IARNBS :: Volume #4

#329: Added that does not have the decided but not yet announced quota

Inspection area, before building stair . 考核区,大楼台阶前。 Tang Manyue guides in front, under yellowish pink silk stockings long leg high with leather shoes, transmits rapidly clatter clicking sound. 唐曼月在前面带路,肉色丝袜长腿下的高跟皮鞋,传来急促的嗒嗒声。 Luo Liang sees unable near body, has not forced, the speed slows down. 罗亮见无法近身,没有勉强,速度放缓。 Tang Manyue also slows the tempo. 唐曼月也放慢了速度。 Teacher Luo, first declared a point, person who I not did not keep the commitment.” 罗导师,先申明一点,我并非不守承诺的人。” Her white jade glazed frost elegant face, the affable several points, restore the gentle calm manner. 她白玉凝霜般的俏脸,舒缓几分,恢复平和冷静的神态。 „? How you did not reply a moment ago.” “哦?那你刚才怎么不回答。” Luo Liang leisure walks. 罗亮慢悠悠的走过来。 Tang Manyue maintains the distance with him, replied: 唐曼月与他保持距离,答道: First, my age is individual is private, the public occasions, were not suitable replied.” “第一,我的年龄是个人私密,刚才的公开场合,不宜回答。” Second, I am not familiar with the opposite sex to depend excessively near, invited the Teacher Luo dead weight!” “第二,我不习惯异性靠得过近,请罗导师自重!” The Tang Manyue sound such as early morning spring water, the three-dimensional fine appearance, is maintaining the consistent desolateness. 唐曼月声音如清晨的泉水,立体精美的容颜,维持着一贯的冷淡。 You fulfill the commitment now actually. Slow-going, should not be the daughter is similar to me, doesn't dare to say the real age?” “那你现在倒是履行承诺啊。磨磨蹭蹭的,不该是女儿跟我差不多,不敢说出真实年龄?” The Luo Liang ill-humored appearance, prods to say. 罗亮没好气的样子,激将道。 This Teacher Tang beautiful is beautiful, the makings are also outstanding, resists a person of outside indifference by thousand li (500 km), making Luo Liang uncomfortable. 这位唐老师美则美,气质也出众,就是拒人以千里之外的冷淡态度,让罗亮不爽。 Luo Liang even suspected, she is the nature is a little desolate. 罗亮甚至怀疑,她是不是有点性冷淡。 Tang Manyue has by the Luo Liang words is enraged. 唐曼月并有被罗亮的话语激怒。 She bites the lower lip of bright red Fengze, said in a low voice: I this year reach 29 years old.” 她微咬鲜红丰泽的下唇,低声说道:“我今年将满29岁。” 29 years old?” “29岁?” Luo Liang learns the real age, a little small pleasant surprise, can feel relieved that sizes up this lightly ripe profession wind elegantly beautiful female teacher. 罗亮获知真实年龄,有点小惊喜,可以放心打量这位“轻熟”职业风的冷艳女老师 Luo Liang before crossing over, is 30 years old over. 罗亮在穿越前,就是三十岁出头。 Although this whole life, is younger than ten years old Tang Manyue, but the aesthetic appreciation of ancestors, mental age happen to with it conjunction. 虽然这辈子的年龄,比唐曼月小十岁,但上辈子的审美,心理年龄正好与之契合。 To small ten -year-old talent boys, said oneself age, Tang Manyue had not not being able to say thoughts feelings, unexpectedly had a light tense and shy feeling. 对一位小十岁的天才男孩,道出自己的“芳龄”,唐曼月有种说不出来的心思感触,居然有一丝淡淡的紧张和羞涩感。 Teacher Tang is only 29 years old, half foot treads into Country Suppressing Rank . Moreover the ancient martial arts school, seriously is the shocking talent.” 唐老师才29岁,半只脚踏入镇国级,而且还是古武流派,当真是惊艳之才。” The Luo Liang praise said. 罗亮赞美道。 Pours does not flatter. Such age and cultivation base, at least are the Heaven's Chosen seed start, if counted the ancient martial arts profession potential stamina, possibility of enhancement appraisal. 