IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#484: Profound Heaven Divine Island, Dragon Amor Heavenly Book!

Sees two big aristocratic family clansmen to quarrel continuous, a Zhuge Sima cheek hurts, but goes forward to advise. 见两大世家族人争吵不休,诸葛司马一脸蛋疼,但还是上前劝阻。 Do not quarrel, everyone do not quarrel.” “别吵了,大家别吵了。” Uncle, the Second Uncle, is a whole family, do not shout'mother-fucker'!” “二舅,二叔,都是一家人,别骂娘啊!” Two ancestors, everyone pay attention to image slightly “还有两位老祖宗,大家都稍微注意一下形象” Zhuge Sima does best to convince to start to mediate a quarrel, wants to make the atmosphere relax. 诸葛司马苦口婆心开始劝架,想让气氛缓和下来。 However, not too big effect. 然而,并没有太大效果。 Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng two people ignore, quarrelled to fly as before. 诸葛元司马承两人置若罔闻,依旧吵得飞起。 Their bawls such as hōng hōng is thunderous, resounds through the entire flying boat. 他们的叫骂声如雷鸣,响彻整个飞舟。 These two people were saying own domain strength is fiercest, wants to struggle the victory and defeat orally. 这二人都在说自家场域力量最厉害,想要在口头上争出胜负。 Sees this, the Zhuge Sima corners of the mouth twitches slightly, in the heart is mumbling. 见到这一幕,诸葛司马嘴角微微抽搐,心中嘟囔着。 The ancestor is really weak, the person who on long live is not mature. 老祖宗真幼稚,上万岁的人一点都不成熟。 If were seen by the bystander, but also cannot laugh dead? 若是被外人看到,还不得笑话死? ...... …… Is quarrelling this, on the one hand, Sima Cheng somewhat is less than Zhuge Yuan obviously. 在吵架这一方面,司马承显然有些不及诸葛元 He was mad reddens all over the face, white Xuzhi curls upwards. 他被气得满脸通红,白须直翘。 Sima Cheng was compelled anxiously, foams with rage: Zhuge Yuan your line, your entire family is good.” 司马承被逼急,吹胡子瞪眼:“诸葛元你行,你全家都行。” Has the skill not to ask us to help, oneself open Primordial Chaos Star Island domain independently! “有本事别找我们帮忙,自己独立打开混沌星岛场域啊! The Sima Cheng eyes are red, on air/Qi heart. 司马承双眼赤红,气上心头。 Because this place has Primordial Chaos great array, is far from the common person can decode. 因为此地存在混沌大阵,远非寻常人能破解。 Here also has command Ten Thousand Races palpitation Primordial Chaos Qi. 况且,这里还有令万族心悸的混沌气 At the Zhuge Family strength, wants to enter in the Primordial Chaos star sea basis is not not possible alone. 诸葛家的力量,想要独自进入混沌星海根本上不可能。 Therefore, they can inquire about with Sima Family together jointly. 所以,他们才会与司马家共同联手探寻。 But who can think, they lost for a month in the peripheral region. 但谁能想到,他们在外围区域迷失了一个月。 Two respected families spend the huge price, the consumption huge resources, enters the deep place reluctantly. 两大家族花费巨大代价,消耗大量资源,才勉强进入深处。 This compared with them estimated when the plan, losing surpasses expected are too many. 这比他们预想时的计划,损失超过预期太多。 Therefore, two respected families start to fling the pot mutually. 所以,两大家族开始互相甩锅。 But by flinging pot ability, Zhuge Yuan is a expert. 但论甩锅能力,诸葛元可是个高手。 He must be speechless the Sima Cheng resentment forcefully, gets the winning side. 他硬生生将司马承怼得无话可说,占据上风。 Sima Cheng is also the person of attaching great importance to face-saving, cannot bear this air/Qi, plans to throw up one's job directly. 司马承也是要面子的人,根本受不了这气,直接打算撂挑子。 However Zhuge Yuan does not eat his set, coldly snorted and said: Oneself come himself to come, feared that you are inadequate!” 然而诸葛元才不吃他那一套,冷哼道:“自己来就自己来,怕你不成!” He does not fear Sima Cheng to give up, everyone is grasshopper on a rope, how could also to say doesn't do is not dry? 