IHHH :: Volume #7

#700: Is the next stand a heaven

Returns to the initial place, Wang Yan to decide with oneself final proves all stubbornly. 回到最初的地方,王琰决定用自己最后的倔强去证明一切。 This time I meet clearance!” “这次我一定会通关!” He drags the girlfriend old route to return, presses out the dry/does whole body strength, runs like mad. 他拖着自己女朋友原路返回,榨干全身力气,拼命奔跑。 Zhang Jingjiu sits in the hotel entrance, is holding the cell phone to study the self- training of actor, suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. 张敬酒坐在饭店门口,正捧着手机学习演员的自我修养,突然听到了脚步声。 Raised the head slowly, he sees Wang Yan and his girlfriend has run from himself, the appearance was more pitiful. 缓缓抬头,他看见王琰和他女朋友又从自己面前跑过,模样更加的凄惨了。 It seems like they are truly enjoying to visit the Haunted House process, screamed and dashes about wildly is the best expression way, perhaps this was the significance that Haunted House had.” Zhang Jingjiu had own sensibility, he understands that own this occupation is not in the surface is so simple, but also has the special in-depth value. “看来他们确实是在享受参观鬼屋的过程,尖叫和狂奔就是最好的宣泄方式,也许这就是鬼屋存在的意义。”张敬酒有了自己的感悟,他明白自己这份职业并非表面上那么简单,还具有特殊的深层价值。 Wang Yan and his girlfriend run back the Liwan private hospital, they hold the idea of crossing the rubicon and not succeeding then dies for a righteous cause, breaks in directly. 王琰和他女朋友一路跑回荔湾私立医院,他们抱着破釜沉舟、不成功便成仁的想法,直接冲入其中。 Hospital ward gate half open, takes the medical record single patient also to discover these two familiar forms, they are also surprised the Wang Yan courage, after surprised, more and more sickness goes out from the hospital ward. 病房门半开着,拿着病历单的患者也发现了这两道熟悉的身影,他们也惊讶王琰的勇气,不过在惊讶过后,越来越多的病患从病房内走出。 Frightens visitors, the ghost the negativity that can obtain them to want from visitors, most critically, scary it is a very interesting matter. 吓唬游客,鬼怪能从游客身上获得他们想要的负面情绪,更关键的是,吓人本身就是一件很有趣的事情。 Do not turn head! Hesitant, will meet a cruel death!” “不要回头!犹豫,就会粉身碎骨!” Following the staircase, Wang Yan and his girlfriend one breath ran up to underground third floor. 顺着楼梯,王琰和他女朋友一口气跑到了地下三层 „The end of hospital, referred to be here.” Wang Yan grabs his girlfriend to dash about wildly on the corridor, in passing through some after room that is painting the red lacquer, they felt suddenly behind sound of footsteps vanished completely. “医院的尽头,指的应该是这里。”王琰抓着他女朋友在走廊上狂奔,在经过某个刷着红漆的房间过后,他们突然感觉身后的脚步声全部消失了。 They in the sickness by hospital were pursued, but the opposite party pursued is pursuing is actually giving up suddenly. 原本他们被医院里的病患追赶,可是对方追着追着却突然放弃了。 What had?” Staff of Wang Yan to this Haunted House too understood, once provoked them, that does not frighten to faint not giving up, oneself the second time are entered the hospital, under provokes repeatedly, the opposite party will not readily make him leave absolutely again. “发生了什么?”王琰对这鬼屋里的员工太了解了,一旦招惹了他们,那就是不吓到晕厥决不罢手局面,自己是第二次进入医院,反复挑衅之下,对方绝对不会再轻易让他离开。 „ The Haunted House staff cannot that the good intention, 鬼屋员工不会那么好心, They have not pursued, that can only explain that front has compared with they more terrifying thing! ” 他们没有追来,那只能说明前面有比他们更加恐怖的东西!” Wang Yan thinks is very thorough, what a pity he now already not road then. 王琰想的很透彻,可惜他现在已经没有回头的路了。 That several rooms in hospital underground third floor most deep place seem like the place of taboo, a deathly stillness, even the background music in Haunted House vanished. 医院地下三层最深处的那几个房间似乎是禁忌之地,一片死寂,连鬼屋里的背景音乐都消失了。 