GLCR :: Volume #5

#495: Deathly stillness

Dunjun felt that the atmosphere of Shangcheng District is somewhat strange. 盾俊感觉上城区的气氛有些诡异。 Faint trace dark clouds, as if pressed in everyone's heart. 一丝丝阴云,似乎压在了所有人的心头。 The women of high station no longer crave at the dance party and banquet, some meeting in private quietly becomes frequent. 贵妇人们不再热衷于舞会与宴席,一些私下的聚会悄然变得频繁起来。 Sijie and Ellis who two is responsible for Shangcheng District and Core District contacts, has disappeared, making the situation fall to the abyss unceasingly. 就连负责上城区与核心区联络的西杰与爱丽丝两位,也一直不见踪影,令事态向深渊不断滑落。 , The upper class people in Shangcheng District are gradually getting fewer and fewer, seemed missing was the same. 渐渐地,上城区中的上流人们越来越少,似乎失踪了一样。 Dunjun knows, they possibly are go out to flee from calamity, has possibly changed into the dust, after all, the outbreak of Dust disease is especially quickly. 盾俊知道,他们可能是外出逃难,也可能已经化为尘埃,毕竟,尘埃病的发作特别快。 He disbanded all servants, calmly is waiting for arrival of trial. 他遣散了所有仆人,静静地等待着审判的降临。 „The god of immortal not extinguishing...... here person greedy, degenerates, bloodthirsty......, but asked you to accept their souls, forgave their crimes......” “长生不灭之神啊……这里的人贪婪、堕落、嗜血……但请您收下他们的灵魂,饶恕他们的罪……” Dunjun stands near the window, is looking at the deathly stillness city, muttered. 盾俊站在窗户边,望着死寂的城市,喃喃自语。 Thump thump! 咚咚! Suddenly, he heard the knock. 突然,他听到了敲门声。 Dunjun opens the front door, saw that wears the coat, binds the solid old man. 盾俊打开大门,看到一位身穿大衣,裹得严严实实的老头。 Old Henry?” “老亨利?” His knitting the brows head, called name. 他皱了皱眉头,叫出来者的名字。 Thank the lord of great eye, you, you were still all right......” “感谢伟大眼之主,你还在,你没事……” Old Henry comes, has not taken off the coat and glove, in his both eyes full is the blood threads, paces up and down anxiously: I visited many people...... very not right...... you to know that our Shangcheng District is disseminating a mysterious curse...... many people dead, is reduced to ashes......” 亨利进来,并未摘下外套与手套,他双目里面满是血丝,不安地来回走动:“我拜访了很多人……很不对劲……你知道的,我们上城区正在传播一个神秘的诅咒……很多人都死了,化为了灰烬……” In fact, that is not the curse, but a plague...... understood from the mysterious side, the curse also seems appropriate?’ ‘实际上,那不是诅咒,只是一种瘟疫……不过从神秘侧来理解,诅咒似乎也很合适?’ Dunjun is talking to oneself at heart. 盾俊在心里自语着。 Therefore?” His brow selects, inquired. “所以呢?”他眉头一挑,询问道。 I know that curse, disseminates from the beginning from Core District, I saw Ellis's change, is she!” The old Henry facial expression is demented: Few people plan to leave, they bring on oneself the blind alley, cannot go out many must perish, only means that we survive, lies in joining up, seizes the elevator, projects on Core District to go......” “我知道,那个诅咒,一开始是从核心区传播过来的,我看到了爱丽丝的变化,就是她!”老亨利神情癫狂:“一部分人打算离开,他们是自取死路,走不出多远就要灭亡,我们存活下来的唯一办法,就在于联合起来,占领升降梯,打到核心区去……” Good idea, but...... I have not messed with the curse, why can go all out?” “不错的想法,但是……我没有沾惹诅咒,为什么要去拼命呢?” On the Dunjun face reveals the startled color, retrocedes two steps: Actually you...... Mr. Henry, your body how?” 盾俊脸上露出惊慌之色,后退两步:“倒是您……亨利先生,您的身体如何了?” I...... I am good...... the lord of great eye to give me the blessings, so long as constantly obtains the eye of charm, I will certainly be all right, certain......” “我……我好着呢……伟大的眼之主给予我赐福,只要不断获得有魔力的眼睛,我一定会没事的,一定的……” Henry is muttering, in his eye, changes into black red suddenly: Yes...... you have not fallen ill...... your eye...... to cure me......” 