GFS :: Volume #27

#2659: Seeks its politics in its position

Chapter 2675 seeks its politics in its position 第2675章在其位谋其政 Couple of days ago of Ankara conference for the last day of upholstery, the mutual exchange was the advance party main definitely was demonstrated that the strength of various countries, promoted the development of diet. 安卡拉会议的前两天都是为了最后一天铺垫的,相互交流是前站最主要的肯定是展示各国的实力,促进饮食界的发展。 The big shot of these various countries' cooking do not have leisure to separate for several years to see one time. 这些各国厨艺界的大佬也不是那么有闲隔几年就会来见一次的。 For last day of cooking demonstrated, cooking demonstrated a custom, the dish of demonstration or is it is lost the dish that either has never presented the dish. 为的都是最后一天的厨艺展示,厨艺展示有一个规矩,展示的菜品要么是本国失传的菜品要么就是从未出现过的菜品。 Only has this to be able the benignity to promote the development of cooking, lets everyone where, no matter is when places the first place the cooking matter. 唯有这样才能良性促进厨艺界的发展,让大家不管身在哪里身在何时都将厨艺的事情放在首位。 Do not regard as a dish is very probably easy, making the ripe meal is also very easy, but in fact must innovate together historically no vegetable/dish or the return to original state vanishes the vegetable/dish together in river of history, is a ten points not easy matter. 别看做一道菜好像很容易,做熟一道菜也很容易,但是实际上要创新一道历史上没有的菜或者还原一道消失在历史长河里的菜,是一件十分不容易的事情。 It is not the shallot and green onion mixes to fry together is a plate of new vegetable/dish, preparing food is actually similar to the dispensing, some rulers and ministers assistances cause these, each type of ingredient the priority order how much as well as puts into the pot will affect the final to become vegetable/dish taste. 并不是小葱和大葱混合在一起炒炒就是一盘新菜的,做菜其实跟配药差不多,都有些君臣佐使这些,每样食材的多寡以及下锅的先后顺序都会影响最后的成菜的口感。 But peak Chef will concentrate to promote the development of various countries' cuisine together, since they are most powerhouse should set some models, so-called seeks its politics in its position is this truth. 而将最顶尖的厨师集中到一起就是为了促进各国饮食文化的发展,他们既然是最强者就应该做出一些表率,所谓在其位谋其政就是这个道理。 Next day after the seminar ended, everyone returned to own room preparation tomorrow's cooking exchange early. 第二天研讨会结束以后大家都早早地回到了自己的房间准备明天的厨艺交流。 Most people's age was big, can prepare food, does very well, but movement on slow many, therefore this does not have the scheduled time, so long as completed to the judgment were OK, naturally finally will also select the fit and unfit quality. 大多数人的年纪都不小了,能够做菜,也做得很好,但动作就会慢上许多了,因此这个是没有规定时间的只要做好给评判就可以了,当然最后也是会评出优劣来的。 Moreover superior first three have the reward, one naturally will be over the next five years before the next conference will convene, country that the winner is, will have certain quota to participate in any cooking the grand occasion, without the limiting condition, another can have the quota to take elite training that the world cooking alliance will organize, finally around the world the part ingredient import and export has the part right of immunity in the majorities of countries. 而且优胜的前三名也是有奖励的,一个自然是未来五年直到下一次会议召开之前,优胜者所在的国家,会有一定的名额参加任何一场厨艺界的盛事,没有限制条件,再一个是可以有名额参加世界厨艺联盟组织的精英培训,最后就是在世界范围内部分食材的进出口在大部分国家都有部分豁免权。 Is the reward of winner, because naturally has the distinction of Guanya third place, because these benefits rewards the position priority is also slightly different. 都是优胜者的奖励,当然因为还是有冠亚季军的分别的,这些福利奖励因为名次的先后也是略有不同的。 Can say these rights, not only trained the rookie to have the way of reducing effort, is the international standing will enhance much, will obtain the approvals of more person, particularly last that absolutely was the big end. 