IHHH :: Volume #6

#560: suicide intervention operator

The atmosphere is dignified, Chen Ge stopped the footsteps, he and shadow separation by railway rail. 气氛凝重,陈歌停下了脚步,他和黑影分立在铁轨两侧。 Facing ordinary lingering spirits and Specter, Chen Ge has been able to achieve the cool heart not to jump, but Red-clothed has the pressure on him very much. 面对普通的残念厉鬼,陈歌已经可以做到面不改色心不跳,但是红衣对他来说还是很有压力的。 To save others a moment ago, he ran full power, will be loaded with the bag and own backpack of Doraemon clothing throws in the roadside completely. 刚才为了救人,他全力奔跑,将装有机器猫服装的袋子和自己的背包全部扔在了路边。 At this moment, these staff not with him together. 此时此刻,那些员工并没有和他一起。 The palm empty grasps, Chen Ge some do not adapt, he always wants to hold anything to come by himself to keep calm. 手掌虚握,陈歌有些不适应,他总想抓住些什么东西来让自己保持冷静。 At night blocked from the moonlight and star light like the theater curtain, that shadow change had not ended. 黑夜如同幕布遮住了月色和星光,那黑影身上的变化还没结束。 body of weak rickets slowly was stiff, the wrinkle of corner of the eye was smoothed, the blood seeps out from the forehead, drew a strange symbol on the face, probably the birthmark, seems like the blood red tattoo. 原本虚弱佝偻的身体慢慢挺直,眼角的皱纹被抚平,血液从额头渗出,在脸上绘成了一个诡异的符号,像是胎记,又像是血红色的纹身。 Chen Ge and man establish separately by the railway rail, he looks at that man, has not approached. 陈歌和男人分立在铁轨两边,他看着那个男人,没有靠近。 Birthmark?” “胎记?” Chen Ge the first time was saw such Specter, the blood drew the symbol on the face, the words that carefully looked at will find that piece seemed like birthmark one thing is the innumerable faces overlaps in the same place forms. 陈歌是第一次见到这样的厉鬼,血液在脸上绘成了符号,仔细看的话会发现,那片好像胎记一样的东西是无数张人脸重叠在一起形成的。 They occupied the half face of man, in other words the man only has half of faces is the original appearance, another half face looks like has been changing to be the same. 它们占据了男人的半张脸,也就是说男人只有一半的脸是自己本来的样子,另外半张脸就像是一直在发生变化一样。 This imposing manner must go far beyond Xu Yin, is rare is next to Zhang Ya's red clothes worthily.” “这个气势要远远超过许音了,不愧是稀有度仅次于张雅的红衣。” Swallowed under the saliva, Chen Ge turned head towards oneself to look at one behind, the backpack is thrown by him in very far place, now in the future will run radically radically without enough time. 咽了下口水,陈歌扭头朝自己身后看了一眼,背包被他扔在很远的地方,现在往后跑根本根本来不及。 Stands in same place, Chen Ge told itself to be certainly calm, he looked like had not seen that the real status of man was the same, with very natural tone opens the mouth: Tonight with the person who I do talk over the telephone is you?” 站在原地,陈歌告诉自己一定要冷静,他就像是没有看出男人的真实身份一样,用很自然的语气开口:“今晚一直和我通话的人是你?” The men very gently, even can describe with the attractiveness, his eye is not big, but in both eyes hidden has probably a world, lets the person, when looks at each other with him, meeting is not unconscious to get sucked. 男人长得很文静,甚至可以用漂亮来形容,他眼睛不大,但是双目之中好像隐藏有一个世界,让人在和他对视的时候,会不自觉得深陷进去。 The pupil reduces, Chen Ge meets such Red-clothed Specter for the first time, the opposite party gives his feeling is very bloody strange, does not have on ordinary Red-clothed with cruel, what are more is a not being able to say feeling, looks like the cold night moonlight to be the same. 