GLCR :: Volume #5

#490: Shuttle

Newest website: 最新网址: Ladies and gentlemen, please let me introduce for you grandly, winner of this abyss game...... Dunjun!” “女士们、先生们,请让我隆重为你们介绍,这一次深渊游戏的优胜者……盾俊!” Sijie brings Dunjun, goes to the dance floor center, announced loudly. 西杰带着盾俊,来到舞池中心,大声宣布。 „!” “哦哦!” Fellow splendid attire men and women are cheering together. 各位盛装男女一起欢呼着。 The gentlemen are blowing the whistling, the ladies are warmer, lavish praise that teases: He tonight is my.” 男士们吹着口哨,女士们更加热情,抛来挑逗的媚眼:“他今晚是我的。” No, my.” “不,我的。” Do not struggle, perhaps the sisters, cope with the small milk dog to want gently, us to be able together......” “别争了,姐妹们,对付小奶狗要温柔一点,或许我们可以一起……” ...... …… In laughter that various good intentions or sexually harass, Dunjun blushed the face, goes out of the crowd to pay attention to the center hurriedly. 各种善意或调戏的笑声中,盾俊羞红了脸,匆忙走出人群注意中心。 The stomach that he is big and hungry, has secreted a lot of acid liquid, is longing for the feed rich protein. 他饥肠辘辘的胃部,已经分泌出了大量酸液,在渴望着进食丰富的蛋白质。 Dunjun is studying others, takes up the galactic disk and fork, made big pile of barbecues to oneself, starts to eat to the heart's content. 盾俊学着别人,拿起银盘与叉子,给自己弄了一大堆烤肉,开始大快朵颐。 Does not know how long ate, he hit a belch satisfiedly, looks upper class people who in the dance floor the profligate human body, is degenerating unable to withstand, fell into silent. 不知道吃了多久,他满足地打了个饱嗝,望着舞池内放荡形骸、堕落不堪的上流人们,又陷入了沉默。 Grasps one cup of drink, he rejected many lady's invitations, started to stroll in the banquet. 手持一杯饮料,他拒绝了很多女士的邀请,开始在宴会中逛了起来。 In the middle of two buildings, prepared the secret room for the male and female guest specially, but that is not the key point that he pays attention. 二楼当中,专门为男女宾客准备了隐秘的房间,不过那不是他注意的重点。 Near the Dunjun ear as if resounded that type twittering. 盾俊耳边似乎又响起了那种呢喃。 His footsteps revolution, arrived in some corner, saw an eating food coattails silver hair old gentleman. 他脚步一转,来到了某个角落之中,看到了一位正在进食的燕尾服银发老绅士。 To utilizes the ladle uprightly gracefully, feeds in the mouth basin thick soup. 对方正优雅地运用勺子,将一盆浓汤送进嘴里。 Sees Dunjun to come, the old man raised the head, shows a genial smile: Lucky little fellow...... the travel of first hell felt not quite good? Adapted to be good, congratulated you to become Extraordinary, naturally, I will not inquire about the source of your mysticalness, this was everyone's privacy, so long as you did not offend others, here some people will not manage you......” 看到盾俊过来,老者不由抬起头,露出一个和善的笑容:“幸运的小家伙……第一次地狱之旅感觉不太好吧?多适应一下就好了,恭喜你成为非凡者,当然,我不会过问你的神秘之源,这是所有人的隐私,只要你不冒犯到别人,在这里不会有人管你……” Venerable, can I sit in side?” Dunjun asked. “老先生,我可以在旁边坐坐么?”盾俊问道。 Naturally...... my person eats food, is not not glad to share......” silver-haired old gentleman to show the surprised look: I have seen too many winners, they will indulge in that group of women quickly in leading a life of comfort, your some...... you excel at periphery the observation specially, discovered hidden under the surface real......” “当然……我之所以一个人进食,并非不乐意分享……”银发老绅士露出惊讶的神色:“我见过太多的优胜者,他们会很快沉溺于那群女人与享乐之中,你有些特别……你擅长观察周围,发现隐藏于表面之下的真实……” I am only......” Dunjun do not know how should reply. “我只是……”盾俊不知道该怎么回答。 