IHHH :: Volume #9

#802: The death remembers

He!” “他这是怎么回事!” Defends hears the sound in Zhou Tu with Wang Yicheng, hurries to run in the dissecting room, as soon as they come to notice that Zhu Long suffers a relapse to be the same probably is shouting loudly. 守在门外的周图王一城听到响动,赶紧跑进解剖室,他们一进来就看到朱龙好像犯病一样在大喊大叫。 Helps!” Chen Ge and Zhang Ju Zhu Long according to the ground, this boy age are not with joint forces big, but the strength is big, he seems to be painful, is struggling unceasingly. “来帮忙!”陈歌张炬合力把朱龙按在地上,这小子年龄不大,但是力气不小,他似乎非常痛苦,在不断挣扎。 The sound was too big, the manager in experiment building estimated that will immediately come. 动静太大了,实验楼的管理员估计马上就会过来。 We first sit the freight elevator to leave, we lead him to go to the medical office.” Chen Ge makes leg and foot not good Wang Yicheng lead the way in front, he and Zhou Tu, Zhang Ju control are Zhu Long walk toward the freight elevator. “咱们先坐货梯离开,我们带他去医务室。”陈歌让腿脚不好的王一城在前面开路,他和周图张炬控制住是朱龙朝货梯走。 Teacher, Zhu Long he suddenly on this appearance? Is he spirit has issue ah?” Zhou Tu more and more does not want they to have the relations with Chen Ge, he somewhat is anxious. “老师,朱龙他怎么突然就这个样子了?他是不是精神有问题?”周图越来越不想跟陈歌他们扯上关系,他心里有些不安。 Movement a bit faster, be not seen by others.” After Zhang Ju spoke these words, the expression is somewhat strange, he does not know why the trail will say like this, as if in the middle of the subconscious is dreading certain things. “动作快点,别被其他人看到。”张炬说完这句话后,表情有些奇怪,他也不知道踪迹为什么会这样说,仿佛潜意识当中在畏惧某些东西。 After leaving the dissecting room, Chen Ge covered the mouth of Zhu Long directly, several people drag him to the freight elevator by with joint forces forcefully. 离开解剖室后,陈歌直接捂住了朱龙的嘴巴,几人合力强行将他拖到货梯旁边。 Also at the same time, he heard in the corridor to hear sound of footsteps hurriedly, some people are running toward the building. 也就在同一时间,他听到楼道里传来了急匆匆的脚步声,有人正在往楼上跑。 Presses down the freight elevator button, no one used the freight elevator luckily these days, the elevator still stopped on this. 按下货梯按钮,幸好这段时间内没有人使用货梯,电梯仍旧停在这一层。 Comes in quickly!” “快进来!” Elevator door slowly closed, the sound of footsteps in corridor is also close slowly, when the digit on screen changes, that sound of footsteps stops, the opposite party stopped probably in the freight elevator entrance. 电梯门缓缓闭合,楼道里的脚步声也慢慢接近,屏幕上的数字发生变化时,那个脚步声才停止,对方好像是停在了货梯门口。 Teacher Bai, weren't you examine the supernatural? Did Zhu Long go crazy suddenly? He by spirit possession?” Zhou Tu and Zhang Ju Zhu Long according to inside the elevator, on the face that two people are childish have startled. 白老师,你们不是去查看超自然现象了吗?朱龙怎么突然发疯了?他被鬼上身了?”周图张炬朱龙按在电梯内侧,两人稚气未脱的脸上有一丝惊慌。 I don't know either, this child something have not told us.” The freight elevator drops slowly, Chen Ge put out that pink cell phone from the backpack. “我也不知道,这孩子有些东西没有告诉我们。”货梯缓缓下降,陈歌从背包里拿出了那个粉红色的手机。 The cell phone placed under autopsy table, after Zhu Long knocks the autopsy table, the cell phones and some materials fell. 手机原本放在解剖台下方,朱龙撞翻解剖台后,手机和一些资料掉了出来。 Is girl's cell phone.” “是个女孩的手机。” Chen Ge pressed down the starting key, the cell phone vibrated, normal opening. 陈歌按下开机键,手机震动了一下,正常开启。 Electric quantity also 100%, some people charged to this time every day, said that their memories did stay in some time of this day?” “电量还有百分之百,有人每天给这个时候充电,还是说他们的记忆都停留在了这一天的某一个时刻?” Without the starting password, the cell phone desktop is an appearance delightful girl, her build is petite, looks that will make one have a protection the desire. 