瞳孔缩小,陈歌还是第一次遇到这样的红衣厉鬼,对方给他的感觉很奇怪,没有普通红衣身上的血腥和残暴,更多的是一种说不出来的感觉,就像是寒夜的月光一样。 I am help your.” Chen Ge does not know that should say anything, he cannot judge this Red-clothed strength, therefore does not dare to act rashly. “我是来帮你的。”陈歌不知道该说些什么,他判断不出这个红衣的实力,所以不敢轻举妄动。 both sides looked at each other for a long time, that strange man looks at the Chen Ge first opens the mouth: „The life and death of these people and you have nothing to do, why can you fight valiantly your to save them?” 双方对视了许久,那个奇怪的男人看着陈歌第一次开口:“这些人的生死和你无关,你为什么要拼了自己的命去救他们?” „Are you still intertwining this issue? I am not a sage, will not be all right to run to behave righteously daily everywhere, but since makes me run upon, I must help them within the ability.” Chen Ge said is very sincere: Even if I know after them, will continue to suicide, but at least I once helped them strive to reconsider the opportunity one time.” “你怎么还在纠结这个问题?我不是圣人,不会天天没事跑出去到处见义勇为,但既然让我撞上,那我就要在力所能及的范围内去帮他们。”陈歌说的很诚恳:“哪怕我知道他们以后还会继续去寻死,但至少我曾经帮他们争取到了一次重新思考的机会。” Also does not know that Chen Ge’s which a few words touched the opposite party, the bloodstain on male face no longer flows, the expression was gentle. 也不知道陈歌的哪一句话触动了对方,男人脸上的血迹不再流动,表情柔和了许多。 He looks to extend the railway rail in darkness, sighed gently: If I had your half to be intelligent initially, he will not die.” 他望着延伸进黑暗里的铁轨,轻轻叹了口气:“如果我当初有你一半聪明,他就不会死了。” He? Won't die?” Chen Ge was full of the doubts at heart: Your what meaning? After I dialed some phone call/number, contacted these dead, that phone call/number did you also once dial to pass? Said that phone call/number is you remains?” “他?不会死?”陈歌心里充满了疑惑:“你什么意思?我是拨通了某个电话后才接触到了这些死者,那个电话你也曾经拨通过?还是说那个电话就是你留下来的?” He the reward that pulls out from black phone is called- by the Kiss of the Dead number, each dead had been dialed this phone call/number before one's death once, this makes Chen Ge be somewhat scared at heart, because he has dialed several times tonight continuously. 他从黑色手机中抽到的奖励叫做-被死者亲吻的号码,每一位死者在生前都拨打过这个电话,这让陈歌心里有些发毛,因为他今晚已经连续拨打了好几次了。 The men hear the Chen Ge’s sound, takes back the vision. His build is thin, the skin is pale, is seemingly frail, but the profile was occupied by the fierce blood-color tattoo, this made on him have two completely contradictory makings. 男人听到陈歌的声音,收回目光。他体型偏瘦,皮肤苍白,看起来文文弱弱,但是半边脸却被狰狞的血色纹身占据,这让他身上出现了两种完全矛盾的气质。 However what is strange, two opposite makings interweave on the same person, 不过奇怪的是,两种相反的气质交织在同一个人身上, Unexpectedly such harmony. The men have not answered the Chen Ge’s issue, he stands another side of the railroad, the vision looks at other places, the mouth is speaking the bewildered words. 竟然会如此的和谐。男人没有回答陈歌的问题,他站在铁路另一边,目光看着其他地方,嘴里说着莫名其妙的话。 You discovered that these people have general character.” “你有没有发现这些人身上有一个共性。” General character?” Chen Ge recalled: Their each alone when lived was encountering very painful matter, they had no way out, finally chose itself to leave alone.” “共性?”陈歌回想了一下:“他们每一个人都在活着的时候遭遇了很痛苦的事情,他们走投无路,最后都选择了自己独自离开。” You know, they why before saying goodbye to this world, will dial that number?” The voice of man does not have a sentiment, does not know that is the innate sentimental defect, is to all things disappointed. “那你知道,他们为什么在告别这个世界之前,都会拨打那个号码吗?”