GFS :: Volume #27

#2660: Modestly declining

Chapter 2676 modestly declines 第2676章谦让 Since coming to Ankara, Charlie specifically is responsible for Yuan Zhou this person, meets his all needs, other 57 people, have such a person, was the great writer. 自从来了安卡拉以后,查理斯就是专门负责袁州这一个人的,满足他所有的需要,其他的五十七个人也是如此,都有这么一个人,也算是大手笔了。 Worthily is the world's highest level cooking grand occasion.” “不愧是世界最顶级的厨艺盛事。” Walked for two days, is the familiar house, quick Yuan Zhou arrives at conference room here, has not gone in inside conference region, stays outside, today is to prepare food, naturally prepares food on the top, but did not prepare food on the board. 走了两天了,也是熟门熟路,很快袁州就来到会议室这里,并没有进去里面的会议区域,呆在外面,今天是要做菜的,自然是在灶台上做菜,而不在会议桌上做菜了。 Yuan main chef came, good morning.” “袁主厨来了,早上好。” Good morning, yuan.” “早上好,yuan。” Yuan main chef.” “袁主厨。” After coming, most people greet with Yuan Zhou, after two days was together everyone is also has several points to understand regarding the Yuan Zhou's strength, did not say other, said that the knowledge can handle profoundly absolutely, in the field energy with not many that he compared favorably, such 2-3. 来了以后大部分人都跟袁州打了招呼,经过两天的相处大家对于袁州的实力也算是有了几分了解,不说其他,就说知识渊博绝对是可以当得起的,在场能跟他媲美的并没有多少,也就那么2-3个而已。 Also without looking at practice, but does not hinder everyone to appreciate regarding Yuan Zhou's, in addition on the scene is individual is older than Yuan Zhou's, naturally were many several points of the meaning of taking care of the junior. 还没有看过实践,但也不妨碍大家对于袁州的欣赏,加上在场是个人都比袁州的年纪大,自然而然的就多了几分看顾小辈的意思。 Treats old person Yuan Zhou is always very polite, even if he does not excel at the expression very much, but also is one by one gives regards, the person sent regards also almost must start. 对待年长的人袁州一向是十分有礼貌的,哪怕他并不是很擅长言辞,但是也是一一问好,人多问候下来也差不多要开始的时候了。 People in attendance altogether 58 people, but attended the competition, only then 55 people, including Venerable Bud from Italy, the Japan Sanada eldest son mister, as well as Mr. silent in Hande Spain is over 80 people of noble character and high prestige, therefore their three as the judge, others participate as the player, no one is not convinced. 与会者一共五十八个人,但是参加比试的只有五十五个人,其中包括来自意大利的巴德翰老先生,日本的真田尤一郎先生,以及西班牙的默罕德先生都是超过八十德高望重之人,因此他们三位是作为评委的,其他人是作为选手参加,没有人不服气。 Therefore Italy, Japan, as well as Spanish this time is to come two people, as judge one as player, naturally this as player youngest was about Spanish 65-year-old. 因此意大利,日本,以及西班牙这次都是来的两个人,一个是作为评委一个是作为选手,当然这作为选手的最年轻的大约就是西班牙65岁的伊文了。 Is likes thunder reverberating in one's ears regarding Yuan Zhou actually, not only naturally Markle's reason that because turns circle, is because his although has not gone to China Chengdu to look at Yuan Zhou to prepare food with own eyes, but that video he had looked initially, the truth was he also learned something. 伊文倒是对于袁州算是如雷贯耳的,当然不只是因为转圈的马克尔的缘故,也是因为他虽然没有去过华夏蓉城亲眼看过袁州做菜,但是当初那个视频他是看过的,实话就是他也从中学到了一些东西的。 Let alone Markle apprentice, because the Yuan Zhou's training method is sudden appearance to defeat always the matter of evenly matched opponent, spreads broadly, Markle's flattering vigorously in their circles, Yuan Zhou increases day by day in the fame in Spain really in addition absolutely. 更何况马克尔徒弟因为袁州的训练方法异军突起打败一向势均力敌的对手的事情,在他们这个圈子里流传甚广,加上马克尔的极力吹捧,袁州在西班牙的名气绝对是与日俱增的。 