IHHH :: Volume #5

#475: The sound in morgue cabinet

Tail?” Canine Tooth walks forefront the team, her facing that leaf of half open iron gate shouted one, but no one responded. 尾巴?”虎牙走在队伍最前面,她朝着那扇半开的铁门喊了一声,但是没有人回应。 In the past had a look. „ ”过去看看。“ The wall lamp sends out the pale yellow light, Canine Tooth is forwarding alone, she is pasting the wall, slowly close to that iron door. 壁灯散发着昏黄的光,虎牙独自向前,她贴着墙壁,慢慢靠近那扇铁门 On the door full is the motley rusty stain, is similar to the bloodstain general outward class/flow liquid. 房门上满是斑驳的锈迹,还有类似于血迹一般的正在往外流的液体。 ” Is this room used to do? „ ”这房间是用来干什么的?“ Canine Tooth moves the footsteps, proceeded one step, her body leans forward, has not gone to touch that door, the adjustment angle of view wants to see clearly the thing in gate. 虎牙挪动脚步,又往前走了一步,她身体前倾,没有去触碰那扇门,调整视角想要看清楚门内的东西。 But has not waited for her to see clearly, on the ceiling had drop of liquid to drop on her back of the hand. 可还没等她看清楚,天花板上有一滴液体滴落到了她手背上。 Viscous, somewhat seems like the blood, but combined other things probably, 粘稠,有些像是血,但是又好像混杂了其他东西, Is sending out not being able to say strange taste. 散发着一股说不出的怪味。 Water leakage? „ She raises head slowly, the surrounding ray tarnish a point, the iron gate shivered suddenly gently. ”漏水?“她慢慢仰头,周围的光线忽然变暗了一点,铁门轻轻颤动。 Be careful! „ Yang Chen shouted, wall lamp in the channel starts to go out! ”小心!“杨辰大喊了一声,身后通道里的壁灯又开始熄灭! One after another, is very quick, the probably hungry wild animal throws crazily! 一盏接着一盏,速度很快,就好像饥饿的野兽般疯狂扑来! Does not have the opportunity of preparation, the darkness to embezzle several people in a flash completely. 没有准备的机会,黑暗转瞬间将几人全部吞没。 All squats down! Is dull on the spot! Yang Chen worries at heart, but also has no good way:” The previous light went out, was missing three people, this time does not know that who will disappear. „ ”全部蹲下!呆在原地!“杨辰心里着急,但是又没有什么好的办法:”上次灯光熄灭,失踪了三个人,这次不知道谁又会消失。“ The channel goes black in the middle of completely, is peaceful, breathing and heartbeat that can hear companion. 通道完全陷入黑暗当中,非常安静,能听到身边同伴的呼吸声和心跳声。 Everyone squatted on the ground, no one has moved heedlessly. 所有人都蹲在了地上,谁都没有乱动。 In the darkness, blows cold wind, can see that fuzzily the channel end had the person's shadow to rock, then vanished does not see, that monster seemed like mixed among them. 黑暗之中,吹来一阵阴风,模模糊糊能看到通道尽头有人影晃动了一下,然后消失不见,那怪物似乎是混入了他们当中。 The time becomes long, thump thump the heartbeat sound near the ear, coordinating the strange background music, the fear to be enlarged infinitely. 时间变得漫长,咚咚的心跳声响在耳边,配合着诡异的背景音乐,恐惧被无限放大。 Creaks......” “嘎吱……” A grating sound the position that is at from Canine Tooth spreads, in front of her door was shoved open. 一声刺耳的声音从虎牙所在的位置传出,她面前的那扇门被推开了。 Who is in the door that this time opened?” “是谁在这时候开的门?” The iron gate shoves open outward, in the air scattered the smell of formalin, in the channel was having another sound. 铁门向外推开,空气中飘散着福尔马林的气味,通道里又多出了另外一种声音。 Tick-tock, tick-tock...... 滴答,滴答…… The liquid falls from the high place, the drop on the ground, that sound was away from Canine Tooth to be getting more and more near, finally stopped before the Canine Tooth body. 液体从高处掉落,滴在了地上,那声音距离虎牙越来越近,最终停在了虎牙身前。 A darkness, anything cannot see, only has the tick that unceasing hears. 一片漆黑,什么都看不见,唯有不断传来的滴答声。 