IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#633: The civil war ended

The airport open area was covered by the smog of smoke shell, even the audience in the auditorium and sky net platform cannot see clearly, in smog region situation actually how. 机场空地被烟雾弹的烟雾所笼罩,连观众席和天网平台的观众也看不清,烟雾区域里面的情况究竟怎么样了。 The falcon still flies round in the airport low altitude, he according to the instruction of Captain America transmission , to continue to put in the smoke shell downward, with the smog the airport open area, the region to terminal building gives to cover. 猎鹰还在机场低空飞来飞去,他按照美国队长传达的指令,继续往下投放烟雾弹,用烟雾将机场空地,通往机场大楼的区域都给覆盖起来。 Smog region intrinsic. 烟雾区域内在。 Spreads Captain America, Winter Soldier and Black Widow faintly, and fighting sound of quick silver. However one side anti- hit the ability strongly to be excessive, then at the same time depended upon has the initiative agilely, obviously suddenly was hard to decide the victory and defeat, reached the impass. 隐隐传出美国队长冬兵黑寡妇,以及快银的打斗声。不过一方的抗打能力强过头了,一边则依靠敏捷掌握主动权,显然一时间难以分出胜负,陷入僵局。 In an airport over a hundred meters upper air, Vision float stands, his back golden cloak swings with the wind, the attention has not fallen below war completely. 机场上百米的高空中,幻视悬浮站立,他背后的金色披风随风摇摆,注意力完全没有落在下方的战局上。 The audience on outside auditorium, look at the projection screen, looks a little wants to sleep. 外面观众席上的观众们,看着投影屏幕,直看的有点想睡觉。 Compares the first two splendid peerless intense competitions, this civil war like at the performance friendly match, some people are turning on the water, some people were also covered up by the smog, how cannot see clearly the intrinsic war. 相比前两场精彩绝伦的激烈比赛,这场内战就像在表演友谊赛,有的人在放水,有的人还被烟雾遮掩住了,根本看不清内在战局如何。 In the main hall in lookout tower. 瞭望塔的正厅上。 Kyle had a yawn tiredly, in the future will sit on the chair, the one side puts on cherry Ji of kimono to walk leisurely, sits into his arms, sends to the grape and fragrant lip that skins toward his mouth. 凯尔困乏的打了一个哈欠,往后坐在椅子上,一旁穿着和服的樱姬款款走来,坐入他的怀里,朝他嘴里送去剥皮的葡萄和香唇。 The attention competition that only then Logan also concentrates on, playing time one minute one second of past, on the past half of time, carved to tread around the millstone shortly: Boss. Till they will not project on to be even.” 只有罗根还全神贯注的关注比赛,比赛时间一分一秒的过去,眼看就过去一半时间了,不由琢磨道:“老大。他们不会打到平手为止吧。” Vision , if not join the war, but also really has the possibility.” Kyle shrugs to say. 幻视如果不加入战局,还真有可能。”凯尔耸耸肩道。 The superpower suppression of quick silver has, if the average person, even if 100 cannot be victorious his. However meets Captain America that 55 open, grasps him of vibranium round shield, historically becomes famous anti- punches. As for Winter Soldier, is the war tool person who is repeatedly tempered. 快银的超能力压制还是有的,如果是普通人,哪怕一百个也打不过他一个。不过遇上五五开的美国队长,手持振金圆盾的他,在历史上出了名的抗揍。至于冬兵,更是千锤百炼过来的战争工具人。 The quick silver can trig the Captain America two people without the limiting pressure, is actually not able to threaten them truly, even if Black Widow, these four people estimated in addition can hit like this one all day, is close. 快银能无限压制住美国队长二人,却无法真正威胁到他们,哪怕加上黑寡妇,这四个人估计能这样打个一整天,难分胜负。 The falcon wants to enter the war actually, what a pity he is unable to fall to the ground, once close to the smog region, divides minute to be unloaded the mechanical wing by the quick silver, therefore can only from the sky socialize auxiliary. 猎鹰倒是很想参战的,可惜他无法落地,一旦靠近烟雾区域,分分钟被快银卸下机械翅膀,所以只能在空中周旋辅助。 