IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#691: Caesar, revelation

Looks at the severe wound to fall on the two companions of ground, hot person Aaron also calculates that the handsome facial expression becomes very ugly, you damn!” 望着重伤倒在地上的两个同伴,火人亚伦还算英俊的脸容变得十分难看,“你们该死!” Is complying with the anger of innermost feelings, the flame on his right hand burns to expand unceasingly, the temperature in bar rises one after another. 顺应着内心的愤怒,他右手上的火焰不断燃烧壮大,以至于酒吧内的温度陆续升高。 Old thing, you are also Mutant, gives me to turn into the ashes thoroughly!” Aaron roared, the right hand proceeds to push, in the hand the flame changed explodes the hot group together, toward still turned away from his revelation bang to go. “老东西,原来你也是变种人,给我彻底化成灰烬吧!”亚伦咆哮一声,右手往前推去,手中火焰化作一道爆裂火团,朝着仍背对他的天启轰去。 Is too young.” The revelation shakes the head, still did not see him to have what movement, that flame in away he thin diminutive body about half meter, kept off directly to the standard by a safety mask, immediately extinguishes at the naked eye visible speed. “太年轻。”天启摇了摇头,仍然不见他有什么动作,那火焰在距他瘦削矮小的身体半米左右,直接被一层防护罩给格挡下来,随即以肉眼可视的速度熄灭。 His safety mask even Sun surface layer high temperature can keep off, let alone this trivial flamelet. 他的防护罩可是连太阳表层高温都能挡下,何况这区区的小火焰。 This is impossible!” Aaron unbelievable looks at the revelation, then uses both hands, congeals a big group flame proceeding bang to go. Under John and Xueli's calling out in alarm, that burns completely the big flame ball of bar sufficiently, by revelation of turning around, with a hand that is dried up such as the firewood pinches to explode directly, the ignition star toward referring to outside the seam splashes! “这不可能!”亚伦难以置信的看着天启,然后动用双手,凝结出一大团火焰往前轰去。在约翰和雪莉的惊呼下,那足以焚尽酒吧的大火焰球,被转过身的天启,用一只干枯如柴的手给直接捏爆,点点火星往指缝外飞溅! This......” Aaron pale incomparable, has to control fire powerful variant ability, he who is always proud proudly, at this time facing the old person who cannot withstand at present old, the innermost feelings actually gushes out the deep powerless feeling. “这……”亚伦脸色苍白无比,拥有控火这种强悍变种能力,向来骄傲自负的他,此时面对眼前年迈不堪的老人,内心却涌出深深的无力感。 „Who are you?” Aaron complexion azure white, he has not responded also the companion in room, turns around to want toward the bar entrance to flee towering. “你们到底是什么人?”亚伦脸色一阵青一阵白,他没有搭理还在屋内的同伴,突兀转身想要朝酒吧门口逃离。 „Did I ask you to leave?” The revelation puts out a hand a finger/refers, Aaron takes several steps, the body fixes general, motionless of shape with statue. “我让你走了么?”天启伸手一指,亚伦才迈出几步,身体就固定住一般,形同雕像的一动不动。 Comes.” The revelation puts out a hand to wield, Aaron received a mysterious strength hauling in the past, the latter neck was grasped by the revelation directly in the hand, like raising of chicken in hand. “过来。”天启伸手一挥,亚伦受到一股神秘力量牵引过去,后脖直接被天启抓在手上,如同小鸡似的提在手中。 You and you......” Aaron tooth are hitting ka ka the straight sound that trembles, opens the mouth unable to speak, body be at weak condition. Too fearful, absolutely does not have the strength to hit back, this existing Mutant he meets for the first time! “你、你……”亚伦牙齿在打寒颤的咔咔直响,张开口却说不出话来,身体处于瘫软状态。太可怕了,完全没有还手之力,这种存在的变种人他还是首次遇到! And until now, he has not found out immediately the old person, what use is what variant ability! 且至今为止,他都没摸清当下老人,动用的是什么变种能力! Master, has overpowered.” The revelation is raising half paralysis in Aaron of place, turns around to respect said toward Caesar. “老爷,已经制服住了。”