HDLL :: Volume #13

#1277: , Has arranged ( 3 / 3 ) the children without enough time first

Saw such weaponry, Yang Yi smelled a dangerous aura immediately. But has not waited for him to distinguish carefully that in a station was driven the storage battery car of cleaning to drive into his view by sanitation worker everywhere, exactly, that car(riage) also stopped near the man radicals of two ash-gray windproof coats. 看到这样的阵仗,杨轶顿时嗅到了一股危险的气息。但还没等他仔细分辩,一辆车站内由清洁工开着到处清扫的电瓶车驶入了他的眼帘,恰好,那车还停在了两个灰色风衣的人旁边。 Didn't discover right? Yang Yi frowned. 发现不对了吗?杨轶皱起了眉头。 But quick, Yang Yi then sees, on the storage battery car, some people tuck in the curtain screen, two black and long cloth sacks, has given that two ash-gray windproof coat people! But that two ash-gray windproof coat people took advantage of opportunity to hide in their windproof coat them, the movement was quick, only then Yang Yi looked clearly! 但很快,杨轶便看到,电瓶车上,有人撩起帘子,将两个黑色、长长的布袋,递给了那两个灰色风衣人!而那两个灰色风衣人顺势就将它们藏进了自己的风衣里,动作很快,也只有杨轶才看得清楚! Fuck!” Yang Yi felt immediately fine hair has stood. 卧槽!”杨轶顿时感觉身上的汗毛都立了起来。 That outsize cloth sack, considers to look at the shape, in Yang Yi can guess correctly is anything!............ 那鼓囊囊的布袋,当是看形状,杨轶就能猜出里面是什么!难道……难道…… The storage battery car turned around, the Yang Yi's line of sight fell on the vehicle on that two wear sanitation worker uniforms the face of person. 恰好,电瓶车掉了个头,杨轶的视线落在了车上那两个穿着清洁工制服的人的脸上。 Black hair and yellow skin, but is different from the East Asian race, their facial features three-dimensional, sends concave-convex . Moreover the eyebrow bone is distinct, the bridge of the nose is very high, a little looks like the face of Caucasian...... But does not have that symbolic whiskers, Yang Yi also to recognize...... 黑发、黄皮肤,但不同于东亚人种,他们的脸型更加立体,凹凸有致,而且眉骨分明,鼻梁很高,有点像白人的面孔……但就算没有那标志性的络腮胡,杨轶也认得出来…… Your Sir! How can be this class lunatic?” In the Yang Yi heart is thinking anxiously. “你大爷!怎么会是这班疯子?”杨轶心中焦急地想着。 These people, the Yang Yi previous generation should not be too familiar, but that also carries out the task, in the riches and honor danger asked! But if not carry out the task, Yang Yi is not willing to provoke them! 这些人,杨轶前世可不要太熟悉,但那也只是执行任务,富贵险中求嘛!但如果不是执行任务,杨轶可不愿意招惹他们! The storage battery car was still turning around, sits another alone the eye in copilot place also fell into the Yang Yi's view. The both eyes of that pair of sinister and vicious, although does not have any contact, but also sufficiently makes Yang Yi feel to be afraid. 电瓶车还在掉头,坐在副驾驶座上的另一个人的眼睛也落入了杨轶的眼帘。那双阴鸷的双眼,虽然没有任何接触,但也足以让杨轶感到不寒而栗。 Is he!” Yang Yi has seen this eye, behind that freight transportation train. “是他!”杨轶见过这双眼睛,就在那辆货运火车后面。 One-on-one, Yang Yi can say that does not fear these fellows completely, even if not handle, he can also withdraw natural. 单对单,杨轶可以说完全不惧怕这些家伙,即便搞不定,他也能潇洒地脱身。 But...... Now Yang Yi no longer is the this lofty one wolf, his body, but also is shouldering the comfort of family member. 可是……现在杨轶不再是孤狼,他的身上,还肩负着家人的安慰。 Yang Yi thinks that also Mo Fei, Xixi and Little Tongtong that in the bathroom washes, that heart in chest cavity unceasingly downward sinks. 杨轶想到还在卫生间里洗漱的墨菲曦曦小曈曈,胸腔里的那颗心就不断地往下沉。 Damn...... 该死…… How don't this group of people, go to Stockholm? Ran Paris? Naturally, why Yang Yi also knows, has changed him, he will not choose tightly guarded Stockholm to start. 怎么这帮人,不去斯德哥尔摩?跑来了巴黎?当然,杨轶也知道为什么,换了他,他也不会选择戒备森严的斯德哥尔摩下手。 If a moment ago exited to be good directly, so long as sitting boarded the rental car, in the behind train station what happened, managed its flood dreadfully landslide cracks in the earth, this had nothing to do with them! Should not propose in the station to go to bathroom...... 