Summarizes with a few words simply. 用一句话来简单总结。 This civil war member each other was too familiar, the achievement desire is not very intense, causes to seem like so arid senseless, is a civil war competition of no ornamental value. 这场内战成员彼此都太熟悉了,获胜欲望也不够强烈,导致看上去如此枯燥无趣,是一场没什么观赏价值的内战比赛。 I first rest, later competed to end, then awakened me.” “我先休息一下,待会比赛结束了,再叫醒我。” Kyle is supporting the cherry Ji Xiangrou body, sits in repose with eyes closed, lies down on the chair enters half dormant state. 凯尔拥着樱姬香柔的躯体,闭目养神,躺在椅子上进入半休眠状态。 But is less than two minutes, Logan awakened him suddenly. 可才不到两分钟,罗根突然叫醒了他。 The opening eye of Kyle surprise, discovered that Logan is pale, the finger is pointing at the screen, the hoarse say/way of opening mouth: Boss, you look quickly......” 凯尔诧异的睁开眼睛,发现罗根脸色苍白,手指指着屏幕,张大嘴巴的沙哑道:“老大,你快看……” What looks at......, did the competition end? 看什么……,比赛结束了? Kyle lifts the pupil following the prompt, the vision falls on the projection screen, the next quarter, he stunned startled was even shocked. 凯尔顺着提示抬眸,目光落在投影屏幕上,下一刻,连他都愕然的惊愣住了。 Sees only in the space of virtual airport. 只见虚拟机场的空间内。 The wreckage of half big Boeing aircraft, spans by the terminal building, constructs the ruins and airplane wreckage is covered by the flame, the strong black smoke is billowing, as far as eyes can reach, the airport like the burning earth that the frigid fight baptism crosses. 半截大型波音飞机的残骸,横亘在机场大楼旁边,建筑废墟和飞机残骸都被火焰覆盖,浓重的黑烟滚滚,一眼望去,机场如同惨烈战斗洗礼过的焚土。 The vibranium round shield half buries in wall remnant Vanuatu, inciting of broken mechanical arm the twinkle electric light, Captain America and Winter Soldier two people fall on the pool of blood, on their chests has the pulling-through ignition wound, the big half body that only remains loses the life characteristics. 振金圆盾半边埋在断墙残瓦中,残破机械手臂的滋滋闪烁电光,美国队长冬兵二人倒在血泊上,他们胸膛上带着贯穿式的灼烧伤口,仅剩的大半截躯体失去生命特征。 The mechanical wing of falcon disappears at the same time, another side was nailed tight in the outer wall of broken building, like hanging in the bird that the iron online died. 猎鹰的机械翅膀一边不见了,另一边则被钉死在残破大楼的外墙上,如同挂在铁网上死去的鸟儿。 Where the quick silver and Black Widow good to not to have gone, two people pour by the building ruins, similarly was seriously injured, the body rolls up one group dead, the gray pupil maintained opens, is doping the unbelievable look. 快银和黑寡妇也并未好到哪去,二人倒在大楼废墟旁边,同样身受重伤,躯体蜷缩成一团死去,灰色眸子保持睁大,掺杂着难以置信的神色。 Is burning sky over the red flame airport, the Vision facial expression is tranquil, the yellow gem twinkle bright in his volume, the back golden cloak flap flap makes noise, is overlooking five people of corpses like the indifferent god of death. 燃烧着赤色火焰的机场上空,幻视脸容平静,他额上的黄色宝石闪烁亮光,背后的金色披风猎猎作响,如同冷漠的死神俯视着五人尸体。 This actually how matter?” “这究竟怎么一回事?” Kyle deeply inspires, being stranded intent no longer, even if this only at virtual space performance, but this impulse that gives the person was too big, let person scalp tingles. 凯尔深吸口气,刚才的困意不再,哪怕这仅是在虚拟空间上演的,可这一幕给予人的冲击力还是太大了,直让人头皮发麻。 I don't know either.” Logan shakes the head, dignified incomparable say/way: „Before a half minute . Captain America and Winter Soldier break through the Black Widow defense line, enters to the terminal building, limits the speed of ultra-fast quick silver by this.” “我也不知道。”罗根摇了摇头,凝重无比的道:“半分钟前。