IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#635: Arrogant ability

Violent anger, his talent ability is, more is angry, the body and spirit is more powerful. Without a doubt, you have enraged him now.” “暴怒,他的天赋能力为,越生气,体魄越强大。毫无疑问,你们现在已经激怒了他。” Arrogant acoustic ray subtle changed, is transferred the female voice by the neutrality, throws out the chest standing that holds up the head, the chest front blows up slightly. Deadpool and Ant-Man only know, the opposite party is a female...... 傲慢的声线微妙的变了,由中性转为女声,挺胸昂首的站立,胸前稍微鼓起一点。死侍蚁人这才知道,对方原来是个女的…… This does not blame them. 这也不怪他们。 After all the card people wear the same fight uniform/subdue, but also wears the standard configuration the devil mask, the speech using voice change, could not have distinguished clearly the men and women is also normal sometimes in a short time. 毕竟卡徒都穿着一样的战斗制服,还戴着标配的恶魔面具,说话有时还利用变声器,短时间内分不清男女也正常。 Pitifully, is an airport.” “可惜了,原来是个飞机场。” Deadpool cannot bear venomous tongue one, nod of Ant-Man approval, two people of tacit understanding in this regard as if by prior agreement. 死侍忍不住毒舌一句,蚁人赞同的点了点头,二人在这点上的默契不约而同。 You are saying anything.” “你们在说什么。” The arrogant tone becomes cold and gloomy incomparable, does not need she to begin, as the violent anger lowers roars, the transport vehicle was thrown high, violent pounding to Deadpool and Ant-Man, gives back to you!” 傲慢语气变得森冷无比,不待她动手,随着暴怒低吼一声,运输车被高高抛起,暴力的砸向死侍蚁人,“还给你们!” Is looking at more and more near transport vehicle, the shadow has turned round on the body, Deadpool looks askance to urge toward Ant-Man: Hey, hurries changes it, changes the small toy car.” 望着越来越近的运输车,阴影已经覆上身体,死侍侧目朝蚁人催促道:“喂喂,赶紧把它变回去啊,变回小玩具车。” Sorry. Not being able to achieve, a moment ago that was the one-off increasing installment.” “抱歉。做不到,刚才那是一次性变大装置。” That is also standing doing, waits to be pressed the meat patty?” “那还站着干嘛,等着被压成肉饼啊?” Deadpool and Ant-Man as if have delay, is half beat behind, falls down toward about respectively, dangerous avoidance transport vehicle. The oversize vehicle pounds in field of flowers, turns over several, explodes in the low altitude, the innumerable flowers and plants and soils splash outward. 死侍蚁人仿佛有延迟似的,慢上半拍,各自往左右扑倒,险险的避开运输车。大型汽车砸在花田上,翻转几圈,在低空爆炸,无数花草和泥土往外飞溅。 Nearby field of flowers changes into half sea of fire directly. 旁边的花田直接化为半片火海。 that was close.” Deadpool tumbles unceasingly, grasps the warrior double blade, sets out from the ground that the fish sways back and forth. 好险。”死侍不断翻滚,手持武士双刀,鱼打滚的自地上起身。 Detected wind sound/rumor that the ear hears, he responded quick latter dodges supinely, a fist scratched from the chest front. 察觉到耳边传来的风声,他反应快捷的后仰闪避,一枚拳头自胸前擦了过去。 Is the violent anger. 是暴怒。 At this time the mask on violent anger face does not have, on the rough face full is the color of anger, forehead the bulge on blue vein dragon Shesi, the muscle blowing up that the black tight-fitting clothing/taking supports, the fist wields drives the strong wind pressure, was hit is either dead or wounded surely. 此时暴怒脸上的面具早就没了,粗犷的脸上满是愤怒之色,额头上的青筋龙蛇似的凸起,肌肉将黑色紧身服撑的鼓起,拳头挥动间带动强劲风压,被击中必定是非死即伤。 After Deadpool, avoids the boxing supinely at the same time, in the hand the movement may not have idly , a katana chops to cut to violent anger neck- 死侍后仰躲开拳击的同时,手上动作可没闲下,一柄武士刀劈斩向暴怒的脖子- The meaning that the violent anger has not avoided quite the same as, instead continues to attack, thick long both hands hug toward Deadpool. 暴怒浑然没有躲避的意思,反而继续进攻,粗长双手朝着死侍抱去。 Ka!! 