He can say, oneself complies with the direction of heart? 难道他能说,自己是遵从心的指引么? Introduced oneself, I am called Henry, they called me old Henry...... I in the hell, ran into a Great One family member, it directed on the mysterious path me......” “自我介绍一下,我叫做亨利,他们都叫我老亨利……我在地狱之中,遇到了一位伟大者的眷属,它将我指引上神秘的道路……” On the old Henry face appears to fondly remember, regretted: Pitifully...... the hell is extremely profound, when I later enter the hell, wants to seek for the enlightenment time, I could not find these information...... people regarding the understanding of hell, was really extremely narrow, in my opinion, that was not only the pollution of bottom, has all...... for example, secret why the prehistoric civilization can destroy! I suspected, the topmost levels of Shangcheng District had knowledge of this secret, but they categorically deny......” 亨利脸上浮现出一丝怀念,一丝遗憾:“可惜……地狱太过深邃,当我之后进入地狱,想要寻找更多启示的时候,我又找不到那些信息了……人们对于地狱的认识,实在是太过狭隘了,在我看来,那不仅仅是地底的污染,更有着一切……比如,史前文明为何会毁灭的秘密!我怀疑,上城区的最高层们掌握了这个秘密,但他们矢口否认……” Old Henry as if very regrettable appearance, ate soup. 亨利似乎非常遗憾的样子,又喝了一口汤。 Sees the Dunjun vision, his facial expression becomes gentle: „To taste? This basin thick soup, a good food that but I most like.” 看到盾俊的目光,他的神情变得更加柔和:“想尝一尝么?这盆浓汤,可是我最喜欢的一道美食。” „If not take the liberty......” “如果不冒昧的话……” The Dunjun words told only half, sees old Henry with the silver soup ladle, bailed out an eyeball from the basin. 盾俊的话说到一半,就看到老亨利用银色的汤勺,从盆地捞出了一枚眼珠。 „...... Bright bright source, eye main gracious gift......” “啊……鲜活的光明之源,眼之主的恩赐……” Old Henry both eyes shine, swallows down the eyeball, then looks to Dunjun: I invited you sincerely, became Worship Eye Cult one......” 亨利双目放光,将眼珠吞了下去,转而看向盾俊:“我诚挚地邀请你,成为拜眼教的一员……” No!” “不!” Dunjun represses the gastric disorder, fast retreat. 盾俊按捺住反胃,飞快后退。 In him, is actually suddenly to the history of that big cataclysm, has the strong interest. 在他心里,却是突然对那段大灾变的历史,产生出浓厚的兴趣。 At this time, near his ear resounded gently twittering. 此时,他耳边又响起了轻轻的呢喃。 ‚, Right, disseminated the my Lord brilliance...... the control and the Tribulation Power control and immortal not extinguishing god of Fang Warrior!’ ‘哦,对了,还有传播吾主的光辉……方士之主宰、劫力掌控者、长生不灭之神!’ ...... …… A wilderness. 一处荒野。 The ray gathering, changes into a leaf of front door. 光芒汇聚,化为一扇大门。 A somewhat distressed form, escaped hurriedly. 一个有些狼狈的身影,匆忙从中逃了出来。 ! 啪! He falls on the ground ruthlessly, stands up from failure distressedly, appears the face, unexpectedly is Smith! 他狠狠落在地上,狼狈地翻了个身,现出脸庞,居然是史密斯 Succeeded...... I to become God's Chosen, arrived at the different world!” “成功了……我成为了神选者,来到了异世界!” Looks at the triangle red moon/month in sky, Smith is knowing, oneself arrived at the different world: Praised my Lord!” 望着天空中的三角形红月,史密斯就知道,自己来到了异世界:“赞美吾主!” Experienced all these, making him regarding the belief of Lost God more reverent. 经历了这一切,让他对于失落之神的信仰更加虔诚。 However, the different world transmits, especially even body same place, even if has Dream Town, is not the easy matter. 不过,异世界传送,特别是连身体一起,即使有着梦想乡,也并非什么容易之事。 