovers their merits, does not avoid their shortcomings, then with my own way, helping them break through individual limit, steps the brand-new life steps!” “我心里有谱的,这所学校里全是很特殊的孩子,所以我只能用很特殊的方法去教育引导他们,这也算是因材施教吧。”陈歌偷偷回头看了韩松一眼:“找出他们身上的优点,同时也不去回避他们的缺点,然后用我自己的方式,帮助他们突破个人局限,迈上崭新的人生阶梯!”
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