IHHH :: Volume #5

#457: Haunted House had the first aid medical team

They had been hidden about the tonight's memory in mind most deep place, in the middle of out of the door reality these corpses, after you come, I have made the remnant corpse bring in the gate completely. All evidence I have destroyed, I hope that you can also forget tonight all.” Dr. Gao body shivers, the heavy line comprised of the desperate and negativity almost must drill his eye: Leads them to leave.” “他们关于今晚的记忆已经被藏在脑海最深处,门外现实当中的那些尸体,在你进来后,我已经让残尸全部搬进了门内。所有证据我都已销毁,我希望你也能忘掉今晚发生的一切。”高医生身体颤抖,由绝望和负面情绪组成的黑线几乎要钻出他的眼睛:“带他们离开吧。” Dr. Gao should consider all, what choice no matter Chen Ge makes, he will not lose. 高医生应该是早就考虑好了一切,不管陈歌做什么样的选择,他都不会输。 Killed him, he will turn exceeds Red-clothed Specter, everyone perishes together ; Does not kill him, complies to trade with him, the benefit can maximize. 杀了他,他会变成超越红衣厉鬼,大家同归于尽;不杀他,答应和他进行交易,利益可以最大化。 It seems like I do not have to choose.” Chen Ge under the Zhang Ya’s gaze, making Bai Qiulin carry Gao Ruxue. “看来我也没得选择。”陈歌张雅的注视下,让白秋林高汝雪背了过来。 In his opinion Dr. Gao probably not starts to own daughter, he gives oneself Gao Ruxue, shows own sincerity. 在他看来高医生应该不会对自己的女儿下手,他将高汝雪交给自己,也算是表现出了自己的诚意。 Investigates me is so long in secret, is this fellow continuously the person who looks to be able to take care of his daughter?” Ghost Stories Society lives in the shadow of city, has offended the dirty thing has, after Dr. Gao walks, the Gao Ruxue situation will become the danger. “暗中调查我那么久,这家伙是不是一直都在物色能照顾他女儿的人?”怪谈协会活在城市的阴影里,得罪过的脏东西有很多,高医生走后,高汝雪的处境就会变得危险了。 The bulk flesh falls, the Underground Corpse Storehouse ceiling split slits, has the blood red mist to float in the middle of the operating room indistinctly. 大块血肉掉落,地下尸库的天花板裂开了一条条缝隙,隐约有血红色的雾气飘进手术室当中。 Chen Ge enters world behind the door to limit in some building each time, he sees to construct outside scenario for the first time, there is true world behind the door, according to the space that the Person who pushed the door innermost feelings construct is more like connects the ties of two world. 陈歌每次进入门后世界都局限在某一栋建筑当中,他还是第一次看到建筑外面的场景,那里才是真正的门后世界,根据推门人内心构筑出的这一片空间更像是连接两个世界的纽带。 The blood red luminous photo on the body, the heavy line in Dr. Gao body starts the rapid-growth, at the same time hid the white cat in Chen Ge backpack also drilled, an eye turned into blood red completely. 血红色的光亮照在身上,高医生身体里的黑线开始快速生长,同一时间躲在陈歌背包里的白猫也钻了出来,其中一只眼睛完全变成了血红色 Attracts its thing outside the crack! 吸引它的东西就在裂缝外面! The white cat wants, but this chapter of Chen Ge is prepared early, Underground Corpse Storehouse must collapse, must hurry to evacuate. 白猫想要过去,但这回陈歌早有准备,地下尸库就要坍塌,现在必须赶紧撤离。 He is hugging the white cat, returns to the backpack its stopper, drew in the zip fastener. 他抱着白猫,将其塞回背包,拉上了拉锁。 Does not pay attention in the white cat that in the package randomly calls the resistance, Chen Ge retreats quietly backward. 不理会在包里乱叫反抗的白猫,陈歌悄悄向后退去。 He is completes black phone Trial Mission tonight, surviving dawn is most important. 他今晚是来完成黑色手机试炼任务的,存活到天亮才是最重要的。 The wall disruption of flesh constitution collapses, the floor is hollow, the ceiling of top of the head transmits a loud sound, bulk flesh falls off, pounds layer on layer/heavily on the ground. 血肉构成的墙壁碎裂坍塌,地板凹陷,头顶的天花板传来一声巨响,一大块血肉脱落下来,重重砸在地上。 The opening that splits following the top of the head looks outward, Underground Corpse Storehouse outside thick fog fills the air, seems hiding a blood red city! 