他可不怕司马承撒手不管,大家都是一条绳上的蚂蚱,又岂能说不干就不干? ...... …… This, making Zhuge Sima not know whether to laugh or cry. 这一幕,令诸葛司马哭笑不得。 Two respected families work as one so to be strenuous, almost loses. 两大家族齐心合力都这么吃力,差点迷失。 Now if has clashes of opinion again, going separate ways, it is estimated that everyone must be cool. 如今要是再闹矛盾,分道扬镳,估计所有人都得凉凉。 The Zhuge Sima look said with deep veneration: Two ancestors, we found Profound Heaven Divine Island a bit faster!” 诸葛司马神色肃然道:“两位老祖宗,我们还是快点找到悬天神岛吧!” Drags again is not a matter.” “再这么拖下去也不是个事。” By our present oil reserve, how long could not support.” “以我们现在能源储备,支撑不了多久。” They have entered to the Primordial Chaos star sea deep place now far, the danger ultra previously. 他们如今已经进入到混沌星海深处,危险远超先前。 The flying boat surrounding mighty waves are turbulent, the ocean waves attack, the power and influence is incessant. 飞舟外围波涛汹涌,海浪侵袭,威势滔滔不绝。 The Primordial Chaos Qi terrifying, comes just like the difficult situation attack. 混沌气恐怖至极,宛若惊涛骇浪般侵袭而来。 Every will hit flying boat hōng one time fiercely trembles, divine light explodes the powder. 每一次都会将飞舟撞得剧烈震颤,神光爆散。 domain great array that is constructed by two great artefact , how long could not support. 那由两件大器构建出来的场域大阵,也撑不了多久。 Only has to increase the energy supply, can maintain array reluctantly. 唯有加大能源供给,才能勉强维持阵法 If everyone does not make the best use of the time, waits for the energy to exhaust, that may die. 若是大家不抓紧时间,等能源耗尽,那可就死定了。 Hears the Zhuge Sima words, Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng look is startled, immediately responded. 听到诸葛司马的话,诸葛元司马承神色一怔,顿时反应过来。 They come to here are not quarrel, but has the goal. 他们来这里可不是吵架的,而是另有目的。 For this Primordial Chaos trip to Xinghai, two big aristocratic family untold hardships prepare for several thousand years. 为这次混沌星海之行,两大世家千辛万苦准备数千年。 Because if some small contradictory, causes to fall short, does that blood owe? 若是因为一些小矛盾,导致功亏一篑,那岂不是血亏? Thinks of here, Sima Cheng lead calms down, said: Old man did not quarrel with you, first found Profound Heaven Divine Island to be important.” 想到这里,司马承率先冷静下来,道:“老夫不跟你吵,先找到悬天神岛要紧。” Zhuge Yuan curls the lip: You think that the old man wants to quarrel with you, in vain waste so many saliva?” 诸葛元撇了撇嘴:“你以为老夫想跟你吵,白白浪费这么多口水?” They also realize the matter weight, temporarily puts down the contradiction. 他们也意识到事情轻重,暂时放下矛盾。 Good, the little fellows do not quarrel!” “好了好了,小家伙们都别吵了!” „The control flying boat, seeks for Profound Heaven Divine Island well!” “好好掌控飞舟,寻找悬天神岛!” Both big old ancestors calmed down, to walk coming out moderate. 两大老祖都冷静下来,皆走了出来缓和局面。 Saw that the ancestors do not bicker, the juniors of two big aristocratic families naturally no longer continue to quarrel. 见到老祖宗都不斗嘴,两大世家的小辈自然不再继续争吵下去。 Everyone returns to the respective job, should control array control array, this/should steerage of steerage. 大家都回到各自的工作岗位上,该操控阵法的操控阵法,该掌舵的掌舵。 Sees this, Zhuge Sima relaxes finally. 见到这一幕,诸葛司马终于松了一口气。 ...... …… Two big aristocratic families control the flying boat , to continue. 两大世家操控飞舟,继续前行。 However at this moment, some people sent out calling out in alarm: What that...... is that?” 然而就在这时,有人发出了惊呼:“那……那是什么?” The people congealing eye looks, then saw that front Sea Area appears startled changes. 众人凝眼望去,便看到前方海域出现惊变。 The ocean waves attack, the sea of clouds turns wells up, resembling to stir earth-shakingly. 