GFS :: Volume #27

#2665: Absolute lead copper goose

Chapter 2681 absolute lead copper goose 第2681章绝对的主角铜鹅 At once three people by the brain that delicious food corroded pure brightness several points, but they poured rather not pure brightness, immersed in the unsurpassed delicacy as before. 一时之间三个人被美食侵蚀的脑子都清明了几分,但他们倒宁愿自己不清明,依旧沉醉在无上美味里。 This cannot hear Yuan Zhou's these words, originally beginning these words beginning the feeling is also nothing, many people liked saying that modest word, the foreigner was also fastidious, but Yuan Zhou said that the spirit of these words was earnest, was very sincere, was because this sincere, knows Yuan Zhou said truth that thought. 这样就听不见袁州的这番话,本来这番话初初感觉也是没什么,很多人都喜欢说自谦之词,外国人也讲究,但是袁州说这番话的情态是认认真真的,很是诚恳,就是因为这诚恳,知道袁州说的都是自认为的实话。 This sent greatly, felt that their live these eighty years lived in the dog belly to go completely, are smaller than more than 50 years of people to do them, they not, even could not achieve completely. 这就大发了,感觉他们活的这八十几年都完全活到狗肚子里去了,比他们小五十多年的人都会做,偏偏他们不会,甚至完全做不到。 Therefore three personalized grief and indignation are the appetites, takes up the tableware to start to eat other pearl meatball directly, knows each pearl meatball inside filling has nothing in common, although seems like much longer, everyone is selective to think the best forcing in mouth. 于是三个人化悲愤为食欲,直接拿起餐具开始吃另外的珍珠丸子,知道了每一颗珍珠丸子里面的馅料都各不相同,虽然看起来都长得一模一样,大家还是精挑细选一颗自认为最好的塞进嘴里。 Front by a shining duck opening, but the Bud three people are the goosemeat that knows are the leads. 前面是由一只金灿灿的鸭子开头的,但巴德翰三个人都是知道的这次鹅肉才是主角。 Is the Anatidae animal, but the goose and duck have the difference of essence, did not say flavor these, is build that has not only resulted in compares, the smallest female goose is almost big with the common duck, not to mention the varieties of these giant geese, for example the Toulouse goose, absolutely was the overlord in goose, one goose 20 jin (0.5 kg) were roughly to be the normal state. 同属鸭科动物,但鹅和鸭还是有本质的不同的,不说味道那些,光是体型那就没得比,最小的母鹅都跟一般的鸭子差不多大,更不用说那些巨型鹅的品种了,比如图卢兹鹅,绝对是鹅中的霸主,一只鹅二十斤约莫是属于常态。 This Yuan Zhou has not chosen the goose according to the size actually, before let the copper goose of China Wukang the organization committee prepares specially, thought that the goosemeat of this variety most is suits brings principal that makes this pearl before swine. 这次袁州倒是没有根据大小来选鹅,之前特意让组委会这边准备的华夏武冈的铜鹅,觉得这个品种的鹅肉最是适合拿来做这道明珠暗投的主材。 Started the beforehand half a month in the Ankara conference, Yuan Zhou once received the notice of organization committee, lets the ingredient list that he arranged in order to want, at the appointed time will lay aside ingredient that he wanted in ingredient of conference preparation chooses for him specially. 在安卡拉会议开始之前的半个月,袁州曾经收到了组委会的通知,让他列一份自己想要的食材名单,到时会将他想要的食材都放置在会议专门准备的食材库里供他选择。 This was the convention of Ankara conference operated, the person of each participation conference except for taking on several people of judge role, others could in the row a list make the organization committee prepare ingredient, such organization committee targeted preparation ingredient, then prepared some foundations ingredient, was similar, did not need to collect all kinds of ingredient many troublesome, is the method of very time-saving reducing effort. 这是安卡拉会议的常规操作了,每一个参与会议的人除了担当评委角色的几个人,其他的人都会列上一份名单让组委会准备食材,这样组委会有针对性的准备食材,然后再自己准备一些基础的食材,就差不多了,也不用过多麻烦收集各式各样的食材,算是非常省时省力的方法。 