天启提着半瘫在地的亚伦,转身尊敬的朝凯撒说道。 Master? 老爷? Terrifying is such existence, only a goon? 这么恐怖的存在,只是一个打手? Aaron in the suspicion life, looks at young Caesar unseemly, is unable to believe oneself will reduce to this situation. 亚伦在怀疑人生,看着年轻的不像样的凯撒,始终无法相信自己会沦落到这个处境。 Xueli has not thought completely that in her opinion, the three people of as if powerful devil, in Caesar nearby old person hand, generally are incompetently vulnerable like the baby. This makes her look to Caesar's vision, the even more bright burning hot, the difference has not only carved the affection in the pupil. 雪莉也完全没有想到,那在她看来,仿佛强大恶魔的三个人,在凯撒旁边的老人手中,如同婴儿一般脆弱无能。这让她看向凯撒的目光,越发明亮炙热,只差没把爱心刻在眸子里。 The John actually old god, is knowing that Caesar's status, and guessed correctly his side old person's former status, he knows this brothers linked really kick on the sheet iron- no, should kick on a mountain. 约翰倒是老神在在的,知道凯撒的身份,并猜到他身边老人的前身份,他知道这次兄弟连真的踢在铁板上了-不,应该是踢在一座大山上。 I asked, you answered.” Caesar sips liquor lightly, looks askance to look at Aaron, „are you person who the brothers link?” “我问,你答。”凯撒轻抿一口酒,侧目看着亚伦,“你是兄弟连的人?” Yes, yes.” Aaron a little has a parched mouth, felt oneself replied not well, or revealed one to disrespect, the revelation will pinch to explode his neck momentarily. “是,是的。”亚伦有点口干舌燥,感觉自己回答不好,或者露出一丝不敬,身后的天启随时都会捏爆他的脖子。 Caesar is astonished visits him, when brothers link, reduced organizes to the bludger of this receiving protection money?” 凯撒讶异的看着他,“兄弟连什么时候,沦落到这种收保护费的小混混组织了?” The brothers link found by Magneto at first, will fight for the Mutant happy future ideal, the intrinsic Mutant members will be being proud independence, continuously stubbornly, never expected that the present members who X-Men of Charles creation will press came out to collect the protection money- this may lower a scale incessantly. 兄弟连最初可是由万磁王创建,为了变种人美好未来的理想而战,内在的变种人成员都是自负独立的,一直将查尔斯创造的X战警压的死死的,没想到现在的成员都出来收保护费了-这可不止低了一个档次。 Aaron is silent, does not know that should say anything. 亚伦沉默,不知道该说些什么。 Mister, you have not to know.” John in bar said in a soft voice: Ten years ago, since the government releases de jure recognition Mutant, and after the public gradually admits Mutant, the brothers leading member was basically exposed continually, is only left over reorganized the present brothers even/including. Also namely New York biggest Mutant criminal syndicate organization.” “先生,你有所不知。”吧台里的约翰轻声道:“十年前,自从政府出台法律承认变种人,并且公众逐渐接纳变种人后,兄弟连主要成员基本走光了,只剩下一些重组了现在的兄弟连。也即纽约当地最大的变种人黑帮组织。” „, Eric not in brothers even/including?” Caesar spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “哦,埃里克也不在兄弟连了?”凯撒随口问道。 John nods, „. Heard that he cared for the aged, no one knew his whereabouts and whereabouts.” 约翰点了点头,“是的。听说他养老去了,没人知道他的下落和行踪。” Aaron looks at Caesar, he knows certainly that who Eric is. That creates former association president who the brothers link, present age one of the strongest Mutant. But everybody will call him Magneto, immediately ripe only then the youth winds said its. 亚伦愣愣的看着凯撒,他当然知道埃里克是谁。那可是创造兄弟连的前会长,当世最强的变种人之一。可谁都会叫他万磁王,只有当下青年熟络的直呼其名。 Who are your present association presidents?” Caesar continues to ask. “你们现在的会长是谁?”凯撒继续问。 Is the angel is long.” Aaron words have the respect, is actually also thinking them, after hearing angel long given name, will let off him. “是天使长。”亚伦话语带着尊敬,却也是想着他们,在听到天使长的名讳后,会放过他。 „Is angel long?” Caesar complexion is strange, looks to the revelation. Remembers that on that day made long once is the former servant of revelation? “天使长?”凯撒脸色古怪,看向天启。记得那天使长曾是天启的前仆人? The servant of his servant? 他仆人的仆人? In Caesar's drinks cup liquor completely, looks at Aaron, said in a soft voice: I, no matter the brothers link now what custom. In the future, here is being covered by my Caesar, if you dare some people to come again, I did not mind that made the revelation extinguish you in the past.” 凯撒将杯里的酒喝尽,看着亚伦,轻声道:“我不管兄弟连现在什么规矩。往后,这里由我凯撒罩着,你们要是再敢有人过来,我不介意让天启过去灭了你们。” Caesar, the revelation......” hears these two names, Aaron holds breath a cold air/Qi, the hair tingles with numbness. He recalled finally, had such two people, more than ten years ago, exceeded the Mutant ranks, was existence in taboo! “凯撒,天启……”听到这两个名字,亚伦倒吸一口冷气,头发发麻。他终于回想起来了,有那么两个人,在十几年前,就超越了变种人的行列,是禁忌中的存在! This is the ancient music, the bar damages the item money.” Caesar places on several United States bank notes of big currency values the bar, sets out, the diameter walks toward the entrance, walks, revelation.” “这是古乐,还有酒吧损坏物品的钱。”凯撒将几张大面额的美钞放在吧台上,起身,直径朝门口走去,“走吧,天启。” Yes, Master.” The revelation throws Aaron conveniently, Aaron flew immediately, knocks a liquor table, finally pounds ruthlessly on one side wall surface, stupor that the eyes turn. “是,老爷。”天启将亚伦随手一扔,亚伦顿时飞了出去,撞翻一张酒桌,最后狠狠砸在一侧墙面上,双眼一翻的昏迷过去。 Longing is gazing after Caesar and revelation, Xueli looks to the money on table, looks to nearby John, father, this......” 依依不舍的目送着凯撒和天启,雪莉看向桌上的钱,望向一旁的约翰,“爸,这……” Accepts, that mister is not short of money.” John's say/way with a smile: Later, the brothers do not dare to harass us again.” “收下吧,那位先生不缺钱。”约翰笑吟吟的道:“以后,兄弟连也不敢再来骚扰我们了。” Because of that husband named Caesar?” Xueli grasps the United States bank note in the hand, feels the residual temperature, is blushing to ask. “因为那位叫凯撒的先生么?”雪莉将美钞抓在手中,感受到其中残留的温度,红着脸问。 Yes. His a few words, may be easier-to-use than anything.” John sighs with emotion again and again. “是。他的一句话,可比什么都好用。”约翰感慨连连。 After and Tianqi left a while, the wooden gateway was shoved open again, wears the youth and silver-haired hysterical/frenzy of strange sunglasses female, two people entered the bar hall, radiation eye Scott and storm female from the talent young people school caught up with. 在凯亚和天启离开一会儿后,木质门户再度被人推开,戴着奇异墨镜的青年和银发狂乱的女子,二人进入酒吧大厅,正是从天才青少年学院赶来的辐射眼斯科特和暴风女哈莉。 The two are the teacher status of Mutant school, is the X-Men member. 二者是变种人学院的教师身份,也是X战警成员。 Here, what happened?” Scott takes a fast look around a disorderly bar, falls on the three brothers of ground including the member, surprised asking. “这里,发生了什么事?”斯科特扫视一片凌乱的酒吧,还有倒在地上的三个兄弟连成员,吃惊的问。 You came to late a point, here matter had been solved.” Recognizes them, John responded with a smile. “你们来晚了一点,这里的事情已经被解决了。”认出他们二人,约翰笑着回应。 Who is? Evidently, solved the hot person and stone person very much with ease, as well as hedgehog person.” Brow tight wrinkle, if New York presents not affable Mutant, that troubled. “是谁?看样子,很轻松解决掉了火人、石头人,以及刺猬人。”哈莉眉头紧皱,要是纽约出现不好惹的变种人,那就麻烦了。 Is Mr. Caesar.” John said with a smile. “是凯撒先生。”约翰笑道。 What did you say?” Scott and were shocked simultaneously, suddenly, suspected that own ear misunderstood. “你说什么?”斯科特和哈莉同时愣住了,一时间,怀疑自己的耳朵听错了。 John said again: Superhuman, the god of Mutant, Mr. Caesar!” 约翰再次说道:“超人,变种人之神,凯撒先生啊!”
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