The Ankara conference has traditional that is so long as will be on 80-year-old Chef will not begin again, but transferred Judge to become, its country will also choose a person to enter this conference again, naturally old life span was also naturally limited, the judge who therefore is a rear survival now at present only had three. 安卡拉会议有个传统那就是只要是上了80岁的厨师都不会再动手,而是转成评委,其国家也会再次选择一个人来进入这个会议,当然年纪大了寿命自然也是有限的,因此现在目前硕果仅存的评委就只有三位了。 „The 20 th Ankara conference cooking demonstration starts now.” “第二十届安卡拉会议厨艺展示现在开始。” Air/Qi full after Bud starts, originally already stood in each top nearby person starts. 在巴德翰中气十足的一句开始以后,本来已经站在各个灶台旁边的人开始动了起来。 This conference is witnesses the real skill the time, therefore only then a main chef person, does not have the so-called two kitchens , helping in the kitchen these, another reason that this does not limit the fabrication time. 这个会议是见证真本事的时候因此只有主厨一个人,没有所谓的二厨,帮厨这些,这也是不限制制作时间的另一个原因。 Yuan Zhou is after all people choose, place that he chooses, therefore this top in the innermost position, from laying aside the ingredient place is also farthest, do not look that time everyone already of beforehand seminar was the smell of gunpowder was quite heavy, after all did not approve of others' viewpoint is not the important matter, what true sparks flying in all directions was at this moment. 袁州是等到所有的人选择完以后,他才选择的地方,因此这个灶台是在最里面的位置,距离放置食材的地方也是最远的,别看之前研讨会的时候大家已经算是火药味比较重了,毕竟不赞同别人的观点也不是什么大事,但真正火花四溅的是此时此刻。 Everyone wants to compete for the honor for own country, naturally cannot be polite, does not use the skills to think that is unfair to the entire life to study, therefore chooses the top time does not pass on responsibilities. 每一个人都想要为自己所在国家争夺荣誉,自然不会客气的,不使出浑身解数都觉得对不起生平所学,因此选择灶台的时候都是当仁不让。 At this time was also has the slow in work not to have deftly, everyone was also has the discretion, sparks flying in all directions, the meaning of but not having hit, movement quick snatching, movement slow naturally was the position time, the comparison cared about Jili, the choice position and serial number wanted. 这时候也是手快有手慢没有的,大家还算是有分寸,火花四溅,但也没有打起来的意思,动作快的抢到好的,动作慢的自然就是位置次一点的,还有比较在意吉利的,选择的方位和号数都是想要讲究讲究的。 Yuan Zhou according to the age is absolutely youngest, the movement is quickest, but he had not moved, after settling down, went to remaining that. 按照年龄来说袁州绝对是里面最年轻,动作最快的,不过他一直没有动,等到尘埃落定以后就去了剩下的那一个。 Pours deliberately does not yield mutually, is mainly he also has no taboo, where so long as is the top is the same, will not affect his strength, after all ordinary already practiced enough many. 倒也不是刻意相让,主要是他也没什么忌讳,只要是灶台在哪里都是一样的,不会影响他的实力,毕竟平常已经练习得够多了。 After Bud announced started, everyone toward putting the ingredient place walks, this Yuan Zhou has not waited for actually, lays aside the ingredient place to be very big, fifty individuals go in together do not seem crowded, did not need to modestly decline at this time. 等到巴德翰宣布开始以后,大家都朝着放食材的地方走去,这次袁州倒是没有等待,放置食材的地方很大,五十几个人一起进去也不会显得拥挤,没有必要这个时候谦让。 Unlike usually selects fast of ingredient, Yuan Zhou this selection quite spent some time, moreover he chooses mostly is the live poultry, one passes shortly, has the big bai'e, the duck also several types, the duck, the wild duck, various bird pigeons and so on, the size has, all kinds of garnishing, can say that this is besides the individual race, Yuan Zhou chose ingredient most one time. 跟平常选取食材的快速不一样,袁州这次选材颇费了一些时间,而且他选择的大多都是活禽,一眼看过去,有大白鹅,鸭子也有好几种,家鸭,野鸭,还有各种鸟雀鸽子之类的,大小都有,还有各式各样的配菜,可以说这是除了个人赛以外,袁州选择食材最多的一次了。 