可以说有了这些权利不只是培养新人有了省力的方式,就是国际地位都会提高不少,会得到更多人的认可,尤其是最后一项那绝对是大头。 although wins the right of immunity ingredient to need to undergo the examination of the world cooking alliance, but must be simpler compared with other ways. 虽然获得豁免权的食材还是需要经过世界厨艺联盟的检验,但是比起其他途径要简便多了。 Yuan Zhou naturally is knows that the advantage of winner, was he has the confidence not to relax to own craftsmanship, after returning to the room, starts to defer to the ordinary work and rest to practice. 袁州自然是知道获胜者的好处的,就是他对自己的手艺有信心也并没有放松,回到房间以后就开始按照平常的作息练习了起来。 The organization committee to the room that everyone prepares is a suite, not only has kitchen, inside kitchenware is complete, ingredient also has everything expected to find, if needs other ingredient also to notify the hotel to prepare directly. 组委会给大家准备的房间都是套房,不光是有厨房,里面厨具齐全,就连食材也是应有尽有,而且如果需要别的食材还可以直接通知酒店准备。 Yuan Zhou is preparing the tomorrow's cooking exchange, the home is calculating except for diners crying for food several time Yuan Zhou comes back outside, but also some people are keeping thinking about him. 袁州这边在准备着明天的厨艺交流,国内除了食客们嗷嗷待哺数着时间算着袁州回来的以外,还有人惦记着他。 tà tà tà 踏踏踏 Zhou Shijie already walked five to continue, looked at Zhang Yan, king bosom/mind, Mr. numb people feels dizzy, he himself did not have the determination. 周世杰已经走了五圈都不止了,看得张焱,王怀,麻先生一众人十分眼晕,偏他自己还没有自觉。 Must say that these people are really crowd together rarely, can say that at present these people were the China cooking peak character representatives. 要说这些人真是难得凑在一起,可以说目前这些人都是华夏厨艺界的巅峰人物代表了。 I said that Old Man Zhou you do not walk back and forth, looks at my eyes to hurt, either sits down, either goes out, what problem, has the chair not to sit, being probable is standing turning circle, is the donkey?!” Zhang Yan must not exposed to the Zhou Shijie stance, opening the mouth is the resentment person. “我说周老头你别走来走去的,看得我眼睛疼,要么坐下,要么出去,什么毛病,有椅子不坐,非得站着转圈,属驴的?!”张焱见不得周世杰的架势,开口就是怼人。 This Zhou Shijie is not in no mood actually with his mutually resentment, said directly: My this does not worry, how also didn't know Little Yuan?” 这次周世杰倒是没有心情跟他互怼,直接道:“我这不是着急嘛,也不知道小袁怎么样了?” Zhang Yan turned a supercilious look to say upwards: Must worry is early, tomorrow will start.” 张焱朝天翻了一个白眼道:“要着急是不是早了点,明天才开始呢。” Also does not know to worry, completely without thinking of their tea already drank continuously for two days, he also registers every day on time, but also looked at Zhou Shijie to transfer two days of circles, does not know that who has the problem. 也不知道着什么急,完全没有想到他们这茶已经连续喝了两天了,他还每天准点来报到,还看周世杰转了两天的圈,也不知道到底是谁有毛病。 little Zhou, you sits down, the Little Yuan strength you have not known that other did not say that first three should be steady.” king bosom/mind is oldest in inside, the qualifications are oldest, can say this saying on him. “小周呀,你坐下吧,小袁的实力你还不知道嘛,其他不说前三应该是稳了的。”王怀在里面年纪最大,资历最老,也就他可以开口说这话。 Naturally calmest was Mr. numb, since he complied with Yuan Zhou to join the China chef federation, truly must be many some popularity compared with before, but was quiet as always, but did not muddle along like before. 当然最淡定的就属麻先生了,自从他答应了袁州加入华夏名厨联合会,比起以前确实要多了一些人气,但是还是一如既往的沉默寡言,只是不像以前那么得过且过罢了。 Before Mr. numb , because did not have the means to make the favorite meal, where the life was to has basically calculated where, since joined the federation, Mr. numb actually other found life happy event, was painstakingly a member, was mainly Mr. numb that mouth is really poisonous. 麻先生以前因为没办法做自己得意的菜了,生活基本上就是过到哪里算哪里,不过自从加入联合会以后,麻先生倒是找到了别的人生乐事,就是苦了一众的会员,主要是麻先生那张嘴是真毒。 „The posture that President Zhou your lazy donkey grinds with a grindstone suspended for two days, this has not drawn, could not draw, what you are worried about on Yuan brat that strength?” Mr. numb does not understand to say very much. “周会长你这懒驴拉磨的姿势都摆了两天了,这是没拉完呢,还是拉不完了,就袁小子那实力你到底在担心什么?”麻先生不是很理解道。 He seemingly dislikes Yuan Zhou, but in fact treats as the inheritor to regard him, saw that Zhou Shijie this too does not trust the Yuan Zhou's stance unable to bear be malicious in speech. 他看起来不待见袁州,但实际上是把他当做传承人看待的,看到周世杰这副不太信任袁州的架势就忍不住嘴毒。 „, It is not does not trust, this is not the entire world most famous gathers together, our country's first participation, wanted a good result in addition, feared that Little Yuan has the pressure.” Some Zhou Shijie slightly afraid say/way. “咳,不是不信任,这不是全世界最有名的都聚在一起了,加上咱们国家第一次参加,想要点好的成绩嘛,就怕小袁有压力。”周世杰略有些心虚道。 Before Yuan Zhou embarks, Zhou Shijie had looked for Yuan Zhou to the shop in specially, on the Ankara conference final cooking exchange competition said that matter of reward, the implied meaning is to hope him can strive, naturally has not stated clearly, one is no matter because Yuan Zhou's cooking is high he truly to treat as the younger generation to regard Yuan Zhou, another is their these seniors does not have the skill to fight for the honor for the country, instead the burden/shoulder pole presses in young people, is of pleasant to hear does not say. 袁州出发前,周世杰曾经专门到店里找过袁州,就安卡拉会议最后的厨艺交流比赛说了说奖励的事情,言下之意就是希望他能够争取一下,当然也是没有明说的,一个是因为不管袁州的厨艺多高他确实是把袁州当做自家晚辈看待的,另一个是他们这些前辈没有本事为国家争取荣誉,反而将担子压在一个年轻人的身上,也是好听不好说。 However as the China kitchen joint association president, something must do, therefore he walked, what naturally are more is urges regarding Yuan Zhou's, feared that he goes out to be bullied. 但是作为华夏厨联的会长,有些事情又是必须要做的,因此他还是走了一趟,当然更多的还是对于袁州的叮嘱,就怕他出去受人欺负。 Yuan Zhou saw the meaning of Zhou Shijie at that time, has not said anything, but will say will make contribution, as the China person, will be capable of striving for own country, that naturally needs completely to make contribution. 袁州当时看出了周世杰的意思,也没有多说什么,只是说会尽力,作为华夏人,有能力为自己国家争取,那自然是需要尽尽力的。 This not Zhou Shijie thinks these especially are anxious, not only fears Yuan Zhou to have too big pressure display is not good, and fears other in brief since Yuan Zhou went to Ankara later this heart not to calm down. 这不周世杰一想到这些就格外紧张,既怕袁州有太大的压力发挥不好,又怕其他的总之自从袁州去了安卡拉以后这心就没有静下来的时候。 Naturally these Yuan Zhou do not know, gets up very early in the morning, first does after the room according to the ordinary custom one set of movement worked as the awaking inducing resuscitation, had the breakfast, started to read the book, this was he asks Charlie this young people basically is Turkey that helped him buy in the area Ankara book about Turkish cuisine. 当然这些袁州是不知道的,一大早起来,先是按照平常的习惯在房间里做了一套运动当醒醒神以后,吃了早餐,就开始看起了书,这是他拜托查理斯这个年轻人在安卡拉当地帮他买的基本都是土耳其本土的关于土耳其菜的书。 although Yuan Zhou has been busy the matter of seminar over the two days, the time of but idling will also read these books, today although is very important, but is no exception. 虽然这两天袁州一直忙着研讨会的事情,但是闲下来的时候也是会看这些书的,今天虽然很重要但是也不例外。 After time, Yuan Zhou opens the door directly, sees Charlie accidentally/surprisingly near gate, after two people have greeted, walks toward the elevator. 到了时间以后,袁州就直接打开门,不出意外看到等在门边的查理斯,两个人打过招呼以后就朝着电梯走去。 „The service of this organization committee is very thorough.” The Yuan Zhou whisper said. “这组委会的服务还是挺周到的。”袁州嘀咕道。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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