IHHH :: Volume #9

#808: Roommates

In cubicle has the person!” 隔间里有人!” Saw the instance of black leather shoes, Chen Ge remembers Teacher Bai of eastern campus, the opposite party wore such pure black leather shoes. 看到黑色皮鞋的瞬间,陈歌想起了东校区的白老师,对方就穿着这样一双纯黑色的皮鞋。 First do not come.” “你们先别过来。” Chen Ge move backwards two steps, he entered the cubicle slit the Lin Sisi’s cell phone, photographs fast. 陈歌往后退了两步,他把林思思的手机伸入隔间缝隙,快速拍了张照片。 Looks down to the cell phone, the matter that Chen Ge is worried about has not appeared, in cubicle only has leather shoes, without conceals person. 低头看向手机,陈歌担心的事情并没有出现,隔间里只有一双皮鞋,没有藏“人”。 „The Lin Sisi’s cell phone can shoot to Specter and some special things, what in the picture does not have, explained in this cubicle, only then shoes, but if in cubicle did no one, how the cubicle gate lock?” 林思思的手机可以拍到厉鬼和一些特殊的东西,照片上什么都没有,说明这隔间里只有一双鞋子,可如果隔间里没有人,隔间的门是怎么锁上的?” The restroom cubicle gate can only cage from inside . Moreover the position that this black leather shoes place, stands alone to be the same with inside, does not seem like forces from outside. 厕所隔间门只能从里面上锁,而且这双黑色皮鞋摆放的位置,就跟里面站着一个人一样,不像是从外面塞进去的。 Teacher, can you misread, who will be big evening's alone to go into top level of the classroom building to go to bathroom? Thinks to feel the to terrify person.” In the Zhu Long mind the memory has become less crowded, he remembered something, dim, without the means talks clearly, but truly became the influence on other party, lets change that on him presented who not to detect, for example he started to maintain the distance with other mass organization members, is willing to stay side Chen Ge, as if Chen Ge with him was the same kind of person. “老师,你会不会是看错了,谁会大晚上一个人跑到教学楼顶层上厕所?想想都觉得瘆人。”朱龙脑海中记忆已经松动,他想起了一些东西,朦朦胧胧的,没办法说清楚,但确实对他造成了影响,让他身上出现了一些谁都没有察觉的变化,比如说他开始跟其他社团成员保持距离,更愿意呆在陈歌身边,似乎陈歌跟他才是同一类人。 You defend here, if there are others to approach, immediately informs me.” “你们守在这里,如果有其他人靠近,立刻通知我。” Chen Ge makes an effort to rock the cubicle gate, uses the violence to open it. 陈歌用力晃动隔间门,使用暴力将其打开。 In narrow cubicle was used the oil color to draw many ugly faces, stands in inside, seemed staring by many people. 狭窄的隔间里被人用油画颜料画了很多鬼脸,站在里面,仿佛被许多人盯着。 Why will put leather shoes?” “为什么会放有一双皮鞋?” Chen Ge has not discovered what unusuality in first cubicle, he arrives at second cubicle, had the beforehand experience, this time he takes out the cell phone directly to the cubicle slit photography. 陈歌没有在第一个隔间里发现什么异常,他又来到第二个隔间,有了之前的经验,这次他直接取出手机对着隔间缝隙拍摄。 The picture showed, in second cubicle is also putting shoes, but this pair of shoes are not the black leather shoes, but is worn-out blue sneakers. 照片显示,第二个隔间里同样放着一双鞋子,只不过这双鞋不是黑色皮鞋,而是一双破旧的蓝色运动鞋。 Placing the position is the same, what view has?” “摆放位置都一样,这其中有什么说法吗?” Chen Ge examined first six cubicle in turn, in each cubicle is suspending shoes, is the man's shoes, has the athletic shoes, has the travel shoes, has the plate shoes, the measurement is complete, should be the different people. 陈歌依次查看了前六个隔间,每个隔间里都摆着一双鞋子,全都是男式鞋子,有球鞋,有旅游鞋,有平板鞋,尺码全不一样,应该属于不同的人。 „The first cubicle black leather shoes and Teacher Bai shoes look like very much, should be adult puts on, other five cubicle shoes are the student put on, are this each shoes representative alone?” “第一个隔间的黑色皮鞋和白老师的鞋子很像,应该是大人穿的,其他五个隔间的鞋子都是学生穿的,这每双鞋子是不是都代表着一个人?” Lin Sisi was made fun by all schoolmates initially, can the owners of these shoes most aim at the Lin Sisi’s person at that time?” 林思思当初被全班同学捉弄,这几双鞋子的主人会不会就是那个时候最针对林思思的人?” Specter and living person biggest difference is, they are by obsession and negativity constitution, the understanding and good such adjective do not touch on slightly with them completely. 厉鬼和活人最大的区别就在于,他们是由执念和负面情绪构成,谅解和善良这样的形容词跟他们完全不沾边。 What kind of person no matter Lin Sisi before death is, becomes Specter that moment in him, the body and mind will be swallowed by the enmity surely, this is one of the Specter obsession, is foundation that supports him to have. 不管林思思生前是一个怎样的人,在他成为厉鬼的那一刻,身心必定会被仇怨吞噬,这是厉鬼执念之一,是支撑他存在的根基。 Will make fun of own person to imprison in cubicle acts as companion with oneself, by understanding of Chen Ge Specter, they likely makes such matter. 将捉弄自己的人禁锢在隔间里和自己作伴,以陈歌厉鬼的了解,他们很可能做出这样的事情。 Teacher! Some person of facing classroom buildings came!” Zhou Tu holds Wang Yicheng to stand in the restroom entrance shouts toward Chen Ge: They seem like from experiment building that direction come!” “老师!有人朝着教学楼这边过来了!”周图扶着王一城站在厕所门口朝陈歌喊道:“他们好像是从实验楼那个方向过来的!” Rushes to us to come?” Chen Ge makes the best use of the time to get to the last cubicle entrance, he puts out the cell phone preparation to photograph subconsciously, but very surprised discovery, the seventh cubicle shutter was actually disassembled. “奔着我们来的?”陈歌抓紧时间走到最后一个隔间门口,他下意识的拿出手机准备去拍照,但是却很惊讶的发现,第七个隔间的门板被拆卸下来了。 Seventh door?” According to the Chen Ge beforehand guess, is most likely to appear with Lin Sisi related that door in the restroom, but he looked everywhere the restroom not to discover. “第七扇门呢?”按照陈歌之前的猜测,和林思思有关的那扇门最有可能出现在厕所里,可是他找遍了厕所都没有发现。 Calm, cannot fluster.” Chen Ge bites the tip of tongue lightly, he knows that downstairs these people go upstairs also require some time: Each leaf of bloody door is corresponding Person who pushed the door, in other words the gate is only......” “冷静,不能慌。”陈歌轻咬舌尖,他知道楼下那些人上楼还需要一些时间:“每扇血门对应着一个推门人,也就是说门是唯一的……” The finger touches the doorframe, Chen Ge discovered that the seventh cubicle doorpost broke off: This cubicle gate was used violence to hit from inside!” 手指触碰门框,陈歌发现第七个隔间的门轴被弄断了:“这个隔间的门是被人用暴力从里面撞开的!” He looks down to cubicle, in seventh cubicle has not placed the shoes, only has two blood red footprints. 他低头看向隔间内部,第七个隔间里没有摆放鞋子,只有两个血红色鞋印 These two footprints, are in tandem walking toward out of the door like alone. 这两个鞋印一前一后,就像一个人正在往门外走。 If each shoes representative alone, the person in that this cubicle were runs finally?” Chen Ge turns head to look fiercely to all around, does not know that was the psychological process or other anything reason, on the wall these ugly strange people as if lived, their expressions became and were also different a moment ago. “如果说每双鞋子代表一个人,那最后这个隔间里的人是跑出来了吗?”陈歌猛地扭头看向四周,也不知道是心理作用还是其他什么原因,墙壁上那些丑陋古怪的人仿佛都活了过来,它们的表情也变得和刚才不同了。 In the western campus all desperate and negativities were transported the eastern campus, true bloody door it is estimated that in eastern school classroom building restroom.” “西校区里所有绝望和负面情绪都被运送到了东校区,真正的‘血门’估计在东学校教学楼顶层的厕所里。” An issue has not been solved, there is a new issue to appear, the Chen Ge forehead braves the blue vein, he bit a tip of tongue kept sober ruthlessly by himself: Step by step come, I at least know oneself are being close to the truth slowly.” 