August who was concentrating on the dish choice they looked at several Yuan Zhou, very curious Yuan Zhou plans to prepare food, the beforehand Goose cooking contest he has not chosen so many ingredient. 就是本来在专注自己菜品选择的奥古斯特他们都看了几眼袁州,十分好奇袁州打算做什么菜,之前的博古斯烹饪大赛他都没有选过这么多食材过。 Naturally also looked at several again curiously, many did not have again, after all now is everyone's critical moment, where some so many free times responds others, Yuan Zhou, occupies graceful Li they to look does not look, is mainly Yuan Zhou absolutely is a powerful enemy, they have not grasped can only go all-out a war. 当然再好奇也就是看了几眼罢了,再多就没有了,毕竟现在都是大家的关键时刻,哪里有那么多闲工夫搭理其他人,要不是袁州,居曼李他们是连看也不看的,主要是袁州绝对是劲敌,他们都没有把握只能尽全力一战。 The opportunity of life really changes constantly, one year ago also stood in Yuan Zhou of stage being swindled player, now already can compete with them, when was really also assigned/life. 人生的机遇真是风云变幻,一年前还站在台上当选手的袁州,现在已经是可以跟他们同台竞技了,真是时也命也。 Yuan Zhou does not know actually everyone complex thoughts, after directly all kinds ingredient take, returns to front of own top to start to process. 袁州倒是不知道大家复杂的心思,直接将各样食材拿到手以后,就回到了自己的灶台前面开始处理。 First processes naturally was various poultries and birds, the organization committee thought very thorough these poultry although to live, but already was ready to let Chef slaughtered directly, besides has not killed other to process in any case in advance, other ingredient basically were this. 最先处理的自然是各种家禽和鸟雀了,组委会想得十分周到这些家禽虽然是活的,但是已经是做好了准备可以让厨师直接宰杀的了,反正除了没杀以外其他都是预先处理好的,其他食材基本上都是这样的。 Naturally also has to kill, looked how Chef chose, did not say these poultries, is the domestic animal class, for example pig cattle wait/etc, so long as is Chef wants to begin to slaughter to take the meat that personally also yes, but needs to go to there to kill in another room, after all the volume occupies the place greatly, needs the special place to be good, was the poultry small can begin here directly. 当然也是有杀好的,就看厨师怎么选择了,不说这些家禽,就是家畜类,比如猪牛羊等等,只要是厨师想要亲自动手宰杀取肉那也是可以的,不过是在另外一个房间需要去那里杀了回来,毕竟体积大占地方,需要有专门的地才行,也就是家禽小了点才可以直接在这边动手。 Looks except for the aquatic product, other Chef are almost kills good ingredient that selects, already that after all the organization committee prepares is the enough clean quality enough high. 一眼望过去除了水产品,其他的几乎厨师们都是选用的杀好的食材,毕竟组委会准备的已经是够干净品质够高的了。 shuā shuā 唰唰唰” Looks at Yuan Zhou to kill the poultry absolutely is enjoyment, is handling a very bloody matter obviously, but is done to make people think that by him several points of strange aesthetic sense, at least Sanada eldest son thinks, eyes looks does wink. 袁州杀家禽绝对是一种享受,明明是在做一件十分血腥的事情,但是由他做来就是让人觉得多了几分奇异的美感,至少真田尤一郎是这么想的,眼睛看得一眨不眨的。 How some styles seem like 17 blades, but many like, complex were not many compared with 17 blades, is really inconceivable.” Sanada muttered. “怎么有些招式像是十七刀,但是好多都不像,比起十七刀复杂太多了,真是不可思议。”真田喃喃自语。 Before the big stone obtained their Japan spirit symbolized 17 blades the time from Yuan Zhou there, he knows, was excited, naturally also knows that Yuan Zhou met 17 blades. 之前大石从袁州那里得到他们日本的精神象征十七刀的时候,他是知道的,也是激动的,自然也知道袁州是会十七刀的。 Originally looks at Yuan Zhou's to have the is 17 blades, but behind was getting more and more profound also had the difference of essence with 17 blades, the knife skill of which road at least came to see on his eyesight cannot see this is. 本来看着袁州的起手式就是十七刀,但是后面越来越精深也跟十七刀有了本质的差别,至少就他的眼力来看是看不出这到底是哪路的刀法。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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