Wang Yan......” 王琰……” don't talk.” Wang Yan had not found the entrance of morgue, he always felt where is not quite right, then looked when discovered, gate who that leaf that oneself passed through a moment ago is painting the red lacquer opened. 别说话。”王琰还没找到太平间的入口,他总感觉哪里不太对,回头看去时才发现,自己刚才经过的那扇刷着红漆的门自己打开了。 „Does inside have the person?” Dashes about wildly, some Wang Yan brain oxygen deficits, he even looked that the thing has started to present the double image. “里面有人?”一路狂奔,王琰大脑有些缺氧,他甚至看东西都已经开始出现重影了。 The being sick door is the white, only had that door to be painted the red lacquer specially, seemed like in reminding surrounding visitors and actor forbids to approach. 所有病房门都是白色的,唯有那扇门被特意刷了红漆,似乎是在提醒周围的游客和演员禁止靠近。 The atmosphere becomes extremely depressing, Wang Yan burning with impatience is seeking for the entrance of morgue, he knows that leaves own time is not many. 气氛变得极为压抑,王琰心急如焚的寻找着太平间的入口,他知道留给自己的时间不多了。 Shoves open door after door, but he could not find the morgue. 推开一扇扇门,可他就是找不到太平间。 In the air had/left light smell of blood gradually, Wang Yan heard itself to present sound of footsteps behind, probably the sound of high-heeled shoes! 空气中渐渐多出了一股淡淡的血腥味,王琰听到自己身后出现了一个脚步声,好像是高跟鞋的声音! The shoe heel steps on the ground, actually as if one stepped in oneself heart, his whole body experienced a frightening situation, the clothes had been soaked by the sweat. 鞋跟踩在地面上,却又仿佛一下踩在了自己心上,他全身汗毛竖立,衣服已经被汗水浸湿。 Being able to withstand that the Wang Yan girlfriend displays, her both legs being able to make an effort air/Qi completely, depends entirely on Wang Yan to tow to entrain the vanguard. 王琰的女朋友表现的更加不堪,她双腿完全使不上力气,全靠王琰拖拽着前行。 „What thing in that room is hiding? Even if were pursued by one group of staff before, I have not been afraid ah! Felt that body in trembling of instinct, each cell was urging I flee.” “那房间里到底藏着一个什么东西?就算之前被一群员工追赶,我也没有这么害怕过!感觉身体在本能的发抖,每一个细胞都在催促我逃离。” The sound of footsteps of high-heeled shoes is getting more and more near, the constriction that type soon suffocates, lets Wang Yan and his girlfriend is unable to withstand, two people finally choose first find a room to hide. 高跟鞋的脚步声越来越近,那种快要窒息的压迫感,让王琰和他女朋友无法承受,两人最终选择先找个房间躲一下。 Here!” “这边!” Wang Yan entrains girlfriend conceals to enter nearby hospital ward, two people make an effort to cover the mouth, for fear that makes the sound to bring to the attention of opposite party. 王琰拽着自己女朋友藏进旁边的病房,两人使劲捂住嘴巴,生怕发出声音引起对方的注意。 The sound of footsteps is getting more and more near, finally stopped in the room entrance that they hid. 脚步声越来越近,最后在他们躲藏的房间门口停了下来。 She in out of the door! 她就在门外! In Wang Yan and his girlfriend eyes full are panic-stricken, they have been possible to escape roadless. 王琰和他女朋友眼中满是惊恐,他们已经无路可逃。 The heart bang bang jumps, Wang Yan both hands closely gripped the door knob, body pressed on the shutter, he says today anything will not open the door! 心脏砰砰直跳,王琰双手紧紧握住了门把手,身体压在门板上,他今天说什么都不会开门的! Outside gate was rotated the hand, because Wang Yan grips in the gate stubbornly hand, withstands the door with body, the opposite party has not opened the door. 门外面的把手被人转动,但因为王琰死死握住门里面的把手,又用身体顶住房门,对方并没有把门打开。 After a while, out of the door that person lost the patience probably, on the corridor resounded the sound of high-heeled shoes, that person walked away probably. 过了一会,门外那人好像失去了耐心,走廊上又响起了高跟鞋的声音,那个人好像走远了。 