Some God's Chosen have bad luck is buried in the space mighty current. 有的神选者就倒霉地葬身于空间洪流之中。 Smith actuates the psychic force subconsciously, read aloud an incantation, wanted to treat own injury. 史密斯下意识地驱动精神力,念诵一段咒文,想要治疗自己的伤势。 Next quarter, nothing happened. 下一刻,什么都没有发生。 „The different world, the rule also changed......” “不同的世界,规则也发生了改变……” Smith can induce, here like been same by Phillip City that the seal surrounded, isolated the strengths of most antique rulers. 史密斯能够感应到,这里如同被封印包围的菲利普市一样,隔绝了大部分太古支配者的力量。 „...... Praised my Lord, Its strength in this world, can use as before......” “不过……赞美吾主,祂的力量在这个世界,依旧能用……” Smith is reading aloud Immortal Poem. 史密斯念诵着不朽诗篇 , He crawled gradually, is looking at this not having a thing in the world wilderness, frowns. 渐渐地,他爬了起来,望着这一片一无所有的荒野,皱起眉头。 my Lord gives my duty, is the nosing ancient vestige, seeks for the big cataclysm beforehand information, best obtain the secret of big cataclysm......, but, where should start?” 吾主给我的任务,是查探古老遗迹,寻找大灾变之前的信息,最好获得大灾变的秘密……但是,应该从哪里开始呢?” Smith is muttering, suddenly, he saw the pitch darkness shadow in thick patch of grass. 史密斯喃喃着,突然间,他看到了草丛中的一抹黑影。 It seems like a whole body rotten big dog, the left and right shoulder is actually growing the severed head of human, middle beast head is flowing the saliva, the vision bloodthirsty is crazy. 它看起来好像一只全身腐烂的大狗,左右两边肩膀却长着人类的首级,中间的兽首流着口水,目光嗜血而疯狂。 Variation lifeform? Some family member?” “变异生物?还是某种眷属?” The Smith pupil light condenses: Cannot think that in the different world, the first seeing lifeform, is so disgusting you......” 史密斯眸光凝聚:“想不到在异世界,第一个看到的生物,就是如此恶心的你……” He opens the mouth, is reading aloud incantation that praised Lost God. 他开口,念诵着赞美失落之神的咒文。 Crazy meaning, exaggerates in the surroundings unceasingly. 疯狂的意味,不断在周围渲染。 Wū wū......” “呜呜……” The expression of monster one becomes confused, clamped the tail to run away. 怪兽的表情一下变得迷乱,夹着尾巴逃走了。 If dull here, it perhaps is crazy, may be brainwashed, becomes the Lost God follower. 如果再呆在这里,它或许疯狂,或许会被洗脑,成为失落之神的信徒。 „......” “呜……” Smith has not pursued, he partly is kneeling, is covering own forehead: „Is my psychic force, so unexpectedly weak?...... Was not suppressed, the influences of different world?” 史密斯也没有追击,他半跪着,捂着自己的额头:“我的精神力,居然这么弱?不……是被压制了,不同世界的影响么?” This is also directly the reason why he does not strike to kill the monster. 这也是他为什么不直接击杀怪兽的原因。 And, part of psychic forces that spread a moment ago, have made him find several targets. 并且,刚才蔓延的一部分精神力,已经让他找到了几个目标。 That is the human survivor in wilderness! 那是荒野之中的人类幸存者! They in rags, the almost inadequate human form, grasp the simple weapon, on the face are actually being full of the aggressive color. 他们衣衫褴褛,几乎不成人形,手持着简易的武器,脸上却充满凶悍之色。 Must mix, was somewhat troublesome...... was right, forgot me not to understand the local language......” “要混进去,有些麻烦啊……对了,忘了我还不懂本地的语言……” Smith touches to secretly these indigenous neighbor, looks at them to start to collect and hunt cautiously...... is lost in thought. 史密斯偷偷摸到这些土著附近,望着他们小心翼翼地开始采集、狩猎……陷入了沉思。 Newest website: 最新网址:
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