GFS :: Volume #15

#1456: Without the victory and loss

Chapter 1470 第1470章 Without the victory and loss 没有输赢 Naturally, this enemies often cross each other's path is the feeling of Dashi Xiujie , but Yuan Zhou not caring at all shot a look at one, then takes back the vision. 当然,这个冤家路窄是大石秀杰的感觉,而袁州则是毫不在意的瞥了一眼,然后收回目光。 After all deals with the present reporter is the proper matter. 毕竟应付眼前的记者才是正经事。 Yuan main chef, heard that this is the first time that you led to attend this large-scale meeting, does not know that what feelings you do have?” “袁主厨,听说这是你第一次带队参加这种大型交流会,不知道您有什么感想呢?” The reporters saw the person who Yuan Zhou leads all gets out, surrounds completely, opens the mouth to ask in abundance. 记者们眼看袁州带领的人全部下车,全部都围拢上来,纷纷开口问道。 What emaciated look Yuan was main chef the meeting prepared?” “袁主厨为交流会准备了什么菜色呢?” About this meeting, what goal we have, or was said that what our China mainly did want to transmit?” “关于这次交流会,请问我们有什么目标,或者是说我们中方主要想要传达什么?” Does not know that two Fengcheng two stars this times can cooperate?” “不知道两位凤城双星这次会不会合作呢?” What will have to break through about dessert?” “关于点心方面会有什么突破吗?” Four dessert are Great Master cooperates or does things their own way?” “四位点心大师是合作还是各自为政呢?” A series of issues crop up, but complete eight Chef had not replied, but looks at Yuan Zhou. 一系列的问题接踵而来,但全部的八位厨师都没有回答,而是看着袁州 Until Yuan Zhou nods gently, eight Chef then relax the serious face slightly, replied several issues, in kitchen outside, all takes Head Chef as the standard. 直到袁州轻轻点头,八位厨师们这才微微缓和严肃的脸,回答了几个问题,无论是在厨房还是在外,一切都以总厨为准。 But Yuan Zhou is speaks frankly: „It is not anxious, is prepared.” 袁州则是直言道:“不紧张,有准备。” The Yuan Zhou's words are equally succinct and capable. 袁州的话语还是一样简洁而又干练。 Approximately stayed for about five minutes before the red blanket, the hotel gate came two black business automobiles. 大约在红毯前停留了五分钟左右,酒店门就又开来了两辆黑色商务车。 The car(riage) that the personnel who these participate in make unifies the equipment, the design is the same, with this vehicle on naturally is also the participants. 这些来参加的人员做的车都是统一配备,款式相同,是以这车上下来的自然也是与会人员。 Sure enough, the first car(riage) first gets down is puts on Thai Chef of Thai characteristics clothing to represent the team. 果不其然,第一辆车首先下来的就是穿着泰国特色服饰的泰国厨师代表队伍。 What lead is a man of brown skin, is actually very long is charming big, is gathering the black beard, gets out to looking Yuan Zhou this Japan representative nods, this making way position makes several other Chef get out. 领头的是一个棕色皮肤的男子,长得倒是很高大帅气,蓄着黑色的胡须,一下车就冲着看过来的袁州这日方代表点了点头,这才让开位置让其余的几位厨师下车。 Nearby that black business automobile gets down obviously was Chef of South Korea represented, these Chef like in the Korean drama deducted each is not long leg Oboe, but slid the age to cross 30, put on the Chef clothing/taking height degree of stoutness to have Chef that. 紧接着边上那辆黑色商务车下来的就明显是韩国的厨师代表了,这些厨师倒不像韩剧里演绎的那样各个都是长腿欧巴,而是一溜年纪过了三十,穿着厨师服高矮胖瘦都有的厨师 These people look that is also very humble, after getting out, signals by nodding to the surrounding person. 这些人看着也很谦逊,下车后就都冲着周围的人点头示意。 But Yuan Zhou from beginning to end maintains the aloof, runs into some people to signal by nodding his also slight nod to express greeting. 袁州则是从始至终的保持高冷,遇到有人点头示意他就也微微点头表示招呼。 Hinting, although Yuan Zhou is inside seems like the youngest Chef leader, but the makings calm are quite graceful. 示意,袁州虽是里面看起来最年轻的厨师领头人,但却气质沉稳颇有大家风范。 Behind this makes all reporters who photograph also watch. 这让后面拍摄的各方记者们也都看在眼里。 The process of interview is very short, approximately was also everyone asked an issue, then the reporters interviewed others. 采访的过程很短,大约也就是每人问了一个问题,然后记者们就去采访其他人了。 What coincidence is, Japanese representative who the person who Yuan Zhou leads and again and Dashi Xiujie leads bumped in one. 巧合的是,袁州带领的人和再次和大石秀杰带领的日方代表碰在了一起。 But is ordinary like the orders of two people car(riage), is the difference in tandem. 只不过就像两人的车的顺序一般,也是一前一后的差别。 