刚才要是直接出去就好了,只要坐上出租车,后面火车站里发生什么事情,管它洪水滔天还是山崩地裂,这都与他们无关!就不应该提出回来车站里面上厕所的…… Yesterday should not stop over in Leipzig, if the train kept yesterday, last night arrived in Paris, then today they were window-shopping, but did not appear in this place! 或者,昨天也不应该在莱比锡逗留,如果昨天火车不停,昨晚就抵达了巴黎,然后今天他们已经在逛街而不是出现在这个地方了! Naturally, regretted that could not solve problem! Yang Yi calmed down quickly coldly, his eye narrows the eyes slightly, the line of sight becomes sharply. 当然,懊悔解决不了问题!杨轶很快冷静了下来,他的眼睛微微眯起来,视线都变得锐利许多。 At this time, but can also exit?” The Yang Yi's head is similar to the computer calculates generally precisely, he turned the head to look to the distant place escalator above station front door, thought deeply about him to bring Mo Fei and children, without the baggage, not alerting the enemy, the quickest speed walked the time of requiring. “这时候,还能出去吗?”杨轶的脑袋如同电脑一般精密计算起来,他转头看向了远处电扶梯上面的车站大门,思索着他带着墨菲、孩子们,在没有行李、不打草惊蛇的情况下,最快速度走出去需要的时间。 But quick, the Yang Yi's heart sank to the valley once more, because, he saw these ash-gray windproof coat people to start to take action, trend Yang Yi of other people pay no attention for the time being, he can see obviously, probably three groups, was the appearances of six people, as if sat the staircase with a handrail careless. 但很快,杨轶的心再次沉入了谷底,因为,他看见那些灰色风衣人开始行动了起来,其他人的动向杨轶暂且不理,他明显能看到,大概三组,也是六个人的样子,似乎漫不经心地坐上了扶梯。 Must stop up the gate...... Without enough time!” Yang Yi saw that these people then start to tuck up the windproof coat on escalator, takes the black cloth sack, does not conceal prepares to pull out the fellow the time, he has closed the eye, turns around, a face moved toward the ladies'room resolutely. “要堵门……来不及了!”杨轶看到那些人在电扶梯上便开始撩开风衣,将黑色布袋拿出来,毫无掩饰地准备掏家伙的时候,他闭上了眼睛,转身,一脸毅然地走向了女厕所。 Opens the restroom door time, the outside sound of gunfire was similar to the firecracker of new year's celebration time same has made a sound, the squeal somewhat was slow, but Yang Yi has been pushing the suitcase, moved sideways, after closing, outside all noises and storms as if had been separated in out of the door. 推开厕所门的时候,外面枪声如同过年时候的炮仗一样噼里啪啦地响了起来,尖叫声还有些迟缓,但杨轶已经推着行李箱,闪身走了进去,关上门后,外面的一切喧嚣、风浪仿佛已经被隔在门外。 Two kids have brushed the tooth, Mo Fei have been wiping the face to Little Tongtong, but Xixi is stands to steal to be happy. 两个小家伙已经刷完了牙,墨菲正在给小曈曈擦着脸,而曦曦是站在旁边偷乐着。 Sees the father to come, Xixi screamed mischievously: Aaa, Papa cannot come, this is the ladies'room.” 看到爸爸进来,曦曦调皮地尖叫起来:“啊啊啊,粑粑不可以进来,这是女厕所。” Little Tongtong hears the sound, cannot bear open out mother's hand and towel, sees the father, hee hee smiles. 小曈曈听到动静,也忍不住拨开妈妈的手和毛巾,看着爸爸,嘻嘻地笑着。 The Yang Yi facial color is from the beginning solemn, but sees two children now, could not bear becomes gentle, he squeezed the smiling face, has rubbed the small head of Xixi, while said with a smile: Now has others, what fears?” 杨轶一开始面色冷峻,但现在看到两个孩子,还是忍不住变得柔和了一些,他挤出笑容,一边揉了揉曦曦的小脑袋,一边笑道:“现在有没有别人,怕什么?” But Yang Yi did not have the time to tease the children to play, he entered a restroom first compartmented, stepped in the chamberpot, put out a hand to push a crown partition board. 杨轶没时间逗小朋友们玩了,他先钻进一个厕所隔间,踩在马桶上,伸手推了推一个顶部隔板。 What happened?” Mo Fei still in a smile wants to ask why a moment ago Yang Yi comes, but she saw the Yang Yi's movement, immediately was shocked, a while, she responded that realized does not suit, walked to ask hastily. “发生什么事了?”墨菲刚才还在笑着想问杨轶为什么进来,但她看到了杨轶的动作,顿时愣住了,一会儿,她才反应过来,意识到不对劲,连忙走过去问道。 