顺着头顶裂开的口子朝外看去,地下尸库外面大雾弥漫,似乎隐藏着一座血红色的城市! In the middle of the construction outline and reality Jiujiang has no difference, but the overall architectural style gives people a specially strange feeling.” “建筑的轮廓和现实当中的九江没有什么区别,只是整体建筑风格给人一种特别诡异的感觉。” Underground Corpse Storehouse exposed outside, Chen Ge sees in the blood fog to have the thing to approach faintly. 地下尸库暴漏在外,陈歌看到血雾里隐隐有东西在靠近。 Leaves, if the gate were destroyed, you could not leave.” Dr. Gao hugs his wife, the white of the eye is vanishing: Later we will perhaps also meet, I have been ahead of time on door completed the mark.” “离开吧,如果门被破坏,你就走不掉了。”高医生抱着他的妻子,眼白消失:“以后我们说不定还会见面,我已经提前在一扇门上做好了标记。” Ahead of time made the mark on door?” “提前在一扇门上做了标记?” The tone of Dr. Gao speech is getting more and more irritable, in his sound seems to be combining the voices of others, he looked that also becomes to Chen Ge and Zhang Ya’s vision strange. 高医生说话的语气越来越别扭,他的声音里似乎混杂着其他人的声音,他看向陈歌张雅的目光也变得奇怪起来。 Zhang Ya has been injured, perhaps now will clash, in the monster by thick fog with Dr. Gao is profited, will leave is quite good.” 张雅已经受伤,现在跟高医生发生冲突,恐怕会被大雾中的怪物占便宜,还是离开比较好。” Chen Ge retreats backward, in the process of retreat, called Zhang Ya, besieged Xiong Qing together. 陈歌向后退去,在后退的过程中,叫上张雅,一起围攻熊青 This pitiful fellow just erupted own potential, was brutally strangled, his body was scattered, was taken away by Xu Yin. 这个可怜的家伙刚爆发出自己的潜力,就被无情扼杀,他的身体被打散,头则被许音拿走了。 Do not fear, here is too dangerous, I lead you to leave together.” Chen Ge smiles toward Xiong Qing, dragging ground that two crematorium workers to run toward outside. “别怕,这里太危险,我带你一起离开。”陈歌熊青笑了笑,拖着地上那两个火化场工人朝外面跑去。 Xiong Qing by absolutely terrified that Chen Ge smiles, yelling that this Red-clothed Specter goes all out, makes Xu Yin cover until the mouth. 熊青陈歌笑的毛骨悚然,这个红衣厉鬼拼命的叫喊,直到嘴巴让许音捂住。 The world of flesh constitution has collapsed, Chen Ge then looked at Dr. Gao one, that man body skin starts to be cracked, the jet black eyes are looking at the wife, body by the same place, seems like the preparation to be buried like this in underground. 血肉构成的世界已经坍塌,陈歌回头看了高医生一眼,那个男人身体皮肤开始龟裂,漆黑的双眼望着自己妻子,身体靠在一起,似乎是准备就这样被埋葬在地下。 Really is a formidable opponent.” “真是个可怕的对手。” Before Chen Ge comes, Dr. Gao had estimated innumerable ending, now this ending is worst to Dr. Gao, but worst ending, he has not lost even. 陈歌进来之前,高医生就预想过无数的结局,现在这个结局是对高医生来说最差的,可就算是最差的结局,他也没有输。 The blood fog dispersion and internal organs are withered, the channel rocks even more fierce, Chen Ge and Dr. Wei facing Underground Corpse Storehouse core region runs, when passing through some corpse storehouse, several doctors under the persuasion of Dr. Wei decided that follows Chen Ge to leave together. 血雾消散、脏器干枯,通道晃动的愈发剧烈,陈歌卫医生朝着地下尸库核心区域跑去,在经过某个尸库时,又有几名医生在卫医生的劝说下决定跟随陈歌一起离开。 The unexpected benefit also has, if not because here soon collapses, Chen Ge also wants to go to more places to have a look. 意外收获还有很多,如果不是因为这里快要坍塌,陈歌还想去更多地方看看。 Dashes about wildly, Chen Ge finally before the flesh world crashes completely, arrived at the core region. 一路狂奔,陈歌终于在血肉世界完全崩塌之前,来到了核心区域。 That leaf of bloody door half open, blood threads on shutter was falling off, color already no longer bright. 那扇血门半开着,门板上的血丝脱落了许多,颜色已经不再鲜艳。 Should leave.” “该离开了。” Chen Ge gets all Haunted House staff to run bloody door, world behind the door also collapses in this moment thoroughly. 