IHHH :: Volume #5

#459: This time plays in a big way!

Underground Corpse Storehouse mission to Chen Ge is a turning point, after the House of Horrors promotion is Shivering Maze, meets the unlocking new function, he was away from found parents' missing real reason also to be near one step. 地下尸库任务陈歌来说是一个转折点,恐怖屋升级为颤栗迷宫后会解锁新的功能,他距离找到自己父母失踪的真正原因又近了一步。 Shivering Maze, sounding the feeling is very fierce, does not know that will increase any new function, hopes that do not disappoint me.” 颤栗迷宫,听起来感觉还挺厉害的,就是不知道会增加什么新的功能,希望不要让我失望。” Is counted soon Underground Corpse Storehouse of unlocking, Chen Ge’s House of Horrors has ten scenario. 算上即将解锁的地下尸库在内,陈歌的恐怖屋已经拥有了十个场景 In ground three scenario: Night of the Living Dead, Ghost Marriage and Midnight Murder Escape. 地面上三个场景:僵尸复活夜冥婚午夜逃杀 The underground has large and small seven scenario: Mu Yang High School, Western Jiujiang's Private Academy and A Room of Three( Men Nan secondary personality), Third Sick Hall and Wife's Room( statue ghost), Live Coffin Village and Underground Corpse Storehouse. 地下有大大小小七个场景:暮阳中学西城私立学院三个人的房间(门楠副人格)、第三病栋妻子的房间(雕像鬼)、活棺村地下尸库 Now toughest should be Third Sick Hall, because only then this 3 Stars scenario completion is over 90%, all scare spots all unlocking are basically successful. 现在来说难度最高的应该是第三病栋,因为只有这个三星场景完成度是超过百分之九十的,所有惊吓点基本上全都解锁成功。 Hidden Mission of Third Sick Hall scenario bringing is to make me all extinguish Ghost Stories Society, now mission completed to reward my President letter of appointment, was this thing useful? After can order these association members dead the soul?” 第三病栋场景自带的隐藏任务是让我全灭怪谈协会,现在任务完成奖励了我一份会长委任书,这东西有什么用?难道可以命令那些协会成员死后的灵魂?” When Third Sick Hall Trial Mission completion over 90%, black phone rewarded to him medical case form, above is adhering to stick cohere the souls of Third Sick Hall several patients. 第三病栋试炼任务完成度超过百分之九十时,黑色手机奖励给他了一本病例单,上面附着着第三病栋几位病人的灵魂。 These patients are the thorough lunatics, only then Dr. Gao can shake, Chen Ge will be worried to emit them rashly visitors compelling insanely, considered for visitors, therefore he had not used that medical case form. 那些病人都是彻底的疯子,也只有高医生才能震得住,陈歌担心冒然将它们放出会把游客给逼疯,为了游客考虑,所以他一直都没有使用那份病例单 Now Hidden Mission of Third Sick Hall scenario bringing completes, according to him the experience, the rewards of these two mission should be in the past complements one another, immediately therefore he thinks is, controls that several morbid states through President letter of appointment the soul. 现在第三病栋场景自带的隐藏任务完成,按照他以往的经验,这两个任务的奖励已经该是相辅相成的,所以他在第一时间想到的就是,通过会长委任书来操控那几个病态的灵魂。 That several are the pure lunatics, the proof that the doctor has, making them be responsible for Third Sick Hall scenario being really appropriate.” “那几位可是纯粹的疯子,还有医生开的证明,让他们负责第三病栋场景真是再合适不过了。” Thinks each time can take to a visitors higher-quality experience, Chen Ge will feel happy. He moved body, fell into stupor Jiujiang Welfare Home Dr. Chen also to throw similarly, in transported on the corpse vehicle, four people neat and in the same place, looks very harmoniously. 每次一想到能带给游客更优质的体验,陈歌都会觉得开心。他活动了一下身体,把同样陷入了昏迷的九江福利院陈医生也扔在了运尸车上,四个人整整齐齐并在一起,看着很是和谐。 Dr. Chen, because kidnapping and selling child was issuing a warrant for arrest by the police, before this misunderstanding unties, made him live in temporarily my there was good, some of my also lots wanted to ask him just in time.” 