Although the top partition board can disassemble, is inside space is very narrow, generally repairs the electric circuit to use to the maintenance worker, is unable to hide. However, means! 顶部隔板虽然能拆开,可是里面空间很窄,一般是给维修工修理电路用的,无法藏身。不过,还有一种办法! Yang Yi has traded compartmented, in the multipurpose key buckle with hand, twists off the screw of supply-air outlet. 杨轶换了个隔间,用手中的多功能钥匙扣,拧开送风口的螺丝。 Fortunately, because the station is quite huge, it needs the design of very good ventilation ventilation, even if the restroom, its air conditioning supply-air outlet is also designs very greatly, 600 mmx 600 mm square shape gusty area, as well as 800 mmx 600 mm air hose, the adult who holds the normal stature sufficiently crawls! 幸运的是,车站因为比较庞大,它需要很好的通风透气的设计,所以即便是厕所,它的空调送风口也是设计得很大,600mmx600mm的方形风口,以及800mmx600mm的风管,还是足以容纳正常身材的成年人爬进去! Naturally...... Crawls, wants to be the same with movie, crawls from the air hose to other place, is impossible, after all in also has other equipment jamming . Moreover, Yang Yi does not know that this thing crawls is crawling can fall. 当然……爬进去可以,想要跟电影一样,从风管里爬到别的地方,是不可能的,毕竟里面还有别的设备堵塞,而且,杨轶也不知道这东西爬着爬着会不会掉下来。 Outside has had an accident, has kbfz! Explained without enough time, you listen to me to arrange, don't worry, has me, you will definitely not have the issue!” Yang Yi whispered in somebody's ear to say several with Mo Fei low voice. “外面出事了,有kbfz!来不及解释了,你们都听我安排,不用担心,有我在,你们绝对不会有问题的!”杨轶小声地跟墨菲咬耳朵说了几句。 At this time, Mo Fei that can also not know that what Yang Yi said is anything, immediately in the look has shown the startled look, she is only an average person, possibly not to be how afraid. 这时候,墨菲那还能不知道杨轶说的是什么,顿时眼神里露出了惊慌的神色,她只是一个普通人,怎么可能不害怕。 Saw only the Mo Fei eye socket red, the tooth closely was nipping the lower lip, she was afraid herself in a terrified way to cry to make noise, making two children be afraid. But she is very startled, the whole body becomes tender, can only draw the Yang Yi's arm, is supporting diligently. 只见墨菲眼眶红了起来,牙齿紧紧地咬着下唇,她害怕自己惶恐地哭出声来,让两个孩子害怕。但她是真的很惊慌,浑身发软,只能拉着杨轶的胳膊,努力地支撑着。 Cannot fluster...... You have the child! 不能慌……你还有孩子呢! Mo Fei was warning itself diligently, for the child, wanted to be strong. 墨菲在努力地告诫着自己,为了孩子,要坚强起来。 Yang Yi Mo Fei this appearance, is intentionally relaxed smiles, said: Do not be worried that your husband I am so fierce, any magnificent scene has not seen and ensure can lead you to turn danger into safety!” 杨轶墨菲这模样,故意轻松一笑,说道:“别担心,你老公我这么厉害,什么大场面没见过,保证会带你们化险为夷的!” Real?” Mo Fei looks at Yang Yi pitiful, at this moment, she had Yang Yi such one to support. “真的吗?”墨菲可怜兮兮地看着杨轶,此刻,她心里就只有杨轶这样一个支撑了。 Really!” Yang Yi nodded firmly. “真的!”杨轶坚定地点了点头。 Although Yang Yi was whispering in somebody's ear to speak the intimate conversation with Mo Fei, but he does not dare to relax, saw only him two tension bar box keep flats, superimposed has been placing under the supply-air outlet on that chamberpot. 杨轶虽然在跟墨菲咬耳朵说悄悄话,但他一点也不敢放松,只见他将两个拉杆箱平放,叠加着放在了送风口下面那个马桶上面。 Come, the wife, you crawl first, then I deliver Xixi and Little Tongtong, you lead them to hide in inside first.” Yang Yi estimated that the people of these ash-gray windproof coats control the scene also to want some time, therefore could not have managed their here temporarily, but Yang Yi does not dare to delay, starts to arrange. “来,老婆,你先爬上去,然后我把曦曦小曈曈送上来,你带他们先躲在里面。”杨轶估计那些灰色风衣的人控制场面还要一段时间,所以暂时还管不到他们这里,但杨轶也不敢耽误,开始安排起来。 I, I did not have the strength.” Mo Fei clenches teeth to insist, she takes off with shoes that a little high puts on, under Yang Yi's supports by the arm, climbed up the suitcase, but her body is trembling, the station cannot come to a stop, this with tears, slightly is then having a weeping voice, said with Yang Yi low voice. “我,我没力气了。”