IHHH :: Volume #6

#559: Does the life-saving also need the reason?

In front of the pain, the person seems somewhat tiny, this was I was also clear recently.” The men cough unceasingly, his body could not soon have supported: I before was the person who a temperament exploded very much, but rubbed off the edges and corners by the cancer slowly, in its fight , I know that the person was very actually vulnerable.” “在病痛面前,人显得有些渺小,这也是我最近才明白的。”男人不断咳嗽,他的身体已经快要支撑不下去了:“我以前是个脾气很爆的人,但慢慢被癌病磨去了棱角,在和它的战斗中,我才知道人其实很脆弱。” You left to proceed again, stopped to rest a meeting, I arrived in the Jiujiang World Trade Center immediately, we had what words, meets chats again well.” Chen Ge falsely reported own whereabouts, he toward the driver gesticulation hand signal, urged that the opposite party opens again a bit faster. “你别再往前走了,停下来休息一会吧,我马上就到九江世贸中心,咱们有什么话,见了面再好好聊。”陈歌谎报了自己的行踪,他朝司机比划手势,催促对方再开快点。 The online search demonstrated the result of showed that that constructs in railroad nearby country school near the southern suburbs, is not too far from him. 网上搜索显示出的结果表明,那个建在铁路旁边的国学堂就在南郊附近,距离他这边并不是太远。 I have been staying same place was very long, should proceed.” The voice of man is trembling, he coughs to affect the whole body each time, that pain was indescribable: I know that you are good for me, but I also want to take a look at other sceneries, this is also I goes to the reason of that very high place.” “我已经在原地停留了很久,也该往前走了。”男人的声音在打颤,他每次咳嗽都会牵动全身,那种痛苦无法形容:“我知道你是为我好,可我也想去看看其他的风景,这也是我去那个很高的地方的原因。” Chen Ge does not know how should persuade the man, he after all is not the specialized counselor. 陈歌不知道该如何去劝说男人,他毕竟不是专业的心理咨询师。 Person died anything not to have, you were first calm, think you to remember the concern that these have not completed, thinks you to live these precious people, they are still waiting for you, you to them were very every minute important in the together each quarter.” The Chen Ge speed is quick, he was a little also anxious, goes all out to give the driver to beckon with the hand. “人死了就什么都没有了,你先冷静,想想你记忆中那些没有完成的心事,想想你生活中那些珍贵的人,他们还在等着你,你们在一起的每一分每一刻对他们来说都很重要。”陈歌速度很快,他也有点急了,拼命给司机摆手。 This driver is also a smart person, after he hears these words that Chen Ge spoke immediately realizes gravity that issue, the vehicle speed again becomes quick. 这司机也是个聪明人,他听到陈歌说的那些话后立刻意识到问题的严重性,车速再次变快。 The old route returns, is quick they from the children's park entrance process, the facing southern suburbs edge expunges. 原路返回,很快他们从儿童乐园门口经过,朝着南郊边缘开去。 The Jiujiang suburb, the western suburbs area is biggest, the southern suburbs transportation is most convenient, but the area is actually smallest. 九江的郊区,西郊面积最大,南郊交通最便利,但面积却是最小的。 In phone call/number the voice of man slowly becomes low, he as if regarded oneself last audience Chen Ge, said to Chen Ge about own matter. 电话里男人的声音慢慢变低,他似乎把陈歌当成了自己的最后一位听众,给陈歌说了很多关于自己的事情。 The taxi speeds along the street, the two sides constructions slowly become short, the surrounding pedestrian are getting fewer and fewer. 出租车在马路上飞驰,两边的建筑慢慢变矮,周围的行人越来越少。 Chen Ge sits in the car(riage), keeps one eye on, while hits phone call/number chatted with the man, the eyes are staring at outside the car(riage), contrasted the map, sought for that country school. 陈歌坐在车内,一心二用,在跟男人打电话聊天的同时,双眼盯着车外,对比地图,寻找那个国学堂。 The sound that cell phone that side man coughs is even more fierce, felt that looks like must coughing to be the same the lung, this is not exaggerating description, Chen Ge from the sound can feel the man merely at this time on body the ache of suffering. 手机那边男人咳嗽的声音愈发剧烈,感觉就像是要把肺给咳出来一样,这绝不是夸张的形容,仅仅只是从声音上陈歌都能感受到男人此时身体上正遭受的疼痛。 