IHHH :: Volume #9

#825: Finally arrival, 14 th

You in picture?” Chen Ge also collected, 13 in studio draw him to look completely, to some fourth picture also impressions: „Is this picture you draws?” “画中的你?”陈歌也凑了过去,画室里的十三幅画他全部看过,对第四幅画还有些印象:“这幅画是你画的?” Zhou Tu has not spoken, his soul seemed to be inhaled in the picture, the eyes are fixing the eyes on the canvas. 周图没有说话,他的灵魂似乎被吸入了画中,双眼紧盯着画布。 The fourth oil painting, picture this oil studio. 第四幅油画,画的正是这个油画室。 Upper half of 13 Painter sit on the chair draws, the painting lower half is blood red, 13 Painter in different causes of death, tragic death on own seat. 上半部分十三个画家坐在椅子上画画,画作的下半部分是一片血红,十三个画家以不同的死法,惨死在自己的座位上。 What needs to pay attention, the painting upper half, Painter picture the picture on the drawing board, the appearance that they died a tragic death. 需要注意的是,画作的上半部分,画家们在画板上画的画,正是他们惨死的样子。 These Painter had known oneself fate, but they do not have the choice to change, but all recorded completely. 这些画家已经知道了自己的下场,但他们没有选择改变,而是将一切完完整整的记录了下来。 Chen Ge first time time of coming to the oil studio, stayed by this picture was very long, he has not thought that this picture can be the Zhou Tu creation unexpectedly. 陈歌第一次来油画室的时候,在这幅画旁边停留了很久,他没想到这幅画竟然会是周图创作的。 Carefully watches to discover, in the painting sits in fourth Painter and Zhou Tu appearance is very similar. 仔细观看能够发现,画作中坐在第四个的画家周图外貌很相似。 Other paintings are displaying the world that inverts strongly, only has this picture, what picture is Painter.” Chen Ge has not disturbed Zhou Tu, his line of sight moves between the painting and Zhou Tu: What has Zhou Tu experienced? Why his exhibition so unusual?” “其他画作都是在竭力表现颠倒的世界,唯有这幅画,画的是画家本身。”陈歌没有打扰周图,他的视线在画作和周图之间移动:“周图经历过什么?为什么他的画会如此的与众不同?” 13 Painter, Zhou Tu placed fourth, he is not the qualifications is oldest, but is the angle of view is most unique. 十三位画家,周图排在第四,他不是资历最老的,但却是视角最独特的。 With others remembers when regains consciousness the appearance to be different, Zhou Tu looks at dumbly by the easel, on him has not had any change, but the atmosphere in studio is actually having the subtle change. 和其他人记忆苏醒时的样子不同,周图呆立在画架旁边,他身上没有发生任何变化,可画室内的气氛却在发生微妙的变化。 That feeling was indescribable, probably the portrait in painting opened completely the eye, they were gazing by vision. 那种感觉无法形容,好像画作中的人像全部睁开了的眼,他们正在被一道道目光注视。 „Am I suddenly a little how cold?” Wang Yicheng shrank the neck, hides in Zhang Ju behind, around his vacant facing looks, in the look contains panic-stricken. “我怎么突然有点冷?”王一城缩了缩脖子,躲在张炬身后,他茫然的朝着四周看去,眼神中蕴藏着一丝惊恐。 Zhou Tu?” Zhang Ju also had very not good feeling, he pats the shoulder of Zhou Tu. 周图?”张炬也产生了很不好的感觉,他轻拍周图的肩膀。 The eyelash winks, Zhou Tu body solidified probably was the same, in his pupil shone upon the entire studio, on the face does not have blood-color. 睫毛眨动,周图身体好像凝固了一样,他眸子里映照着整个画室,脸上没有一丝血色。 „Have I died?” “我已经死了吗?” The hoarse sound squeezes out from the lip, while he starts talking, in the picture scroll arranged at fourth Painter moved suddenly. 沙哑的声音从嘴唇中挤出,在他开口说话的同时,画卷中排在第四个的画家忽然动了起来。 Sat Painter on chair discards the paint brush in hand suddenly, both hands held own nape of the neck, two leg unceasing treads trample, was restrained the nape of the neck by an invisible string probably. 原本坐在椅子上的画家突然扔掉了手中的画笔,双手抓住了自己的脖颈,两腿不断蹬踹,就好像被一条无形的绳子勒住了脖颈。 