海浪侵袭,云海翻涌,似要搅得天翻地覆。 Two big aristocratic family disciples frighten the courage to crack immediately, sad Hu: „, Will not come across what disaster!” 两大世家弟子顿时吓得肝胆欲裂,悲呼道:“不会,遇到什么天灾吧!” If the common area, they will not be worried. 若是寻常地区,他们根本不会担心。 But but here the Primordial Chaos star sea, the surroundings cover entirely Primordial Chaos Qi. 但这里可是混沌星海,周围布满混沌气 If had the disaster at this time, the power and influence absolute terrifying, is hard to resist. 若是这个时候发生天灾,威势绝对恐怖至极,难以抵御。 „It is not right, there being correct form!” “不对,那里有道身影!” Has the person of being sharp-eyed to see in endless Qi of Primordial Chaos, there is a form together to gallop. 有眼尖之人看到无尽混沌之气中,有一道身影正在驰骋。 This form is powerful, the imposing manner is turbulent. 这道身影威风凛凛,气势汹涌。 He just like the peerless immortal, turns a blind eye to Primordial Chaos Qi of ten thousand spirit palpitations! 他宛若绝代仙,对万灵心悸的混沌气视若无睹! Waves to shake disperses innumerable Primordial Chaos Qi, making Heaven and Earth branch out Great Way. 挥手间震散无数混沌气,令天地分出一条大道 Two big aristocratic family disciple body shock, in the eye fill frightened and with amazement. 两大世家弟子身躯剧震,眼中充满惊悚与骇然。 Too was simply terrorist! 简直太恐怖了! Does world have so terrifying existence unexpectedly? 世间竟有如此恐怖的存在? Is this person, who? 此人,到底是谁? Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng are the whole face are also panic-stricken, felt that the back sends coolly. 诸葛元司马承也是满脸惊骇,感觉到后背发凉。 They lived ten thousand years of Old Freak thing, experienced. 他们都是活了万年的老怪物,见多识广。 But has not heard, some people dare is so general in the Primordial Chaos star sea deep place. 但从来没听说过,有人胆敢在混沌星海深处这般通行。 Even Quasi-Immortal expert, is impossible so unscrupulously! 就算准仙级强者,也绝不可能如此肆无忌惮啊! The Zhuge Yuan sound shakes saying: What unclear life our does could it be that meet?” 诸葛元声音微抖道:“咱们难道遇到什么不详生灵?” Primordial Chaos Sea Area extremely in the mysticalness, no one can explain was clear that in this has anything. 混沌海域太过于神秘,没人能解释清楚这里面到底有什么。 In the past also some people were involved, finally was cancelled the state of mind, turned into the small creature in Primordial Chaos star sea. 以往也有人深陷其中,最后被抹去神志,变成混沌星海中的小动物。 But where has the small creature, can erupt such terrifying power and influence? 但哪里有小动物,能爆发出这么恐怖的威势? Sima Cheng pupil light frightened say/way: could it be that said, was past supreme expert is corroded, but also is retaining before death strength?” 司马承眸光惊悚道:“难道说,是昔日的无上强者被侵蚀,还保留着生前的力量?” Only by doing so, can explain that was clear why this form does not fear Qi of Primordial Chaos. 也只有这样,才能解释清楚这道身影为何不惧怕混沌之气 Really more is more terrifying, more wants to be scarier. 真是越想越恐怖,越想越吓人。 The people feel immediately absolutely terrifiedly, the heart trembles. 众人顿时感觉到毛骨悚然,心头发颤。 Above possibly any one type, does not allow to treat it lightly absolutely. 以上可能无论是哪一种,都绝对不容掉以轻心。 At their present strengths, feared that is not possible to withstand this grade of terrifying life attack. 以他们现在的力量,怕是不可能承受住这等恐怖生灵袭击。 Starts the array defense quickly “快开启阵法防御” Sima Cheng bellows hastily, ordering the disciple to open array. 司马承连忙大吼,命令弟子将阵法打开。 Quick, the flying boat raising brilliant light screen, sends out the strength of vast not measuring. 很快,飞舟升起绚烂光幕,散发出浩瀚莫测的力量。 Strange domain rune raise, interweaves to wind around, makes great array blooming endless divine radiance. 