IHHH :: Volume #8

#706: Observes the commitment Boss Chen

In heart read, will realize finally? In other words doesn't have the time to limit? When without the explanation will realize? Moreover can the use also consume one page of manhua each time permanently? Under this Red-clothed the strongest special capability is also mediocre.” Chen Ge reads off on black phone introduction in my heart about Yan Danian special capability to think the matter earnestly, meets to achieve, consumes others' life to complete own dream, even if such dream is realized is still not meaningful.” “心中所念,终会实现?也就是说没有时间限制?没有说明到底什么时候会实现?而且每次使用还要永久消耗一页漫画?这红衣之下最强特殊能力也不过如此。”陈歌认真读完黑色手机上关于闫大年特殊能力的介绍“我心中所想之事,会自己去做到,消耗别人的生命来完成自己的梦想,那样的梦想就算实现也没有任何意义。” Chen Ge looks at the writing in black phone, actually he can feel behind writing grieved. 陈歌看着黑色手机中的文字,其实他能感受到文字背后的一丝酸楚。 Under the Yan Danian paint brush is an incredible strange world, but that world is most purely the clean world, because is just doomed unable to become the reality, therefore in the person by reality will be called incredible. 闫大年画笔下是一个荒诞古怪的世界,但那个世界又何尝不是最纯粹干净的世界,正因为注定无法成为现实,所以才会被现实中的人称之为荒诞。 Chen Ge receives the cell phone, in a while, Kurosaki and female assistant raise a big bag to go out from the room, the excitement of their whole face. 陈歌收起手机,没过多久,黑崎和女助理提着一个大袋子从屋内走出,他们满脸的激动。 Discussed how?” Chen Ge asks. “谈的怎么样?”陈歌开口询问。 Teacher Yan such person, can call it the true artist, can work with him, is my luck, is my being honored.” Kurosaki is supercilious, can make him say such words, is really not easy. “闫老师这样的人,才能被称之为真正的画师,能跟他合作,是我的幸运,也是我的荣幸。”黑崎心高气傲,能让他说出这样的话,实在不容易。 „The Yan Danian life is painting pictures, his thoughts are insightful, without so many flower intestines, I hopes that you can work with him sincerely, do not resort to any small method.” Chen Ge stands in the jet black corridor center, he puts on blood-stained doctor uniform, lock the chain towing on the ground, extends into the deep and quiet darkness. 闫大年一生都在画画,他心思通透,没有那么多花花肠子,我希望你能真诚跟他合作,不要耍什么小手段。”陈歌站在漆黑的走廊中央,他穿着血迹斑斑的医生制服,一条条锁链拖在地上,延伸入幽深的黑暗里。 Understood, this you felt relieved.” Kurosaki forehead cannot help but in a cold sweat, before the bitter experience in Haunted House appeared again in the mind, that memory has become the nightmare that in his mind can hardly be removed. “明白,这点你放心。”黑崎额头的不由得冒出了冷汗,之前在鬼屋里的遭遇再次浮现在脑海当中,那段记忆已经成为了他脑海中挥之不去的噩梦了。 Understands well, wish happiness that you cooperate. Moreover, if there are if possible, I hope that can in manhua book Riga that you distribute western suburbs House of Horrors these characters, after all Yan Danian is my staff.” Chen Ge spoke thoughtlessly to say. “明白就好,祝你们合作的愉快。另外,如果有可能的话,我希望能在你们发行的漫画册里加上西郊恐怖屋这几个字,毕竟闫大年还是我的员工。”陈歌随口说道。 Does not have the issue, everyone is a whole family.” Kurosaki on said, he does not know why will be afraid at present this young people. “没问题,大家都是一家人。”黑崎非常上道,他也不知道为什么会害怕眼前这个年轻人。 Packs off Kurosaki and female assistant, Chen Ge goes to chat with Yan Danian. 黑崎和女助理送走,陈歌又去跟闫大年谈了谈。 Yan Danian gives the studio operation that own work Kurosaki is, in the near future will promote two manhua Spirit Building Ghost Visitor simultaneously and netherworld campus. 闫大年将自己的作品交给黑崎所在的工作室运作,近期会同时推出两部漫画-灵楼鬼客、阴间校园。 