That thing stands by me. „ The Canine Tooth palm was soaked by the sweat, an invisible oppression transmission, she has the courage, lifted own hand, extends forward, but finger anything has not actually traced. ”那东西就站在我旁边。“虎牙的手心被汗水浸湿,一种无形的压迫感传来,她鼓起勇气,抬起了自己的手,向前伸去,可是手指却什么都没有摸到。 Should, the sound spread from here in this position. „ ”应该就在这个位置,声音是从这里传出的。“ Canine Tooth affirmed very, her hand continues to extend forward. 虎牙十分肯定,她的手继续向前伸。 Tick-tock...... 滴答…… Another drop of liquid falls, this time fell on her arm. 又一滴液体落下,这次是落在了她的手臂上。 Cannot trace, but also is moving and dropping,...... it in my top of the head? „ Eye has gradually adapted to the darkness, Canine Tooth raised head to look, is lying on the ceiling of own top of the head one group of fuzzy human form shadows. ”摸不到,还在移动和滴落,难道……它在我头顶?“眼睛已经慢慢适应了黑暗,虎牙仰头看去,就在自己头顶的天花板上趴着一团模糊的人形阴影。 It just crawled probably from the basin, on body remains water stain, the four limbs seem like gecko such adhesion on the wall, the head finds out downward, the hollowed out face stays in the Canine Tooth top of the head, seems like the preparation biting the face of Canine Tooth, then seizes! 它好像刚从水池里爬出,身体上残留着水渍,四肢好像壁虎那样粘连在墙壁上,头颅向下探出,被挖空的脸就停留在虎牙头顶,似乎是准备将虎牙的脸给咬下,然后夺走! ” Is this? What thing! „ Breath obstructs, the Canine Tooth both legs maintain the posture that partly is squatting, body is somewhat numb, but her thought still was very clear, the courage of this woman should be in everyone is biggest. ”这是?什么东西!“呼吸一窒,虎牙双腿保持着半蹲的姿势,身体有些麻木,但她思维却仍旧很清晰,这个女人的胆子应该是所有人中最大的。 That thing in my top of the head! „ The Canine Tooth startled sound screamed, she holds the cell phone in pocket, aims at the top of the head, made an effort to fling. ”那东西在我头顶!“虎牙惊声尖叫,她抓住口袋里的手机,对准头顶,用力甩了出去。 ”! ”啪! Cell phone pounded on the wall, had to be together luminous behind in Canine Tooth, Ah Nan turned on the flashlight that on the cell phone brought. “手机砸在了墙壁上,在虎牙身后有一道光亮起,阿楠打开了手机上自带的手电。 The time of luminously illuminating, the monster on ceiling has run far, he only saw one group of human form shadows creep along the ceiling rapidly. 光亮照来的时候,天花板上的怪物已经跑远,他只看到了一团人形黑影在天花板上飞速爬动。 ...... …… The sound of wheel rolling is getting more and more near, Fan Dade and Fan Cong had been too tired to move any further, they had lost the direction, now non- extravagant demands clearance, is only also thinking can get rid of behind that thing, catches one's breath, rests. 身后车轮滚动的声音越来越近,范大德范聪都已经跑不动了,他俩早已迷失了方向,现在也不奢求通关,只想着能摆脱身后那东西,缓口气,休息一下。 Comes in! Quickly! „ They sneaked in a white painted channel, saw a leaf of half open iron gate, above writes four Chinese characters- No. 2 corpse storehouse. ”进来!快!“他俩钻进了一条刷着白漆的通道里,看到了一扇半开的铁门,上面写着的四个汉字-二号尸库 Looked that did not look, Fan Dade entrained Fan Cong to run directly, then the Fan Dade numerous general's families closed. 看也不看,范大德拽着范聪直接跑了进去,然后范大德重重将门关上。 Elder Brother, you slowly. „ ”哥,你慢点。“ Fan Cong works loose from the Fan Dade hand, his fierce respite, depended on the wall to sit on the ground directly, in recent years he has not moved fiercely. 范聪范大德手中挣脱,他剧烈喘息,靠着墙壁直接坐在了地上,近几年他都没有这么剧烈的活动过。 The door shuts tightly, after several seconds, the sound of wheel rolling from the entrance process, leaves slowly. 房门紧闭,几秒之后,车轮滚动的声音从门口经过,慢慢离开。 