陈医生因为‘拐卖’儿童正在被警方通缉,在这个误会解开之前,还是暂时让他住在我那里好了,正巧我还有很多东西想要问他。” Dr. Gao has Specter is because opened door, Dr. Chen can control Specter, this makes Chen Ge somewhat think that is not clear, he prepares to dig out Dr. Chen secret slowly. 高医生拥有厉鬼是因为推开了“门”,陈医生能够操控厉鬼,这就让陈歌有些想不明白了,他准备慢慢挖出陈医生身上的秘密。 Pushes is transporting the corpse car(riage) to walk toward outside , the channel was broader, the picture on these corpse and wall of core region got so far as in the gate by Dr. Gao ahead of time, Dr. Gao when has not decided the victory and defeat, has thought all escape routes. 推着运尸车朝外面走去,通道宽阔了许多,核心区域的那些尸体和墙壁上的照片都被高医生提前弄到了门内,高医生在还没分出胜负的时候,就已经想好了所有退路。 Underground Corpse Storehouse is divided into three regions, this scenario area is next to Live Coffin Village, but it lies in being possible to escape compared with a Live Coffin Village more terrifying place roadless, completely by terrifying atmosphere package.” Chen Ge has started to ponder that in the mind how to arrange scenario, he tonight's experience will comb in the mind, the eyeground flashed through crazy: Or, this plays the time in a big way?” 地下尸库共分为三个区域,这场景占地面积仅次于活棺村,而它比活棺村更恐怖的地方在于无路可逃,完全被恐怖的氛围包裹。”陈歌已经开始在脑海里思考如何去布置场景了,他将今晚的经历在脑海里梳理了一遍,眼底闪过一丝疯狂:“要不,这回就玩次大的?” Chen Ge pushed is transporting the corpse car(riage) to forgive several in the channel, this left the core region and middle-level region. 陈歌推着运尸车又在通道里饶了几圈,这才离开核心区域和中层区域。 When he stops corpse storehouse after 7 th, stopped the footsteps to look toward side, last night had not found had presented No. 8 corpse storehouse, that storehouse did not exist probably. 在他经过七号停尸库的时候,停下脚步朝旁边看了看,并没有找到昨晚出现过的八号尸库,那个库房好像并不存在。 They should have been protecting here in the hidden place.” The Jiujiang Forensic School post on has the legend about No. 8 corpse storehouse, but this 5 - 6 years comes does not have any student to have the accident/surprise in corpse storehouse, this possibly is No. 8 corpse storehouse these body donor merit. “他们应该是一直在暗处守护着这里。”九江法医学院的贴吧上有关于八号尸库的传说,但是这五六年来却没有任何一个学生在尸库里出现意外,这可能就是八号尸库那些大体老师的功劳。 They are not the Dr. Gao opponents, is unable to prevent Dr. Gao, can only protect own student in situation in one's power. 他们不是高医生的对手,无法阻止高医生,只能在力所能及的情况下保护自己的学生。 Last night these two cremators , if is not not respectable to body donor, they estimated that will not be pursued is running everywhere.” “昨晚这两个火化工如果不是对大体老师不尊敬,他们估计也不会被追着到处跑。” Chen Ge to the place that last night corpse storehouse is presenting on the 8 th, bows slightly, is pushing a cart to continue to walk out. 陈歌对着昨晚八号尸库出现的地方,微微鞠了一躬,然后推着车子继续向外走。 Cremator comes to process the corpse time, the security should still defend outside, the cremator whole evening has not gone out, properly speaking they have reported to the police were right, but in Underground Corpse Storehouse why so peaceful?” “火化工进来处理尸体的时候,保安应该还在外面守着,火化工整晚没有出去,按理说他们早就报警了才对,可为什么地下尸库里这么安静?” Chen Ge puts out the cell phone of some cremator, looked at a time, the present is morning 5 o'clock half, outside in the early morning. 陈歌拿出其中某个火化工的手机,看了眼时间,现在是早上五点半,外面的天刚亮。 Must think how ahead of time is good to deal with the following interrogation.” Chen Ge discovered oneself have the experience in this aspect very much. “要提前想好怎么应对接下来的盘问。”陈歌发现自己在这方面已经很有经验了。 