陈歌领着所有鬼屋员工跑出血门,门后世界也在这一刻彻底坍塌。 In the gate does not spread shouting of sounds of people faintly, but all these have not related with Chen Ge. 门内隐隐传出不似人声的嘶吼,但这一切都已经跟陈歌没有关系了。 Closes the door, the blood-color abates, when opens again, out of the door has returned to normal, all that experienced a moment ago look like a nightmare, but now the dream awoke. 关上房门,血色消退,再打开时,门外已经恢复正常,刚才经历的一切就像是个噩梦,而现在梦醒了。 The ground remains the stain, picture on these corpse and wall has vanished does not see, Dr. Gao has completed the worst plan, he has not kept any evidence. 地上残留着污迹,那些尸体和墙壁上的照片都已经消失不见,高医生早就做好了最坏的打算,他没有留下任何证据。 Flesh world avalanche, this door estimate is unable to use normally.” Chen Ge opens the backpack zipper, put the white cat, it seemed like the preparation very ominously called one, but one swept Chen Ge Red-clothed in the pupil, it is soft immediately, shrank in the backpack, the small claw dug up outside, seemed like prepares itself to draw in the zipper. “血肉世界崩塌,这扇门估计也无法正常使用了。”陈歌拉开背包拉链,将白猫放了出来,它本来似乎是准备很凶的叫一声,但在眸子一下扫到了陈歌身边的红衣,它立刻软了下来,又缩进了背包里,小爪子在外面扒拉,似乎是准备自己把拉链重新拉上。 Really is only the strange cat.” Chen Ge puts out the manhua book, starts to take inventory the harvest, he first looks to Xiong Qing. “真是只性格古怪的猫。”陈歌拿出漫画册,开始清点收获,他首先看向熊青 Is staring by one crowd of Specter, Red-clothed and Haunted House Boss of full belly dirty trick, Xiong Qing realized the despair without experienced. 被一群厉鬼红衣和满肚子坏水的鬼屋老板盯着,熊青体会到了生前都没有经历的绝望。 Do not fear, will not be sore.” Chen Ge hints Xu Yin to swallow Xiong Qing, however the response of Xu Yin is very strange, he shakes the head, puts out a hand to refer to oneself heart. “别怕,不会很疼的。”陈歌示意许音吞掉熊青,但是许音的反应却很奇怪,他摇了摇头,伸手指了指自己的心。 No matter how Chen Ge persuaded, Xu Yin is not willing to swallow Xiong Qing, he seemed like wants to find that heart by himself. 不管陈歌如何劝说,许音都不愿意吞掉熊青,他似乎是想要靠自己找到那颗心。 a human and a ghost modestly declines here, actually Xiong Qing frightening half dead. 一人一鬼在这边谦让,倒是把熊青给吓的半死。 You have your idea to be actually good.” Chen Ge also called Bai Qiulin, in Haunted House all staff, only then on this gambler coat had the bloodstain, temporarily also only then he displayed potential that became Red-clothed. “你有自己的想法其实蛮好的。”陈歌又把白秋林叫了出来,鬼屋所有员工中,只有这位赌徒外衣上出现了血迹,暂时也只有他表现出了成为红衣的潜力。 Old Bai, don't let me down.” Chen Ge routine wants to pat the shoulder of Bai Qiulin, but actually patted spatial, he has treated as the living person to treat oneself staff. 老白,别让我失望。”陈歌习惯性的想要去拍白秋林的肩膀,但是却拍了个空,他已经把自己的员工当做活生生的人来对待了。 Ordinary Specter spans Red-clothed directly, on the Bai Qiulin face has the forced smile, he light/only stands in front of Xiong Qing is a little afraid, let alone must swallow the opposite party. 普通厉鬼直接跨越到红衣,白秋林脸上带着苦笑,他光是站在熊青前面就有点害怕,更别说要吞掉对方。 Finally with the help of Xu Yin, Bai Qiulin completes overpraising that swallows. 最后还是在许音的帮助下,白秋林才完成吞食的过称。 Almost is swallowing the instance that completes, Bai Qiulin rolls falls to the ground, he goes all out to tear body, felt that looks like has one group of fires in his chest combustion. 几乎就在吞食完成的瞬间,白秋林就滚倒在地,他拼命撕扯着身体,感觉就像是有一团火在他胸口燃烧。 Overpraising and Zhang Ya and Xu Yin that he swallows are different, the span is very big, is unable to fall into the deep sleep, but supports in being frightened out of one's wits edge by strenuous efforts. 他吞食的过称和张雅许音不同,跨度很大,根本无法陷入沉睡,而是在魂飞魄散的边缘苦苦支撑。 