GLCR :: Volume #5

#489: Winners

Newest website: 最新网址: Dunjun comes soberly. 盾俊清醒过来。 He felt that oneself had a very fearfully very fearful nightmare. 他感觉自己做了一个很可怕很可怕的噩梦。 In the dream, he gazed by a fearful skeleton great snake, the whole body pain is incomparable. 在梦里,他被一头可怕的骸骨巨蛇所注视,浑身痛苦无比。 As if crashed into another abyss. 紧接着,似乎又坠入了另外一个深渊。 Had anything there, he has forgotten. 在那里发生了什么,他已经忘记了。 In brief, is certainly terrifying and fearful, making own this time recall, has a headache incomparably. 总之,一定非常恐怖与可怕,让自己此时回想起来,都头痛无比。 Dunjun only remembers indistinctly that faint trace spreads, just like the terrifying of substantializing, and ear talked in whispers general twittering. 盾俊只隐约记得,那一丝丝蔓延过来,犹如实质化的恐怖,以及耳边窃窃私语一般的呢喃。 Recalled along with oneself that twittering the sound becomes even more is even clear. 伴随着自己回想,那个呢喃声甚至变得越发清晰起来。 Un?” “嗯?” He shakes, looks at the surroundings, discovered oneself still in hunting field, when the darkness in sky does not know to diverge, making the scarlet ray sprinkle. 他甩甩头,望了望周围,发现自己仍在狩猎场中,天空中的黑暗不知道什么时候散去,让猩红的光芒洒落下来。 I had not been killed by others in the deep sleep unexpectedly, is really lucky......” “我居然没在沉睡的时候被其他人干掉,真是幸运……” Dunjun is muttering, suddenly heard a low roar of wild animal. 盾俊喃喃着,突然听到了一声野兽的低吼。 Not...... that more similar human depressing painful sound. 不……那更加类似人类压抑的痛苦声音。 A shadow swoops. 一道黑影飞扑而来。 The Dunjun pupil shrinks, turned into the amber brown instantaneously, upward under stretched, changed into the ophidia vertical pupil, making him see clearly the form of raider. 盾俊瞳孔一缩,瞬间变成了琥珀色,向上下拉伸,化为了蛇类的竖瞳,令他看清楚袭击者的身影。 That is a disgusting monster. 那是一头恶心的怪物。 It has four limbs of human, muscular, is exceptionally sturdy, the body surface is twining the scarlet red vine, as if grows with the flesh for a body. 它有着人类的四肢,肌肉发达,异常粗壮,身体表面缠绕着赤红色的藤蔓,似乎与血肉生长为了一体。 Above healthy body, is one is not completely symmetric, the senile head, above is also messing with the egg white same mucus. 在茁壮的身躯之上,则是一颗完全不相称的,衰老的头颅,上面还沾惹着蛋清一样的黏液。 Why does not know, looks at the opposite party old face, Dunjun was feeling unexpectedly somewhat looks familiar. 不知道为什么,望着对方苍老的脸庞,盾俊居然感觉有些面熟。 He thought that that was he has seen a competitor, was single-handedly exquisite using the skill of axe, making him dread. 他想起来了,那是他见过的一个竞争对手,一手运用斧头的技巧精湛无比,令他十分忌惮。 But then opposite party, was only about 20 years old , was also not the monster! 但当时的对方,只有二十岁左右,并且,也不是怪物啊! Absent-minded of this flash, making opposite monster find the opportunity. 这一瞬间的失神,令对面的怪物找到了机会。 It roared, before the right hand extended, a vine changed into the lance, stabbed the chest of Dunjun. 它咆哮一声,右手前伸,一根藤蔓化为长矛,刺中了盾俊的胸口。 „!” “啊!” Dunjun called out pitifully, actually feeling chest not ache. 盾俊惨叫一声,却感觉胸口并不疼痛。 He is touching oneself skin, felt like touching the First Layer steel. 他抚摸着自己的皮肤,感觉如同摸到了一层钢铁。 Extraordinary capability: Steel and iron skin?!’ ‘非凡能力:钢铁皮肤?!’ The inexplicable information winds through the mind together, making Dunjun know immediately meaning: ‚Did I, become Extraordinary?’ 一道莫名的信息流过脑海,令盾俊立即知晓了其中意思:‘我,成为非凡者了?’ He throws to go forward, is going against many scarlet red vine lance general assassinations, arrives in front of the monster. 他扑上前去,顶着诸多赤红色藤蔓长矛一般的刺杀,来到怪物面前。 Sees that senile face, Dunjun repeatedly confirmed, he is oneself opponent. 看到那张衰老的脸庞,盾俊再次确认,他就是自己的对手。 Turns into the monster, turns into Extraordinary...... this abyss to play, really has the issue very much.’ ‘变成怪物,变成非凡者……这个深渊游戏,果然很有问题。’ Dunjun is muttering at heart, a dagger pricks the old head. 盾俊心里喃喃着,一匕首刺入苍老的头颅。 The giant monster, the body was still twitching but actually unceasingly. 巨大的怪物倒了下去,身体还在不断抽搐。 Does attractively!” “干得漂亮!” Three crows do not know when dances in the air, circles in the midair, makes a voice of middle-aged person: I am the organizer of abyss game, Dunjun, congratulates you to become the only winner.” 一只三眼乌鸦不知道什么时候飞舞过来,于半空中盘旋,发出一个中年人的声音:“我是深渊游戏的主办方,盾俊,恭喜你成为了唯一优胜者。” I...... victory? Should also one group of people......” Dunjun mutter the reply. “我……胜利了?应该还有一批人……”盾俊喃喃回答。 No, remaining human, only then your.” Three crows aggravated the pronunciation in human word: In addition, I must thank you, making me win a beautiful lady's gambling stake, came with me......, if you do not want to be surrounded to kill, said while convenient...... you Mystic Power that brought from the hell are very good, but it cannot make you survive in besieging about hundred monsters......” “不,剩下的人类,只有你一个了。”三眼乌鸦在人类这个单词上加重了发音:“除此之外,我也要感谢你,让我赢得了一位美丽女士的赌注,跟我来吧……如果你不想被包围杀死的话,顺带说一句……你从地狱带回来的神秘之力很不错,但它并不能让你在近百个怪物的围攻中存活下来……” The Dunjun lip sips tightly, is looking at not far away Encke's corpse position, there only has a beach black trace, this made his heart sink. 盾俊嘴唇紧抿,望着不远处恩克的尸体位置,那里只剩下一滩黑色的痕迹,这令他的心更加沉了下去。 Comes with me.” “跟我来吧。” Three crows are flying, Dunjun follows close on. 三眼乌鸦飞着,盾俊紧跟在后。 He discovered that this crow has a special ability, the investigation range seems big, can always bypass some monsters the reconnaissance scopes. 他发现这只乌鸦有着一种特殊的能力,探查范围似乎很大,总能绕过一些怪物的侦查范围。 In addition, it also has the ability of stealth, when really cannot avoid, bringing Dunjun to pass through from the monster gently, will not bring to the attention. 除此之外,它还有隐形的能力,在实在躲不开的时候,带着盾俊从怪物面前轻轻走过,也不会引起注意。 Finally, it brings Dunjun, before arriving at a motorcade . 终于,它带着盾俊,来到了一支车队前。 The giant beast of steel assembly sends out roaring of high pressure steam, the giant muzzle is representing the fearsome lethality. 钢铁组装的巨兽发出高压蒸汽的咆哮,巨大的炮口代表着可怖的杀伤力。 Three crows stop on a shoulder of middle-aged gentleman, he opens both hands, gave a Dunjun hug: Competition winner and young Extraordinary, welcome you to join Shangcheng District! Come, boards, we have given you to prepare a welcoming banquet......” 三眼乌鸦停在一名中年绅士的肩膀上,他张开双手,给了盾俊一个拥抱:“大赛优胜者、年轻的非凡者,欢迎你加入上城区!来,上车吧,我们已经给你准备了一场欢迎宴会……” This motorcade, seems not to meet me.” “这支车队,似乎并不是为了接我。” A Dunjun eyeball revolution, asked suddenly. 盾俊眼珠一转,突然问道。 After he saw the steam chariot, iron cage freight vehicles. 他看到了蒸汽战车之后,还有一辆辆铁笼货车。 Naturally......” “当然……” The middle-aged gentleman claps, armed bands disperse, some flesh monster seizing, throws into the iron cage. 