Main attending Chef is the world's peak that a handful, wanted ingredient that is all sorts of strange and unusual is also nothing unusual, is not a scale, the lots cannot think, making them arrange in order them to look will again have the pointedness to be many, saved very big physical resource financial resource and manpower. 主要与会的厨师都是世界最顶尖的那一小撮,想要的食材那就是千奇百怪也不足为奇,不是一个档次的,很多东西根本想不到,让他们自己列他们再去找就会有针对性很多,也省了很大的物力财力和人力。 The Wukang copper goose was Yuan Zhou row of wishes the variety of goose, the organization committee also very prepared the different jin (0.5 kg) numbers intimately, the growth stage different copper geese, had to the grown goose from the young goose, the male and female naturally was the foundation disposition. 武冈铜鹅就是袁州列的想要的鹅的品种,组委会还挺贴心的准备了不同斤数,成长阶段不同的铜鹅,从仔鹅到成年鹅都有,公母自然是基础配置了。 To be honest Bud they do not have excessively to study regarding the variety of goose actually, can only eat is the goosemeat, which variety cannot taste actually concretely is, most can distinguish is China or overseas variety. 说实话巴德翰他们对于鹅的品种倒是没有过多研究,只能吃出是鹅肉,倒是尝不出来具体是哪个品种,最多可以分辨是华夏的还是国外的品种。 As for having a look at the buttocks can know that yieldly year anything's they do not have such ability. 至于看看屁股就可以知道生产地年份什么的他们并不具备这样的能力。 In addition the Yuan Zhou processing goosemeat really used many methods and processes, the copper goose is the pulp dark red, to make now the shining white such as the appearance of jade, but must retain the goosemeat initial taste, the step should not be too many. 加上袁州处理鹅肉实在是用了很多的手段和过程,铜鹅本身是肉质暗红的,要想做成如今莹白如玉的样子,还要保留鹅肉最初的口感,步骤不要太多。 The pearl only then eight, person of three must have a person little to eat one, now the Bud three people are who are not willing little to eat, that can only the speed speed up, attains the second time, picked up the speed as if by prior agreement. 珍珠只有八颗,一人三颗就得有一个人少吃一颗,现在巴德翰三个人是谁也不愿意少吃的,那就只能速度加快了,拿到第二颗的时候,都不约而同的加快了速度。 After forces in the mouth, tastes slowly, even if rushes to time, several people will not read without thinking forces in the stomach directly, that is regarding this delicious food biggest disrespect. 一口塞进嘴里以后再慢慢品尝,即使赶时间,几个人也不会囫囵吞枣的直接塞进胃里,那是对于这美食最大的不尊重。 Different the souse although does not have the flavor however actually to catch the light flavor after just a moment ago ahead of time the shark fin, the pearl that silent Hande this time eats, bit open the goosemeat to be conquered by inside Q ball refreshing and smooth shrimp meat. 不同于刚刚提前腌制以后虽然没有味道但是却染上淡淡的味道的鱼翅,默罕德这次吃到的这颗珍珠,才一咬开鹅肉就被里面Q弹爽滑的虾肉征服了。 Outside goosemeat derived the essence of front several coats, the taste is thick, contrasted the goosemeat pinnacle tastily delicate, but inside shrimp meat not only fresh and tender refreshing and smooth, but also was flexible, bit one, the fresh sweet juice burst out, the sporty shrimp meat made people think that the shrimp roe lived to be the same in the mouth, full fresh. 外面的鹅肉汲取了前面几件外衣的精华,口味浓厚醇美,烘托出了鹅肉极致的鲜美细嫩,而里面的虾肉不仅鲜嫩爽滑,而且弹性十足,咬上一口,鲜甜的汁水就迸发出来,活力十足的虾肉让人觉得虾子就在口腔里活过来了一样,十足的新鲜。 He does not know China has words to be called falls eyebrow fresh, thought that this pearl meatball really kept in line with his wish, said that really felt the beforehand eighty years of food ate without paying, today has the food that a person had. 他是不知道华夏有句话叫做‘鲜掉眉毛’,觉得这个珍珠丸子真的是太符合他的心意了,说真的感觉之前八十几年的饭都白吃了,今天才算是吃上了一顿人吃的饭。 If can eat such delicious food every day, lives for 50 years he to find it not enough again, naturally not only silent Hande three think, in fact all God of Cooking Small Shop diners think. 要是每天都能够吃上这么美味的食物,就是再活五十年他都觉得不够,当然不只默罕德三位这么想,实际上所有厨神小店的食客都是这么想的。 