He the pocket of cell phone stopper tempering chemical industry, after storehouses, arrived at the corpse storehouse main entrance. 他把手机塞回火化工的口袋,经过一个个库房,来到了尸库正门。 The morning breeze has a cool feeling, making Chen Ge more energetic. 晨风带着一丝凉意,让陈歌精神了许多。 The entrance is stopping the crematorium van, should put the corpse in the compartment to throw two man who wears security uniform. 正门口停着火化场的面包车,本该放尸体的车厢里扔着两个身穿保安制服的男人。 They also by Dr. Gao fainted?” Chen Ge boarded to look at one, that two securities did not have the danger, the symptom and Gao Ruxue they were similar. “他们也是被高医生弄晕的?”陈歌上车看了一眼,那两个保安没有生命危险,症状和高汝雪他们差不多。 Trial Mission has completed, Chen Ge does not want to look for trouble for oneself again, he also forces in the compartment that two crematorium workers, however is boosting Gao Ruxue and Dr. Chen, avoids to monitor outside the facing school to run. 试炼任务已经完成,陈歌不想再给自己找麻烦,他把那两个火化场工人也塞进车厢,然后推着高汝雪陈医生,避开监控朝着学校外面跑去。 After riding the taxi, Chen Ge relaxes, he first sends home Gao Ruxue, then also brought stupor Dr. Chen to return to the middle of New Century Park. 坐上出租车后,陈歌才松了口气,他先把高汝雪送回家,然后又带着昏迷的陈医生回到了新世纪乐园当中。 Enters Haunted House at the back of Dr. Chen, this is the first time that House of Horrors had the bystander to be a guest, Chen Ge has not treated unjustly the opposite party. 背着陈医生进入鬼屋,这是恐怖屋第一次有外人来做客,陈歌也没有亏待对方。 He shuts in Dr. Chen the hospital ward of Third Sick Hall scenario most deep place, but also very careful prepared the water and instant noodles for him, just before leaving time does not forget to leave own phone call/number number. 他将陈医生关进第三病栋场景最深处的一间病房里,还很细心的为他准备了水和方便面,临走的时候也不忘留下自己的电话号码。 A little did not feel relieved.” “还是有点不放心。” Chen Ge thinks and puts out the ball pen, put a paper by the Dr. Chen pillow, above writes is being the Fan Yu family member, is well-meant, but wants to chat with him well. 陈歌想了想又拿出圆珠笔,在陈医生枕头旁边放了张纸条,上面写着自己是范郁的家人,没有恶意,只是想要和他好好聊聊。 Went out of the hospital ward, Chen Ge hangs to have the malicious ghost and sign of idler no admittance in the gate, then pressed down the tape player switch, placed the entrance it, this left. 走出病房,陈歌在门上挂了个内有恶鬼、闲人免进的牌子,然后又按下复读机开关,将其放在门口,这才离开。 Returns to staff restroom, is stranded intent to raid, but Chen Ge has not gone to rest, he felt that oneself has a lot to do. 回到员工休息室,困意袭来,不过陈歌还是没有去睡,他感觉自己有很多事情要做。 Put out the cell phone, Chen Ge hit phone call/number to the mannequin manufacture workshop, after making a sound more than ten, phone call/number put through finally. 拿出手机,陈歌人偶制作工坊打了个电话,响了十几声后电话终于接通。 Boss Qian? Still is sleeping? I have a bulk bargain to you to talk.” 钱老板?还在睡觉吗?我有笔大买卖想跟你谈。” Bulk bargain?” Boss Qian Guigen of mannequin workshop hears this, immediately sobers: Big?” “大买卖?”人偶工坊的老板钱贵根一听到这,立刻清醒过来:“有多大?” I want to make to order 100 with real person size same mannequin.” “我想定做一百个和真人大小相同的人偶。” How many?!” “多少?!” 100, I will do personally, you only needed to provide the material and location are OK.” Chen Ge looks at Sun that out of the window is raising slowly, in the eye is passing the light: This also merely is only a start, if convenient, I prepare long-term and you establish the cooperation, in the future my House of Horrors possibly need many mannequin.” “一百个,我会亲自去做,你只需要提供材料和场地就可以了。”陈歌望着窗外慢慢升起的太阳,眼中透着光:“这也仅仅只是个开始,如果方便的话,我准备长期和你建立合作关系,未来我的恐怖屋可能会需要更多的人偶。”
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