亨利喃喃着,他的眼睛之中,突然化为一片黑红色:“是啊……你没有生病……你的眼睛……可以治愈我……” ! 刺啦! During thought aloud, his body inflated, the clothes split, appeared the fearful body under camouflage. 自言自语当中,他的身躯膨胀,衣服裂开,现出遮蔽之下的可怕躯体。 Above his right shoulder, the eyeballs grow, is generally densely covered just like the sarcoma, can make intensive phobophobia send out the scream absolutely. 他的右边肩膀之上,一颗又一颗的眼珠长出,宛若肉瘤一般密布,绝对能让密集恐惧症者发出尖叫。 His right hand also changes into the sharp claws, contains the indescribable contamination and evil, sending out to be bloody and terrifying. 他的右手也化为利爪,蕴含着难以言喻的污秽与邪恶,散发出血腥与恐怖。 But near his left half the body, actually becomes dark gray, just like the withered limbs of atrophy, above also has a faint trace fissure. 而他的左半边身体,却变得一片灰黑,宛若萎缩的干枯肢体,上面还有一丝丝裂痕。 „The eyeball cannot cure your disease...... old Henry.” “眼珠并不能治愈你的疾病……老亨利。” The Dunjun loud say/way, sees at once old Henry is brandishing with the build completely not symmetric giant right hand claw, is only a brace in the ground, the person flies in front of him horizontally. 盾俊大声道,旋即就看到老亨利挥舞着与体型完全不相称的巨大右手爪,只是在地面上一撑,人就横飞到他面前。 Bang! 砰! Dunjun like hit by the railway engine directly, flies upside down, the back pounds ruthlessly on the wall, leaves behind massive fissures: He insane......” 盾俊如同被火车头正面撞中,倒飞出去,脊背狠狠砸在墙壁上,留下大量裂痕:“他已经疯了……” In the old Henry nose exhales the white clouds, his right arm muscle imprisons the knot, suddenly many eyeball fusions, changes into a bigger eyeball. 亨利鼻子里呼出白气,他的右边胳膊肌肉囚结,蓦然将诸多眼珠融合,化为一颗更大的眼珠子。 Has to blaspheme and pollute psychic force sending out of meaning intensely, making Dunjun think that the surrounding environment became blurred. 带有强烈亵渎与污染意味的精神力散发而出,令盾俊觉得周围的环境都变得迷离。 The next quarter, he noticed that is only great the claw arrived own at present, the distance between two tips pupil only has separation. 下一刻,他就看到那只巨爪来到了自己的眼前,尖端距离瞳孔只有一线之隔。 my Lord...... blesses me...... the eye...... to me......” 吾主……庇佑我……眼睛……给我……” Old Henry is muttering, the grey spreads to the nape of the neck suddenly. 亨利喃喃着,灰色突然蔓延至脖颈。 His left body is reduced to ashes suddenly, right body so. 他的左边身体突然化为了灰烬,右边身躯紧接着如此。 In an instant, this powerful terrifying changes into the dust to dissipate. 转眼之间,这个强大的恐怖者就化为尘埃消散。 The Dunjun expression is wooden, is looking at that set of withered clothing: Your god has not blessed you......” 盾俊表情木然,望着那一套干瘪的衣物:“你的神没有保佑你……” He looked at all around: Here is unsafe......” 他看了看四周:“这里也不安全了……” Dunjun thinks, has not tidied up this scene, instead came to the basement, unearths a cave, lay down. 盾俊想了想,没有收拾这个现场,反而来到了地下室,挖掘出一个地窖,躺了进去。 The above destruction, can regard as him already the symbol that fled or died. 上面的破坏,可以看成他已经出逃或者身亡的标志。 But relates by him simply, which will also not have to pursue to the end and hit hard. 而以他简单的关系,也不会有哪个穷追猛打。 So long as waits for peacefully, can make Dust disease solve all opponents for him. 只要安静等待,就可以让尘埃病为他解决所有的对手。 ...... …… The time passes quickly. 时间过得很快。 In three days and three nights, Dunjun will hear to wail sometimes, sometimes will hear the pray and scream. 