没有开机密码,手机桌面是一个长相甜美的女孩,她体型娇小,看着就会让人产生一种保护的欲望。 Address book and text message, chatted the record......” Chen Ge to read probably, the vision slowly on the content attraction by cell phone. “通讯录、短信、聊天记录……”陈歌大概翻看了一下,目光慢慢被手机上的内容吸引。 Compared with the girl delightful lovable appearance, her character is bad, in the surface she is maintaining the obedient female's image, in fact in this girl's cell phone photo album saved the picture of many dissection animal. 和女孩甜美可爱的外貌相比,她的性格非常糟糕,表面上她维持着乖乖女的形象,实际上这个女孩的手机相册里存了很多解剖动物的照片。 Lunatic.” “疯子。” The dissecting room does not permit the photograph absolutely, but this girl has not complied with the stipulation of school. 解剖室是绝对不允许拍照的,但这个女孩并没有遵守学校的规定。 Watches her photo album to have a specially strange feeling, the dissection chart that the lovable beautiful selfie and flesh interweave puts together, had an extremely strange feeling. 观看她的相册会产生一种特别奇怪的感觉,可爱美丽的自拍和血肉交织的解剖图放在一起,产生了一种极为诡异的感觉。 One may know a person's face but not what's in his heart......” Chen Ge turned head to look at Zhu Long one, said honestly, he thinks from the beginning Zhu Long might do matter that did a disservice to the girl, but after he has looked at girl's cell phone discovered, the real situation possible and thought complete different. “知人知面不知心……”陈歌扭头看了朱龙一眼,坦白说,他一开始认为朱龙有可能做过对不起女孩的事情,但当他看过女孩的手机后才发现,真实情况可能和自己想的完全不同。 „After Zhu Long sees these names, is yelling unceasingly- lets off my three characters, in his sound does not have guilty and confession, what are more is dreads, he should really be afraid that girl very much.” 朱龙看到那些名字后,就在不断叫喊着-放过我三个字,他的声音中没有愧疚和忏悔,更多的是畏惧,他应该真的很害怕那个女孩。” Zhu Long height one meter 83, the build is thin, but the strength is very big, such alone will be afraid a pretty little girl unexpectedly. 朱龙身高一米八三,体型偏瘦,但是力气很大,这样一个人竟然会害怕一个娇滴滴的小女孩。 Ding!” “叮!” The freight elevator arrived at a building, Chen Ge smelled that stink, probably sent out from the elevator corner. 货梯到达一楼,陈歌又闻到了那股臭味,好像是从电梯角落里散发出来的。 Walks, first left the experiment building to say again.” After Chen Ge and other students walk, oneself take the elevator, he smells oneself sleeves, light corpse stink flutters from him. “走,先离开实验楼再说。”陈歌等其他学生走出来后,自己才迈出电梯,他闻了闻自己的衣袖,一股淡淡的尸臭味从他身上飘出。 Was the smell in elevator moistens on me? Also there is possibility my work clothes to be passed through by the ghost, “是电梯里的气味沾到了我身上?也有可能我这件工作服被鬼怪穿过, The smell infiltrated the clothes. ” Chen Ge looked at one toward the elevator finally, the vision had swept the character on elevator door- freight transportation special-purpose, forbade to ride. In the experiment building in eastern campus also installed the freight elevator, what cargo is this freight elevator used to transport? Why will remain the stink that is unable to eliminate?” 气味渗透到了衣服内部。”陈歌最后朝电梯看了一眼,目光扫过电梯门上的字-货运专用,禁止乘坐。“东校区的实验楼里也安装了货梯,这货梯到底是用来运送什么货物的?为什么会残留一股无法清除的臭味?” Chen Ge has an answer at heart, but he is unascertainable. 陈歌心里有一个答案,但是他不能确定。 Runs the experiment building, is blowing outside the building wind, Zhu Long finally was tranquil. 跑出实验楼,吹着大楼外面的风,朱龙总算是平静了下来。 He no longer thrashes oneself head, but like the frightened kitten, does not only dare to see the person, wants to flee. 