倒也不是拍马屁。这样的年龄、修为,至少是天骄种子起步,如果算上古武职业的潜力后劲,还有提高评估的可能。 Perhaps the age security of Tang Manyue, is certain scruples. 唐曼月的年龄保密,或许是出于某些顾忌。 „Compared with the Teacher Luo double profession aptitude......” “跟罗导师双职业的资质相比……” Tang Manyue told only half, the complexion changes, discovered Luo Liang unconscious and approaches. 唐曼月说到一半,面色微变,发现罗亮不自觉的又靠近过来。 Teacher Luo, please maintain half meter distance.” 罗导师,请保持半米距离。” If the Tang Manyue surface the cold cream, the chilly beautiful pupil, is looking straight ahead Luo Liang. 唐曼月面若冷霜,清洌的美眸,直视着罗亮 Half meter distance?” “半米距离?” Luo Liang complexion one dull, later cannot help laughing, feels puzzled. 罗亮面色一呆,随后哑然失笑,感到不解。 With his feeling, Tang Manyue really to the oneself seal aberration, has obviously the new face after the inspection, at least is far from the dislike and obvious resistance. 以他的感觉,唐曼月确实对自己印象差,不过在考核后有明显改观,至少谈不上厌恶和明显抗拒。 Half meter distance was too exaggerating. 半米的距离太夸张了。 Luo Liang suspected that the body and psychology of Tang Manyue, have what issue. 罗亮怀疑唐曼月的身体和心理,有什么问题。 Teacher Tang, half meter distance extremely. That is the distance of stranger.” 唐老师啊,半米的距离太过了。那是陌生人的距离。” If trades to be the common man, possibly by the air/Qi place fear of frost beautiful woman, is not dared to blaspheme, or supercilious, maintains the distance. 如果换做一般男子,可能就被冰霜美人的气场所慑,不敢亵渎,或者心高气傲者,就此保持距离。 Luo Liang does not feel awkward, but also bargained back and forth. 罗亮丝毫不觉得尴尬,还讨价还价起来。 We are the colleague relate, the distance of stranger is not suitable. Or this...... isn't 30 centimeters distance, excessive? This distance does not become estranged, is not intimate, will not make one misunderstand.” “我们是同事关系,陌生人的距离不适用。要不这样……30公分的距离,不过分吧?这个距离既不疏远,也不亲密,不会引人误会。” 30 centimeters? Good...... you to mean what one says, can not approach this distance.” “30公分?好……你说话算数,不得靠近这个距离。” Tang Manyue thought, complies reluctantly. 唐曼月想了下,勉强答应下来。 30 centimeters, work together or the friend to the men and women of acquaintance, is the normal distance. 三十公分,对相识的男女同事或者朋友,是正常的距离。 Relax, has not been under your permission, I will not depend nearly.” “放心,没得到你的允许,我不会靠得更近。” Luo Liang beckons with the hand, very frank appearance. 罗亮摆了摆手,很坦率的样子。 He maintains 30 centimeters distance with Tang Manyue, walks side-by-side. 他果真与唐曼月保持三十公分距离,并肩而行。 Under this distance, he can smell on female Teacher that type of lily lofty delicate fragrance. That physique fragrance of light ripe beautiful woman, not the shy beautiful young girl can compare generally. 在这个距离下,他能嗅到女导师身上那种百合般的高雅清香。轻熟美女的那种体态香气,远非一般青涩美少女可以比拟。 The Tang Manyue body obviously is not slightly comfortable. But Luo Liang without overstepping 30 centimeters distance, thinks that the opposite party eventually is only a 18 -year-old youth youngster , there would be no to say anything again. 唐曼月身体略显不自在。但罗亮没有逾越三十公分距离,想到对方终究只是一个十八岁青春少年,便没有再说什么。 ...... …… Luo Liang and Tang Manyue go out of the inspection building. 罗亮唐曼月走出考核大楼。 Before the inspection, accepts that corridor of examination, maps the field of vision. 