咔!! The Deadpool blade chops to cut on the violent anger neck, like cutting in hard metal, the slightly broken skin, is not only able more thorough toward, in the person with Deadpool imagination first separates is very different. 死侍的刀劈斩在暴怒脖子上,就像砍在坚硬的金属上,只稍微破皮,便无法往内更深入一点,与死侍想象中的人首分离更是相去甚远。 This is how possible.” The circle that the Deadpool eye stares rolls, then his body, is common like the baby, was closely grasped by the violent anger. “这怎么可能。”死侍眼睛瞪的圆滚,然后他的身体,如同婴儿一般,被暴怒给紧紧抱住。 My body and spirit, now is like the strength, obtained the unprecedented enhancement, depends on your cutting to strike, is unable to defeat my body surface defense.” Violent anger angry, while gazes at Deadpool of vicinity with a smile, now, you had no way to run.” “我的体魄,现在可是和力量一样,得到了前所未有的增强,就凭你的斩击,是无法击破我体表防御的。”暴怒一边愤怒,一边笑着注视近处的死侍,“现在,你没法跑了吧。” Deadpool visits him ill-humoredly, you think that I am cutting to be motionless surprisedly your neck? I am surprised, why the monster such as you, unexpectedly as the shortcoming of man.” 死侍没好气的看着他,“你以为我在惊讶砍不动你的脖子么?我只是惊讶,为什么怪物如你,竟还有身为男人的缺点。” Un?” The violent anger gawked staring, he resembles lowering the head of sleep/felt, looks to approach own pants crotch, obviously Deadpool another blade, the small half inserted his there...... “嗯?”暴怒愣了愣,他似有所觉的低头,望向自己的裤裆,可见死侍的另一把刀,小半截插入了他的那里…… This?!” “这?!” The male audience on outside auditorium, felt that lower part one cool, the subconsciousness clamps own both legs. 外面观众席上的男性观众,都感到下体一凉,下意识夹紧自己的双腿。 In lookout tower main hall. 瞭望塔正厅上。 In surface is inexpensive and sinister, in fact, that is the strength of mortal resists the only way of ultra capable person, ponders over, resorts to all means.” “表面上又贱又阴险,事实上,那是凡人之力对抗超能人的唯一方法,多琢磨,不择手段。” Kyle smiles, is pointing at Deadpool in projection screen, said curiously: „Does the fellow, where brave?” 凯尔莞尔一笑,指着投影屏幕中的死侍,好奇道:“那家伙,哪冒出来的?” Head of household, he is not you creates?” Logan asked one. “家主,他不是你缔造出来的么?”罗根反问一句。 Has this matter?” Kyle was shocked. “有这回事?”凯尔愣住了。 Logan nods, said: I was also the person who before listened to the family say. When several years ago, you some commodities place the family warehouse, while convenient a box case that is loaded with the head/number of people put. The old card disciple, exchanged that box case with the overall points.” 罗根点了点头,道:“我也是之前听家族的人说的。在几年前,你把一些物资放在家族仓库时,顺带把一个装有人头的匣子放了进去。有一个老卡徒,用积分点数兑换了那个匣子。” Probably, indeed has such matter.” “好像,的确有这么一回事。” The Kyle eye transferred the revolutions, in several years the matter is many, in the thing that in Card Space extracts is also infinite variety. Seemingly really has the head of Deadpool, has not thought that made him recover, but also restored the body thoroughly. 凯尔眼睛转了转,这十几年发生的事情繁多,在卡牌空间内抽取的东西也是千差万别。在这其中,貌似真有死侍的头颅,没想到让他痊愈了,还彻底修复了躯体。 Logan continues saying: That old card disciple takes to Imperial Japan the box case, in the near future will report, in the box case was born a person, is called Deadpool, but also applied to make him return to under the Carl state name.” 罗根继续道:“那老卡徒将匣子带往日桑,近期才报备说,匣子内诞生了一个人,叫做死侍,还申请让他回到卡尔国度名下。” Interesting.” “有意思。” Kyle selected lightly , the eye pupil reveals a wisp of profound meaning, he has the guess very much early, Card Tributing, item or the lifeform of pulls out, likely come from other dimension space and times. 凯尔轻点了下头,眼眸流露一缕深意,他很早前就有猜测,献祭抽卡,所抽到的物品或生物,很可能来自于其它次元时空。 Existence of Deadpool, confirmed this viewpoint without doubt. 死侍的存在,无疑验证了这一观点。 