Hang there! I immediately!” Chen Ge is burning with impatience, cell phone that side sound is so real, he always thought that all have the opportunity of recalling. “坚持住!我马上到!”陈歌心急如焚,手机那边的声音如此真实,他总觉得一切还有挽回的机会。 All right, I was used.” The men coughed for a long time to suppress a few words very much, his sound sounded very strange, having one type to feel relaxed, an extrication, to have one not to abandon. “没事的,我都习惯了。”男人咳嗽了很久才憋出一句话,他的声音听起来很奇怪,带着一种释然、一丝解脱、还有一丝不舍。 He tries hard to be very clear, nevertheless does to meet the stabbing pain that each said that he already on the throat and nape of the neck that cough to swell the tumor: You can accompany me to chat so many, I am very happy, goes back, I not in that place that you said that do not come find me, the remaining roads made my alone walk are OK.” 他努力把每一个都说的很清楚,尽管这样做会刺痛他已经咳肿的喉咙和脖颈上肿块:“你能陪我聊这么多,我已经很开心了,回去吧,我不在你说的那个地方,你也别来找我,剩下的路让我一个人走就可以了。” The wind sound/rumor increases, Chen Ge turns very quiet, he is worried to hear the whistling sound of train in the cell phone now. 风声变大,陈歌屏住呼吸,他现在就担心在手机里听到火车的鸣笛声。 When that sound resounds, perhaps is also the man arrives in destination the time. 当那声音响起的时候,恐怕也就是男人抵达“目的地”的时候。 After several minutes, the driver delivered to the place Chen Ge. 几分钟后,司机将陈歌送到了地方。 The street end has an antique yard, this is the former residence of Jiujiang beforehand scholar, that Country School by this yard. 街道尽头有一个古香古色的大院,这是九江以前一位文士的故居,那个国学院就在这大院旁边。 The driver is very intelligent, has not broken chat of Chen Ge and man, after he stops, referred to toward outside, then referred to a mileage fare meter. 司机很聪明,没有打断陈歌和男人的聊天,他停下车后,朝外面指了指,然后又指了一下计价器。 Chen Ge is looking for the man of that preparation lying axle anxiously, fishes out several paper money to give the driver from the pocket conveniently, then opens the vehicle door, took the package to clash. 陈歌急着去找那个准备卧轨的男人,随手从口袋里摸出几张纸币递给司机,然后打开车门,提着包冲了出去。 That side the cell phone, the will of man becomes fuzzy, his voice is off and on, the speech talks incoherently, the condition is very dangerous. 手机那边,男人的意志变得模糊起来,他声音断断续续,说话前言不搭后语,状态很危险。 Your story has not said that just when speaking of you met with your madame for the first time scenario, “你的故事还没讲完,刚说到你第一次和你夫人见面时的场景, What afterward had? ” Chen Ge does not dare to make the man stop pondering, he tried to make the opposite party continue. Goes out of the street to see the till of distant place, the two sides are loaded with the isolation column, not the too few modified quarantine column the defect, should be neighbor the resident for passing through, opens it. 后来又发生了什么?”陈歌不敢让男人停止思考,他试着让对方继续说下去。走出街道就能看见远处的铁柜,两边装有隔离栏,不过少部分隔离栏已经缺失,应该是附近居民为了方便通行,将其拆下来的。 People? 人呢? Tallies the train blows a whistle with Country School these two information is here, phone call/number has not hung up, therefore Chen Ge does not dare to make the too big move, he dashes about wildly outside the isolation column, the ear is whistling the wind sound/rumor. 符合火车鸣笛和国学院这两个信息的就是这里,电话还没有挂断,所以陈歌也不敢弄出太大动静,他在隔离栏外面狂奔,耳边是呼呼的风声。 The nighttime railway rail looks at resembles another side of ladder a to world, without the end, enters darkness most deep place. 黑夜里的铁轨看着像一条通往世界另一边的梯子,没有尽头,伸入黑暗最深处。 This steps to heaven......” “这阶梯到不了天堂的……” The next train does not know that is, Chen Ge can do was does utmost to find the opposite party, then its belt/bring to safe place. 下一班火车不知是什么时候的,陈歌能做的就是竭尽全力去找到对方,然后将其带到安全的地方。 Chen Ge does not know oneself do that is to is wrong, but he wants completely oneself strength, making the man ponder again. 陈歌不知道自己这么做是对是错,但是他还是想要尽自己的力量,让男人再思考一下。 Single-handedly takes the cell phone, raises the big bag single-handedly, Chen Ge alone is dashing about wildly by the railway rail: Calm, you want calm ah!” 