考核前接受检验的那条长廊,映入视野。 Neighboring Special Recruited Student the inspection building, hears loud noise. 相邻“特招生”的考核大楼,传来一阵喧闹声。 When Luo Liang inspects, here the Special Recruited Student inspection, over half of gifted pupils, completed the inspection. 罗亮考核完时,特招生考核这边,超过一半的天才学生,完成了考核。 The inspection of Special Recruited Student, the rule is simpler. Because does not have quota the limit, only need undergo 2-3 tests then, does not need each other to compete. 特招生的考核,规则更简单。由于没有“名额”的限制,只需经过2-3道考验即可,无需彼此竞争。 At this moment. 此刻。 Before Special Recruited Student inspection building, likes one to worry. 特招生的考核大楼前,一家欢喜一家愁。 Some examinee facial colors lose, such as the mourning tests to approve, several young girls are cleaning the flood red corner of the eye. 一些考生面色失落,如丧考批,几名少女擦拭着泛红的眼角。 Some examinees, the complexion is inspired and high-spirited, plants sea extravagantly depending on fish dive heroic feelings fighting spirit. 还有些考生,面色振奋、意气风发,有种“海阔凭鱼跃”的豪情斗志。 Ling Yusi and Yu Feng, you test how?” 凌语思于锋,你们考的怎么样?” Concurs Li Peiqi that the assistant works, held under the clothes robe lightly the rimless glasses, the beautiful facial features reveal the hope, looks goes out of the Heaven Blue Star branch school talent of inspection location to an numerous. 身兼助理工作的李佩琪,轻扶了衣袍下无框眼镜,姣好的面容露出期盼,望向一众走出考核场地的天蓝星分校天才。 Ling Yusi, Yu Feng and Fu Chuanzhi walk in most front row. 这其中,凌语思于锋傅传志走在最前列。 Other five people lower the head, the facial expression is dispirited, or has, unwilling and other mood ashamed. 其余五人低着头,神情颓废,或带有惭愧、不甘等情绪。 Li Peiqi guessed, three people of being the top position adopted the Special Recruited Student inspection. 李佩琪猜测,走在前列的三人通过了特招生考核。 The Ling Yusi complexion is gentle, is thinking deeply about anything. 凌语思面色柔和沉静,在思索什么。 An appearance of Fu Chuanzhi peaceful handsome man. 傅传志一副安静美男子的样子。 Teacher Li, I have tested!” 李老师,我考过了!” Yu Feng has the proud look, having a ruddy complexion, brimming with is excited and joyful, is waving. 于锋带着骄傲的神色,面色红润,洋溢着激动和欣喜,挥着手。 Coordinates his head pinch of erectness burned black short hair, is slightly funny. 只是,配合他头上一撮直立焦黑的短发,略显滑稽。 My this time can through the inspection, probably thank whipping of Senior Sister Ling hard and dangerously. Because she urges to compare notes with me on the spaceship, lets me in the actual combat display of inspection, makes the good progress......” “我这次能艰险通过考核,要感谢凌学姐的鞭挞。由于在飞船上她督促与我切磋,让我在考核的实战发挥中,取得较好的成绩……” The Yu Feng lustrous eyes, thank. 于锋目光有神,感谢道。 North Star Institute pays great attention to the actual combat very much. Therefore, the actual combat inspection of Special Recruited Student, occupies more than half score proportions. 北辰学院很注重实战。因而,特招生的实战考核,占据过半的分数比重。 In the range of commercial spaceship. 在商务飞船的航程中。 Ling Yusi challenges Luo Liang to be inadequate, ruthlessly was oppressive Yu Feng and the others. Because Yu Feng the actual combat is good, by punches, is being whipped has certain progress and comprehension. 凌语思挑战罗亮不成,将于锋等人狠狠虐了一顿。这其中,于锋由于实战不错,挨得揍更多,在鞭挞中有一定进步和感悟 Also, thank your —— Luo Liang.” “还有,感谢你——罗亮。” Yu Feng at heart say/way silently. 