This continued for one hour, Bai Qiulin returns to normal, his body seems like no longer illusory, the position of heart was been incarnadine by the blood. 就这样足足持续了一个多小时的时间,白秋林才恢复正常,他身体看起来不再虚幻,心脏的位置被鲜血染红。 Bai Qiulin situation and Xu Yin just right counter-, he had found the heart, so long as swallows Specter unceasingly, can obstacle-free becomes in House of Horrors new Red-clothed. 白秋林的情况和许音正好反了过来,他已经找到了心,只要不断吞食厉鬼,就能毫无障碍的成为恐怖屋里新的红衣 Such Red-clothed possibly be weaker than Xu Yin, but after all is Red-clothed.” “这样的红衣可能要比许音弱一些,不过总归是红衣。” In the staff must Red-clothed, only this, Chen Ge think that hand/subordinate tonight all pays is worth. 手下员工里又要多出一位红衣,仅此一条,陈歌就觉得今晚所有付出都是值得的。 They receives Bai Qiulin with the manhua book, Chen Ge looks to the hygienic medicine, stands side the old gentleman in three also puts on the doctor of white coat. 漫画册将白秋林他们收起,陈歌又看向卫生医,在老爷子身边还站在三位同样穿着白大褂的医生。 These four people are the respective domain highest level doctor, what is more praiseworthy, their four donated the remains to the medical school. 这四人都是各自领域最顶级的医生,更让人钦佩的是,他们四位都将遗体捐赠给了医学院。 „, Meeting by chance is the reason, I hit admire you at heart, if possible, I want to ask you to sit to my there.” Chen Ge said unusual is sincere. “诸位,相逢便是缘,我打心里敬佩你们,如果可以的话,我想请你们到我那里坐坐。”陈歌说的非常诚恳。 He was good to the impression that Dr. Wei made before, looked like in Dr. Wei, Chen Ge was that type does not dread the evil and dark enthusiastic youth. 他之前给卫医生留下的印象非常不错,在卫医生看来,陈歌就是那种不畏惧邪恶和黑暗的热血青年。 I am you rescue, depending on this point, does not only have the means to reject.” Dr. Wei nods, looks to several other doctors: „Do you feel?” “我是你救出来的,仅凭这一点,就没办法拒绝。”卫医生点了点头,看向其他几位医生:“你们觉得呢?” This boy I looks very pleasing to the eyes, the learning capability is very strong, is our Jiujiang Forensic School student, I appreciate him very much.” Started talking that doctor to be used together several very character, his temperament was straightforward, arrived by Chen Ge directly, this person of Liu Zhengyi. “这小子我看着很顺眼,学习能力很强,还是咱们九江法医学院的学生,我很欣赏他。”开口说话那医生一连用了几个“很”字,他脾气耿直,直接走到了陈歌旁边,这人正是刘正义 Two doctors open the mouth, another two doctors also nod assent. 两位医生开口,另外两位医生也都点头同意下来。 Many thanks four teachers.” Chen Ge arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, blossoms at heart happily, one has four respective domain highest level doctors, they world half-dead the people in the gate can rescue continually, let alone like fainting and twitching small problem. “多谢四位老师。”陈歌拱了拱手,心里乐开了花,一下拥有四位各自领域最顶级的医生,他们在门内世界连半死不活的人都能救回来,更别说像晕厥、抽搐这样的小毛病了。 He has started to plan in the heart, later has the person who does not enlarge ones vision to look for a job, must frighten the dizzy it personally, then stands on one side to look that he was rescued to awake, then comes out to give him from side again a pleasant surprise, frightens the dizzy again, rescues to awake again, circulation times are several good. 他已经开始在心中计划,以后再有不开眼的人过来找事,一定要亲自将其吓晕,然后就站在一边看着他被救醒,接着再从旁边出来给他个惊喜,再吓晕,再救醒,循环个几次才行。 On face shows the warm smile, places the jet black terrifying in corpse storehouse to feel the joy that Chen Ge that is from the heart. 脸上不由的露出温暖的笑容,身处漆黑恐怖的尸库里都能感受到陈歌那发自内心的喜悦。 He is because several of us comply with his there to be a guest feel happy?” After several doctors see, thought that this person of good , is very at heart comfortable. “他是因为我们几个答应去他那里做客才感到开心的吗?”几位医生看到后,都觉得这人不错,心里也很舒服。
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