一道道奇异的场域符文升起,交织缭绕,令大阵绽放无尽神辉 The domain great array aura threatens, the multi-colored sunlight overflows, is sending out the intense pressure. 场域大阵气息威赫,霞光四溢,散发着强烈威压。 This is domain great array that is arranged jointly by two big aristocratic families, firm incomparable, can resist the Quasi-Immortal attack. 这是由两大世家联手布置出来的场域大阵,坚固无比,能抵挡住准仙攻击。 However, is facing the pressure that this form sends out, is insufficient. 然而,在面对这道身影散发出来的威压,远远不足。 The people look is dignified, is critical situation. 众人神色凝重,如临大敌。 ...... …… But at this time, that form approached finally. 而这时,那道身影终于临近。 This person of figure is great, just like a tall and straight pine, stands erect Heaven and Earth. 此人身形伟岸,宛若一株挺拔青松,屹立天地 Winds around all over the body densely, the multi-colored sunlight overflows, was covered by endless Primordial Chaos Qi. 通体氤氲缭绕,霞光四溢,被无尽混沌气笼罩。 He sets up the body to be void, imitates, if fuses together with Heaven and Earth, the aura is immeasurably deep. 他立身虚空,仿若与天地融为一体,气息深不可测。 Person of body plays two big aristocratic family tremble, mind cold chestnut extremely. 两大世家之人身躯剧颤,心神寒栗万分。 This aura was too terrifying, as if can make the Heaven and Earth ten thousand spirits submit. 这股气息太恐怖了,仿佛能令天地万灵都臣服。 The two old ancestors of two big aristocratic families, the whole face is panic-stricken at this time, the look dreaded. 就连两大世家的两位老祖,此时都满脸惊骇,神色忌惮。 Sima Cheng goes forward one step, the tone said with deep veneration: Does not know that this fellow daoist, why does block me and others?” 司马承上前一步,语气肃然道:“不知这位道友,为何拦住我等?” Although the people guessed that this form is the unclear life, does not have the state of mind. 虽然众人猜测这道身影乃是不详生灵,毫无神志可言。 But they are harboring leaving things to chance, inquires the situation. 但他们还是抱着侥幸心理,打探一下情况。 Can not hit, does not hit as far as possible. 能不打,就尽量不打。 This person is too terrifying, they do not have a win assurance. 此人太恐怖,他们没有一点取胜把握。 However, in dim Primordial Chaos Qi spreads the clear sound: „Are you, person of Zhuge Family and Sima Family?” 然而,朦胧混沌气中传出清亮的声音:“你们,是诸葛家司马家之人?” Hears the response, Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng look great happiness, said: Yes, does the senior know our lineage/vein?” 听到回应,诸葛元司马承神色大喜,道:“是的,前辈知道我们这一脉?” Hears response that in Primordial Chaos Qi spreads, in person of hearts two big aristocratic family relaxes immediately. 听到混沌气中传出的回应,两大世家之人心中顿时松了口气。 Gives red packet The reading benefits comes! You have the highest 888 cash red packages to treat the extraction! Pays attention to the weixin public number Book friend supreme headquarters Skimming off some of the money package! 【送红包】阅读福利来啦!你有最高888现金红包待抽取!关注weixin公众号【书友大本营】抽红包! Since this person responded, unclear life that did not lose the state of mind. 此人既然回应,就不是丧失神志的不详生灵。 It can be said that the crisis relieves temporarily. 可以说,危机暂时解除。 But later, in the people heart arouses the difficult situation, shocks extremely. 但随后,众人心中激起惊涛骇浪,震撼万分。 Since is not the ominous life, who that is? 既然不是不祥生灵,那到底是谁? Why can disregard Qi of Primordial Chaos, gallops in the Primordial Chaos star sea at will? 为何能无视混沌之气,在混沌星海随意驰骋? Difficult to be inadequate, is this expert of extremely some hidden world? 难不成,这是某个隐世的绝顶强者 But, had never heard which Confucian orthodoxy has to appear has so existed. 可是,从未听说过有哪个道统出现过如此存在。 