IHHH :: Volume #5

#458: Shivering Maze!

Receives four doctors with the Yan Danian manhua book, possibly is because outside the day did not have the bright reason, he has not received the prompting message that black phone mission completes. 闫大年漫画册将四位医生收起,可能是因为外面天还没亮的原因,他并没有收到黑色手机任务完成的提示信息。 In Haunted House had the first aid group, safe has been guaranteed thoroughly, Uncle Xu does not need to be worried I frightened to have problems visitors.” Chen Ge is well satisfied: Later could taste to test run to send out some more exciting project, after all in market any Haunted House not like me, but also provides the highest level medical rescue party.” 鬼屋里拥有了急救小组,安全彻底得到保证,徐叔再也不用担心我把游客吓出问题了。”陈歌心满意足:“以后或许可以尝试着开发出一些更刺激的项目,毕竟市面上任何一个鬼屋都不会像我这样,还配备最顶级的医疗抢救组。” Haunted House must have can the stand test of time, has the ductility, unique, and is the competitor the technology or the ability that is hard to imitate, can emerge in the ferocious market competition. 一个鬼屋必须拥有能够经得起时间考验的、具有延展性、特有的,并且是竞争对手难以模仿的技术或能力,才能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。 Chen Ge thought that own Haunted House achieved this point completely, looks over Jiujiang, and even the entire southern central China, does not have any Haunted House can place on a par with him. 陈歌觉得自己的鬼屋完全做到了这一点,纵观九江,乃至整个华中南,没有任何一家鬼屋能和他相提并论。 This is the core competitiveness of enterprise.” “这就是企业的核心竞争力。” Tonight Trial Mission Chen Ge harvests many, so long as Bai Qiulin swallows enough Specter then to become Red-clothed directly, four doctors join, making Chen Ge again unscrupulous, the sharp sword that Ghost Stories Society this hangs in the top of the head also solves finally, then he can develop Haunted House calmly and steadily, deals with Virtual Future Park that will soon start doing business full power. 今夜的试炼任务陈歌收获颇丰,白秋林只要吞食掉足够的厉鬼便能够直接变为红衣,四位医生加入,让陈歌再无顾忌,怪谈协会这个悬在头顶的利剑也终于解决,接下来他可以安安稳稳发展自己鬼屋,全力应对即将开业的虚拟未来乐园 So long as can resist plundering of Virtual Future Park to source of tourists, the visitors quantity has not assumed cliff to fall, that won even.” “只要能抗住虚拟未来乐园对客源的掠夺,游客数量没有呈断崖式下跌,那就算是赢了。” The opposite party are threatening, this is contest between entity park and a virtual park, from the grasped information, New Century Park and Virtual Future Park compares, the only advantage lies in Chen Ge’s Haunted House. 对方来势汹汹,这是实体乐园和虚拟乐园之间的一次较量,从已掌握的情报来看,新世纪乐园虚拟未来乐园比起来,唯一的优势就在于陈歌的鬼屋 The Director Luo matter vision is very good, he discovered this point ahead of time, will therefore support and help Chen Ge full power. 罗董事眼光很好,他提前发现了这一点,所以才会全力扶持、帮助陈歌 Was only left over is less than three weeks.” The time is very tight, but Chen Ge was not too worried, Haunted House continually is improving, after later presents 4 Stars horror scenario, perhaps will have the qualitative change. “只剩下不到三个星期了。”时间很紧,不过陈歌也不是太担心,鬼屋在不断完善,等以后出现四星恐怖场景后,说不定会发生质变。 Chen Ge found a handcart that outside transports the corpse, put two crematorium workers, holds Gao Ruxue in him, prepares the time that she also puts, the back feels piercing cold intent suddenly. 陈歌在外面找到了一辆运送尸体的手推车,将两个火化场工人放了上去,在他抱起高汝雪,准备将她也放上去的时候,后背忽然感到一阵刺骨的冷意。 Probably Specter has not gone back......” “好像还有一位厉鬼没有回去……” black hair stretches out from Chen Ge, has what icy cold thing his back. 黑发陈歌背后伸出,有什么冰凉的东西紧接着他的脊背。 