中年绅士拍拍手,一支支武装小队散开,将一些血肉怪物抓捕,丢进铁笼里。 You do not think, City of Steam all powers, only did close right up against the core furnace to burn the coal to be OK? The wonderful thing of its mysterious side...... the monster is the best fuel.” “你不会以为,蒸汽之城的所有动力,只靠着核心熔炉烧煤炭就可以了吧?它还是神秘侧的奇物……怪物是最好的燃料。” „, You can call my Mr. Sijie.” “哦,你可以叫我西杰先生。” Sijie does not care said. 西杰不在意地说道。 „Does every year abyss game...... to make the monster, supplement the fuel?” Dunjun felt oneself as if caught the truth. Birth Extraordinary, for example you, un, this time your survived, after all is the hell of deep level...... ” “每年的深渊游戏……是为了制造怪物,补充燃料?”盾俊感觉自己似乎抓到了真相。还有诞生非凡者,比如你,嗯,这次只有你一个存活了下来,毕竟是深层次的地狱……” Sijie shrugs the arm. 西杰耸了耸肩膀。 He brings Dunjun, arrives above the chariot. 他带着盾俊,来到战车之上。 The steel giant beast is thundering the opening, flesh monster that dares to be in the way directly by steamroll, turned into one group of covered with blood muddy flesh. 钢铁巨兽轰鸣着开路,敢挡路的血肉怪物直接被碾压,变成了一团血肉模糊的肉泥。 Dunjun arrived in mysterious Shangcheng District finally. 盾俊终于到达了神秘的上城区。 Refreshing, the street is clean, the pedestrian attire is dignified, the skin color is healthy and ruddy. 空气清新,街道干净,行人衣着体面,肤色健康而红润。 Is looking at this, how he does not know, the corner of the eye is somewhat moist. 望着这一幕,他不知道怎么的,眼角有些湿润。 Hehe...... becomes one of the Shangcheng District, you will obtain a residence, some will have, does not need to be worried. We arrived......” “呵呵……成为上城区的一员,你会获得一处住所,该有的都会有的,不必担心。我们到了……” Sijie brings Dunjun, before arriving at a huge construction : Before the banquet, you needs to take a bath well, changes clothes...... to believe me, many renowned young woman virtuous young women are interested in...... they liking the powerful wrestler to you! But you are this best.” 西杰带着盾俊,来到了一处巨大的建筑之前:“在宴会之前,你需要好好洗个澡,换一身衣服……相信我,很多名媛淑女都对你有兴趣……她们喜欢强大的角斗士!而你是这一届最棒的。” Dunjun somewhat obeyed the arrangement wooden, after taking a bath, exchanges a mild-mannered post to slide, attractive bright and beautiful, made him feel the formal clothes that some did not adapt, arrived at a conference site with Sijie. 盾俊有些木然地听从了安排,在洗澡过后,换上一身柔顺贴滑,光鲜亮丽,却令他感觉有些不适应的礼服,跟着西杰走到了一处会场。 The front door opens, the melodious music is combining the happy talks and laughters, brings the fragrance of food, heads on. 大门打开,悠扬的音乐混杂着欢声笑语,带着食物的香气,扑面而来。 Welcome to the heaven, the little fellow.” “欢迎来到天堂,小家伙。” Sijie shows an exaggerating smile. 西杰露出一个夸张的笑容。 The eye of Dunjun could not have moved. 盾俊的眼睛已经移不开了。 He first sees, is the buffet region, the pile becomes the hill-like steak, fried chicken, cake, dessert and assorted fruit...... and peak same drinking glass, inside is the mellow liquor water. 他首先看到的,就是自助餐区域,堆成小山一样的肉排、炸鸡、蛋糕、甜点、各色水果……以及尖峰一样的玻璃杯,里面是香醇的酒水。 ‚The resident in Xiacheng District, a day can only eat two blackened......’ ‘下城区的居民,一天只能吃两顿黑糊糊……’ Why Dunjun does not know, is looking at the ladies of coming, first thinks is actually this. 盾俊不知道为什么,望着迎面而来的女士们,首先想到的却是这个。 Newest website: 最新网址:
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