cultivation base of this senior, is unable to estimate absolutely! 这位前辈的修为,绝对无法估量! Two big aristocratic family old ancestor looks with deep veneration, do not dare to have disrespect slightly. 两大世家老祖神色肃然,不敢有丝毫不敬。 ...... …… That form has not spoken, but finds out the big hand periphery Qi of Primordial Chaos to open out. 那道身影并没有说话,而是探出大手将周围混沌之气拨开。 Heaven and Earth was torn by a supreme mighty force, making innumerable Qi of Primordial Chaos drive back, the brilliance overflowed. 天地似被一股无上伟力撕扯开来,令无数混沌之气逼退,光彩四溢。 Afterward, a shocking peerless man appears in the people at present. 随后,一名惊世绝伦的男子出现在众人眼前。 This person of white clothing is floating, the appearance is outstanding, makings Transcending Mediocrity is refined, just like space exiled immortal, the elegant demeanor is unparalleled. 此人白衣飘飘,容貌俊逸,气质超凡脱俗,宛若天上谪仙,风采盖世。 He float in void, ten thousand laws evade to draw back, the aura measures vastly not. 他悬浮于虚空,万法避退,气息浩瀚莫测。 Sees this, the people of two respected families are immediately in-situ. 见到这一幕,两大家族的人顿时愣在原地。 In their eyes full is shocking and shocking, unbelievable. 他们眼中满是惊艳与震惊,难以置信。 Aura so terrifying mysterious expert, unexpectedly is a grace and talent peerless young man. 气息如此恐怖的神秘强者,竟是一位风华绝代的年轻男子。 But the female disciples of two big aristocratic families looked to stay directly, in the eye is filling infatuated. 而两大世家的女性弟子更是直接看呆了,眼中充满着痴迷。 And two extraordinary females, the line of sight tight gathering in this, the eye does not wink. 其中有两位气质出众的女子,视线紧紧汇聚于此,眼睛都不眨一下。 In the Zhuge Family camp, there is female flesh like the snow, the slim and graceful, big eye is nimble and resourceful. 诸葛家阵营中,有一女肌肤如雪,亭亭玉立,大大的眼睛灵动无比。 This female, is Zhuge Sima younger sister Zhuge Meng. 此女,乃是诸葛司马的妹妹诸葛萌 But Sima Family also has a female physique to be wonderful, the flesh such as suet white jade, is very moving. 司马家同样有一女身姿妙曼,肌肤如羊脂白玉,无比动人。 This is the Sima Family little princess, Sima Xue. 这是司马家的小公主,司马雪 They the position in two big aristocratic family young one generations are extremely high, are next to Zhuge Sima. 她们在两大世家年轻一辈中地位极高,仅次于诸葛司马 However, after seeing this shocking appearance, they cave in instantaneously, are hard to extricate oneself. 然而,在见到这惊世容颜后,她们瞬间沉陷,难以自拔。 In two people of hearts was all sighing: World has such Transcending Mediocrity man unexpectedly. 二人心中皆在感叹:世间竟有如此超凡的男子。 Has saying that he was handsomer than big brother Zhuge! 不得不说,他比诸葛大哥英俊多了! This grade of appearance, really loved the love! 这等容颜,真是爱了爱了! A person responded enormously, even far ultra people. 还有一人反应极大,甚至远超众人。 That is Zhuge Sima! 那就是诸葛司马 ...... …… At this time, the Zhuge Sima body shock, loses the sound said with amazement: God...... Divine Firmament Holy Lord?” 此时,诸葛司马身躯剧震,骇然失声道:“神……神霄圣主?” He once saw Shen Tian in Bronze Sparrow Terrace initially, nature has recognized its identity. 他当初在铜雀台曾见过沈天,自然一眼认出其身份。 The Zhuge Sima words, making two big aristocratic families hōng move immediately. 诸葛司马的话,令两大世家顿时动起来。 What? Is he Divine Firmament new Holy Lord?” “什么?他是神霄新一任圣主?” He is the North Sea Savior, is honored as in history most powerful young Holy Lord?” “他就是北海救世主,被誉为有史以来最强大的年轻圣主?” Originally is Divine Firmament Holy Lord, no wonder there is a peerless appearance!” “原来是神霄圣主,怪不得有如此绝世容颜!” Two big aristocratic family clansman looks are panic-stricken extremely. 两大世家族人眼神惊骇万分。 They have not thought, will see Shen Tian here. 