于锋心里默默的道。 The pressure that without Luo Liang initial thrashing, as well as following gave unceasingly whipped, cultivation that Yu Feng will not advance boldly like that assiduously. 如果没有罗亮当初的捶打,以及后续不断给予的压力鞭挞,于锋不会那般刻苦奋进的修炼 Including saw off, that day of dining together to Dong Mengyao. 包括给董梦瑶送行、聚餐的那天。 Mr. Dong misunderstanding hit Yu Feng, that miracle cure of compensation, making the Yu Feng cultivation base background deeper, approaches Rank 2 Middle Stage. 董父“误会”打了于锋,赔偿的那颗灵丹,让于锋修为底蕴更深厚,逼近2级中阶 All these, are Luo Liang cause. 这一切,都是罗亮导致的。 Therefore, the Yu Feng innermost feelings most want thanks the person is Luo Liang. 因此,于锋内心最要“感谢”的人是罗亮 Good, can have three people through the Special Recruited Student inspection, compares other branch schools, is on result.” “不错,能有三个人通过特招生考核,相比其它分校,算是中上的成绩。” Teacher Gu Lin strokes the beard smiles. 古霖导师抚须而笑。 Three everyone? Ok. If that Luo Liang does not do, was four......” “三人人?还可以。如果那个罗亮不作死,就是四个了……” Yuan Lanxin is with smile on the face, by main institution high research class outsider status, looks at liking of these examinees sadly with. 袁兰馨面带微笑,以总院高研班的“局外人”身份,看着这些考生的欢喜和忧愁。 Her white work jumper, the calf place wears the white stockings, even the shoes are silver white tall with, coordinates the shining white tender and delicate flesh, abundant rhyme full high selects the physique, before these azure tender examinees, appears like a crane among chickens, in addition is unique. 她一身白色办公套裙,小腿处穿着白色长袜,连鞋子都是银白高跟,配合莹白娇嫩的肌肤,丰韵饱满的高挑身姿,在这些青嫩的考生面前,显得鹤立鸡群,另具风情。 Team Leader Zhang.” 张组长。” Yuan Lanxin sound clear, sees escaping light that drops from the clouds together, changing to an attire is plain, eyebrow clears vision the bright youth. 袁兰馨声音清亮,看到一道从天而降的遁光,化作一个衣着古朴、眉清目朗的青年。 Zhang Qingfeng falls in front of the Teacher inspection building, has certain distance with Special Recruited Student. 张青枫落在导师考核的大楼前,与特招生这边有一定距离。 Yuan Lanxin welcomed the past hastily. 袁兰馨连忙迎过去。 She practises in the reception building, the accumulation qualifications are next, mainly to become friends with the division commanders and leaders in school, with the aim of can become North Star Main Institution shortly after smoothly teaching assistant teacher. 她在接待大楼实习,积累资历是其次,主要是为结交学院里的师长和领导,以便在不久后能顺利成为北辰总院的“助教老师”。 She results in the instruction of Zhang Qingfeng today, receives the teachers and students of Heaven Blue Star branch school, is a rare performance opportunity. 她今日得张青枫的吩咐,接待天蓝星分校的师生,是一次难得的表现机会。 Zhang Qingfeng has the good qualifications prestige in main institution, is the Old Principal student. Perhaps such character, a few words can decide Yuan Lanxin in the main institution destiny. 张青枫总院有不俗的资历威望,还是老校长的学生。这样的人物,或许一句话就能决定袁兰馨总院的命运。 Little Yuan, you come just right, has a matter to give you to manage.” 小袁,你来得正好,有件事交给你办。” Zhang Qingfeng takes out a passage ticket. 张青枫取出一张船票。 The Yuan Lanxin eye is sharp, one saw that this is a first-class cabin flying passage ticket that returns to Maple Leaf Country. 袁兰馨眼睛尖,一下看出这是一张返回枫叶国的豪华舱飞船票。 In the passage ticket, as if writes the Luo Liang name. 