Was saved.” Wang Yan was just fished to be the same from the water probably, the whole body was soaked by the sweat: We go out......” “得救了。”王琰好像刚被人从水里捞出来一样,浑身都被汗水浸湿:“我们出去……” Has not waited for him saying that the high-heeled shoes step on the sound in ground to resound again. 没等他说完,高跟鞋踩在地面上的声音再次响起。 After hospital wards, stops outside hospital ward that finally for the second time , in Wang Yan was. 经过一个个病房,最后第二次停在了王琰所在的病房外面。 The heart of Wang Yan and his girlfriend hung, no one knows that will then have anything, they can do peaceful waiting. 王琰和他女朋友的心都悬了起来,谁也不知道接下来会发生什么,他们能做的只有安静的等待。 Ten seconds and 30 seconds and one minute...... 十秒、三十秒、一分钟…… Passed for two minutes, out of the door has no sound as before, the sound of footsteps stops after gate outside, has not resounded again. 足足过去了两分钟,门外依旧没有任何动静,脚步声停在门外面后,就再也没有响起过。 „Did the fellow walk? Has treated outside the gate?” Wang Yan lies on the ground, looks toward outside following the crack in a door. “那家伙是走了?还是一直待在门外面?”王琰趴在地上,顺着门缝朝外面看去。 The strong smell of blood floods into the nasal cavity, he sees outside the door to set up pair of blood red high-heeled shoes! 浓重的血腥味涌入鼻腔,他看见房门外面立着一双血红色的高跟鞋! The shoes point to the door, a little bit blood is falling along the shoes. 鞋尖正对房门,一滴滴血正沿着鞋边滑落。 Wang Yan sees with one's own eyes, the drop of blood stream crosses the foot, then drops in the place. 王琰亲眼看到,有一滴血流过鞋面,然后滴落在地。 „It is not the pigment! Is the real blood!” “不是颜料!是真血!” What Wang Yan study is forensic doctor, his eyes open, cannot believe. 王琰学的是法医,他双眼睁大,不敢相信。 This high-heeled shoes were dyed the red by the real blood!” “这双高跟鞋是被真血染成红色的!” The pupil closely is staring at the high-heeled shoes , the drop of blood falls from the foot, when the blood bead soon touches the ground, Wang Yan felt suddenly nape of the neck one cool, seems that drop of blood not to fall on the ground, but fell on his neck was the same. 瞳孔紧紧盯着高跟鞋,又有一滴血从鞋面落下,在血珠快要触碰到地面时,王琰突然感觉脖颈一凉,就好像那滴血没有落在地上,而是落在了他脖子上一样。 Water leakage?” He raises the head subconsciously, saw that body of half woman enters in the room from the doorframe above window, has been gazing at them! “漏水了?”他下意识扬起头,看到半截女人的身体从门框上面的窗户伸入屋内,一直在注视着他们! Bandage dispersing, covered with blood, the curse and hate interweave in body, the woman who that wears Red-clothed puts out a hand to grasp to Wang Yan. 绷带散开,血肉模糊,诅咒和怨恨在身体里交织,那个身穿红衣的女人伸手抓向王琰 In head air-to-air, the eye pupil was occupied by the face of that woman completely, Wang Yan closely grips the hand of door to loosen slowly, body falls down backward. 脑袋里空空的,眼眸完全被那张女人的脸占据,王琰紧紧握住房门的手慢慢松开,身体向后栽倒。 All good memories flash through in the mind, Wang Yan in as if saw the heaven. 所有美好的记忆在脑海中闪过,王琰在恍惚间仿佛看见了天堂。 ...... …… Zhang Jingjiu gazes after Wang Yan and his girlfriend runs far, sighs with emotion one, also starts the disciplining performing skill. 张敬酒目送王琰和他女朋友跑远,感慨一番过后,又开始磨练演技。 His to being empty desktop, singing in good voice and with feeling was saying anything, invests, has not discovered left side of the hotel front door to hide together the thin person's shadow. 他对着空无一物的桌面,声情并茂的说着一些什么,十分投入,并没有发现饭店大门左侧藏着一道消瘦的人影。 Some rumors said, this Haunted House can the fire, be because inside actor is true ghost, today happen to makes me confirm.” Li Changyin is lowering the head lowly, in the eye sends out the danger the ray. “有传言说,这个鬼屋能够大火,是因为里面的演员都是真鬼,今天正好让我来验证一下。”李长阴低垂着头,眼中散发出危险的光芒。
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