他们万万没有想到,会在这里见到沈天 Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng are the body shake, in the eye full is meaning with amazement. 诸葛元司马承都是身躯一震,眼中满是骇然之意。 They one month ago then arrives in Primordial Chaos Sea Area, has naturally heard the North Sea Great Tribulation matter. 他们一个月前便抵达混沌海域,自然听闻过北海大劫的事情。 After they hear the strength of Evil Spirit clan army, in the heart also sends being afraid/painful. 当他们听到邪灵族大军的实力后,心中也发憷。 More than 20 Quasi-Immortal, in addition Evil Spirit True Immortal, is this how terrifying strength? 二十多位准仙,外加一名邪灵真仙,这是多么恐怖的一股力量? Even if all Hidden Family clans collaborate, if not draw support from the special topography to arrange domain great array, certainly opposeless too for a long time. 哪怕所有隐世家族联手,若不借助特殊地势布置场域大阵,也绝难抵抗太长时间。 However, so many terrifying Evil Spirit, almost all were actually extinguished by a person! 然而,这么多恐怖邪灵,却被一个人几乎全灭! That is Shen Tian! 那就是沈天 Month, has passed on the North Sea’s score Shen Tian insanely. 外界这一个多月,早已经将沈天北海的战绩传疯了。 Transcending Tribulation, was unable to cut to kill Quasi-Immortal. 还未渡劫,就能斩杀准仙 Even Transcending Tribulation, while the anger cuts more than 20 Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit, even Evil Spirit clan True Immortal was suppressed. 甚至一边渡劫,一边怒斩二十多位准仙级邪灵,连邪灵真仙都被镇压。 This grade of score, simply is the spacious certainly past and present, kills the illustrious prestige. 这等战绩,简直就是旷绝古今,杀出赫赫威名。 If previously, they also think that the outside world is exaggerating to flatter Shen Tian. 若是先前,他们还以为外界在夸大其词去吹捧沈天 Some where person haven't Sanctification, been able to cut to kill so many Quasi-Immortal? 哪有人还未成圣,就能斩杀那么多准仙的? Let alone Five Territories, looks over eternal also no one to be able. 别说五域,纵观万古也无人能及。 But at present, they believe in firmly. 但眼下,他们深信不疑。 Can work as the bathhouse swimming Qi of Primordial Chaos, what cuts to kill some Quasi-Immortal calculate? 能把混沌之气当澡堂子游泳,斩杀一些准仙又算的了什么? ...... …… Shen Tian decides to look at the people of two big domain aristocratic families, in the heart is also curious. 沈天定定望着两大场域世家之人,心中也充满好奇。 His first sight, some people can depend upon the strength of domain, resists the Primordial Chaos Qi corrosion. 他还是第一次见到,有人能依靠场域之力,抵挡住混沌气侵蚀。 It can be said that the abilities of these two respected families are also quite good. 可以说,这两大家族的能力也极为不俗。 But most lets the person of Shen Tian caring, stands in Zhuge Sima of bow. 但最让沈天在意之人,还是站在船头的诸葛司马 Because in the Zhuge Sima top of the head, the dark Purple providence halo, is shining gracefully. 因为诸葛司马头顶上,有一枚深紫色气运光环,正在盈盈发光。 In the Shen Tian heart the great happiness, never expected that the trip comes out also to meet Son of Providence. 沈天心中大喜,没想到此行出来还能遇到个气运之子 Zhuge Sima providence, even was not weak in initial Shi Tianzi. 诸葛司马气运,甚至不弱于当初的石天子 Most essential is, in the Zhuge Sima top of the head providence halo, the opportunity picture appears. 最关键是,诸葛司马头顶处的气运光环上,还有机缘画面浮现。 Therefore, Shen Tian will come on own initiative. 所以,沈天才会主动现身。 ...... …… Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng look at each other, was saying to Shen Tian submissively: old man Zhuge Yuan, stems from Middle Province Zhuge Family, has seen Shen Tian Holy Lord.” 诸葛元司马承相视一眼,对着沈天拱手道:“老朽诸葛元,出自中州诸葛家,见过沈天圣主。” old man Sima Cheng, stems from Middle Province Sima Family, has seen Shen Tian Holy Lord.” 