男人的声音不带一丝感情,不知是先天感情缺失,还是对所有事情都已经失望透顶。 Chen Ge on road also some all kinds of assumptions, but was overthrown by him, the significance that this number seems to have to communicate with the dead merely, listens attentively to their words. 陈歌在来的路上也有过各种各样的假设,但都被他推翻了,这个号码存在的意义似乎仅仅只是为了和死者沟通,倾听他们的话语。 Nothing evil intention, does not have the curse murder and so on matter. 没有任何恶意,也不存在诅咒杀人之类的事情。 Shakes the head, Chen Ge at heart guesses, but he has not said. 摇了摇头,陈歌心里有一个猜测,但是他没有说出来。 The men seem to have expected the result to be this, he stands by the railway rail, seemed like fell into during the recollection. 男人似乎已经料到结果会是这样,他就站在铁轨旁边,似乎是陷入了回忆当中。 The expression on face has the pain, rebukes oneself, what are more is confused: I go to school, once personally saw a friend to jump from an upper story, at that time I stood in open window, he stands in opposite that building.” 脸上的表情有痛苦,也有自责,更多的是迷茫:“我上学的时候,曾亲眼看见一个朋友跳楼,当时我站在窗户口,他站在对面的那栋楼上。” I beckon toward him, smiles to him, but he has not responded, the whole person looked like possessed to be the same.” “我朝他招手,对他微笑,但他并没有回应,整个人就像是魔怔了一样。” In my mind realized that may have what not good matter, my great shout his name, but has not recalled him eventually.” “我脑海里意识到可能会发生什么不好的事情,我大声呼喊他的名字,可终究还是没有挽回他。” That the first time was I saw the death, happened in my front, from my less than ten meters away place.” “那是我第一次见到死亡,就发生在我的面前,距离我不到十米远的地方。” Some people said study psychology to not cure oneself, is Holy Mother, wants to cure others, I should am the previous type.” “有人说学心理学的不是为了治愈自己,就是圣母,想要去治愈别人,我应该是属于前一种。” Listens to the man to say here, Chen Ge could not bear: „Are you psychiatrist?” 听男人说道这里,陈歌没有忍住:“你是心理医生?” He actually does not want to break the man, but he sees too many doctors these days, for example Dr. Gao and Dr. Chen, these two understanding will of the people top doctors, not only has not treated and cured oneself, instead is deeper and deeper, therefore Chen Ge currently has the trauma to psychiatrist occupation. 他其实也不想打断男人,只不过他这段时间见到太多的医生,比如说高医生陈医生,这两位了解人心顶尖医生,非但没有把自己救治好,反而是越陷越深,所以陈歌现在对心理医生这个职业有心理阴影。 I truly am engaged in the work in psychology consulting, but cannot be the psychiatrist, have you heard suicide intervention operator this occupation?” “我确实从事着心理咨询方面的工作,但并不能算是心理医生,你有没有听说过自杀干预接线员这个职业?” suicide intervention operator? Can say to me why you concrete are?” 自杀干预接线员?能给我说说你们具体是干什么的吗?” Similarly is Red-clothed, but the man can actually with the Chen Ge no barrier communication, this type of Red-clothed be the intelligence to be outstanding generally, but the battle efficiency is relatively weak, for example Men Nan. 同样都是红衣,但是男人却能和陈歌无障碍沟通,一般这种类型的红衣都属于智力超群,但是战斗力相对薄弱的,比如说门楠 Copes with such Red-clothed, Chen Ge is quite experienced, is unable to appeal to educate with reason, that can only select another method to communicate. 对付这样的红衣,陈歌比较有经验,无法动之以情晓之以理,那就只能采用另外一种方式去沟通。 Chen Ge in shouts the Zhang Ya’s name at heart silently, in front of strange Red-clothed, he does not dare to pull rank, prepares to look at the situation, takes the different countermeasures. 陈歌在心里默默呼喊张雅的名字,在陌生的红衣面前,他也不敢托大,准备看情况,采取不同的对策。
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