美国队长冬兵突破黑寡妇防线,进入到机场大楼内,以此限制快银的超快速度。” In addition has the falcon in the space as auxiliary, frequently feeds back message, Captain America and Winter Soldier starts to suppress the quick silver and Black Widow in turn. At this moment, Vision acted suddenly, he first nails tight the falcon on the building wall, lifts the Boeing aircraft to pound to the terminal building.” “加上有猎鹰在天上作为辅助,时刻反馈讯息,美国队长冬兵开始反过来压制快银和黑寡妇。就在这时,幻视突然出手了,他先是把猎鹰钉死在大楼墙体上,又抬起波音飞机砸向机场大楼。” When the Captain America four people seek asylum, Vision with the energy laser, killed everyone, includes own two teammates......” “在美国队长四人避难时,幻视用能量激光,袭杀了所有人,包括自己的两位队友……” The Logan sound a little trembles, Vision stuck out suddenly the scene that launches an attack a moment ago, was too scary, like a through and through mechanical god of death. 罗根的声音有点发颤,刚才幻视暴起发难的场景,真的太吓人了,如同一尊彻头彻尾的机械死神。 This what's the matter?” “这怎么回事?” The Kyle brow tight wrinkle, solely listens to Logan to repeat, he feels inconceivable. 凯尔眉头紧皱,单单听罗根进行复述,他都感到不可思议。 Vision under the killer to the Avengers person on one's own side pain, this will fully not conform to the common sense. Vision, although has the extremely strong ability, actually does not like fighting, in Avengers, most had the independent thought and rational hero. 幻视会对复仇者联盟的自己人痛下杀手,这完全不符合常理。要知道,幻视虽然有着极强的能力,却不喜欢战斗,在复仇者联盟中,最具自主思维和理性的英雄了。 But Captain America five people of corpses, but also frigid pouring on the ground, was proving this is the hard fact...... 美国队长五人的尸体,还惨烈的倒在地上,证明着这就是铁一般的事实…… The Captain America blue side team was rolled to extinguish, Black Widow red team remaining Vision people, the God system determination red win, the third competition ended hence. 美国队长蓝方队伍遭受团灭,黑寡妇红方队伍剩下幻视一人,主神系统判定红方取胜,第三次比赛至此结束。 But only then a Vision person returns to the field of honor, Black Widow and quick silver choice withdraws from following ultra to compete on own initiative. This is also normal, after all is unable to accept the sudden outbreak that the companion betrays. 可是只有幻视一人回到决斗场上,黑寡妇和快银选择主动退出后续的超能比赛。这也正常,毕竟无法接受同伴背叛的突发状况。 In the auditorium no one applauds, has not cheered, even the participants retrocede several steps, to the Vision distant point, everyone is panic-stricken is looking at him. 观众席上没有人鼓掌,没有欢呼,连参赛者都后退几步,离幻视远点,所有人都惊恐不已的望着他。 After quiet several seconds. 在现场沉寂几秒钟后。 Logan turns head, inquired toward Kyle, Boss. Ultra can compete, but can also continue?” 罗根回头,朝凯尔询问,“老大。超能比赛,还要继续下去么?” Naturally continue. Why no?” Kyle looks to stand Vision in field of honor, that flash he thought a moment ago, is thinking perhaps this is the Vision system tends to the Ultron trend, is thinking perhaps has the third party influence on induce Vision with the mysterious ability, is thinking perhaps is Mind Stone causes trouble in secret, but also is thinking this perhaps is Vision own decision... “当然继续。为什么不呢?”凯尔看着站在决斗场中的幻视,刚才那一瞬间他想了许多,想着也许这是幻视系统趋向奥创的趋势,想着也许有第三方势力用神秘能力诱导幻视,想着也许是心灵原石暗中作祟,还想着这也许是幻视自己的决定… Since these guesses have the possibility, so long as the competition continues, observes the Vision manner then. 既然这些猜测都有可能,那只要比赛继续下去,观察幻视的行为举止即可。 Displays their wisdom and bravery with the air, endless enjoyment. Under his nose, no matter what issue, will show the clue sooner or later. 与空气斗智斗勇,其乐无穷。在他的眼皮底下,不管什么问题,迟早都会露出端倪。 And the Vision strange behavior, enables this time ultra to compete actually, was getting more and more interesting. 并且幻视的诡异行为,倒是让这次超能比赛,越来越有意思了。
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