老朽司马承,出自中州司马家,见过沈天圣主。” Their age far ultra Shen Tian, but is very polite. 他们两人岁数远超沈天,但还是非常客气。 This world expert name reveres, facing Shen Tian this type fearful greatly ominous, they naturally do not dare to take advantage of own seniority. 这个世界强者称尊,面对沈天这种‘可怕大凶’,他们自然不敢倚老卖老。 Shen Tian responded submissively: Has seen two fellow daoist.” 沈天拱手回应道:“见过两位道友。” Zhuge Yuan inquired: Does not know why Holy Lord will appear in this place?” 诸葛元询问道:“不知圣主为何会出现在此地?” Here can be said as the danger difficultly layer on layer/heavily, will the common person be all right to go to the Primordial Chaos star sea? 这里可以说是险难重重,寻常人没事又怎会跑到混沌星海来? Shen Tian said with a smile: Shen comes this place, seeks for some opportunity.” 沈天笑道:“沈某来此地,寻找一些机缘。” Zhuge Sima hears word, look slightly happy: Does not know the Shen Tian senior, is interested in leading the way with us together?” 诸葛司马闻言,神色微喜:“不知沈天前辈,有没有兴趣与我们一同前行?” Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng stagnate slightly, perplexed. 诸葛元司马承微微一滞,不明所以。 They have not thought that Zhuge Sima will invite Shen Tian to join unexpectedly on own initiative. 他们没有想到诸葛司马竟会主动邀请沈天加入。 Their trip relates to the clan to high inheritance, the value is immeasurable, how could to share to give the bystander? 他们此行关系到族内至高传承,价值无量,岂能分享给外人? However Zhuge Sima after all is the pride of two respected families, since he opens the mouth to invite Shen Tian, definitely has the plan. 不过诸葛司马毕竟是两大家族的骄傲,他既然开口邀请沈天,肯定自有打算。 Therefore, Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng, although is somewhat surprised, but has not prevented. 因此,诸葛元司马承虽然有些意外,但也没有阻止。 As everyone knows, in Zhuge Sima heart great happiness. 殊不知,诸葛司马心中大喜。 He hears the Shen Tian’s legend since childhood, has certain understanding of it. 他从小就听闻沈天的传说,对其也有一定了解。 Shen Tian not only battle strength unparalleled, is Five Territories recognized Son of Providence. 沈天不仅战力无双,更是五域公认的气运之子 The outside world has the rumor early, with the Shen Tian informed and experienced person, can harvest big opportunity together. 外界早有传言,与沈天一同历练之人,都能收获大机缘 Now, they were stranded in the Primordial Chaos star sea, wants to find Profound Heaven Divine Island is not obviously simple. 如今,他们被困在混沌星海,想找到悬天神岛显然没有那么简单。 If can invite Shen Tian to join, perhaps will present what miracle. 若是能邀请沈天加入,说不定会出现什么奇迹。 ...... …… Shen Tian hesitates slightly, has not worried to reply. 沈天微微沉吟,并没有着急回答。 Zhuge Sima explained: Senior, we enter the Primordial Chaos star sea, to seek for Profound Heaven Divine Island.” 诸葛司马解释道:“前辈,吾等进入混沌星海,是为了寻找到悬天神岛。” The Shen Tian brow selects, said: Profound Heaven Divine Island?” 沈天眉头一挑,道:“悬天神岛?” Zhuge Sima nods: Several tens of thousands of years ago, Zhuge Family and Sima Family ancestor once entered the Primordial Chaos star sea trial, found Profound Heaven Divine Island.” 诸葛司马点头:“数万年之前,诸葛家司马家的先祖曾进入混沌星海试炼,找到悬天神岛。” They on a jade on the island, seek domain inheritance cultivation technique «Dragon Amor Heavenly Book».” “他们在岛上一处玉璧上面,寻得场域传承功法龙甲天书》。” „Because the past time extremely in the urgency, is adding on «Dragon Amor Heavenly Book» extremely in obscure mysterious, two ancestors only comprehend 12 tenths conciseness.” “只不过由于当年时间太过于紧迫,在加上《龙甲天书》太过于晦涩玄奥,两位先祖只领悟到一两成的精要。” But is this 12 becomes a ghost to want, has accomplished afterward Zhuge Family and Sima Family in the Five Territories’ prestige.” “可就是这一两成精要,已经造就后来诸葛家司马家五域的威名。” Hears the Zhuge Sima words, Shen Tian at present slightly one brightly, raises some interests. 