Matter of life and death, Chen Ge decisive threw to transport on the corpse vehicle Gao Ruxue, honestly was then dull on the spot. 生死攸关,陈歌果断将高汝雪扔到了运尸车上,然后老老实实呆在原地。 Back that ice-cold feeling has not abated, the girl seems like wants to enter his body, is admitted to his heart. 后背那种冰冷的感觉并没有消退,身后的女孩似乎是想要走进他的身体,住进他的心中。 The heart as if freezes, slow of more and more beat, Chen Ge body becomes stiff, he felt that gets down again, oneself will not definitely be able to see tomorrow's Sun. 心脏仿佛冻结,跳动的越来越慢,陈歌身体变得僵硬,他感觉再这么下去,自己肯定见不到明天的太阳了。 Zhang Ya.” 张雅。” Chen Ge has turned around, Red-clothed stands in him behind. 陈歌转过身,一席红衣就站在他身后。 Zhang Ya lowers the head, black hair covered the half pale face, no one knows that she is thinking anything. 张雅低着头,黑发遮住了半边苍白的脸,没人知道她在想些什么。 „Should this be our second appointment?” The Chen Ge very natural uphold hand, is stroking Zhang Ya’s black hair gently: Obviously only then several days, but actually the feeling does not see with you for a long time.” “这应该是我们第二次约会吧?”陈歌很自然的抬起手,轻轻抚摸着张雅的黑发:“明明只有几天,但却感觉跟你好久不见。” He sits by the morgue car(riage), stretches oneself, Zhang Ya is standing same place for a long time, then also moved morgue car(riage) there slowly, the blood drops, she somewhat hesitant sitting to Chen Ge by. 他坐在停尸车旁,伸了个懒腰,张雅在原地站了好久,然后慢慢也移动到了停尸车那里,鲜血滴落,她有些犹豫的坐到了陈歌旁边。 „Our first appointment is abandoning the campus, the second appointment in Underground Corpse Storehouse, each time my impression is very deep.” “我们第一次约会是在废弃校园,第二次约会是在地下尸库,每一次我都印象很深。” Chen Ge moved on own initiative toward Zhang Ya that side, body pushed in one, he felt that piercing icy coldness, lowered the head slightly, looks at the Zhang Ya’s face. 陈歌主动朝张雅那边挪了一下,身体挤在了一起,他感受到那刺骨的冰凉,微微低头,看着张雅的脸。 They have not opened the mouth, in gloomy, terrifying, is sending out in formalin smell corpse storehouse, a human and a ghost sits together shoulder to shoulder, is enjoying tranquil. 他们谁都没有开口,在阴森、恐怖、散发着福尔马林气味的尸库里,一人一鬼并肩坐在一起,享受着久违的“宁静”。 „Are you injured today?” Chen Ge depends on the Zhang Ya’s shoulder, said low voice. “你今天是不是受伤了?”陈歌靠着张雅的肩膀,小声说道。 Zhang Ya shakes the head, she was been isolated before death, without the friend, without being in love, Chen Ge leaves at this time too nearly, making her a little not know how should do. 张雅摇了摇头,她生前被人孤立,没有朋友,更没有谈过恋爱,此时陈歌离得太近,让她有点不知道该怎么去做了。 Gives me the hand.” “把手给我。” The ear broadcasts the Chen Ge’s sound, Zhang Ya can feel the steam that the Chen Ge’s body temperature and exhales, she grips the hand of Red-clothed to loosen slowly. 耳边传来陈歌的声音,张雅能感受到陈歌的体温和呼出的热气,她攥着红衣的手慢慢松开。 The fingertip stretches out toward Chen Ge that side, when touching Chen Ge’s, she took back oneself hand suddenly, draws in black hair, does not have the indication, turns around to drill into the Chen Ge’s shadow. 指尖朝陈歌那边伸出,在触碰到陈歌的手时,她又突然收回了自己的手,收拢黑发,毫无征兆的,转身钻入陈歌的影子当中。 In corpse storehouse as if became bright, the atmosphere no longer constrained, the frozen air also returned to normal. 尸库里似乎变得明亮了一些,气氛不再压抑,被冻结的空气也恢复正常。 The whole body by Chen Ge that the cold sweat soaks, by that two cremators. 全身被冷汗浸湿的陈歌,靠在那两个火化工身上。 He will choose to sit to the morgue car(riage) by a moment ago, the reason is very simple, his both legs tingle with numbness, body probably frozen stiff, at that time could not have come to a stop. 