Therefore the diner in small shop buys the safe frequency is highest, wishes one could to protect from head to foot, if which day left not to have the means to eat that delicious vegetable/dish accidentally/surprisingly, thinks not dead content. 因此小店里的食客买保险的频率都是最高的,恨不得将自己从头到脚保护好,要是哪天出了意外就没有办法吃到那么美味的菜了,想想都是不会瞑目的。 Naturally must say insurance most absolutely was Yuan Zhou hand and head , but this was is not the diners willingness that Yuan Zhou guaranteed guarantees to him, particularly an insurer headed by manor Qianwei, that was really anything felt that good to give Yuan Zhou to buy one, feared that he was accidental/surprised their food not to eat. 当然要说身上保险最多的绝对要数袁州身上的手和脑袋了,这也不是袁州自己保的而是食客们自动自发给他保的,尤其是以庄钱为首的一众保险人,那真的是什么感觉好就给袁州买上一份,怕他出意外他们没饭吃了。 Let Yuan Zhou not know that was feels grateful or the indignation they curses him to have an accident, was about the world's strangest Chef and diner, among them being together was not replicable, because only had Yuan Zhou. 袁州不知道是感激还是愤慨他们诅咒他出事了,大约是世界上最奇怪的厨师和食客了,他们之间的相处无可复制,因为只有一个袁州而已。 Returns to the proper topic, do not look at Sanada and silent Hande usually not making a sound, but actual has mound ravine carefully, the remaining two grains of pearls, were carved up by these two, Bud who slow patted can only launch the attack toward the yellow-headed catfish, without the pearl eats the fish that the point produces the pearl is also good. 言归正传,别看真田和默罕德平时不声不响的,但实际上心有丘壑,剩下的两粒珍珠,被这两位瓜分了,慢了一拍的巴德翰只能朝着黄颡鱼发动了攻击,没有珍珠吃点产珍珠的鱼也是好的。 Originally the yellow-headed catfish is full fresh and tender, particularly after way of stew, after the package of quail, were more some wild nature and natures, eats the mouth except for the fish that soon melts, the preserved flavor is very meaningful, seems the perfect experience of amphibious union, lets originally also somewhat resentful Bud, beams with joy, small spoon scoops up is one spoon of fish, then preys by the visible reduction, originally liquor many big fish did not blink would have no most. 本来黄颡鱼就是十足鲜嫩的了,尤其是经过炖煮的方式以后,又经过鹌鹑的包裹,更是多了一些野性和自然,吃到嘴里除了快要化掉的鱼肉,留存的味道十分隽永,仿佛是水陆结合的完美体验,让本来还有些愤懑的巴德翰,眉开眼笑的,小勺子一舀就是一勺鱼肉,然后鱼肉以肉眼可见的减少,本来酒没多大的鱼眨眼就没了大半。 Bud movement cannot hide the truth from another two, therefore they finished eating the pearl also the final fish to snatch the mouth, naturally blows intense sense of taste storm. 巴德翰的动作是瞒不住另外两位的,于是他们吃完珍珠也将最后的鱼肉抢到了嘴里,自然又是刮起了一股强烈的味觉风暴。 The pearl meatball is the absolute lead, as these ducks of garnishing, pigeon and so on is also very delicious, moreover their build is big, not pearl, only then that felt that greatly the stops up gap between teeth is insufficient. 珍珠丸子是绝对的主角,作为配菜的这些鸭子,鸽子之类的也是非常好吃的,而且他们体型大,不似珍珠只有那么大点,感觉塞牙缝都是不够的。 Rushes to eat can definitely eat, how much this are not related with the size of food, therefore snatched these garnishing following the pearl meatball later three people. 抢着吃肯定是可以多吃一点的,这跟食物的大小多寡没有关系,于是继珍珠丸子以后三个人又抢起了这些配菜。 To be honest if the beforehand some people to the Bud three people said that they can eat up two ducks, a pigeon also quail, they can spit a person of face, this feared that is not the competitive eating, particularly after their gets older gradually, some function degeneration of stomach, eating were inferior that the young time were many. 说实话要是以前有人跟巴德翰三人说他们一口气可以吃下两只鸭子,一只鸽子还有一只鹌鹑的话,他们能够啐人一脸,这怕不是大胃王呀,尤其是他们年纪渐长以后,胃的功能有些退化,吃得不如年轻时候多了。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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