Steps onto the red blanket, Yuan Zhou walks in forefront's first, the footsteps are not steady chaotic, the nearby also has to surround the photography and cover live the news media of news is also illustrating in the morning fast. 走上红毯,袁州走在最前面第一个,脚步稳健丝毫不乱,边上还有围观拍摄以及现场报道早间新闻的新闻媒体也快速的解说着。 As Yuan Zhou's first entry, behind follows the Japanese representative, South Korea, Thailand as well as other Laos, Vietnam and other place of the representatives also starts to enter the stadium. 随着袁州的第一个进入,后面紧随其后的日方代表、韩国、泰国以及其他老挝、越南等地的代表也都纷纷开始入场。 Chef stay at the China hotel's peripheral each hotel, to enter the stadium from outside. 厨师们是都住在华夏大饭店周边的各个酒店的,是以是从外面入场。 But politician personnel who other participate in the exchange including the Thai imperial family lives in the China hotel directly, this also for the divergence and arrangement of personnel. 而其他参与交流的政要人员包括泰国皇室在内的则是直接住在华夏大饭店,这也是为了方便人员的分流和安排。 After Yuan Zhou they pass through the gate, an internal red blanket goes nonstop to that large-scale may hold 600 people of banquet halls. 袁州他们进门后,还有一个内部红毯直通那个大型的可容纳六百人的宴会厅。 The internal red blanket wants to be smaller, but also many of quiet, were short of many reporters regarding the words that and inquired unceasingly. 内部红毯要小一些,但也安静的多,少了许多的记者围绕和不断询问的话语。 For the Asian-Pacific cultural exchange meeting, the scene is really worthily big, very said exaggeratingly, the scene of Chinese-Japanese meeting compared with this time, is a younger brother. 不愧为是亚太文化交流会,场面还真大,好不夸张的说,中日交流会的场面比起这一次,就是弟弟。 But Yuan Zhou from beginning to end maintains the back to be stiff, meticulous attitude, even plants the imposing manner to cover the feeling of audience. 袁州则至始至终的保持着脊背挺直,一丝不苟的态度,甚至还有种气势盖全场的感觉。 This imposing manner is not an misconception, since all Yuan Zhou has made a debut, participates in various activities, isn't that time first? 这气势并不是错觉,毕竟袁州出道以来,参加各种活动,那次不是第一? This makes Zhong Lili be out of control to sigh with emotion: No wonder President Zhou so favors, is calm, and experienced.” 这让钟丽丽禁不住感慨:“难怪周会长如此看好,处变不惊并且老练。” Yuan Zhou behind eight Chef also sigh with emotion at heart: Boss Yuan was really cooking fierce did not say, this hi lived in the imposing manner of audience.” They did not confess in any case good. 就连袁州身后的八位厨师心里也不禁感慨:“袁老板真是厨艺厉害不说,这嗨住全场的气势。”反正他们是自认不行。 Is holding such idea, one line of ten people go toward the banquet hall directly. 抱着这样的想法,一行十人径直往宴会厅而去。 Chef representatives also need to go to the banquet hall to attend the opening ceremony in advance, then can leave to prepare for afternoon cooking exchange. 厨师代表们也需要先行去宴会厅参加开幕仪式,接着才可以离开去为下午的厨艺交流做准备。 Such big conference site, above every time pasted on the respective name the chair, according to beforehand the assignment region seeks for the name of correspondence then. 这样大型的会场,上面的每把椅子都是贴上了各自名字的,按照事先分配的区域找寻对应的名字即可。 By banquet hall, although but greatly is systematic. 是以,宴会厅虽大但却井然有序。 After arrives formally starts, after the state media cover live of each country, leader Mr. He Zhenghong of this Asian-Pacific meeting mounts the stage to give the speech. 等到就到正式开始后,各个国家的官媒现场报道后,此次亚太交流会的牵头人何政红先生上台发表致词。 Then is one about the speech of global economic growth and Asian-Pacific relations. 接着就是一篇关于全球经济增长和亚太关系的演讲。 The opening ceremony has continued to end to ten points, in this period also had various parties' speech, Yuan Zhou stood up said briefly several took the exchange about the cooking aspect words by this. 开幕仪式一直持续到十点才结束,期间还有各方代表的讲话,就连袁州都站起身简短的说了几句关于厨艺方面话语以此来作为交流。 Also is this time, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam and other countries the Asian countries, looked familiar this China exchange Head Chef. 也就是这次,泰国、韩国、越南等亚太国家,都眼熟了这位华夏的交流总厨 China Head Chef is really young.” 