墨菲咬牙坚持着,她脱掉穿着的有点高跟的鞋子,在杨轶的搀扶下,已经爬上了行李箱,但她身体在发抖着,站都站不稳,这便含着眼泪,微微带着点哭腔,跟杨轶小声地说道。 Papa, what is Mama making?” Xixi and Little Tongtong stand very much curiously, the doubts see the father and mother, asked. 粑粑,麻麻在做什么啊?”曦曦小曈曈很好奇地站在旁边,疑惑地看着爸爸妈妈,问道。 We are playing a small game.” Yang Yi makes Mo Fei hold restroom partition board, his jumps, sat top the partition board, then found time to turn the head, smiled with Xixi, disguises to say very much with ease. “我们在玩一个小游戏。”杨轶墨菲扶着厕所隔板,他一个纵身,也坐在了隔板顶部,然后抽空转过头来,跟曦曦笑了笑,假装很轻松地说道。 Yang Yi at this time, very terrifying strength of arm applied finally, he bends the waist, two hands grip the Mo Fei slender waist, hugs gently, then has lifted Mo Fei, this made the Mo Fei half body search the pipeline sufficiently. 杨轶这时候,非常恐怖的臂力终于派上了用场,他弯腰,两只手夹住墨菲纤细的腰肢,轻轻一抱,便将墨菲举了起来,这足以让墨菲半边身体探进了管道。 Wow! Papa Amazing!” Xixi stands below, is supine the small head, a face worship is looking, with watching the acrobatics was the same, acclaimed. 哇!粑粑好厉害!”曦曦站在下面,仰着小脑袋,一脸崇拜地望着,就跟看杂技一样,赞叹了起来。 Little Tongtong saw the elder sister, then saw diligently mother who crawls toward inside, his pouts small mouth said: But, but, Mama also super fierce!” 小曈曈看了看姐姐,然后又看了看正在努力往里面爬的妈妈,他嘟着小嘴巴说道:“但,但是,麻麻也超级厉害的呢!” Perhaps heard children's praise, Mo Fei is frightened the weak body to surge a strength, she crawled diligently. 或许听到了孩子们的夸奖,墨菲已经被吓得瘫软的身体涌起了一股力气,她努力地爬了上去。 Fortunately, the suspended ceiling of air hose and station is very steady, a point has not swayed. The quality of foreigner project is really not domestic these jerry-built projects can compare! 还好,风管和车站的吊顶还是很稳的,没有一点摇晃。外国人工程的质量果然不是国内那些豆腐渣工程能比的! You sit here first, later I make Xixi they go from here, I am hugging you again, making you drill.” Yang Yi answered. “你先坐在这边,待会我让曦曦她们从这边进去,我再抱着你,让你钻过去。”杨轶解释道。 He jumped down from the restroom partition board, now, he has several words to want with Xixi to confess. 他从厕所隔板上跳了下来,现在,他有几句话想要跟曦曦交代一下。 Sees only Yang Yi to squat, from the neck of Xixi and Little Tongtong, is drawing the red thread, before that him, did to take to their Buddha statue, making two kids hold in the hand, then his left hand embraced Little Tongtong, the right hand is grasping Xixi, first has kissed one on their small cheeks gently. 只见杨轶蹲下来,从曦曦小曈曈的脖子里,拉着红绳,将那块他以前做给她们的佛像拿了出来,让两个小家伙捧在手里,然后他左手揽着小曈曈,右手抱住曦曦,先在她们的小脸蛋上轻轻地亲了一口。 The game that Xixi, we play today, the father wants to make you help!” Yang Yi looked that to has made his tender feelings ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) daughter hee hee the profile with a smile, the gentle voice say. 曦曦,今天咱们玩的这个游戏,爸爸想让你帮个忙!”杨轶看向了让他心里柔情万丈的女儿嘻嘻笑着的侧脸,柔声说道。 Yes, Yang Yi has completed the plan, only if no means to conceal, Yang Yi must like an indestructible barrier, stand before children's body, not only keeps out wind and rain for them, do not let outside disturbance, stays behind a trace in their immature minds. 是的,杨轶已经做好了打算,除非真的没办法隐瞒下去,杨轶都要像一堵坚不可摧的屏障一样,站在孩子们的身前,不仅是为她们遮风挡雨,更是不要让外面的风波,在他们幼小的心灵里留下一点痕迹。 Even if intelligent Xixi possibly can guess to obtain, so long as she has not seen that Yang Yi was not worried that these will affect the little girl mind health. 即便聪明的曦曦可能能猜得到,但只要她没有见过那一幕幕,杨轶都不担心这些会影响到小姑娘的心灵健康。 Good, Papa, do you want me to help?” Xixi winked her juicy big eye, the sound said with the father clearly. “好呀,粑粑,你要我帮什么忙呀?”曦曦眨了眨她那双水灵灵的大眼睛,声音清脆地跟爸爸说道。
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