Spirit Building Ghost Visitor was Yan Danian takes itself as the prototype creation, the netherworld campus was he acts according to the Mu Yang High School creation brand-new manhua, the form that these two manhua can serialize appeared outside national the major manhua platforms, the author will inscribe the Yan Danian name, obtained payment for published piece Yan Danian and Kurosaki studio 55 divided up money. 灵楼鬼客闫大年生前以自己为原型创作的,阴间校园则是他根据暮阳中学创作的全新漫画,这两部漫画会以连载的形式出现在国内外各大漫画平台,著作人会写上闫大年的名字,所得稿酬闫大年黑崎工作室五五分账。 According to the view of Kurosaki, the Yan Danian future income will be considerable. 按照黑崎的说法,闫大年未来的收入会非常可观。 „The Danian thoughts are pure, one receives so much money, might fail to study, the pure nature that wants to maintain the art, certainly cannot by the odor corrosion of money, his payment for published piece be I comes to help him take care temporarily.” 大年心思单纯,一下拿到这么多钱,很可能会学坏,想要维持艺术的纯粹性,一定不能被金钱的恶臭腐蚀,他的稿费还是我来暂时帮他保管吧。” Later with the Yan Danian fame is getting bigger and bigger, under this Red-clothed most Specter may become one of the House of Horrors props. 以后随着闫大年的名气越来越大,这位红衣之下最厉鬼可能会成为恐怖屋的支柱之一。 Handles the Yan Danian matter, the Chen Ge mood also became very well. 处理完闫大年的事情,陈歌心情也变得很好了。 He goes out from Haunted House, after Xu Wan and Little Gu clean up, left, the scissors and Zhang Jingjiu have not actually walked. 他从鬼屋里走出,徐婉小顾打扫完卫生后就离开了,剪刀和张敬酒却还没走。 Today you display also good, but the individual places still wait for enhancing.” Chen Ge puts out the cell phone, selects memorandum scissors to have the talent very much, but you have not displayed the pinnacle your talent, when our two stop up visitors simultaneously, why will he choose toward your side runs? This indicated that on you have the flaw, progressive space.” “你俩今天表现的都还不错,但个别地方还有待提高。”陈歌拿出自己手机,点开备忘录“剪刀很有天赋,不过你还没有把自己的那份天赋发挥到极致,在我们两个同时堵住一名游客的时候,他为什么会选择朝你那边跑?这说明你身上是有破绽的,还有进步的空间。” Drunkard you do not need to worry, the thing that the Haunted House actor must study are many, you have been used to the darkness, this is the considerable progress. Takes your time, waits for the time, I go to the Liwan hotel to act boss to make you a time have a look, perhaps my some approaches to visitors can take to you to inspire.” 敬酒你不用着急,鬼屋演员要学的东西很多,你已经习惯了黑暗,这就是长足的进步。慢慢来,等有时间,我去荔湾饭店里扮演一次老板让你看看,或许我对游客的一些做法能带给你启发。” Exchanged several with the new staff simply, Chen Ge gave two people to recommend some materials, then made them get off work. 与新员工简单的交流了几句,陈歌给两人推荐了一些资料,然后让他们下班了。 Liwan Town mission had finished, but something have not done.” After Chen Ge waits till the darkness, 荔湾镇任务已经结束,但还有些事没有做。”陈歌等到天黑以后, Found own backpack, the thing fully installed, ran New Century Park, took taxi to go to the eastern suburbs Bailong Cave tunnel. Arrives at the tunnel access, it thorough is black. 找到了自己的背包,将东西装齐,跑出新世纪乐园,打车前往东郊白龙洞隧道。来到隧道入口,天已经彻底黑了。 „The heart of shadow eats by Zhang Ya and Dr. Gao, has vanished thoroughly, but Ghost Fetus is also living, this 4 Star scenario difficulty absolutely many that Liwan Town is bigger. After it reveals itself, will definitely come the trouble of find me, if can before it reveals itself found it to be good.” “影子的心脏被张雅高医生分食,已经彻底消失,不过冥胎还活着,这个四星场景的难度绝对要比荔湾镇大的多。它出世以后肯定会来找我的麻烦,如果能在它出世之前找到它就好了。” Ghost Fetus possibly is existence above Red-clothed, this is also wants the terrifying compared with Zhang Ya Specter. 