Was saved.” Fan Dade just fished to be the same from the water probably, the whole body was soaked by the sweat, his both legs become tender, sitting that does not make every effort to succeed on the ground: Was too tired, I must rest.” “得救了。”范大德好像刚从水里捞出来一样,全身被汗水浸湿,他双腿发软,不争气的坐在了地上:“太累了,我要休息一下。” Saw own Elder Brother is obstinate argumentative, Fan Cong does not reveal, he is gasping for breath to sit in oneself Elder Brother aside: Why are you? Must run up to Haunted House to look for the crime to receive, our whole family is guts small ghost, you who how the parents walk is not does not know why must look for the crime to receive.” 看到自己哥哥嘴硬,范聪也不揭穿,他喘着气坐在自己哥哥旁白:“你这是何必呢?非要跑到鬼屋里来找罪受,咱们一家子都是胆小鬼,爸妈怎么走的你又不是不知道,干嘛非要来找罪受。” I am tired of your attitude, no one is since birth timid, said again I lead you to come Haunted House to play have not related with our parents, is only wish makes you come out purely, other old nest plays the game at home, what appearance did you have a look at you to become depressed?” “我就烦你这个态度,没有人生来胆小,再说我带你来鬼屋玩跟咱爸妈没关系,纯粹只是想要让你出来走走,别老窝在家里打游戏,你看看你消沉成什么样子了?” Elder Brother, my is not playing the game.” Fan Cong thinks to say the truth finally: That game is a murderer manufactures it is said that is hiding the evidence of his oppressive child, coming out that but also no one can explain temporarily.” “哥,我那不是在打游戏。”范聪想了想终于说出了实话:“那个游戏据说是一个杀人犯制作的,其中藏着他虐童的证据,只不过暂时还没人能解读的出来。” Where you are short in find the excuse, I am your elder brother, can I unclear you?” Fan Dade beckons with the hand: Wasn't brokenhearted? The girlfriends did not have, looks again is, real man what doesn't Huan have the wife?” “你少在哪找借口,我是你哥,我能不清楚你?”范大德摆了摆手:“不就是失恋了吗?女朋友没了,再找就是,大丈夫何患无妻?” „Does your learn from whom?” Fan Cong is disinclined to explain to own Elder Brother again: I did not pull with you, we let us not think clearance, in this room stayed again for 30 minutes, then and other bosses save us.” “你这都跟谁学的?”范聪懒得再跟自己哥哥解释:“我不和你扯了,咱俩也别想着通关了,就再这屋里呆三十分钟,然后等老板来救我们吧。” „Isn't this good?” “这样不好吧?” What having isn't good? You kill me in any case, I will not go out again.” “有什么不好的?反正你打死我,我也不会再出去了。” Fan Cong these words have not said, by corpse storehouse in that row of morgue cabinet sends out a resounding suddenly. 范聪这句话还没说完,尸库旁边那一排停尸柜里突然发出一声脆响。 His whole body fat trembles, frightened trembled: What sound?” 他浑身肥肉一颤,吓的哆嗦了一下:“什么声音?” Does not know, but passes on probably from that cabinet.” Since Fan Dade crawls from the ground, brothers two by entrance, at heart. “不知道,不过好像是从那柜子里传出来的。”范大德从地上爬起,兄弟两个靠在门口,心里慌得不行。 I thought that we do not pass to favor, all mechanism, so long as does not trigger, that is equivalent does not have mechanism.” The perspiration on Fan Cong face has not done, the new cold sweat flowed. “我觉得咱们还是不要过去看好了,所有机关,只要不去触发,那就相当于没有机关。”范聪脸上的汗还没干,新的冷汗又流了出来。 Reasonable.” Brothers both not close to the meaning of corpse cabinet, but the thing in that corpse cabinet does not seem to prepare to let off them. “有道理。”兄弟两个都没有靠近尸柜的意思,但是那尸柜里的东西似乎不准备放过他们。 The light in room flashes on and off erratically, in some corpse cabinet spreads the nail to dig the flexure metal shutter suddenly the grating sound, seems like seeks for the slit again, prepares to come out. 屋内的灯光明灭不定,某一个尸柜里忽然又传出指甲挖挠金属门板的刺耳声音,似乎是再寻找缝隙,准备出来。
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