他不再捶打自己的脑袋,而是像只受惊的小猫一样,不敢见人,想要逃离。 Zhu Long, do not fear, the teacher here, no one can harm you.” Chen Ge tries to comfort Zhu Long, however opposite party is not extremely calm, he looked that makes people think to the Chen Ge’s vision unexpectedly very pitifully: Do not be anxious.” 朱龙,不要怕,老师在这里,没有人能伤害你。”陈歌试图安慰朱龙,但是对方的的情绪极不稳定,他看向陈歌的目光竟然让人觉得十分可怜:“你不要紧张。” Used the big effort, Zhu Long finally returned to normal, his clothes had been soaked by the cold sweat, stood in the shadow alone, is breathing the fresh air in gulps. 费了好大劲,朱龙终于恢复正常,他衣服已经被冷汗浸湿,独自站在阴影里,大口大口呼吸着新鲜空气。 Said, why did you shout loudly a moment ago suddenly? What did you hide to us?” Chen Ge knows the experiment building is not unsafe, he leads several student facing remote fences to walk. “说说吧,你刚才为什么突然大喊大叫?你是不是对我们隐藏了什么?”陈歌知道实验楼这边不安全,他带领着几名学生朝着偏僻的围墙走去。 Why I do not know, in the mind anything cannot think, but body also remains that feeling, is I must leave, far away from that room. This feeling is very difficult to describe,......” Zhu Long raised the head probably, his complexion is pallid: Seemed me dead to be the same in that room one time.” “我也不知道为什么,脑海里什么都想不起来,但是身体还残留着那种感觉,就是我一定要离开,远离那个房间。这种感觉很难形容,就好像……”朱龙抬起头,他脸色煞白:“就好像我曾经在那个房间里死过一次一样。” Can't think?” Chen Ge puts out that pink cell phone: I can help you recall, if you remember anything to tell me immediately!” “还是想不起来吗?”陈歌拿出那个粉色手机:“我可以帮你回忆,你如果想起了什么就立刻告诉我!” Good.” Zhu Long looks at Chen Ge, he looks very anxious. “好。”朱龙看着陈歌,他看起来非常紧张。 „Does this girl you know?” The Chen Ge point opens the photo album of pink cell phone, making Zhu Long watch in a that picture. “这个女孩你认识吗?”陈歌点开粉色手机的相册,让朱龙看了一眼里面的那张照片。 First passes shortly, Zhu Long has no response, but crossed a small meeting, he suddenly starts to retch. 第一眼看过去,朱龙没有什么反应,但过了一小会,他突然开始干呕。 „Are you all right? Sees such lovable girl to vomit unexpectedly?” Zhou Tu pats the Zhu Long back. “你没事吧?看见这么可爱一个女孩竟然会呕吐?”周图轻拍朱龙后背。 Spat to reply that my issue, did you know her?” The Chen Ge sound is severe, unlike a moment ago a little. “吐完了就回答我的问题,你认识她吗?”陈歌声音严厉,跟刚才有点不一样。 Zhu Long is pale, he does not have the strength of speech probably, but shakes the head. 朱龙脸色苍白,他好像连说话的力气都没有,只是摇了摇头。 „Don't you know her? Why in her cell phone is and between you chat record? In phone call/number book also only then your alone phone call/number number?” Chen Ge knows that this is in world behind the door, most things with the dead before death memory knitting, for example this cell phone. “你不认识她?那她的手机里为什么全都是和你之间的聊天记录?电话簿里也只有你一个人电话号码?”陈歌知道这是在门后的世界,大部分东西都是用死者生前的记忆编织而成,就比如这个手机。 The actual owner of cell phone likely is not at this in the middle of the school, this cell phone estimated that weaves according to the Zhu Long memory, why this can also explain in the cell phone, only then with the Zhu Long related content. 手机的真正主人很可能并不在这所学校当中,这个手机估计是根据朱龙的记忆编织出的,这也能说明为什么手机里只有和朱龙相关的内容。 You know her, moreover did you also kill her?” Chen Ge narrows the eye, the corners of the mouth outlines a curve. “你认识她,而且你还杀了她?”陈歌眯起眼睛,嘴角勾勒出一个弧度。 I have not killed her! Is she......” on the Zhu Long face emits blue veins, he is pressing oneself head ruthlessly, squeezed out several characters from the gap between teeth: Is she kills! She kills!” “我没有杀她!是她……”朱龙脸上冒出一条条青筋,他狠狠按着自己的脑袋,从牙缝里挤出了几个字:“是她杀的!她杀的!”
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