Also was said. Card Tributing this system function, perhaps, with other dimension space and times, has one type not to talk clearly to touch the airtight relation. 也即是说。献祭抽卡这个系统功能,说不定,与其它次元时空,有着一种说不清摸不透的联系。 This point still waits for confirming, Kyle the vision, falls on the projection screen that returns to observe. 这一点还有待验证,凯尔将目光,落回到观战的投影屏幕上。 In virtual Ego star park. 虚拟的伊戈星球公园内。 Your this bastard, dies to me!” “你这混蛋,给我死!” The violent anger anger has bordered on the limit, his facial expression is fierce, holds the arm of Deadpool to make an effort suddenly, in absolutely terrified ka ka under sound, the bone of arm and waist of Deadpool, accordingly collapsing smashing. 暴怒的愤怒已经濒临极限,他脸容狰狞,抱着死侍的手臂骤然用力,在毛骨悚然的咔咔响声下,死侍的手臂和腰部的骨头,应声坍塌粉碎。 Bright red blood by the Deadpool uniform/subdue, since dripping downward falls in field of flowers. 鲜红血液透过死侍的制服,自上往下的淌落在花田上。 Until the Deadpool body in the violent anger bosom, collapses one group of muddy fleshes, the head is incapable crookedly, dying cannot die again, the violent anger throws the Deadpool soft corpse one side. His knees kneel on the ground, snort/hum will not utter a sound, puts out a hand to insert the katana of pants pocket to draw out. 直到死侍身体在暴怒怀里,坍缩成一团肉泥,脑袋无力歪斜,死的不能再死,暴怒才将死侍软绵绵的尸体扔到一旁。他的双膝跪在地上,哼都不哼一声,伸手将插入裤兜的武士刀拔出。 The dark red blood, from his both feet, drops downward unceasingly. 殷红的鲜血,同样从他的双脚,往下不断滴落。 Violent anger, you first rest, that small insect, is solved by me.” Passes through from the violent anger arrogant, takes a fast look around boundless field of flowers, the after body of Ant-Man again changes small, no one knows that he hides there. “暴怒,你就先休息一下吧,那个小虫子,由我来解决。”傲慢从暴怒身旁走过,扫视茫茫花田,蚁人的身体再变小后,没人知道他藏在那里。 Comes out to me!” Gives a loud shout arrogant, but no one responded. “给我出来!”傲慢大喝一声,可没有人回应。 Coming out to be strange.” Away arrogant and the others in field of flowers ten meters away, treats as the forest bunker the fresh flower, Ant-Man of diminished version hides in behind, discrete is sizing up arrogant and is wounded the violent anger that puts aside in side Deadpool corpse. “出来才怪。”距傲慢等人十米外的花田之中,把鲜花当做森林掩体,缩小版的蚁人藏在后面,谨慎的打量着傲慢和负伤的暴怒,还有搁置在旁的死侍尸体。 Brothers, did not do right by. A moment ago, I really could not save you.” Ant-Man sighed in a soft voice, is thinking how to go round arrogant, solves violent anger that lower part was wounded. “兄弟,对不住了。刚才,我真救不了你。”蚁人轻声叹息,想着怎么绕开傲慢,解决那下体负伤的暴怒。 Doesn't come out?” Arrogant cold snort/hum, she bends the waist suddenly, arrives at the hand in field of flowers, „, since here, do not come out.” “不出来是吧?”傲慢突然冷哼一声,她弯下腰,将手抵在花田上,“既然这里,那你就别出来了。” Hides here, you can also turn inside out inadequately entire field of flowers.” “躲在这里,你还能把整块花田翻过来不成。” Ant-Man snorts contemptuously, but in order to be discrete, climbs up the disc flower, looked that arrogant actually wants to make anything. 蚁人对此嗤之以鼻,不过谨慎起见,还是爬上花芯,看一下傲慢到底想做什么。 Then, he sees. In arrives at the palm arrogant after field of flowers, the evil spirit appears behind her, the flowers and plants that the palm covers start to petrify. 然后,他就看到。在傲慢将手掌抵在花田上后,邪灵在她背后浮现,紧接着,手掌覆盖的花草开始石化。 Yes, is the petrification. 是的,就是石化。 Under the mysterious strength outward diffusion, field of flowers starts to petrify at the extremely quick speed, and toward Ant-Man hiding place spread in the past 在神秘力量往外扩散下,花田开始以极快的速度石化,并往蚁人藏身之处蔓延过去 Ant-Man wants not to bring to think that turns around to run away, does not forget to shout toward the sky: Anthony, saves me!” 蚁人想都不带想的,转身撒腿就跑,不忘朝天空喊道:“安东尼,救我!”
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