三天三夜的时间中,盾俊有时会听到哀嚎,有时会听到祈祷与尖叫。 Meets carving of demon, opened several times, people Shangcheng District drags into the hell. 就连逢魔之刻,都开启了好几次,将上城区的人们拉入地狱。 Most dangerous, is that lift table position, had erupted many fights. 最危险的,还是那座升降台位置,已经爆发了多场战斗。 But starting from last night, all belonged to quietly. 而从昨晚开始,一切都归于沉寂。 If there is not solved the Dust disease problem, that was the people in Shangcheng District died, died under the fearful disease. 如果不是已经解决了尘埃病的问题,那就是上城区的人都死了,死于可怕的疾病之下。 At night. 夜晚。 The flagstone was shoved open, Dunjun walked: Finished?” 石板被推开,盾俊走了出来:“都结束了么?” He knows, this time Shangcheng District, perhaps only then his dares to go out the action. 他知道,此时的上城区,或许只有他一个敢于出门行动。 Dissemination of Dust disease, if not know the principle, that lethality is extremely terrifying, the propagation velocity will also be fast. 尘埃病的传播,如果不知道原理,那杀伤力太过恐怖,传播速度也会非常快。 Moreover he suspected, even if not know the content, but witnesses Dust disease, will create the infection. 而且他怀疑,哪怕并不知晓内容,但亲眼目睹‘尘埃病’,也会造成传染。 Has the asylum of god of immortal not extinguishing besides him, this time Shangcheng District, should already few live people. 除了他有着长生不灭之神的庇护之外,此时的上城区,应该已经没几个活人了。 Must start to take action, while chaotic has not spread thoroughly before Xiacheng District......” “要开始行动了,趁着混乱还没有在下城区彻底蔓延开之前……” Dunjun is muttering, goes to Shangcheng District Center. 盾俊喃喃着,来到上城区中心。 Originally, here should have lots of guards. 原本,这里应该有着大量守卫。 But at this time, passes through the broken street, he can notice that steam fight armor...... to be discarded by the distortion and destruction at will in the roadside. 但此时,走过残破的街道,他能看到一具具蒸汽战甲被扭曲、破坏……随意地丢弃在路边。 More war armor are to maintain completely, calmly stands erect there, as if its president has broken in Mecha directly, is reduced to ashes. 更多的战甲则是保持完整,静静屹立在那里,仿佛它的主持者已经在机甲内直接散架,化为了灰烬。 The bloodstain, seems even more dazzling near lift table. 血迹,在升降台附近显得越发刺目。 As if the traitors in view of this entrance, conducted the multiple attacks. 似乎叛乱者们针对这个入口,进行了多次进攻。 Dunjun does not care about them to succeed or be defeated. 盾俊并不在乎他们成功或者失败。 So many days pass by, Dust disease solves all riot sufficiently. 这么多天过去,尘埃病足以解决所有的暴乱者。 He arrives above lift table, rotation control handle. 他来到升降台之上,转动操纵杆。 The advantage of steam steel power, lies in although crude, but besides the frail steam conduit, other machineries is very solid durable. 蒸汽钢铁动力的好处,就在于虽然傻大黑粗,但除了脆弱的蒸汽管道之外,其它机械还是非常坚实耐用的。 In the gear-driven sound, the giant lift table starts slowly, submerges to the place bottom.. 齿轮转动声响中,巨大的升降台缓缓启动,向地底沉没。。 First Layer the First Layer steel grid from flashes through at present, Dunjun seems to be experiencing a marvelous travel, his is very calm, even if saw the trace and ashes of underground, massive fight, is still so. 一层一层的钢铁网格从眼前闪过,盾俊似乎在经历一场奇妙的旅行,他的心情无比平静,即使看到了地下,大量战斗的痕迹与灰烬,也还是如此。 He looks, goes to a parliamentary hall, can see around the throne of highest place, the assorted dazzling gem ring and magnificent clothing scatter, above the black cushioning of velvet, only other pile of ashes...... 他找了找,来到一处议会大厅,可以看到最高处的宝座周围,各色耀眼的宝石指环与华丽衣物散落,天鹅绒的黑色软垫之上,只余下一堆灰烬……
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