他刚才之所以会选择坐到停尸车旁边,原因很简单,他双腿发麻,身体好像被冻僵,当时已经站不稳了。 My Chen Ge has not feared anybody, in the difference in front of Zhang Ya displaying, merely is only because I felt her to my love, I do not want to disappoint her.” “我陈歌从来没有怕过任何人,之所以在张雅面前表现的不同,仅仅只是因为我感受到了她对我的那份爱,我不想辜负她而已。” Chen Ge seems like in the self- hypnosis, he tried several times, has not stood obstinately, half body has passed coolly: Gets down, felt that can be the big deal, Zhang Ya promoted to my affection level a moment ago probably, it is estimated that will soon possibly break through Unable to Restrain Emotions, arrives at a new rank.” 陈歌似乎是在自我催眠,他试了好几次,愣是没站起来,半边身体都已经凉透:“这么下去,感觉会出大事,刚才张雅对我的好感度好像又提升了,估计用不了多久可能就会突破情不自禁,到达一个新的级别。” The paralysis on the ground, Chen Ge is also reconsidering: Actually am I where worth so many person liking?” 瘫在地上,陈歌也在反思:“我究竟哪里值得那么多‘人’喜欢?” Rested good long while, sends in the information that mission completes after black phone, since Chen Ge crawls from the ground. 休息了好半天,直到黑色手机发来任务完成的信息后,陈歌才从地上爬起。 He skids the screen, selected not to read the information. 他滑动屏幕,点开了未读信息。 Within the given time arrives at the Underground Corpse Storehouse core region, and survives to the dawn, lucky Specter's Favored, congratulates you to complete 3 Stars Trial Mission Underground Corpse Storehouse!” “在规定时间内到达地下尸库核心区域,并存活至天亮,幸运的厉鬼眷顾者,恭喜你完成三星试炼任务-地下尸库!” Trial Mission completion is 60%, has not obtained this Trial Mission hidden item.” 试炼任务完成度为百分之六十,未获得本次试炼任务隐藏道具。” All extinguishes Ghost Stories Society all members, lucky Specter's Favored, congratulates you to complete Third Sick Hall scenario only Hidden Mission Ghost Stories Society!” “全灭怪谈协会所有成员,幸运的厉鬼眷顾者,恭喜你完成第三病栋场景唯一隐藏任务-怪谈协会!” Obtains Mission Reward President letter of appointment!” “获得任务奖励-会长委任书!” Looks at the information on black phone, Chen Ge feels a little accidental/surprised: Completion of Underground Corpse Storehouse Trial Mission 60%, explained that main secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator Dr. Gao should not die. But following Third Sick Hall Hidden Mission actually prompts me, said that all extinguished Ghost Stories Society all members. black phone is impossible to make a mistake, is this explained that Dr. Gao now no longer is a person?” 看着黑色手机上的信息,陈歌觉得有点意外:“地下尸库试炼任务的完成度只有百分之六十,说明最主要的幕后黑手高医生应该还没死。可是后面第三病栋隐藏任务却提示我,说全灭了怪谈协会所有成员。黑色手机不可能出错,这是不是说明高医生现在已经不再是人了?” It is not a person, but actually remains. 不是人,但却仍旧存在。 Chen Ge then looked at that door, in the gate the world had collapsed, the gate may be unable to use normally. 陈歌回头看了一眼那扇门,门内世界已经崩溃,门可能也无法正常使用了。 black phone is still vibrating unceasingly, information transmitted. 黑色手机还在不断震动,一条条信息发送了过来。 „The House of Horrors inner space is insufficient! Will start the third extension in tonight!” 恐怖屋内部空间已不足!将于今夜开始第三次扩建!” „After the third extension is completed, 3 Stars horror scenario Underground Corpse Storehouse complete unlocking!” “第三次扩建完成后,三星恐怖场景-地下尸库将完全解锁!” Attention! After the third extension is completed, House of Horrors the official promotion is Shivering Maze!” “注意!第三次扩建完成后,恐怖屋将正式升级为颤栗迷宫!” Attention! After the promotion is completed, will draw an item at random a special construction! House of Horrors unlocking brand-new function!” “注意!升级完成后,将随机抽取一座特殊建筑!恐怖屋将解锁全新功能!”
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