Outside eyeball raised, soon squeezes out the eye socket, he goes all out to struggle, body actually left the seat little. 眼球外凸,快要挤出眼眶,他拼命挣扎,身体却一点点离开了座椅。 His head hyperemia, the expression twists, gradually changes is like picture. 他头部充血,表情扭曲,逐渐变的和画中的自己一样。 What is more terrifying, lower half the oil painting, that places Zhou Tu in blood red world, at this time on the face showed the smile slowly. 更为恐怖的是,油画下半部分,那个身处于血红世界里的周图,此时脸上慢慢露出了笑容。 Zhou Tu! Your neck!” Wang Yicheng is pointing at the neck of Zhou Tu, calls loudly. 周图!你的脖子!”王一城指着周图的脖子,高声喊道。 Stands Zhou Tu beside oil painting, body is becoming to be the same with oil painting in slowly, above his nape of the neck presented a dark purple mark, over time, the color of that mark continually is still deepening. 站在油画之外的周图,身体正慢慢变得和油画里的自己一样,他脖颈之上出现了一条黑紫色的印记,随着时间推移,那条印记的颜色还在不断加深。 The nape of the neck becomes abnormal, the ear broadcasts tick-tock tick-tock the sound. 脖颈变得畸形,耳边传来滴答滴答的声音。 Seeks that sound to look, Chen Ge discovered lower half the fourth oil painting, that was closed in the blood red world Zhou Tu of tragic death, does not know when actually lived. 寻着那声音看去,陈歌发现第四幅油画下半部分,那个被关在血红色世界里惨死的周图,不知什么时候竟然活了过来。 His whole body is the blood lies under the canvas, the face closely pastes the canvas, the mouth is splitting, the blood is flowing following his face downward. 他浑身是血趴在画布下面,脸紧紧贴着画布,嘴巴裂开,血液顺着他的脸正在往下流。 The bulge eyeball, is away from the canvas, stares to stare is standing in oil painting outside Zhou Tu, it as if must crawl the oil painting dragging picture scroll outside Zhou Tu! 凸起的眼珠,隔着画布,直勾勾盯着站在油画外面的周图,它似乎要爬出油画将画卷外面的周图给拖进去! Teacher Bai, can we bring Zhou Tu to leave?” 白老师,我们要不要带周图离开?” Tick-tock tick-tock the sound gradually increases, transmits from classroom each direction! 滴答滴答的声音逐渐增多,从教室各个方向传来! Turns head to look, several members of supernatural research society discovered, the entire oil painting indoor all characters painted a portrait appeared exceptionally. 扭头看去,超自然研究社的几位成员发现,整个油画室内所有的人物画像都出现了异常。 The person in picture lay on the frame, they as if all prepared to come out to be the same! 画里的人趴在了画框上,它们似乎全都准备出来一样! Previous time I with the shadow comes the time has not had this situation, because of their sensation to Zhou Tu?” “上次我跟影子过来的时候并没有出现这种情况,难道是因为它们感知到了周图?” The fact once again proves unusual of Zhou Tu, 事实再一次证明周图的不同寻常, Chen Ge hints other mass organization members close to Zhou Tu, in the event of the issue, brings Zhou Tu to leave immediately forcefully. The blood-color on oil painting becomes bright, dissipates the red mist, more and more strong smell of blood starts to appear. 陈歌示意其他社团成员靠近周图,一旦出现问题,立刻强行带着周图离开。油画上的血色变得鲜艳,逸散出红色的雾气,越来越浓重的血腥味开始出现。 Situation not too wonderful ah!” Zhang Ju and Zhu Long stand side Zhou Tu, they discovered that the blood fog in room starts toward the Zhou Tu gathering, like a food person great flower that opened the mouth. “情况不太妙!”张炬朱龙站在周图身边,他们发现屋子里的血雾开始朝周图汇聚,就像一朵张开了嘴巴的食人巨花。 These things want to enter Zhou Tu body!” “这些东西想要进入周图身体!” The blood fog avoided others, absorbs on Zhou Tu, more gathers. 血雾避开了其他人,吸附在周图身上,越聚越多。 Teacher Bai! Cannot wait again! We hurry to leave!” Zhu Long is to prevent Zhou Tu is swallowed by the blood fog thoroughly, impatient under put out a hand to hold the arm of Zhou Tu. 白老师!不能再等了!咱们赶紧离开!”朱龙为防止周图彻底被血雾吞食,心急之下伸手抓住了周图的胳膊。 