冥胎可能是红衣之上的存在,这是比张雅还要恐怖的厉鬼 If cannot before Ghost Fetus reveals itself prevents it, that can only place hopes in Zhang Ya to break through.” “如果不能在冥胎出世前阻止它,那就只能寄希望于张雅突破了。” both sides are racing against time, the present tranquility is only the peace before storm. 双方都在争分夺秒,现在的宁静只是暴风雨前的安静。 Closes the eyes, Chen Ge feels the wall to walk toward Deepest Part of the Tunnel, in his heart meditates some name, when read the 40 th four sounds, the air became viscous, the icy cold feelings well uped. 闭上双眼,陈歌摸着墙壁朝隧道深处走去,他心中默念某个名字,在念到第四十四声的时候,空气变得粘稠,有一股冰凉的感觉涌上心头。 „Can you also live unexpectedly?” “你竟然还能活着回来?” Hears this familiar sound, Chen Ge opens eye eastern suburbs change you should compared with me to be clear slowly, the shadow had been eaten.” 听到这个熟悉的声音,陈歌缓缓睁开眼睛“东郊的变化你应该比我清楚,影子已经被吃掉了。” The huge spider shadow is covering Chen Ge, top the tunnel, thick ambulatory legs stretch out from the darkness, a fierce spider is hanging upside down in the Chen Ge top of the head. 巨大的蜘蛛阴影笼罩着陈歌,隧道顶部,一根根粗大的步足从黑暗中伸出,一个狰狞的蜘蛛正倒挂在陈歌头顶。 „Was shadow eaten? By whom?” Above the spider has body of half boy, he is the tunnel girl's child, the tunnel 3 Stars scenario actual master. “影子被吃掉了?被谁?”蜘蛛之上有半截男孩的身体,他就是隧道女孩的孩子,隧道三星场景真正的主人。 Was not eaten by whom importantly, more importantly we made the big trouble probably.” Chen Ge said the Ghost Fetus matter, he must drag down present top Red-clothed. “被谁吃掉不重要,重要的是我们好像惹了大麻烦。”陈歌冥胎的事情说了出来,他要把眼前的这个顶级红衣拉下水。 The Chen Ge’s view verified the boy speculated, he more listens to the complexion to be uglier, but even if now killed Chen Ge not to use. 陈歌的说法印证了男孩的一些推测,他越听脸色越难看,但现在就算是杀了陈歌也没有用了。 Person I return to safely, anticipates our next cooperation.” After the words that should speak said completely, Chen Ge emits from the manhua book tunnel female ghost, then the old route returns. “人我安全送回,期待咱们下一次的合作。”该说的话全部说完后,陈歌将隧道女鬼漫画册中放出,然后原路返回。 Went out of Bailong Cave, Chen Ge walks for a half hour to block the next car(riage) along the street, he took taxi to go to the western suburbs some abandoned rehabilitation center at the back of the package. 走出白龙洞,陈歌沿着马路走了半个小时才拦下一辆车,他背着包又打车前往西郊某个废弃的康复中心。 The Chen Ge skilled crossing fence, plunged into Third Sick Hall. 陈歌熟练的翻过围墙,跳入第三病栋 He pries open the sick hall front door, entering full is the corridor of pillow and in bed sheet. 他撬开病栋大门,进入满是枕头和床单的楼道里。 Men Nan?” Opens the manhua book, Chen Ge calls Men Nan. 门楠?”打开漫画册,陈歌门楠唤出。 The blood red form appears in the Chen Ge body side, after periphery Men Nan sees familiar scenario, even there are to plant to be moved to tears the feeling. 血红色的身影在陈歌身侧浮现,门楠看到周围熟悉的场景后,甚至有种热泪盈眶的感觉。 Welcome to go home.” Chen Ge stretches oneself, in the environment of so strange terrifying, he actually feels relaxes, possibly is number of times too many reasons that comes. “欢迎回家。”陈歌伸了个懒腰,在如此诡异恐怖的环境下,他竟然感觉十分放松,可能是来的次数太多的原因。 This is my family! It is not your family!” The Men Nan low voice protest, as Red-clothed, he feels itself should aloof some, but sees Chen Ge each time, he cannot bear want to shout abuse in public. “这是我家!不是你家!”门楠小声抗议,作为一个红衣,他感觉自己应该高冷一些,但每次看见陈歌,他都忍不住想要骂街。 . Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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