听到诸葛司马的话,沈天眼前微微一亮,升起些许兴趣。 He knows Zhuge Family and Sima Family, is the Five Territories most powerful two big array aristocratic families. 他知晓诸葛家司马家,乃五域最强大的两大阵法世家。 Two ancestors once drew support from domain array, kills the illustrious prestige several tens of thousands of years ago, goes down in history. 两家先祖曾借助场域阵法,在数万年前杀出赫赫威名,名垂千古。 Until now, Five Territories is also spreading the legends of two respected families. 至今,五域都还流传着两大家族的传说。 All stem from this. 没想到,一切都源于此。 Moreover, this also learns 12 tenths conciseness. 而且,这还只是学到一两成的精要。 If can controls «Dragon Amor Heavenly Book» completely, can erupt what kind of might? 若是能将《龙甲天书》全部掌控,又将能爆发出何等威力? ...... …… At this time, Sima Cheng explained: Initially, our ancestors obtained a spirit approval in Profound Heaven Divine Island, obtained Qian Key and Qian Key liangs say/way great artefact respectively.” 此时,司马承解释道:“当初,吾等先祖在悬天神岛获得阵灵认可,分别获得乾之钥件阵道大器。” When Qian Key and Kun Key produce the resonance, when is Profound Heaven Divine Island opens.” “当乾之钥坤之匙产生共鸣的时候,就是悬天神岛开启之时。” Zhuge Yuan also walked, said: A while ago, our night stargazing shape, discovered that Universe (Qiankun) Key produces the resonance.” 诸葛元也走了出来,道:“前段时间,吾等夜观星象,发现乾坤钥匙产生共鸣。” Knew that Profound Heaven Divine Island was born, must in array Heaven’s Chosen within 500 years old choose the successor.” “得知悬天神岛已经重新出世,要在五百岁之内阵法天骄中选择传人。” Therefore, we first lead the young clansman under 500 years old to catch up.” “因此,我们第一时间就带着500岁以下的年轻族人赶来。” Fellow Daoist, if interested, may go along with us together.” “道友若是有兴趣的话,也可随吾等一同前往。” Zhuge Yuan and Sima Cheng have received Zhuge Sima sound transmission, knows his idea. 诸葛元司马承已经收到诸葛司马传音,得知他的想法。 Therefore, two talents will make an exception to invite Shen Tian to join. 所以,两人才会破例邀请沈天加入。 They know, Shen Tian’s age not over 500 years old. 他们都知晓,沈天的岁数并未超过五百岁。 This relates to supreme domain array inheritance, Shen Tian should be interested. 这关系到无上场域阵法传承,想必沈天应该会感兴趣。 Moreover they are not worried about inheritance, will fall into the hand of Shen Tian. 而且他们并不担心传承,会落入沈天之手。 After all this Profound Heaven Divine Island opens, to select array domain Heaven’s Chosen for successor. 毕竟这次悬天神岛开启,是为了选取阵法场域天骄为传人。 They have never heard Shen Tian, has practiced domain array and so on cultivation technique. 他们从未听闻过沈天,修炼过场域阵法之类的功法 Difficult to be inadequate their array aristocratic family disciples in array attainments, but also compares Shen Tian? 难不成他们阵法世家弟子在阵法造诣方面,还比不过沈天吗? Dragon Amor Heavenly Book inheritance definitely is their family/home, this point is without a doubt. 龙甲天书传承肯定是他们家的,这一点毋庸置疑。 Takes Divine Firmament Holy Lord, they could rub wave of Shen Tian providence, harvests big opportunity. 带上神霄圣主,他们说不定能蹭一波沈天气运,收获大机缘 ...... …… The Shen Tian corners of the mouth raise said: Since two fellow daoist great kindness invited, Shen disrespect actually.” 沈天嘴角微扬道:“既然两位道友盛情邀请,沈某却之不恭。” This Holy Lord is also thinking how to shear leek, rubs opportunity. 圣主原本还想着怎么去割韭菜,蹭机缘 They delivered! 没想到,他们自己送上门来了! Really you wear out iron shoes on the hunting grounds, must come all not to need the effort. 真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫。
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