一手拿着手机,一手提着大袋子,陈歌独自一人在铁轨旁边狂奔:“冷静,你一定要冷静!” The first two dead, Chen Ge have not rescued, this he will not miss again. 前两位死者,陈歌都没有救到,这一位他不会再错过。 The cough sound resounds once again, the body condition of man also reached the limit probably, he stopped the footsteps, has not continued to proceed to take a walk again. 咳嗽声又一次响起,男人的身体状态好像也到达了极限,他停下了脚步,没有再继续往前走动。 I soon went to that place.” The voice of man spreads from the cell phone: Some do not abandon, before should accompany their.” “我快要到那个地方了。”男人的声音从手机里传出:“还是有些不舍,以前应该多陪陪他们的。” While the man opens the mouth, the Chen Ge pupil reduces, he uses Yin Eyes, discovered that has the alone shadow in very far place. 在男人开口的同时,陈歌瞳孔缩小,他使用阴瞳,发现在很远的地方有一个人影。 That person sits in the railway rail center, in front of him is extends in the darkness probably the endless track. 那人坐在铁轨中央,他面前是延伸进黑暗里好像没有尽头的轨道。 Is he? 是他? Chen Ge facing that person runs, slowly, in appeared at night luminously. 陈歌朝着那人跑去,慢慢的,黑夜之中出现了一点光亮。 Whistling the wind sound/rumor resounds, in the cell phone spreads the voice of man: I have seen that place that oneself want, is luminous, slowly approaches luminous......” 呼呼的风声响起,手机里传出男人的声音:“我已经看到自己想要去的那个地方了,是光亮,慢慢靠近的光亮……” Quickly! Leaves there!” “快!离开那里!” Chen Ge is very luminously clear that is anything, the train came! 陈歌很清楚那光亮是什么,火车来了! He discards the bag, flushes away toward the shadow. 他扔掉袋子,朝黑影冲去。 In the cell phone the train start sound is getting more and more clear, Chen Ge is also getting more and more near from that shadow. 手机里火车开动声音越来越清晰,陈歌距离那黑影也越来越近。 He no longer pays attention to other things, at this time in the mind only then a thought that pulls open that shadow. 他不再去理会其他东西,此时脑海中只有一个念头,将那黑影拉开。 The sprint, Chen Ge saw the train of speeding along full power, his lip bites to bleed, braces oneself to continue to proceed. 全力冲刺,陈歌看到了飞驰的火车,他嘴唇咬出了血,硬着头皮继续往前。 If there is a third party, will feel that Chen Ge is hitting the train that comes to the distant place to be the same on own initiative. 如果有第三者在的话,就会感觉陈歌是在主动撞向远处迎面而来的火车一样。 Make way!” “闪开!” But is the time of blinking, before Chen Ge had rushed to the shadow body . 只不过是眨眼的时间,陈歌已经冲到了黑影身前。 Before the train comes, he puts out a hand to grasp to the shadow. 在火车过来之前,他伸手抓向黑影。 The palm is icy cold, cannot attend to pondering, Chen Ge grabs that thing, tumbles to the railway rail outside. 掌心冰凉,顾不得细想,陈歌抓着那东西,滚落到铁轨外面。 The train has started from side, missed for several seconds. 火车从旁边开过,就差了几秒钟的时间。 The whole body was soaked by the cold sweat, lingering fear of Chen Ge when facing Red-clothed not so. 全身被冷汗浸湿,陈歌在面对红衣时都没有如此后怕过。 The wheel steamroll the railway rail, that sound is serious, has opened after the train, Chen Ge relaxes. 车轮碾压着铁轨,那声音沉重无比,直到火车开过以后,陈歌才松了口气。 „Are you good?” “你还好吧?” He hurries to look that to that shadow that held a moment ago, when raises head looks to all around discovered that shadow stands another side of the railway rail, is maintaining the distance with Chen Ge. 他赶紧看向刚才自己抓住的那黑影,仰头看向四周时才发现,那黑影站立在铁轨另一边,和陈歌保持着距离。 Why do you want to save me?” The sound of sound that the shadow makes in cell phone is the same. “你为什么要救我?”黑影发出的声音和手机里的声音一样。 What reason does life-saving also need?” Chen Ge asked back opposite party, he hangs up the phone call/number facing shadow to walk. “救人还需要什么理由吗?”陈歌反问了对方一句,他挂断电话朝着黑影走去。 As he approaches unceasingly, that the facial features of shadow start to have the change slowly, blood one after another seep out from the skin, slowly incarnadine coat. 随着他不断靠近,那黑影的五官开始慢慢出现变化,一滴一滴的血从皮肤下渗出,慢慢染红了外衣。
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