船票上,似乎写着罗亮的名字。 Yuan Lanxin looking pensive. 袁兰馨若有所思。 Zhang Qingfeng should be concluded that Luo Liang is unable through the inspection, to buy a ticket of return for him. 张青枫应该是料定罗亮无法通过考核,给他买了一张返航的票。 Zhang Qingfeng does that to start well and end well, the Luo Liang round voyage, the appropriateness that arranges, makes the good impression that fulfills responsibility with all one's heart to Li Yutong. 张青枫这么做,是为善始善终,将罗亮的往返航程,都安排的妥妥当当,给李雨桐留下一个尽心尽责的好印象。 In order to appear seriously, Zhang Qingfeng prints specially the passage ticket of paper. 为了显得郑重,张青枫特意将纸质的船票打印出来。 I am a little busy, when the time comes you deliver Luo for me......” “我有点忙,到时候你替我送罗……” Zhang Qingfeng is just about to give Yuan Lanxin the passage ticket. 张青枫正要将船票递给袁兰馨 Suddenly, Wisdom Brain reminded him, there is one importantly came the electricity. 忽然,智脑提醒他,有一条重要的来电。 Zhang Qingfeng looked at one, hints Yuan Lanxin to wait. 张青枫看了一眼,示意袁兰馨等待一下。 One side he arrives alone, connects the call. 他独自走到一边,接通电话。 Director Fu, what matter makes my phone call to have, is the expensive/noble Young Master inspection smooth?” 付主任啊,打我电话有什么事,贵公子考核还算顺利吗?” The Zhang Qingfeng polite say/way, in the virtual network, communicates with Director Fu Wenzong. 张青枫客气的道,在虚拟网络,与付文宗主任沟通。 Zhang Qingfeng, you deceive me intentionally, beforehand emits a smoke shell to make me have a low opinion of the enemy?” 张青枫,你是不是故意蒙骗我,事先放出一个烟雾弹让我轻敌?” The Fu Wenzong tone is somewhat bad. 付文宗的语气有些不善。 Director Fu, what cheats, smoke shell? My that day told you, did not have decided but not yet announced quota to say. Even your family grandson displays not well, can't blame me?” 付主任,什么蒙骗、烟雾弹?我那日只是告诉你,不存在‘内定名额’之说。就算你家孙儿发挥不好,也不能怪我吧?” Zhang Qingfeng is bewildered, guessed correctly probably the Director Fu grandson inspects the unfavorable situation. 张青枫莫名其妙,大概猜到付主任的孙子考核失利。 Snort! Added that does not have the decided but not yet announced quota! A 18-year-old youngster, defeats two Country Suppressing Rank Teacher, wins the first place in Special Recruitment, is big of slippery world checks simply.” “哼!还说没有内定名额!一个18岁的少年,击败两个镇国级导师,在特别招聘中夺得头名,简直是滑天下之大稽。” In virtual network, a azure garment middle age of makings scholarly, angry say/way. 虚拟网络中,一名气质儒雅的青衫中年,恼怒道。 What! You said that Luo Liang does compete to pass? Becoming North Star Main Institution Teacher?” “什么!你说罗亮竞聘通过?成为北辰总院导师?” Zhang Qingfeng is dumbfounded, suspected that is having a dream. 张青枫目瞪口呆,怀疑是不是在做梦。 This is the news that I just confirmed! Including an appraisal message, said unexpectedly Luo Liang captures first relied on the hard strength, thinks me three -year-old child? The senior chief retires for many years, energy that unexpectedly this hoodwinked the public, Fu was experiences.” “这是我刚刚证实的消息!包括一名现场评审的留言,居然说罗亮是凭硬实力夺得第一名,以为我三岁小孩?老院长退役多年,居然还有这等一手遮天的能量,付某算是见识到了。” The Director Fu tone is indignant, is the oneself grandson airs a grievance. 付主任语气激愤,为自己的孙子鸣不平。 Although he does not dare to face directly to interrogate the senior chief, but can divulge to be discontented before his student. 他虽然不敢直面质问老院长,但可以在他学生面前宣泄不满。 „Does Luo Liang this boy...... really inspect to pass, captures first?” 罗亮这小子……真的考核通过,夺得第一名?” North Star Institute in history youngest Teacher?” 北辰学院有史以来最年轻的导师?” Zhang Qingfeng in the group of guidance group, sees the related discussion, confirmed the news. 张青枫在教导组的群里,看到相关谈论,证实了消息。 His heart raises the difficult situation. 他心头掀起惊涛骇浪。 That is younger much the youngster, in his eyes has the youngster of working as a volunteer nature, was perfunctory the youngster who the assignment, even buys the return passage ticket by him, unexpectedly defeats the two Country Suppressing Rank strong opponent, becomes Special Recruitment main institution Teacher. 那个年轻得过分的少年,在他眼中带有玩票性质的少年,被他敷衍差事、甚至买好返航船票的少年,居然战胜两个镇国级的强大对手,成为特别招聘总院导师 pā la! 啪啦 The Zhang Qingfeng figure stands rigidly, the palm shakes, that passage ticket falls on the ground. 张青枫身形僵立,手心一抖,那张船票掉落在地上。 Team Leader Zhang, you how?” 张组长,你怎么了?” Yuan Lanxin curious puzzled looks. 袁兰馨好奇不解的看过来。 She does not know that Zhang Qingfeng with the content that Director Fu communicates. 她不知道张青枫付主任沟通的内容。 Discovered, this Professor Zhang of noble character and high prestige, the whole person seems the petrification. 只是发现,这位德高望重的张教授,整个人好似石化般。 No, all right.” “没,没事。” Zhang Qingfeng comes absent-minded. 张青枫恍惚过来。 At this time. 这时。 A youngster of outstanding leisure, walks from the corridor in Teacher inspection building, the body side also has female Teacher of appearance makings ice beautiful. 一个俊逸休闲的少年,从导师考核大楼的长廊走出来,身侧还有一位容颜气质冰美的女导师 Luo Liang sees Zhang Qingfeng, quickens pace. 罗亮看到张青枫,加快步伐走过来。 Team Leader Zhang, Luo Liang came, this passage ticket......” 张组长,罗亮来了,这张船票……” Yuan Lanxin bends the waist, picks the passage ticket of ground. 袁兰馨弯腰,去捡地上的船票。 What passage ticket?” “什么船票?” When Luo Liang coughs lightly, the vision shoots a look at Yuan Lanxin bends the waist, the gulley of white jumper chest place, the turbulent mighty waves almost want the bracelet to come out. Ribbon cotton material that fetters, is the white. 罗亮轻咳一声,目光无意间瞥到袁兰馨弯腰时,白色套裙胸口处的深沟,汹涌的波澜几乎要跳脱出来。就连束缚的丝带布料,也是白色的。 „! This is Little Yuan for the passage ticket that I buy. Several days later I must travel on official business......” “咳!这是小袁给我买的船票。过几天我要去出差……” Zhang Qingfeng is also coughs one. 张青枫也是咳嗽一声。 His hands and feet deft has snatched the passage ticket from Yuan Lanxin, changes to the dust particle it instantaneously, threw into space item. 他手脚麻利从袁兰馨手上抢过船票,将其瞬间化作尘埃微粒,扔进了空间道具中。 A Yuan Lanxin face is confused, cannot feel the mind. 袁兰馨一脸迷茫错愕,摸不着头脑。 She feels these two non- nature. 她感觉这两人都不自然。 Especially Team Leader Zhang, the manner is very unusual, seems a little afraid. 尤其是张组长,举止很反常,似乎有点心虚。 The front leg bought the passage ticket for Luo Liang, entrusting her to see off ; The back leg robbed the passage ticket, made a false report that is business trip oneself uses? 前脚给罗亮买好了船票,委托她送行;后脚抢走了船票,谎称是出差自己用? Luo Liang, tested how?” 罗亮,考的怎么样?” Zhang Qingfeng restores the calm calm professor style, asked with a smile. 张青枫恢复从容镇定的教授风范,含笑问道。 Also ok, tallies expected.” “还行,符合预期。”
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