华夏总厨还真年轻。” Cannot underestimate, China in diplomatic matters concerned always careful, let alone this young Head Chef vision self-confident.” “不能小看,华夏在外交事宜上一向小心谨慎,更何况这位年轻总厨目光充满自信。” On two cultural exchanges, were China and Japan won the applause from the whole audience, this time must add on our Thailand.” “上两次文化交流,都是华夏日本赢得满堂彩,这次一定要加上我们泰国。” But is one's turn Japanese representative Dashi Xiujie time in front of him said is very appropriate, finally actually uses standard Wendao: I anticipate this and exchange of Yuan mulberry.” 而轮到日方代表大石秀杰的时候他前面说的很是得体,最后却用标准的中文道:“我非常期待这次和袁桑的交流。” Such a situation, hears Dashi Xiujie such words, people look at Yuan Zhou in abundance, the nod of Yuan Zhou social ease extended welcome. 这样一个场合,听见大石秀杰这样的话,人们纷纷把目光转向袁州,袁州态度自然的点头表示欢迎。 But this is a small interlude, but Dashi Xiujie in entire Asian-Pacific is very famous, therefore they thought that this Chinese young Head Chef, the strength must be Dashi Xiujie is equivalent. 而这算是一个小插曲,不过大石秀杰在整个亚太是很有名气,所以他们觉得这个中方年轻总厨,实力应当是和大石秀杰相当。 Is equivalent? Un...... this is Yuan Zhou is been black second miserable one time, good Compass does not know talking in whispers of these people. 相当?嗯……这是袁州被黑得第二惨的一次,还好圆规并不知道这些人的窃窃私语。 After the meeting ended actually, Chef representatives start goes out toward the banquet hall back door, Yuan Zhou one group of again by Dashi Xiujie are blocked. 倒是交流会结束后,厨师代表们开始往宴会厅后门出去的时候,袁州一行人再次被大石秀杰拦住了。 Does not block appropriately, should say that happen to ran upon, naturally this is Dashi Xiujie intentionally for it. 拦住不恰当,应该说是正好撞上了,当然这是大石秀杰故意为之。 Dashi Xiujie is actually mean-spirited, but is the Dashi Xiujie itself is in the middle of the Japan this young generation of Chef outstanding person, by Yuan Zhou was first said except for is not delicious thinks, without issue, be please subdued including Kuzuhara family/home Yuan, how this makes Dashi Xiujie put behind. 倒不是大石秀杰小气,而是大石秀杰本就是日本这一届年轻一辈厨师当中的佼佼者,先是被袁州说“除了不好吃以为,没问题”,连请都藤原家元都被折服,这让大石秀杰如何忘却。 Since the long-tailed anchovy event Dashi Xiujie will train hard cooking from now on is to defeat Yuan Zhou to prove itself, but this time meeting is not accidental/surprised, but after is Dashi Xiujie knows, result diligently. 自从刀鱼事件过后大石秀杰苦练厨艺就是想要打败袁州证明自己,而这次的交流会也不是意外,而是大石秀杰知道后努力的结果。 Yes, Dashi Xiujie this effort defeated own opponent to obtain Japanese cooking to contend with Yuan Zhou on behalf of the position of leader. 是的,大石秀杰这次努力打败了自己的对手得到了日方厨艺代表领头人的位置就是为了和袁州一较高下。 But this is also he blocks the Yuan Zhou's goal. 而这也是他拦住袁州的目的。 Yuan Sang, does not see for a long time.” Dashi Xiujie opens the mouth to call. “袁桑,好久不见。”大石秀杰开口招呼道。 Un, for a long time does not see.” Yuan Zhou nod response. “嗯,好久不见。”袁州点头回应。 Does not know that this time Yuan Sang is ready.” Dashi Xiujie serious asking. “不知这次袁桑有没有做好准备。”大石秀杰严肃的问道。 „?” Yuan Zhou side looked at Dashi Xiujie , without speech. “?”袁州侧头看了看大石秀杰,没说话。 Prepares for this time loses to my,” Dashi Xiujie sinking sound said: My already was not one year ago I.” “做好此次输给我的准备,”大石秀杰沉声道:“我已经不是一年前的我了。” Dashi Xiujie such remarks, Chinese representative that eight Chef start to sympathize looks at Dashi Xiujie . 大石秀杰此话一出,中方代表那八位厨师就开始同情的看着大石秀杰 Un...... Guangdong Chef already by the Sichuan Chef popular science two people gratitude and grudges. 嗯……粤籍厨师已经被川籍厨师们科普了两人的恩怨。 This time is the cooking exchange, is not the competition, what comes the victory and loss.” Yuan Zhou light saying. “此次是厨艺交流,不是比赛,何来输赢。”袁州淡淡的说道。 „......” Dashi Xiujie somewhat is instantaneously speechless, but buoys up to say quickly: although has not judged, but in my heart has.” “……”大石秀杰瞬间有些无语,但很快振作道:“虽然没有评判,但我的心中有。” „, You at will good.” Yuan Zhou nods, could not win him in any case, who judged is the same. “哦,那你随意就好。”袁州点头,反正也赢不了他,谁评判都一样。 Yuan Zhou leads the person to leave. 袁州带着人离开。 The Dashi Xiujie short of breath, this with fights with the fists on the cotton, but also was bound by the cotton almost, without the air vent did not say, but also suppresses some internal injuries. 大石秀杰气急,这跟一拳打在棉花上,还被棉花裹住了差不多,没出气不说,还憋得有些内伤。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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