He is the good intention, wants to tow to entrain from the blood fog center Zhou Tu, who knows that he just made an effort, the blood fog condensed a wrist/skill thick rope to restrain the Zhou Tu nape of the neck instantaneously stubbornly, hung him in the room dead center. 他本是好意,想要将周图从血雾中心拖拽出来,可谁知道他刚一用力,血雾瞬间凝聚成一条手腕粗的绳索死死勒住了周图的脖颈,将他吊在了屋子正中心。 Zhou Tu!” 周图!” Nape of the neck by the condensation rope winding of blood threads, Zhou Tu seems the clock pendulum to rock in the room equally, his time appearance is exactly the same as painting. 脖颈被血丝的凝聚绳索缠绕,周图好像钟摆一样在屋内晃动,他此时的样子就跟画作中的自己一模一样。 He had seen oneself death, the appearance that oneself will die a tragic death recorded completely. 他已经看到了自己的死亡,将自己惨死的样子完完整整记录了下来。 „When I drew myself dead personally the appearance, I look that I was hung to death, looks oneself breathed is not mad......” “我亲手画出自己死亡时的样子,我看着自己被吊死,看着自己喘不气……” The oil painting indoor atmosphere was more depressing, the blood stain that in the oil painting flows are getting more and more, the person in picture looks is hung to death in room center Zhou Tu, all fell into the revelry. 油画室内的气氛更加压抑了,油画中流淌出来的血污越来越多,画中的人看着被吊死在房间中心的周图,全部陷入了狂欢。 Hung oneself with other death ways is different, it like did not prick the heart with the knife, the after numbness of short time, body seemed burnt by the fire, the painful feeling spread the whole body from the wound. This is a very gentle cause of death, the strength is drained, the oxygen little reduction, increases desperately little, you can feel the process that oneself died clearly.” “上吊和其它的死亡方式不同,它不像用刀子刺入心脏,短时间的麻木之后,身体仿佛被大火烧灼,痛苦的感觉从伤口蔓延全身。这是一种很温柔的死法,力气被抽干,氧气一点点减少,绝望一点点增多,你能清楚感受到自己死亡的过程。” The masculine sound spreads in some room direction, probably from the painting on wall, seems like from the slit of floor and outer surface. 男性的声音在屋子某个方向传出,好像是从墙壁上的画作中,又像是从地板和墙皮的缝隙里。 Chen Ge cannot determine that sound the position, but he can judge to obtain, at this time starts talking the person who in the oil studio, what with spoke in classroom building top layer restroom was the same person. 陈歌不能确定那声音的位置,但是他能判断得出,此时在油画室开口说话的人,和在教学楼顶层厕所里说话的是同一个人 Death does not need to dread, I know that you will also come back, no matter flees many times, you eventually are here one.” “死亡不必畏惧,我知道你还会回来,不管逃离多少次,你终究是这里的一员。” That sound seems like speaking to Zhou Tu, cannot catch the position of sound master, if will listen even to discover carefully that sound will pass on probably from the Zhou Tu mouth. 那个声音似乎是在对周图说话,根本捕捉不到声音主人的位置,如果仔细听甚至会发现,那声音好像就是从周图自己嘴巴里传出来的。 Do not revolt, your mission has been completed, peaceful sitting in own position, the waiting last artist enters the stadium.” “不要反抗,你的使命已经完成,安静的坐在自己位置,等待最后一位画师入场。” The blood fog covers Zhou Tu, his appearance becomes more and more fearful, build at visible speed thin. 血雾笼罩住周图,他的样子变得越来越可怕,体型以肉眼可见的速度瘦了下去。 When everyone focuses in Zhou Tu, in the oil painting does not know when had/left the 14 th easel. 在所有人都把注意力放在周图身上的时候,油画室内不知什么时候多出了第十四个画架。 The blood fog of escape fluttered on the 14 th easel, left behind light blood red on smooth such as the human skin canvas, looks from afar looks like the skirt that the blood dyed to suspend to be the same. 逸散的血雾飘到了第十四个画架上,在光滑如人皮的画布上留下了淡淡的血红色,远远看着就像是用血染成的裙摆一样。
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