一个问题尚未解决,又有新的问题出现,陈歌额头冒起青筋,他狠狠咬了一下舌尖让自己保持清醒:“一步一步来,我至少知道自己是在慢慢接近真相。” Teacher! They went upstairs! We first find a place to hide!” The Zhou Tu tone is anxious, his bewildered was flustered: Entered the person in classroom building not to seem like the teacher and student in school a moment ago, the posture that they walk is also very strange!” “老师!他们上楼了!咱们先找个地方躲起来吧!”周图语气焦急,他莫名其妙的心慌了起来:“刚才进入教学楼的人好像不是学校的老师和学生,他们走路的姿势也很奇怪!” „Is walking posture very strange?” Chen Ge does not realize immediately wonderfully, in greeting Zhang Ju and Zhu Long run the restroom: They building from where on?” “走路姿势很奇怪?”陈歌立刻意识到不妙,招呼上张炬朱龙跑出厕所:“他们是从哪边上的楼?” Corridor close to restroom!” “靠近厕所这边的楼道!” Good! We get down from another side! The attention, be not seen by them!” Chen Ge temporarily not with the plan that the opposite party bumps hardly, the first corridor runs, in after the Wang Yicheng side, he stopped suddenly. “好!咱们从另一边下去!注意,千万别被他们看到!”陈歌暂时没有跟对方硬碰的打算,第一个楼道跑去,不过在经过王一城身边时,他忽然停了下来。 The pupil reduces, the vision fell on the Wang Yicheng shoes. 瞳孔缩小,目光落在了王一城的鞋子上。 Blue sneakers?” “蓝色运动鞋?” Wang Yicheng puts on the shoes and shoes in restroom's second cubicle on foot now is exactly the same! 王一城现在穿在脚上的鞋子和厕所第二个隔间里的鞋子一模一样! „The shoes in restroom cubicle all are the shoes......” the Chen Ge careful recollection, he suddenly discovered that in the restroom shoes of these shoes and 413 bedroom students are completely same. “厕所隔间里的鞋子全是男鞋……”陈歌仔细回想,他突然发现厕所里那些鞋子和413寝室学生们的鞋子完全一样。 413 bedroom altogether six people, top level of the classroom building restroom is seven cubicle, six people correspond six cubicle, cubicle is putting the black leather shoes, is representing the teacher, happen to sufficiently collected seven people.” Chen Ge is frowning: Why does Lin Sisi hate own roommate? Doesn't he run back the bedroom to remind oneself roommate specially do not approach the restroom?” “413寝室一共有六个人,教学楼顶层的厕所是七个隔间,六个人对应六个隔间,还有一个隔间放着黑色皮鞋,代表着老师,正好凑够了七个人。”陈歌皱着眉头:“林思思为什么这么恨自己的室友?他不是还专门跑回寝室提醒自己的室友不要靠近厕所吗?” Chen Ge rubbed the temples ruthlessly, the thing that he needs to ponder were too many: „The eastern campus is the chaotic disorder, the western campus is more like souvenir in the glass jar, framed in the admittance report for these days, endlessly repeated, wants to know the truth, must contrast same scenario of thing two campuses is looking!” 陈歌狠狠揉了揉太阳穴,他需要思考的东西太多了:“东校区是混乱无序的,西校区更像是玻璃瓶里的纪念品,定格在了入学报道这几天,不断重复,想要知道真相,必须把东西两个校区的同一场景对比着看!” „The western campus was too perfect, happy is not real, looks like a dream that the child has, comparing the eastern campus appears the reality to be many.” “西校区太完美了,美好的一点也不真实,就像是孩子做的一个梦,相比较来说东校区则显得现实很多。” The Chen Ge’s vision puts aside from the Wang Yicheng shoes, he has been determined to lead everyone to go to eastern campus. 陈歌的目光从王一城鞋子上移开,他已经下定决心要带所有人去东校区一趟。 I have no alternative now, can only seek to remember in the dream, seeks for the truth in the reality.” “我现在别无选择,只能在梦中寻找记忆,在现实里寻找真相。”
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